6 Decades (1970-2020) of Tract Data in 1 Product - Neighborhood Change Database (NCDB)

The Neighborhood Change Database (NCDB) 2020 has Tract level
data from 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010 and now 2020. In
addition to having the data in the year-specific boundaries it
also has them all normalized to the 2020 tract boundaries.
This means that you can easily explore changes in U.S. demographics
from 1970 to 2020 all in the same geographic boundary definitions.

We have worked hard to create a cohesive set of variables over the
60 years - they have the same codes so you know you are looking at
the same variable definitions. And now they are sorted by Groupings
so it is easy to find the information you are looking for. Each of the variables is now sorted into one of the Groupings: Population;
Age ? Sex; Race; Journey to Work; Households ? Families; Education; Language; Poverty; Income; Employment and Housing.
Within each of these Groupings there can be multiple Categories/Tables. For example, in the Grouping Income there are 8 Categories:

Family Income, Families by Income, Per Capita income, Earnings, Household Income, Households by Income, and Median Household income. Within
each of these Tables there can be many variables. These categories
make it much easier to find the variables you are looking across the multiple decades than the previous versions of our NCDB.

For more information go to:

The NCDB 2020 has 2020 data from both the Demographic and Housing
Characteristics (DHC) 2020 and the American Community Survey (ACS)
2016-2020 databases. Additionally, there is data from the 2010 SF1
and 2006-2010 ACS, the 2000 Census Long Form (SF3), the 1990 Long
Form, the 1980 Long Form, and the 1970 Long Form. For a complete
list of variables for 1970 - 2020 scroll down on on webpage:

Like all of our Census products, the Neighborhood Change
Database has functional mapping capabilities and easily exports
geographic tract boundaries. You can also export the data as a
dbf or csv file to easily use in a database or statistical
software package.

If you want to order or have questions about any of our products,
- Call us at 1-800-577-6717
- Send us an email at questions@geolytics.com
- To order, go to: