CensusCD Neighborhood Change Database - 2000 Variables

VarName Description
GEO2000 Full census tract ID (2000): ssccctttttt
STATECE State (Census)
STUSAB State abbreviation
UCOUNTY Full county ID: ssccc
TRACT00 Census tract ID (2000): tttttt
TRCTCD1 Census tract ID, pt. 1
TRCTCD2 Census tract ID, pt. 2
REGION Census region
DIVIS Census division
CMSA99 Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (1999)
MSACMA99 Metropolitan Statistical Area/Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area (1999)
MSAPMA99 Metropolitan Statistical Area/Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (1999)
PMSA99 Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (1999)
PCMACC99 Pct. population in metropolitan area central city (1999)
NECMA99 New England County Metropolitan Area (1999)
PCNECC99 Pct. population in New England County Metropolitan Area central city (1999)
PLACE98 FIPS place (1998)
UPLACE98 Full FIPS place ID: ssppppp (1998)
PCURBN00 Pct. population in urban area
COUSUB00 County subdivision (FIPS) MCD/CCD
AIANHH00 Am. Indian Area/AK Native Area/HI Home Land
CD106 Congressional district (106th)
CD108 Congressional district (108th)
SLDU00 State legislative district (upper chamber)
SLDL00 State legislative district (lower chamber)
SDELM00 School district (elementary)
SDSEC00 School district (secondary)
SDUNI00 School district (unified)
VTD00 Voting district
ZCTA500 Zip code tabulation area (5 digit)
AREAKEY Tract number
AREALAND Land area (sq. meters)
AREALANM Land area (sq. miles)
AREAWATR Water area (sq. meters)
AREAWATM Water area (sq. miles)
INTPTLAT Internal point (latitude)
INTPTLON Internal point (longitude)
TCH90_00 Tract change code, 1990-2000
TCH80_00 Tract change code, 1980-2000
TCH70_00 Tract change code, 1970-2000
PCTCOV80 Pct. 2000 blocks covered by 1980 tracts
PCTCOV70 Pct. 2000 blocks covered by 1970 tracts
TRCTPOP0 Total population
SMPPRS0 Unweighted sample count of persons (long form)
SHR0D Total population for race/ethnicity
SHRWHT0N Total White population
SHRWHT0 Prop. White population
MINWHT0N White alone population
MAXWHT0N Persons choosing White alone or in combination with other races
SHRBLK0N Total Black/Afr. Am. population
SHRBLK0 Prop. Black/Afr. Am. population
MINBLK0N Black/Afr. Am. alone population
MAXBLK0N Persons choosing Black/Afr. Am. alone or in combination with other races
SHRAMI0N Total Am. Indian/AK Native population
MINAMI0N Am. Indian/AK Native alone population
MAXAMI0N Persons choosing Am. Indian/AK Native alone or in combination with other races
SHRASN0N Total Asian population
MINASN0N Asian alone population
MAXASN0N Persons choosing Asian alone or in combination with other races
SHRHIP0N Total Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population
MINHIP0N Native HI and other Pac. Isl. alone population
MAXHIP0N Persons choosing Native HI and other Pac. Isl. alone or in combination with other races
SHRAPI0N Total Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population
MINAPI0N Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. alone population
MAXAPI0N Persons choosing Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. alone or in combination with other races
SHROTH0N Total other race population
MINOTH0N Other race alone population
MAXOTH0N Persons choosing other race alone or in combination with other races
MRAPOP0N Multiracial population
MR1POP0N Population selecting one race
MR2POP0N Population selecting two races
MR3POP0N Population selecting three+ races
NONHISP0 Persons not of Hisp./Latino origin
SHRNHW0N Total non-Hisp./Latino White population
SHRNHW0 Prop. non-Hisp./Latino White population
MINNHW0N Non-Hisp./Latino White alone population
MAXNHW0N Persons choosing non-Hisp./Latino White alone or in combination with other races
SHRNHB0N Total non-Hisp./Latino Black/Afr. Am. population
SHRNHB0 Prop. non-Hisp./Latino Black/Afr. Am. population
MINNHB0N Non-Hisp./Latino Black/Afr. Am. alone population
MAXNHB0N Persons choosing non-Hisp./Latino Black/Afr. Am. alone or in combination with other races
SHRNHI0N Total non-Hisp./Latino Am. Indian/AK Native population
SHRNHI0 Prop. non-Hisp./Latino Am. Indian/AK Native population
MINNHI0N Non-Hisp./Latino Am. Indian/AK Native alone population
MAXNHI0N Persons choosing non-Hisp./Latino Am. Indian/AK Native alone or in combination with other races
SHRNHR0N Total non-Hisp./Latino Asian population
SHRNHR0 Prop. non-Hisp./Latino Asian population
MINNHR0N Non-Hisp./Latino Asian alone population
MAXNHR0N Persons choosing non-Hisp./Latino Asian alone or in combination with other races
SHRNHH0N Total non-Hisp./Latino Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population
SHRNHH0 Prop. non-Hisp./Latino Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population
MINNHH0N Non-Hisp./Latino Native HI and other Pac. Isl. alone population
MAXNHH0N Persons choosing non-Hisp./Latino Native HI and other Pac. Isl. alone or in combination with other races
SHRNHA0N Total non-Hisp./Latino Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population
SHRNHA0 Prop. non-Hisp./Latino Asian or Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population
MINNHA0N Non-Hisp./Latino Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. alone population
MAXNHA0N Persons choosing non-Hisp./Latino Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. alone or in combination with other races
SHRNHO0N Total non-Hisp./Latino other race population
SHRNHO0 Prop. non-Hisp./Latino other race population
MINNHO0N Non-Hisp./Latino other race alone population
MAXNHO0N Persons choosing non-Hisp./Latino other race alone or in combination with other races
MRANHS0N Non-Hisp./Latino multiracial population
SHRHSP0N Total Hisp./Latino population
SHRHSP0 Prop. Hisp./Latino population
SHRHW0 Total Hisp./Latino White population
SHRHB0 Total Hisp./Latino Black/Afr. Am. population
MRAHSP0N Hisp./Latino multiracial population
MEXIC0 Persons of Mexican origin
PRICAN0 Persons of Puerto Rican origin
CUBAN0 Persons of Cuban origin
DOMIN0 Persons of Dominican origin
CENAMR0 Persons of Central American origin
COSRIC0 Persons of Costa Rican origin
GUATEM0 Persons of Guatemalan origin
HONDUR0 Persons of Honduran origin
NICARAG0 Persons of Nicaraguan origin
PANAMA0 Persons of Panamanian origin
SALVAD0 Persons of El Salvadoran origin
OTHCAX0 Persons of other Central American origin
OTHCAM0 Persons of other Central American origin (1990 def.)
SOAMER0 Persons of South American origin
ARGNTN0 Persons of Argentinean origin
BOLIVA0 Persons of Bolivian origin
CHILE0 Persons of Chilean origin
COLOMB0 Persons of Colombian origin
ECUAD0 Persons of Ecuadorian origin
PARAGY0 Persons of Paraguayan origin
PERU0 Persons of Peruvian origin
URGUAY0 Persons of Uruguayan origin
VENZUL0 Persons of Venezuelan origin
OTHSAX0 Persons of other South American origin
OTHSAM0 Persons of other South American origin (1990 def.)
OTHHISP0 Persons of other Hisp./Latino origin
ADULT0N Adults 18+ years old
ADULT0 Prop. of persons who are adults 18+ years old
CHILD0N Children under 18 years old
CHILD0 Prop. of persons who are children under 18 years old
OLD0N Persons 65+ years old
OLD0 Prop. of persons who are 65+ years old
KIDS0N Children under 5 years old
KIDS0 Prop. of persons who are children under 5 years old
GROUPQ0N Population in all group quarters
GROUPQ0 Prop. of population in all group quarters
INSTP0N Institutionalized group quarters population
INSTP0 Prop. of population living in institutionalized group quarters
CORR0N Population in correctional institutions
CORR0 Prop. of population in correctional institutions
AGED0N Population in nursing homes or homes for the aged and dependent
AGED0 Prop. of population in nursing homes or homes for the aged and dependent
MENTL0N Population in mental (psychiatric) hospitals
MENTL0 Prop. of population in mental (psychiatric) hospitals
JUV0N Population in juvenile institutions
JUVENIL0 Prop. of population in juvenile institutions
OINST0N Population in other institutions
OINST0 Prop. of population in other institutions
NOINP0N Noninstitutionalized group quarters population
NOINP0 Prop. of population living in noninstitutionalized group quarters
DORM0N Population in college dormitories
DORM0 Prop. of population in college dormitories
MILTQ0N Population in military quarters
MILTQ0 Prop. of population in military quarters
ONINS0N Population in other noninstitutional group quarters
ONINS0 Prop. of population in other noninstitutional group quarters
NATBORN0 Native born population
OUTBORN0 Population born outside the U.S., not foreign born
FORBORN0 Foreign born population
SHRFOR0 Prop. of population who are foreign born
FORBCZN0 Foreign born population who are naturalized U.S. citizens
FORBNOC0 Foreign born population who are not U.S. citizens
PERS15P0 Total persons 15+ years old
MEN15P0 Males 15+ years old
FEM15P0 Females 15+ years old
MNEVMAR0 Never married males 15+ years old
MMARSPP0 Married males, spouse present 15+ years old
MDIVOR0 Divorced males 15+ years old
FNEVMAR0 Never married females 15+ years old
FMARSPP0 Married females, spouse present 15+ years old
FDIVOR0 Divorced females 15+ years old
MMARNSP0 Married males, spouse absent
MWIDOW0 Widowed males
FMARNSP0 Married females, spouse absent
FWIDOW0 Widowed females
UNMRMM0 Unmarried male hhdr. and male partner HHs
UNMRMF0 Unmarried male hhdr. and female partner HHs
UNMRFF0 Unmarried female hhdr. and female partner HHs
UNMRFM0 Unmarried female hhdr. and male partner HHs
MGMKT0N Males 16-34 years old
MGMKT0D Females 16-34 years old
MGMKT0 Ratio of males-females, persons 16-34 years old
WMMKT0N White males 16-34 years old
WMMKT0D White females 16-34 years old
WMMKT0 Ratio of males-females, White persons 16-34 years old
BMMKT0N Black/Afr. Am. males 16-34 years old
BMMKT0D Black/Afr. Am. females 16-34 years old
BMMKT0 Ratio of males-females, Black/Afr. Am. persons 16-34 years old
IMMKT0N Am. Indian males 16-34 years old
IMMKT0D Am. Indian females 16-34 years old
IMMKT0 Ratio of males-females, Am. Indian persons 16-34 years old
AMMKT0N Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16-34 years old
AMMKT0D Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16-34 years old
AMMKT0 Ratio of males-females, Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 16-34 years old
RMMKT0N Asian males 16-34 years old
RMMKT0D Asian females 16-34 years old
RMMKT0 Ratio of males-females, Asian persons 16-34 years old
PMMKT0N Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16-34 years old
PMMKT0D Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16-34 years old
PMMKT0 Ratio of males-females, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 16-34 years old
OMMKT0N Other race males 16-34 years old
OMMKT0D Other race females 16-34 years old
OMMKT0 Ratio of males-females, other race persons 16-34 years old
MMMKT0N Multiracial males 16-34 years old
MMMKT0D Multiracial females 16-34 years old
MMMKT0 Ratio of males-females, multiracial persons 16-34 years old
HMMKT0N Hisp./Latino males 16-34 years old
HMMKT0D Hisp./Latino females 16-34 years old
HMMKT0 Ratio of males-females, Hisp./Latino persons 16-34 years old
XMMKT0N Non-Hisp./Latino White males 16-34 years old
XMMKT0D Non-Hisp./Latino White females 16-34 years old
XMMKT0 Ratio of males-females, non-Hisp./Latino White persons 16-34 years old
FAMSUB0 Total families and subfamilies
MOTHERS0 Mothers living with own children
FATHERS0 Fathers living with own children
FMC0N Married-couple familes and subfamilies with own children
FMC0 Prop. of families and subfamilies with own children who are married couples
FFH0N Female-headed families and subfamilies with own children
FFH0D Total families and subfamilies with own children
FFH0 Prop. of families and subfamilies with own children who are female-headed
MCWKID0 Married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
MCNKID0 Married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
MHWKID0 Male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
MHNKID0 Male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
FHWKID0 Female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
FHNKID0 Female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
NONFAM0 Nonfamily HHs
WMCWKID0 White married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
WMCNKID0 White married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
WMHWKID0 White male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
WMHNKID0 White male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
WFHWKID0 White female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
WFHNKID0 White female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
WNONFAM0 White nonfamily HHs
BMCWKID0 Black/Afr. Am. married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
BMCNKID0 Black/Afr. Am. married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
BMHWKID0 Black/Afr. Am. male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
BMHNKID0 Black/Afr. Am. male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
BFHWKID0 Black/Afr. Am. female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
BFHNKID0 Black/Afr. Am. female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
BNONFAM0 Black/Afr. Am. nonfamily HHs
IMCWKID0 Am. Indian married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
IMCNKID0 Am. Indian married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
IMHWKID0 Am. Indian male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
IMHNKID0 Am. Indian male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
IFHWKID0 Am. Indian female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
IFHNKID0 Am. Indian female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
INONFAM0 Am. Indian nonfamily HHs
AMCWKID0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
AMCNKID0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
AMHWKID0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
AMHNKID0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
AFHWKID0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
AFHNKID0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
ANONFAM0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. nonfamily HHs
RMCWKID0 Asian married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
RMCNKID0 Asian married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
RMHWKID0 Asian male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
RMHNKID0 Asian male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
RFHWKID0 Asian female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
RFHNKID0 Asian female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
RNONFAM0 Asian nonfamily HHs
PMCWKID0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
PMCNKID0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
PMHWKID0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
PMHNKID0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
PFHWKID0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
PFHNKID0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
PNONFAM0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. nonfamily HHs
OMCWKID0 Other race married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
OMCNKID0 Other race married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
OMHWKID0 Other race male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
OMHNKID0 Other race male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
OFHWKID0 Other race female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
OFHNKID0 Other race female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
ONONFAM0 Other race nonfamily HHs
MMCWKID0 Married-couple families with multiracial hhdr. and with own children under 18 years old
MMCNKID0 Multiracial married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
MMHWKID0 Multiracial male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
MMHNKID0 Multiracial male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
MFHWKID0 Multiracial female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
MFHNKID0 Multiracial female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
MNONFAM0 Multiracial nonfamily HHs
HMCWKID0 Hisp./Latino married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
HMCNKID0 Hisp./Latino married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
HMHWKID0 Hisp./Latino male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
HMHNKID0 Hisp./Latino male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
HFHWKID0 Hisp./Latino female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
HFHNKID0 Hisp./Latino female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
HNONFAM0 Hisp./Latino nonfamily HHs
XMCWKID0 Non-Hisp./Latino White married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
XMCNKID0 Non-Hisp./Latino White married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
XMHWKID0 Non-Hisp./Latino White male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
XMHNKID0 Non-Hisp./Latino White male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
XFHWKID0 Non-Hisp./Latino White female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
XFHNKID0 Non-Hisp./Latino White female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
XNONFAM0 Non-Hisp./Latino White nonfamily HHs
MCFLT30 Own children under 3 years of age in married-couple families
MCF340 Own children ages 3-4 years in married-couple families
MCF50 Own children 5 years of age in married-couple families
MCF6110 Own children ages 6-11 years in married-couple families
MCF12130 Own children ages 12-13 years in married-couple families
MCF140 Own children 14 years of age in married-couple families
MCF15170 Own children 15-17 years of age in married-couple families
MHHLT30 Own children under 3 years of age in single male-headed families
MHH340 Own children 3-4 years of age in single male-headed families
MHH50 Own children 5 years of age in single male-headed families
MHH6110 Own children 6-11 years of age in single male-headed families
MHH12130 Own children 12-13 years of age in single male-headed families
MHH140 Own children 14 years of age in single male-headed families
MHH15170 Own children 15-17 years of age in single male-headed families
NKIDMCF0 Own children under 18 years old in married-couple families
NKIDMHH0 Own children under 18 years old in male-headed families
NKIDFHH0 Own children under 18 years old in female-headed families
FHHLT30 Own children under 3 years old in female-headed families
FHH340 Own children 3 and 4 years old in female-headed families
FHH50 Own children 5 years old in female-headed families
FHH6110 Own children 6-11 years old in female-headed families
FHH12130 Own children 12-13 years old in female-headed families
FHH140 Own children 14 years old in female-headed families
FHH15170 Own children 15-17 years old in female-headed families
PTMCFU50 Poor married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
NTMCFU50 Nonpoor married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
PTMCF170 Poor married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
NTMCF170 Nonpoor married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
PTMCFB0 Poor married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NTMCFB0 Nonpoor married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PTMCFN0 Poor married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
NTMCFN0 Nonpoor married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
PTMHHU50 Poor male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NTMHHU50 Nonpoor male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PTMHH170 Poor male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NTMHH170 Nonpoor male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PTMHHB0 Poor male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NTMHHB0 Nonpoor male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PTMHHN0 Poor male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NTMHHN0 Nonpoor male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PTFHHU50 Poor female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NTFHHU50 Nonpoor female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PTFHH170 Poor female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NTFHH170 Nonpoor female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PTFHHB0 Poor female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NTFHHB0 Nonpoor female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PTFHHN0 Poor female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NTFHHN0 Nonpoor female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NWMCFU50 Nonpoor White married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
NWMCF170 Nonpoor White married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
NWMCFB0 Nonpoor White married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NWMCFN0 Nonpoor White married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
NWMHHU50 Nonpoor White male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NWMHH170 Nonpoor White male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NWMHHB0 Nonpoor White male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NWMHHN0 Nonpoor White male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NWFHHU50 Nonpoor White female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NWFHH170 Nonpoor White female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NWFHHB0 Nonpoor White female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NWFHHN0 Nonpoor White female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NBMCFU50 Nonpoor Black/Afr. Am. married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
NBMCF170 Nonpoor Black/Afr. Am. married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
NBMCFB0 Nonpoor Black/Afr. Am. married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NBMCFN0 Nonpoor Black/Afr. Am. married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
NBMHHU50 Nonpoor Black/Afr. Am. male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NBMHH170 Nonpoor Black/Afr. Am. male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NBMHHB0 Nonpoor Black/Afr. Am. male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NBMHHN0 Nonpoor Black/Afr. Am. male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NBFHHU50 Nonpoor Black/Afr. Am. female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NBFHH170 Nonpoor Black/Afr. Am. female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NBFHHB0 Nonpoor Black/Afr. Am. female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NBFHHN0 Nonpoor Black/Afr. Am. female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NIMCFU50 Nonpoor Am. Indian married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
NIMCF170 Nonpoor Am. Indian married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
NIMCFB0 Nonpoor Am. Indian married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NIMCFN0 Nonpoor Am. Indian married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
NIMHHU50 Nonpoor Am. Indian male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NIMHH170 Nonpoor Am. Indian male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NIMHHB0 Nonpoor Am. Indian male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NIMHHN0 Nonpoor Am. Indian male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NIFHHU50 Nonpoor Am. Indian female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NIFHH170 Nonpoor Am. Indian female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NIFHHB0 Nonpoor Am. Indian female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NIFHHN0 Nonpoor Am. Indian female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NAMCFU50 Nonpoor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
NAMCF170 Nonpoor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
NAMCFB0 Nonpoor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NAMCFN0 Nonpoor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
NAMHHU50 Nonpoor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NAMHH170 Nonpoor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NAMHHB0 Nonpoor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NAMHHN0 Nonpoor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NAFHHU50 Nonpoor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NAFHH170 Nonpoor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NAFHHB0 Nonpoor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NAFHHN0 Nonpoor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NRMCFU50 Nonpoor Asian married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
NRMCF170 Nonpoor Asian married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
NRMCFB0 Nonpoor Asian married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NRMCFN0 Nonpoor Asian married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
NRMHHU50 Nonpoor Asian male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NRMHH170 Nonpoor Asian male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NRMHHB0 Nonpoor Asian male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NRMHHN0 Nonpoor Asian male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NRFHHU50 Nonpoor Asian female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NRFHH170 Nonpoor Asian female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NRFHHB0 Nonpoor Asian female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NRFHHN0 Nonpoor Asian female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NPMCFU50 Nonpoor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
NPMCF170 Nonpoor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
NPMCFB0 Nonpoor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NPMCFN0 Nonpoor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
NPMHHU50 Nonpoor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NPMHH170 Nonpoor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NPMHHB0 Nonpoor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NPMHHN0 Nonpoor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NPFHHU50 Nonpoor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NPFHH170 Nonpoor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NPFHHB0 Nonpoor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NPFHHN0 Nonpoor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NOMCFU50 Nonpoor other married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
NOMCF170 Nonpoor other married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
NOMCFB0 Nonpoor other married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NOMCFN0 Nonpoor other married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
NOMHHU50 Nonpoor other male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NOMHH170 Nonpoor other male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NOMHHB0 Nonpoor other male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NOMHHN0 Nonpoor other male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NOFHHU50 Nonpoor other female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NOFHH170 Nonpoor other female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NOFHHB0 Nonpoor other female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NOFHHN0 Nonpoor other female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NMMCFU50 Nonpoor multiracial married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
NMMCF170 Nonpoor multiracial married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
NMMCFB0 Nonpoor multiracial married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NMMCFN0 Nonpoor multiracial married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
NMMHHU50 Nonpoor multiracial male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NMMHH170 Nonpoor multiracial male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NMMHHB0 Nonpoor multiracial male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NMMHHN0 Nonpoor multiracial male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NMFHHU50 Nonpoor multiracial female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NMFHH170 Nonpoor multiracial female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NMFHHB0 Nonpoor multiracial female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NMFHHN0 Nonpoor multiracial female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NHMCFU50 Nonpoor Hisp./Latino married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
NHMCF170 Nonpoor Hisp./Latino married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
NHMCFB0 Nonpoor Hisp./Latino married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NHMCFN0 Nonpoor Hisp./Latino married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
NHMHHU50 Nonpoor Hisp./Latino male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NHMHH170 Nonpoor Hisp./Latino male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NHMHHB0 Nonpoor Hisp./Latino male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NHMHHN0 Nonpoor Hisp./Latino male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NHFHHU50 Nonpoor Hisp./Latino female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NHFHH170 Nonpoor Hisp./Latino female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NHFHHB0 Nonpoor Hisp./Latino female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NHFHHN0 Nonpoor Hisp./Latino female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NXMCFU50 Nonpoor non-Hisp./Latino White married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
NXMCF170 Nonpoor non-Hisp./Latino White married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
NXMCFB0 Nonpoor non-Hisp./Latino White married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NXMCFN0 Nonpoor non-Hisp./Latino White married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
NXMHHU50 Nonpoor non-Hisp./Latino White male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NXMHH170 Nonpoor non-Hisp./Latino White male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NXMHHB0 Nonpoor non-Hisp./Latino White male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NXMHHN0 Nonpoor non-Hisp./Latino White male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
NXFHHU50 Nonpoor non-Hisp./Latino White female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
NXFHH170 Nonpoor non-Hisp./Latino White female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
NXFHHB0 Nonpoor non-Hisp./Latino White female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
NXFHHN0 Nonpoor non-Hisp./Latino White female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PWMCFU50 Poor White married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
PWMCF170 Poor White married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
PWMCFB0 Poor White married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PWMCFN0 Poor White married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
PWMHHU50 Poor White male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PWMHH170 Poor White male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PWMHHB0 Poor White male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PWMHHN0 Poor White male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PWFHHU50 Poor White female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PWFHH170 Poor White female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PWFHHB0 Poor White female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PWFHHN0 Poor White female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PBMCFU50 Poor Black/Afr. Am. married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
PBMCF170 Poor Black/Afr. Am. married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
PBMCFB0 Poor Black/Afr. Am. married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PBMCFN0 Poor Black/Afr. Am. married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
PBMHHU50 Poor Black/Afr. Am. male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PBMHH170 Poor Black/Afr. Am. male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PBMHHB0 Poor Black/Afr. Am. male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PBMHHN0 Poor Black/Afr. Am. male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PBFHHU50 Poor Black/Afr. Am. female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PBFHH170 Poor Black/Afr. Am. female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PBFHHB0 Poor Black/Afr. Am. female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PBFHHN0 Poor Black/Afr. Am. female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PIMCFU50 Poor Am. Indian married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
PIMCF170 Poor Am. Indian married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
PIMCFB0 Poor Am. Indian married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PIMCFN0 Poor Am. Indian married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
PIMHHU50 Poor Am. Indian male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PIMHH170 Poor Am. Indian male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PIMHHB0 Poor Am. Indian male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PIMHHN0 Poor Am. Indian male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PIFHHU50 Poor Am. Indian female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PIFHH170 Poor Am. Indian female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PIFHHB0 Poor Am. Indian female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PIFHHN0 Poor Am. Indian female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PAMCFU50 Poor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
PAMCF170 Poor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
PAMCFB0 Poor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PAMCFN0 Poor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
PAMHHU50 Poor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PAMHH170 Poor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PAMHHB0 Poor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PAMHHN0 Poor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PAFHHU50 Poor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PAFHH170 Poor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PAFHHB0 Poor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PAFHHN0 Poor Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PRMCFU50 Poor Asian married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
PRMCF170 Poor Asian married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
PRMCFB0 Poor Asian married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PRMCFN0 Poor Asian married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
PRMHHU50 Poor Asian male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PRMHH170 Poor Asian male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PRMHHB0 Poor Asian male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PRMHHN0 Poor Asian male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PRFHHU50 Poor Asian female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PRFHH170 Poor Asian female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PRFHHB0 Poor Asian female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PRFHHN0 Poor Asian female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PPMCFU50 Poor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
PPMCF170 Poor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
PPMCFB0 Poor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PPMCFN0 Poor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
PPMHHU50 Poor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PPMHH170 Poor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PPMHHB0 Poor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PPMHHN0 Poor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PPFHHU50 Poor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PPFHH170 Poor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PPFHHB0 Poor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PPFHHN0 Poor Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
POMCFU50 Poor other race married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
POMCF170 Poor other race married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
POMCFB0 Poor other race married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
POMCFN0 Poor other race married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
POMHHU50 Poor other race male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
POMHH170 Poor other race male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
POMHHB0 Poor other race male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
POMHHN0 Poor other race male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
POFHHU50 Poor other race female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
POFHH170 Poor other race female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
POFHHB0 Poor other race female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
POFHHN0 Poor other race female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PMMCFU50 Poor multiracial married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
PMMCF170 Poor multiracial married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
PMMCFB0 Poor multiracial married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PMMCFN0 Poor multiracial married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
PMMHHU50 Poor multiracial male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PMMHH170 Poor multiracial male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PMMHHB0 Poor multiracial male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PMMHHN0 Poor multiracial male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PMFHHU50 Poor multiracial female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PMFHH170 Poor multiracial female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PMFHHB0 Poor multiracial female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PMFHHN0 Poor multiracial female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PHMCFU50 Poor Hisp./Latino married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
PHMCF170 Poor Hisp./Latino married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
PHMCFB0 Poor Hisp./Latino married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PHMCFN0 Poor Hisp./Latino married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
PHMHHU50 Poor Hisp./Latino male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PHMHH170 Poor Hisp./Latino male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PHMHHB0 Poor Hisp./Latino male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PHMHHN0 Poor Hisp./Latino male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PHFHHU50 Poor Hisp./Latino female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PHFHH170 Poor Hisp./Latino female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PHFHHB0 Poor Hisp./Latino female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PHFHHN0 Poor Hisp./Latino female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PXMCFU50 Poor non-Hisp./Latino White married-couple families with related children under 5 years old only
PXMCF170 Poor non-Hisp./Latino White married-couple families with related children 5-17 years old only
PXMCFB0 Poor non-Hisp./Latino White married-couple families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PXMCFN0 Poor non-Hisp./Latino White married-couple families with no related children under 18 years old
PXMHHU50 Poor non-Hisp./Latino White male-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PXMHH170 Poor non-Hisp./Latino White male-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PXMHHB0 Poor non-Hisp./Latino White male-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PXMHHN0 Poor non-Hisp./Latino White male-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
PXFHHU50 Poor non-Hisp./Latino White female-headed families with related children under 5 years old only
PXFHH170 Poor non-Hisp./Latino White female-headed families with related children 5-17 years old only
PXFHHB0 Poor non-Hisp./Latino White female-headed families with related children under 5 and 5-17 years old
PXFHHN0 Poor non-Hisp./Latino White female-headed families with no related children under 18 years old
WRCNTY0N Workers 16+ years old working within their county of residence
WRCNTY0D Workers 16+ years old
WRCNTY0 Prop. of persons working within their county of residence
WRKSM0N Workers 16+ years old working within their metro area of residence
WRKSM0D Workers 16+ years old living within a metro area
WRKSM0 Prop. of workers who live in a metro area and work within the same metro area
WORKSUB0 Workers 16+ years old not living in a metro area
TRVLPB0N Workers 16+ years old traveling-work on public transportation
TRVLPB0D Workers 16+ years old working outside the home
TRVLPB0 Prop. of population working at home who travel-work on public transportation
NOCAR0 Occupied housing units with no car available
CAR10 Occupied housing units with one vehicle available
CAR20 Occupied housing units with two vehicles available
CAR30 Occupied housing units with three+ vehicles available
CAR0 Occupied housing units with at least one vehicle available
NOCARWT0 White HHs with no car available
NOCARBK0 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with no car available
NOCARAI0 Am. Indian HHs with no car available
NOCARAP0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with no car available
NOCARRT0 Asian HHs with no car available
NOCARPT0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with no car available
NOCAROT0 Other race HHs with no car available
NOCARMT0 Multiracial HHs with no car available
NOCARHS0 Hisp./Latino HHs with no car available
NOCARXT0 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with no car available
WKHOME0 Workers 16+ years old working at home
AUTO0 Workers 16+ years old traveling-work by car, truck, or van
COMMUT20 Workers 16+ years old with travel time-work less than 25 minutes or work at home
COMMUT40 Workers 16+ years old with travel time-work 25-44 minutes
COMMUTX0 Workers 16+ years old with travel time-work more than 45 minutes
SMHSE0N Persons 5+ years old residing in the same house five years ago
SMHSE0D Persons 5+ years old
SMHSE0 Prop. of persons 5+ years old residing in the same house five years ago
LCLMV0N Persons 5+ years old residing in a different house five years ago but in the same county
LCLMV0 Prop. of persons 5+ years old residing in a different house five years ago but in the same county
SMCNTY0N Persons 5+ years old residing in the same county five years ago
SMCNTY0 Prop. of persons 5+ years old residing in the same county five years ago
SMST0N Persons 5+ years old residing in same state five years ago
SMSTATE0 Prop. of persons 5+ years old residing in same state five years ago
FROMNE0 Persons 5+ years old residing in a different state in the northeast five years ago
FROMMW0 Persons 5+ years old residing in a different state in the midwest five years ago
FROMS0 Persons 5+ years old residing in a different state in the south five years ago
FROMW0 Persons 5+ years old residing in a different state in the west five years ago
FROMPR0 Persons 5+ years old residing in Puerto Rico five years ago
FROMFOR0 Persons 5+ years old residing outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico five years ago
CENCITY0 Persons 5+ years old who moved from the central city of the same metro area within the past 5 years
DCECITY0 Persons 5+ years old who moved from the central city of a different metro area within the past 5 years
BURBS0 Persons 5+ years old who moved from the suburbs of the same metro area within the past 5 years
DBURBS0 Persons 5+ years old who moved from the suburbs of a different metro area within the past 5 years
NEWCITY0 Persons 5+ years old who moved from a non-metro area within the past 5 years
NOCITY0 Persons 5+ years old who lived abroad 5 years ago
WRSTAT0N Workers 16+ years old working within their state of residence
WRSTAT0 Prop. of workers 16+ years old working within their state of residence
WRKSC0N Workers 16+ years old working within the central city of their metro area of residence
WRKSC0 Prop. of workers 16+ years old working within the central city of their metro area of residence
WRKDM0N Workers 16+ years old working within a different metro area than where they reside
WRKDM0 Prop. of workers 16+ years old working within a different metro area than where they reside
WRKDC0N Workers 16+ years old working within a central city of a different metro area than where they reside
WRKDC0 Prop. of workers 16+ years old working within a central city of a different metro area than where they reside
WRKNM0N Workers 16+ years old working outside of any metro area
WRKNM0 Prop. of workers 16+ years old working outside of any metro area
TRVLOT0N Workers 16+ years old traveling-work by walking or other means
TRVLOT0 Prop. of workers 16+ years old traveling-work by walking or other means
EDUC80 Persons 25+ years old who have competed 0-8 years of school
EDUC110 Persons 25+ years old who have completed 9-12 years of school but no diploma
EDUC120 Persons 25+ years old who have completed h.s. but no college
EDUC150 Persons 25+ years old who have completed some college but no degree
EDUCA0 Persons 25+ years old who have an associate degree but no bachelors degree
EDUC160 Persons 25+ years old who have a bachelors or graduate/professional degree
EDUCPP0 Persons 25+ years old
HSDROP0N Persons 16-19 years old neither enrolled in nor graduated from h.s.
HSDROP0D Persons 16-19 years old
HSDROP0 Prop. of persons 16-19 years old neither enrolled in nor graduated from h.s.
WP25P0 White persons 25+ years old
WEDLT90 White persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
WEDLTHS0 White persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
WEDHSG0 White persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
WEDSC0 White persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
WEDASD0 White persons 25+ years old with an associate degree but no bachelors degree
WEDBA0 White persons 25+ years old with a bachelors degree but no graduate degree
WEDPRO0 White persons 25+ years old with a graduate or professional degree
BP25P0 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old
BEDLT90 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
BEDLTHS0 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
BEDHSG0 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
BEDSC0 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
BEDASD0 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old with an associate degree but no bachelors degree
BEDBA0 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old with a bachelors degree but no graduate degree
BEDPRO0 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old with a graduate or professional degree
IP25P0 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old
IEDLT90 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
IEDLTHS0 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
IEDHSG0 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
IEDSC0 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
IEDASD0 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old with an associate degree but no bachelors degree
IEDBA0 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old with a bachelors degree but no graduate degree
IEDPRO0 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old with a graduate or professional degree
AP25P0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old
AEDLT90 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
AEDLTHS0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
AEDHSG0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
AEDSC0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
AEDASD0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with an associate degree but no bachelors degree
AEDBA0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with a bachelors degree but no graduate degree
AEDPRO0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with a graduate or professional degree
RP25P0 Asian persons 25+ years old
REDLT90 Asian persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
REDLTHS0 Asian persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
REDHSG0 Asian persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
REDSC0 Asian persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
REDASD0 Asian persons 25+ years old with an associate degree but no bachelors degree
REDBA0 Asian persons 25+ years old with a bachelors degree but no graduate degree
REDPRO0 Asian persons 25+ years old with a graduate or professional degree
PP25P0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old
PEDLT90 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
PEDLTHS0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
PEDHSG0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
PEDSC0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
PEDASD0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with an associate degree but no bachelors degree
PEDBA0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with a bachelors degree but no graduate degree
PEDPRO0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with a graduate or professional degree
OP25P0 Other race persons 25+ years old
OEDLT90 Other race persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
OEDLTHS0 Other race persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
OEDHSG0 Other race persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
OEDSC0 Other race persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
OEDASD0 Other race persons 25+ years old with an associate degree but no bachelors degree
OEDBA0 Other race persons 25+ years old with a bachelors degree but no graduate degree
OEDPRO0 Other race persons 25+ years old with a graduate or professional degree
MP25P0 Multiracial persons 25+ years old
MEDLT90 Multiracial persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
MEDLTHS0 Multiracial persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
MEDHSG0 Multiracial persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
MEDSC0 Multiracial persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
MEDASD0 Multiracial persons 25+ years old with an associate degree but no bachelors degree
MEDBA0 Multiracial persons 25+ years old with a bachelors degree but no graduate degree
MEDPRO0 Multiracial persons 25+ years old with a graduate or professional degree
HP25P0 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old
HEDLT90 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
HEDLTHS0 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
HEDHSG0 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
HEDSC0 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
HEDASD0 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old with an associate degree but no bachelors degree
HEDBA0 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old with a bachelors degree but no graduate degree
HEDPRO0 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old with a graduate or professional degree
XP25P0 Non-Hisp./Latino White persons 25+ years old
XEDLT90 Non-Hisp./Latino White persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
XEDLTHS0 Non-Hisp./Latino White persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
XEDHSG0 Non-Hisp./Latino White persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
XEDSC0 Non-Hisp./Latino White persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
XEDASD0 Non-Hisp./Latino White persons 25+ years old with an associate degree but no bachelors degree
XEDBA0 Non-Hisp./Latino White persons 25+ years old with a bachelors degree but no graduate degree
XEDPRO0 Non-Hisp./Latino White persons 25+ years old with a graduate or professional degree
PRFEMP0 Persons 16+ years old employed in manufacturing, transportation and public administration
INDEMP0 Civilian employed persons 16+ years old
OCC0110 Persons 16+ years old employed in management occupations (incl. farms)
OCC011F0 Persons 16+ years old employed in farm management occupations
OCC0130 Persons 16+ years old employed in business and financial operations occupations
OCC0150 Persons 16+ years old employed in computer and mathematical occupations
OCC0170 Persons 16+ years old employed in architecture and engineering occupations
OCC0190 Persons 16+ years old employed in life, physical, and social science occupations
OCC0210 Persons 16+ years old employed in community and social services occupations
OCC0230 Persons 16+ years old employed in legal occupations
OCC0250 Persons 16+ years old employed in education, training, and library occupations
OCC0270 Persons 16+ years old employed in arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations
OCC0290 Persons 16+ years old employed in healthcare practitioners and technical occupations
OCC0310 Persons 16+ years old employed in healthcare support occupations
OCC0330 Persons 16+ years old employed in protective service occupations
OCC0350 Persons 16+ years old employed in food preparation and serving related occupations
OCC0370 Persons 16+ years old employed in building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations
OCC0390 Persons 16+ years old employed in personal care and service occupations
OCC0410 Persons 16+ years old employed in sales and related occupations
OCC0430 Persons 16+ years old employed in office and administrative support occupations
OCC0450 Persons 16+ years old employed in farming, fishing, and forestry occupations
OCC0470 Persons 16+ years old employed in construction and extraction occupations
OCC0490 Persons 16+ years old employed in installation, maintenance, and repair occupations
OCC0510 Persons 16+ years old employed in production occupations
OCC0530 Persons 16+ years old employed in transportation and material moving occupations
USKOCC0 Persons 16+ years old employed as operators, assemblers, transportation, material moving, nonfarm laborers, and service workers
OCC10 Persons 16+ years old employed in professional and technical occupations
OCC20 Persons 16+ years old employed as executives, managers, and administrators (excl. farms)
OCC30 Persons 16+ years old employed as sales workers
OCC40 Persons 16+ years old employed as administrative support and clerical workers
OCC50 Persons 16+ years old employed as precision production, craft, and repair workers
OCC60 Persons 16+ years old employed as operators, assemblers, transportation, and material moving workers
OCC70 Persons 16+ years old employed as nonfarm laborers
OCC80 Persons 16+ years old employed as service workers
OCC90 Persons 16+ years old employed as farm workers or in forestry and fishing
IND0110 Persons 16+ years old employed in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
IND0210 Persons 16+ years old employed in mining
IND0220 Persons 16+ years old employed in the utilities industry
IND0230 Persons 16+ years old employed in construction
IND0310 Persons 16+ years old employed in manufacturing
IND0420 Persons 16+ years old employed in wholesale trade
IND0440 Persons 16+ years old employed in retail trade
IND0480 Persons 16+ years old employed in transportation and warehousing
IND0510 Persons 16+ years old employed in the information industry
IND0520 Persons 16+ years old employed in finance and insurance
IND0530 Persons 16+ years old employed in real estate and rental and leasing
IND0540 Persons 16+ years old employed in professional, scientific, and technical services
IND0550 Persons 16+ years old employed in the management of companies and enterprises
IND0560 Persons 16+ years old employed in administrative and support and waste management and remediation services
IND0610 Persons 16+ years old employed in educational services
IND0620 Persons 16+ years old employed in health care and social assistance
IND0710 Persons 16+ years old employed in arts, entertainment, and recreation
IND0720 Persons 16+ years old employed in accommodation and food services
IND0810 Persons 16+ years old employed in other services (except public administration)
IND0920 Persons 16+ years old employed in public administration
MNOPRT0N Males 16+ years old working 0-26 weeks last year
MNOPRT0D Males 16+ years old
MNPRTB0D Males 16+ years old who worked over 26 weeks last year and usually 1-14 hours per week
FNOPRT0N Females 16+ years old working 0-26 weeks last year
FNOPRT0D Females 16+ years old
FEMLAB0 Females 16+ years old in the civilian labor force
FNOLF0 Females 16+ years old not in the labor force
ALTLAB0 Females 16+ years old in the civilian labor force; persons 18-24 years old; persons foreign born
UNEMPT0N Persons 16+ years old in the civilian labor force and unemployed
UNEMPT0D Persons 16+ years old in the civilian labor force
UNEMPRT0 Prop. of persons 16+ years old who are in the civilian labor force and unemployed
LFRAT0D Persons 16+ years old not in armed forces
LFRAT0 Prop. of persons 16+ years old not in armed forces who are in the civilian labor force
ARMFRM0 Males 16+ years old in the armed forces
ARMFRF0 Females 16+ years old in the armed forces
CMEPR0N Employed civilian males 16+ years old
CMEPR0D Males 16+ years old not in the armed forces
MEPR0 Prop. of males 16+ years old who are in the armed forces or employed
CFEPR0N Employed civilian females 16+ years old
CFEPR0D Females 16+ years old
FEPR0 Prop. of females 16+ years old who are in the armed forces or employed
EPR0 Prop. of persons 16+ years old who are in the armed forces or employed
C6FSF0D Own children under 6 years old in families and subfamilies
C6BPBL0 Own children under 6 years old living with two parents, both in labor force
C6BPOL0 Own children under 6 years old living with two parents, one in labor force
C6BPNL0 Own children under 6 years old living with two parents, neither in labor force
C6SPOL0 Own children under 6 years old living with one parent, in labor force
C6SPNL0 Own children under 6 years old living with one parent, not in labor force
C18FSF0D Own children under 18 years old in families and subfamilies
C18BPBL0 Own children under 18 years old living with two parents, both in labor force
C18BPOL0 Own children under 18 years old living with two parents, one in labor force
C18BPNL0 Own children under 18 years old living with two parents, neither in labor force
C18SPOL0 Own children under 18 years old living with one parent, in labor force
C18SPNL0 Own children under 18 years old living with one parent, not in labor force
WM16P0 White males 16+ years old
WMMIL0 White males 16+ years old in armed forces
WMEMP0 Employed White males 16+ years old
WMUNEMP0 Unemployed White males 16+ years old
WMNILF0 White males 16+ years old not in labor force
WF16P0 White females 16+ years old
WFMIL0 White females 16+ years old in armed forces
WFEMP0 Employed White females 16+ years old
WFUNEMP0 Unemployed White females 16+ years old
WFNILF0 White females 16+ years old not in labor force
BM16P0 Black/Afr. Am. males 16+ years old
BMMIL0 Black/Afr. Am. males 16+ years old in armed forces
BMEMP0 Employed Black/Afr. Am. males 16+ years old
BMUNEMP0 Unemployed Black/Afr. Am. males 16+ years old
BMNILF0 Black/Afr. Am. males 16+ years old not in labor force
BF16P0 Black/Afr. Am. females 16+ years old
BFMIL0 Black/Afr. Am. females 16+ years old in armed forces
BFEMP0 Employed Black/Afr. Am. females 16+ years old
BFUNEMP0 Unemployed Black/Afr. Am. females 16+ years old
BFNILF0 Black/Afr. Am. females 16+ years old not in labor force
IM16P0 Am. Indian males 16+ years old
IMMIL0 Am. Indian males 16+ years old in armed forces
IMEMP0 Employed Am. Indian males 16+ years old
IMUNEMP0 Unemployed Am. Indian males 16+ years old
IMNILF0 Am. Indian males 16+ years old not in labor force
IF16P0 Am. Indian females 16+ years old
IFMIL0 Am. Indian females 16+ years old in armed forces
IFEMP0 Employed Am. Indian females 16+ years old
IFUNEMP0 Unemployed Am. Indian females 16+ years old
IFNILF0 Am. Indian females 16+ years old not in labor force
AM16P0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old
AMMIL0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old in armed forces
AMEMP0 Employed Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old
AMUNEMP0 Unemployed Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old
AMNILF0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old not in labor force
AF16P0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old
AFMIL0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old in armed forces
AFEMP0 Employed Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old
AFUNEMP0 Unemployed Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old
AFNILF0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old not in labor force
RM16P0 Asian males 16+ years old
RMMIL0 Asian males 16+ years old in armed forces
RMEMP0 Employed Asian males 16+ years old
RMUNEMP0 Unemployed Asian males 16+ years old
RMNILF0 Asian males 16+ years old not in labor force
RF16P0 Asian females 16+ years old
RFMIL0 Asian females 16+ years old in armed forces
RFEMP0 Employed Asian females 16+ years old
RFUNEMP0 Unemployed Asian females 16+ years old
RFNILF0 Asian females 16+ years old not in labor force
PM16P0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old
PMMIL0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old in armed forces
PMEMP0 Employed Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old
PMUNEMP0 Unemployed Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old
PMNILF0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old not in labor force
PF16P0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old
PFMIL0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old in armed forces
PFEMP0 Employed Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old
PFUNEMP0 Unemployed Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old
PFNILF0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old not in labor force
OM16P0 Other race males 16+ years old
OMMIL0 Other males 16+ years old in armed forces
OMEMP0 Employed other males 16+ years old
OMUNEMP0 Unemployed other males 16+ years old
OMNILF0 Other race males 16+ years old not in labor force
OF16P0 Other race females 16+ years old
OFMIL0 Other race females 16+ years old in armed forces
OFEMP0 Employed other race females 16+ years old
OFUNEMP0 Unemployed other race females 16+ years old
OFNILF0 Other race females 16+ years old not in labor force
MM16P0 Multiracial males 16+ years old
MMMIL0 Multiracial males 16+ years old in armed forces
MMEMP0 Employed multiracial males 16+ years old
MMUNEMP0 Unemployed multiracial males 16+ years old
MMNILF0 Multiracial males 16+ years old not in labor force
MF16P0 Multiracial females 16+ years old
MFMIL0 Multiracial females 16+ years old in armed forces
MFEMP0 Employed multiracial females 16+ years old
MFUNEMP0 Unemployed multiracial females 16+ years old
MFNILF0 Multiracial females 16+ years old not in labor force
HM16P0 Hisp./Latino males 16+ years old
HMMIL0 Hisp./Latino males 16+ years old in armed forces
HMEMP0 Employed Hisp./Latino males 16+ years old
HMUNEMP0 Unemployed Hisp./Latino males 16+ years old
HMNILF0 Hisp./Latino males 16+ years old not in labor force
HF16P0 Hisp./Latino females 16+ years old
HFMIL0 Hisp./Latino females 16+ years old in armed forces
HFEMP0 Employed Hisp./Latino females 16+ years old
HFUNEMP0 Unemployed Hisp./Latino females 16+ years old
HFNILF0 Hisp./Latino females 16+ years old not in labor force
XM16P0 Non-Hisp./Latino White males 16+ years old
XMMIL0 Non-Hisp./Latino White males 16+ years old in armed forces
XMEMP0 Employed non-Hisp./Latino White males 16+ years old
XMUNEMP0 Unemployed non-Hisp./Latino White males 16+ years old
XMNILF0 Non-Hisp./Latino White males 16+ years old not in labor force
XF16P0 Non-Hisp./Latino White females 16+ years old
XFMIL0 Non-Hisp./Latino White females 16+ years old in armed forces
XFEMP0 Employed non-Hisp./Latino White females 16+ years old
XFUNEMP0 Unemployed non-Hisp./Latino White females 16+ years old
XFNILF0 Non-Hisp./Latino White females 16+ years old not in labor force
WP16190 White persons 16-19 years old
WINHSW0 White 16-19 year olds in school and employed
WINHSU0 White 16-19 year olds in school and unemployed or not in labor force
WHSGW0 White 16-19 year old h.s. graduates employed
WHSGU0 White 16-19 year old h.s. graduates unemployed or not in labor force
WHSDW0 White 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts employed
WHSDU0 White 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts unemployed or not in labor force
WINMIL0 White 16-19 year olds in the armed forces
BP16190 Black/Afr. Am. persons 16-19 years old
BINHSW0 Black/Afr. Am. 16-19 year olds in school and employed
BINHSU0 Black/Afr. Am. 16-19 year olds in school and unemployed or not in labor force
BHSGW0 Black/Afr. Am. 16-19 year old h.s. graduates employed
BHSGU0 Black/Afr. Am. 16-19 year old h.s. graduates unemployed or not in labor force
BHSDW0 Black/Afr. Am. 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts employed
BHSDU0 Black/Afr. Am. 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts unemployed or not in labor force
BINMIL0 Black/Afr. Am. 16-19 year olds in the armed forces
IP16190 Am. Indian persons 16-19 years old
IINHSW0 Am. Indian 16-19 year olds in school and employed
IINHSU0 Am. Indian 16-19 year olds in school and unemployed or not in labor force
IHSGW0 Am. Indian 16-19 year old h.s. graduates employed
IHSGU0 Am. Indian 16-19 year old h.s. graduates unemployed or not in labor force
IHSDW0 Am. Indian 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts employed
IHSDU0 Am. Indian 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts unemployed or not in labor force
IINMIL0 Am. Indian 16-19 year olds in the armed forces
AP16190 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 16-19 years old
AINHSW0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year olds in school and employed
AINHSU0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year olds in school and unemployed or not in labor force
AHSGW0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year old h.s. graduates employed
AHSGU0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year old h.s. graduates unemployed or not in labor force
AHSDW0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts employed
AHSDU0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts unemployed or not in labor force
AINMIL0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year olds in the armed forces
RP16190 Asian persons 16-19 years old
RINHSW0 Asian 16-19 year olds in school and employed
RINHSU0 Asian 16-19 year olds in school and unemployed or not in labor force
RHSGW0 Asian 16-19 year old h.s. graduates employed
RHSGU0 Asian 16-19 year old h.s. graduates unemployed or not in labor force
RHSDW0 Asian 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts employed
RHSDU0 Asian 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts unemployed or not in labor force
RINMIL0 Asian 16-19 year olds in the armed forces
PP16190 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 16-19 years old
PINHSW0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year olds in school and employed
PINHSU0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year olds in school and unemployed or not in labor force
PHSGW0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year old h.s. graduates employed
PHSGU0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year old h.s. graduates unemployed or not in labor force
PHSDW0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts employed
PHSDU0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts unemployed or not in labor force
PINMIL0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. 16-19 year olds in the armed forces
OP16190 Other race persons 16-19 years old
OINHSW0 Other race 16-19 year olds in school and employed
OINHSU0 Other race 16-19 year olds in school and unemployed or not in labor force
OHSGW0 Other race 16-19 year old h.s. graduates employed
OHSGU0 Other race 16-19 year old h.s. graduates unemployed or not in labor force
OHSDW0 Other race 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts employed
OHSDU0 Other race 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts unemployed or not in labor force
OINMIL0 Other race 16-19 year olds in the armed forces
MP16190 Multiracial persons 16-19 years old
MINHSW0 Multiracial 16-19 year olds in school and employed
MINHSU0 Multiracial 16-19 year olds in school and unemployed or not in labor force
MHSGW0 Multiracial 16-19 year old h.s. graduates employed
MHSGU0 Multiracial 16-19 year old h.s. graduates unemployed or not in labor force
MHSDW0 Multiracial 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts employed
MHSDU0 Multiracial 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts unemployed or not in labor force
MINMIL0 Multiracial 16-19 year olds in the armed forces
HP16190 Hisp./Latino persons 16-19 years old
HINHSW0 Hisp./Latino 16-19 year olds in school and employed
HINHSU0 Hisp./Latino 16-19 year olds in school and unemployed or not in labor force
HHSGW0 Hisp./Latino 16-19 year old h.s. graduates employed
HHSGU0 Hisp./Latino 16-19 year old h.s. graduates unemployed or not in labor force
HHSDW0 Hisp./Latino 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts employed
HHSDU0 Hisp./Latino 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts unemployed or not in labor force
HINMIL0 Hisp./Latino 16-19 year olds in the armed forces
XP16190 Non-Hisp./Latino White persons 16-19 years old
XINHSW0 Non-Hisp./Latino White 16-19 year olds in school and employed
XINHSU0 Non-Hisp./Latino White 16-19 year olds in school and unemployed or not in labor force
XHSGW0 Non-Hisp./Latino White 16-19 year old h.s. graduates employed
XHSGU0 Non-Hisp./Latino White 16-19 year old h.s. graduates unemployed or not in labor force
XHSDW0 Non-Hisp./Latino White 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts employed
XHSDU0 Non-Hisp./Latino White 16-19 year old h.s. dropouts unemployed or not in labor force
XINMIL0 Non-Hisp./Latino White 16-19 year olds in the armed forces
WORKER00 Families with no workers last year
WORKER10 Families with 1 worker last year
WORKER20 Families with 2 workers last year
WORKER30 Families with 3+ workers last year
MNOWORK0 Males 16+ years old who did not work last year
FNOWORK0 Females 16+ years old who did not work last year
MNOPRT0A Males 16+ years old who worked 1-26 weeks last year
MNPRTC0D Males 16+ years old who worked over 26 weeks last year and usually 15-34 hours per week
MNOFLT0D Males 16+ years old who worked over 26 weeks last year and usually 35+ hours per week
MNTWRK0D Males 16+ years old who did not work last year
FNOPRT0A Females 16+ years old who worked 1-26 weeks last year
FNPRTB0D Females 16+ years old who worked over 26 weeks last year and usually 1-14 hours per week
FNPRTC0D Females 16+ years old who worked over 26 weeks last year and usually 15-34 hours per week
FNOFLT0D Females 16+ years old who worked over 26 weeks last year and usually 35+ hours per week
FNTWRK0D Females 16+ years old who did not work last year
M64EMP0 Civilian employed males 16-64 years old
M64NEM0 Civilian not employed males 16-64 years old
F64EMP0 Civilian employed females 16-64 years old
F64NEM0 Civilian not employed females 16-64 years old
WM64EMP0 Civilian employed White males 16-64 years old
WM64NEM0 Civilian not employed White males 16-64 years old
WF64EMP0 Civilian employed White females 16-64 years old
WF64NEM0 Civilian not employed White females 16-64 years old
BM64EMP0 Civilian employed Black/Afr. Am. males 16-64 years old
BM64NEM0 Civilian not employed Black/Afr. Am. males 16-64 years old
BF64EMP0 Civilian employed Black/Afr. Am. females 16-64 years old
BF64NEM0 Civilian not employed Black/Afr. Am. females 16-64 years old
IM64EMP0 Civilian employed Am. Indian males 16-64 years old
IM64NEM0 Civilian not employed Am. Indian males 16-64 years old
IF64EMP0 Civilian employed Am. Indian females 16-64 years old
IF64NEM0 Civilian not employed Am. Indian females 16-64 years old
RM64EMP0 Civilian employed Asian males 16-64 years old
RM64NEM0 Civilian not employed Asian males 16-64 years old
RF64EMP0 Civilian employed Asian females 16-64 years old
RF64NEM0 Civilian not employed Asian females 16-64 years old
PM64EMP0 Civilian employed Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16-64 years old
PM64NEM0 Civilian not employed Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16-64 years old
PF64EMP0 Civilian employed Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16-64 years old
PF64NEM0 Civilian not employed Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16-64 years old
OM64EMP0 Civilian employed other race males 16-64 years old
OM64NEM0 Civilian not employed other race males 16-64 years old
OF64EMP0 Civilian employed other race females 16-64 years old
OF64NEM0 Civilian not employed other race females 16-64 years old
MM64EMP0 Civilian employed multiracial males 16-64 years old
MM64NEM0 Civilian not employed multiracial males 16-64 years old
MF64EMP0 Civilian employed multiracial females 16-64 years old
MF64NEM0 Civilian not employed multiracial females 16-64 years old
HM64EMP0 Civilian employed Hisp./Latino males 16-64 years old
HM64NEM0 Civilian not employed Hisp./Latino males 16-64 years old
HF64EMP0 Civilian employed Hisp./Latino females 16-64 years old
HF64NEM0 Civilian not employed Hisp./Latino females 16-64 years old
XM64EMP0 Civilian employed non-Hisp./Latino White males 16-64 years old
XM64NEM0 Civilian not employed non-Hisp./Latino White males 16-64 years old
XF64EMP0 Civilian employed non-Hisp./Latino White females 16-64 years old
XF64NEM0 Civilian not employed non-Hisp./Latino White females 16-64 years old
POVRAT0N Total persons below the poverty level last year
POVRAT0D Total population with poverty status determined
POVRAT0 Prop. of total persons below the poverty level last year
WHTPR0N White persons below the poverty level last year
WHTPR0D White population with poverty status determined
WHTPR0 Prop. of White persons below the poverty level last year
BLKPR0N Black/Afr. Am. persons below the poverty level last year
BLKPR0D Black/Afr. Am. population with poverty status determined
BLKPR0 Prop. of Black/Afr. Am. persons below the poverty level last year
INDPR0N Am. Indian population below the poverty line last year
INDPR0D Am. Indian population with poverty status determined
INDPR0 Prop. of Am. Indian population below the poverty line last year
ASNPR0N Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population below the poverty line last year
ASNPR0D Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population with poverty status determined
ASNPR0 Prop. of Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population below the poverty line last year
RASPR0N Asian persons below the poverty level last year
RASPR0D Asian population for whom poverty status is determined
RASPR0 Prop. of Asian persons below the poverty level last year
HIPPR0N Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons below the poverty level last year
HIPPR0D Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population for whom poverty status is determined
HIPPR0 Prop. of Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons below the poverty level last year
OTHPR0N Other race population below the poverty line last year
OTHPR0D Other race population with poverty status determined
OTHPR0 Prop. of other race population below the poverty line last year
MRAPR0N Multiracial persons below the poverty level last year
MRAPR0D Multiracial population for whom poverty status is determined
MRAPR0 Prop. of multiracial persons below the poverty level last year
HISPR0N Hisp./Latino persons below the poverty level last year
HISPR0D Hisp./Latino population with poverty status determined
HISPR0 Prop. of Hisp./Latino persons below the poverty level last year
NHWPR0N Non-Hisp./Latino White persons below the poverty level last year
NHWPR0D Non-Hisp./Latino White population for whom poverty status is determined
NHWPR0 Prop. of non-Hisp./Latino White persons below the poverty level last year
WELFAR0N Households with public assistance inc. (incl. SSI) last year
WELFARE0 Prop. of HHs with public assistance inc. last year
LTPOVL0 Total persons with inc. below the poverty line
TOTNONP0 Total nonpoor persons last year
CHDPOO0N Children under 18 years old below the poverty level last year
CHDPOO0D Own children under 18 years old for whom poverty status determined
CHDPOO0 Prop. of children under 18 years old below the poverty level last year
NELPOO0N Total nonelderly persons under 65 years old below the poverty level last year
NELPOO0D Persons under 65 years old with poverty status determined
NELPOOR0 Prop. of nonelderly persons under 65 years old below the poverty level last year
ELDPOO0N Elderly persons 65+ years old below the poverty level last year
ELDPOO0D Elderly persons 65+ years old with poverty status determined
ELDPOO0 Prop. of elderly persons 65+ years old below the poverty level last year
AVWEL0N Aggregate HH public assistance inc. ($)
AVWEL0D Households with public assistance inc. last year
AVWELIN0 Average public assistance inc. for HHs on public assistance last year ($)
AVSSI0N Aggregate HH Supplemental Security Income (SSI) last year ($)
AVSSI0D Households with Supplemental Security Income (SSI) last year
AVSSI0 Average Supplemental Security Income for HHs receiving SSI last year ($)
PVRAT50 Persons with ratio of inc.-poverty level last year below 0.50
PVRAT70 Persons with ratio of inc.-poverty level last year between 0.50 and 0.74
PVRAT100 Persons with ratio of inc.-poverty level last year between 0.75 and 0.99
PVRAT120 Persons with ratio of inc.-poverty level last year between 1.00 and 1.24
PVRAT150 Persons with ratio of inc.-poverty level last year between 1.25 and 1.49
PVRAT200 Persons with ratio of inc.-poverty level last year between 1.50 and 1.99
PVRATG20 Persons with ratio of inc.-poverty level last year 2.0 or greater
FAVINC0N Aggregate family inc. ($)
FAVINC0D Total families
FAVINC0 Average inc. per family ($)
MDFAMY0 Median family inc. last year ($)
FAY0100 Families with less than $10,000 inc. last year
FAY0150 Families with $10,000-14,999 inc. last year
FAY0200 Families with $15,000-19,999 inc. last year
FAY0250 Families with $20,000-24,999 inc. last year
FAY0300 Families with $25,000-29,999 inc. last year
FAY0350 Families with $30,000-34,999 inc. last year
FAY0400 Families with $35,000-39,999 inc. last year
FAY0450 Families with $40,000-44,999 inc. last year
FAY0500 Families with $45,000-49,999 inc. last year
FAY0600 Families with $50,000-59,999 inc. last year
FAY0750 Families with $60,000-74,999 inc. last year
FAY01000 Families with $75,000-99,999 inc. last year
FAY01250 Families with $100,000-124,999 inc. last year
FAY01500 Families with $125,000-149,999 inc. last year
FAY02000 Families with $150,000-199,999 inc. last year
FAY0M200 Families with $200,000+ inc. last year
AVHHIN0N Aggregate HH inc. last year ($)
AVHHIN0 Average HH inc. last year ($)
AVEMER0N Aggregate HH wage and salary inc. last year ($)
AVEMER0D Households with wage and salary inc. last year
AVEMER0 Average HH wage and salary inc. last year ($)
AVSEME0N Aggregate HH self-employment inc. last year ($)
AVSEME0D Households with self-employment inc. last year
AVSEMER0 Average HH self-employment inc. last year ($)
AVGERN0N Aggregate HH earned inc. last year ($)
AVGERN0D Households with earned inc. last year
AVGERN0 Average HH earned inc. last year ($)
AVFINY0N Aggregate HH financial inc. (interest, dividends, rental inc.) last year ($)
AVFINY0D Households with financial inc. (interest, dividends, rental inc.) last year
AVFINY0 Average HH financial inc. (interest, dividends, rental inc.) last year ($)
AVSOCS0N Aggregate HH social security inc. last year ($)
AVSOCS0D Households with social security inc. last year
AVSOCS0 Average HH social security inc. last year ($)
AVPBLA0N Aggregate HH public assistance inc. (incl. SSI) last year ($)
AVPBLA0D Households with public assistance inc. (incl. SSI) last year
AVPBLA0 Average HH public assistance inc. (incl. SSI) last year ($)
AVRETR0N Aggregate HH retirement inc. last year ($)
AVRETR0D Households with retirement inc. last year
AVRETR0 Average HH retirement inc. last year ($)
AVOTHY0N Aggregate HH other inc. last year ($)
AVOTHY0D Households with other inc. last year
AVOTHY0 Average HH other inc. last year ($)
THY0100 Households with less than $10,000 inc. last year
THY0150 Households with $10,000-14,999 inc. last year
THY0200 Households with $15,000-19,999 inc. last year
THY0250 Households with $20,000-24,999 inc. last year
THY0300 Households with $25,000-29,999 inc. last year
THY0350 Households with $30,000-34,999 inc. last year
THY0400 Households with $35,000-39,999 inc. last year
THY0450 Households with $40,000-44,999 inc. last year
THY0500 Households with $45,000-49,999 inc. last year
THY0600 Households with $50,000-59,999 inc. last year
THY0750 Households with $60,000-74,999 inc. last year
THY01000 Households with $75,000-99,999 inc. last year
THY01250 Households with $100,000-124,999 inc. last year
THY01500 Households with $125,000-149,999 inc. last year
THY02000 Households with $150,000-199,999 inc. last year
THY0M200 Households with $200,000+ inc. last year
WPCAPY0N White HH aggregate inc. last year ($)
BPCAPY0N Black/Afr. Am. HH aggregate inc. last year ($)
IPCAPY0N Am. Indian HH aggregate inc. last year ($)
APCAPY0N Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HH aggregate inc. last year ($)
RPCAPY0N Asian HH aggregate inc. last year ($)
PPCAPY0N Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HH aggregate inc. last year ($)
OPCAPY0N Other race HH aggregate inc. last year ($)
MPCAPY0N Multiracial HH aggregate inc. last year ($)
HPCAPY0N Hisp./Latino HH aggregate inc. last year ($)
XPCAPY0N Non-Hisp./Latino White HH aggregate inc. last year ($)
WPCAPY0 White per capita inc. last year ($)
BPCAPY0 Black/Afr. Am. per capita inc. last year ($)
IPCAPY0 Am. Indian per capita inc. last year ($)
APCAPY0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. per capita inc. last year ($)
RPCAPY0 Asian per capita inc. last year ($)
PPCAPY0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. per capita inc. last year ($)
OPCAPY0 Other race per capita inc. last year ($)
MPCAPY0 Multiracial per capita inc. last year ($)
HPCAPY0 Hisp./Latino per capita inc. last year ($)
XPCAPY0 Non-Hisp./Latino White per capita inc. last year ($)
MEARN0N Aggregate earnings of males 16+ years old working full-time, year-round last year ($)
MEARN0D Males 16+ years old with earnings working full-time, year-round last year
MEARN0 Average earnings of males 16+ years old working full-time, year-round last year ($)
FEARN0N Aggregate earnings of females 16+ years old working full-time, year-round last year ($)
FEARN0D Females 16+ years old with earnings working full-time, year-round last year
FEARN0 Average earnings of females 16+ years old working full-time, year-round last year ($)
WHY0100 White HHs with less than $10,000 inc. last year
WHY0150 White HHs with $10,000-14,999 inc. last year
WHY0200 White HHs with $15,000-19,999 inc. last year
WHY0250 White HHs with $20,000-24,999 inc. last year
WHY0300 White HHs with $25,000-29,999 inc. last year
WHY0350 White HHs with $30,000-34,999 inc. last year
WHY0400 White HHs with $35,000-39,999 inc. last year
WHY0450 White HHs with $40,000-44,999 inc. last year
WHY0500 White HHs with $45,000-49,999 inc. last year
WHY0600 White HHs with $50,000-59,999 inc. last year
WHY0750 White HHs with $60,000-74,999 inc. last year
WHY01000 White HHs with $75,000-99,999 inc. last year
WHY01250 White HHs with $100,000-124,999 inc. last year
WHY01500 White HHs with $125,000-149,999 inc. last year
WHY02000 White HHs with $150,000-199,999 inc. last year
WHY0M200 White HHs with $200,000+ inc. last year
BHY0100 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with less than $10,000 inc. last year
BHY0150 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $10,000-14,999 inc. last year
BHY0200 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $15,000-19,999 inc. last year
BHY0250 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $20,000-24,999 inc. last year
BHY0300 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $25,000-29,999 inc. last year
BHY0350 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $30,000-34,999 inc. last year
BHY0400 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $35,000-39,999 inc. last year
BHY0450 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $40,000-44,999 inc. last year
BHY0500 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $45,000-49,999 inc. last year
BHY0600 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $50,000-59,999 inc. last year
BHY0750 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $60,000-74,999 inc. last year
BHY01000 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $75,000-99,999 inc. last year
BHY01250 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $100,000-124,999 inc. last year
BHY01500 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $125,000-149,999 inc. last year
BHY02000 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $150,000-199,999 inc. last year
BHY0M200 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with $200,000+ inc. last year
IHY0100 Am. Indian HHs with less than $10,000 inc. last year
IHY0150 Am. Indian HHs with $10,000-14,999 inc. last year
IHY0200 Am. Indian HHs with $15,000-19,999 inc. last year
IHY0250 Am. Indian HHs with $20,000-24,999 inc. last year
IHY0300 Am. Indian HHs with $25,000-29,999 inc. last year
IHY0350 Am. Indian HHs with $30,000-34,999 inc. last year
IHY0400 Am. Indian HHs with $35,000-39,999 inc. last year
IHY0450 Am. Indian HHs with $40,000-44,999 inc. last year
IHY0500 Am. Indian HHs with $45,000-49,999 inc. last year
IHY0600 Am. Indian HHs with $50,000-59,999 inc. last year
IHY0750 Am. Indian HHs with $60,000-74,999 inc. last year
IHY01000 Am. Indian HHs with $75,000-99,999 inc. last year
IHY01250 Am. Indian HHs with $100,000-124,999 inc. last year
IHY01500 Am. Indian HHs with $125,000-149,999 inc. last year
IHY02000 Am. Indian HHs with $150,000-199,999 inc. last year
IHY0M200 Am. Indian HHs with $200,000+ inc. last year
RHY0100 Asian HHs with less than $10,000 inc. last year
RHY0150 Asian HHs with $10,000-14,999 inc. last year
RHY0200 Asian HHs with $15,000-19,999 inc. last year
RHY0250 Asian HHs with $20,000-24,999 inc. last year
RHY0300 Asian HHs with $25,000-29,999 inc. last year
RHY0350 Asian HHs with $30,000-34,999 inc. last year
RHY0400 Asian HHs with $35,000-39,999 inc. last year
RHY0450 Asian HHs with $40,000-44,999 inc. last year
RHY0500 Asian HHs with $45,000-49,999 inc. last year
RHY0600 Asian HHs with $50,000-59,999 inc. last year
RHY0750 Asian HHs with $60,000-74,999 inc. last year
RHY01000 Asian HHs with $75,000-99,999 inc. last year
RHY01250 Asian HHs with $100,000-124,999 inc. last year
RHY01500 Asian HHs with $125,000-149,999 inc. last year
RHY02000 Asian HHs with $150,000-199,999 inc. last year
RHY0M200 Asian HHs with $200,000+ inc. last year
PHY0100 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with less than $10,000 inc. last year
PHY0150 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $10,000-14,999 inc. last year
PHY0200 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $15,000-19,999 inc. last year
PHY0250 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $20,000-24,999 inc. last year
PHY0300 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $25,000-29,999 inc. last year
PHY0350 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $30,000-34,999 inc. last year
PHY0400 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $35,000-39,999 inc. last year
PHY0450 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $40,000-44,999 inc. last year
PHY0500 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $45,000-49,999 inc. last year
PHY0600 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $50,000-59,999 inc. last year
PHY0750 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $60,000-74,999 inc. last year
PHY01000 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $75,000-99,999 inc. last year
PHY01250 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $100,000-124,999 inc. last year
PHY01500 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $125,000-149,999 inc. last year
PHY02000 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $150,000-199,999 inc. last year
PHY0M200 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with $200,000+ inc. last year
OHY0100 Other race HHs with less than $10,000 inc. last year
OHY0150 Other race HHs with $10,000-14,999 inc. last year
OHY0200 Other race HHs with $15,000-19,999 inc. last year
OHY0250 Other race HHs with $20,000-24,999 inc. last year
OHY0300 Other race HHs with $25,000-29,999 inc. last year
OHY0350 Other race HHs with $30,000-34,999 inc. last year
OHY0400 Other race HHs with $35,000-39,999 inc. last year
OHY0450 Other race HHs with $40,000-44,999 inc. last year
OHY0500 Other race HHs with $45,000-49,999 inc. last year
OHY0600 Other race HHs with $50,000-59,999 inc. last year
OHY0750 Other race HHs with $60,000-74,999 inc. last year
OHY01000 Other race HHs with $75,000-99,999 inc. last year
OHY01250 Other race HHs with $100,000-124,999 inc. last year
OHY01500 Other race HHs with $125,000-149,999 inc. last year
OHY02000 Other race HHs with $150,000-199,999 inc. last year
OHY0M200 Other race HHs with $200,000+ inc. last year
MHY0100 Multiracial HHs with less than $10,000 inc. last year
MHY0150 Multiracial HHs with $10,000-14,999 inc. last year
MHY0200 Multiracial HHs with $15,000-19,999 inc. last year
MHY0250 Multiracial HHs with $20,000-24,999 inc. last year
MHY0300 Multiracial HHs with $25,000-29,999 inc. last year
MHY0350 Multiracial HHs with $30,000-34,999 inc. last year
MHY0400 Multiracial HHs with $35,000-39,999 inc. last year
MHY0450 Multiracial HHs with $40,000-44,999 inc. last year
MHY0500 Multiracial HHs with $45,000-49,999 inc. last year
MHY0600 Multiracial HHs with $50,000-59,999 inc. last year
MHY0750 Multiracial HHs with $60,000-74,999 inc. last year
MHY01000 Multiracial HHs with $75,000-99,999 inc. last year
MHY01250 Multiracial HHs with $100,000-124,999 inc. last year
MHY01500 Multiracial HHs with $125,000-149,999 inc. last year
MHY02000 Multiracial HHs with $150,000-199,999 inc. last year
MHY0M200 Multiracial HHs with $200,000+ inc. last year
HHY0100 Hisp./Latino HHs with less than $10,000 inc. last year
HHY0150 Hisp./Latino HHs with $10,000-14,999 inc. last year
HHY0200 Hisp./Latino HHs with $15,000-19,999 inc. last year
HHY0250 Hisp./Latino HHs with $20,000-24,999 inc. last year
HHY0300 Hisp./Latino HHs with $25,000-29,999 inc. last year
HHY0350 Hisp./Latino HHs with $30,000-34,999 inc. last year
HHY0400 Hisp./Latino HHs with $35,000-39,999 inc. last year
HHY0450 Hisp./Latino HHs with $40,000-44,999 inc. last year
HHY0500 Hisp./Latino HHs with $45,000-49,999 inc. last year
HHY0600 Hisp./Latino HHs with $50,000-59,999 inc. last year
HHY0750 Hisp./Latino HHs with $60,000-74,999 inc. last year
HHY01000 Hisp./Latino HHs with $75,000-99,999 inc. last year
HHY01250 Hisp./Latino HHs with $100,000-124,999 inc. last year
HHY01500 Hisp./Latino HHs with $125,000-149,999 inc. last year
HHY02000 Hisp./Latino HHs with $150,000-199,999 inc. last year
HHY0M200 Hisp./Latino HHs with $200,000+ inc. last year
XHY0100 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with less than $10,000 inc. last year
XHY0150 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $10,000-14,999 inc. last year
XHY0200 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $15,000-19,999 inc. last year
XHY0250 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $20,000-24,999 inc. last year
XHY0300 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $25,000-29,999 inc. last year
XHY0350 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $30,000-34,999 inc. last year
XHY0400 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $35,000-39,999 inc. last year
XHY0450 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $40,000-44,999 inc. last year
XHY0500 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $45,000-49,999 inc. last year
XHY0600 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $50,000-59,999 inc. last year
XHY0750 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $60,000-74,999 inc. last year
XHY01000 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $75,000-99,999 inc. last year
XHY01250 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $100,000-124,999 inc. last year
XHY01500 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $125,000-149,999 inc. last year
XHY02000 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $150,000-199,999 inc. last year
XHY0M200 Non-Hisp./Latino White HHs with $200,000+ inc. last year
MDHHY0 Median HH inc. last year ($)
PERS5170 Persons 5-17 years old
YTHPOP0 Persons 18-24 years old
PERS640 Persons 18-64 years old
PERS65P0 Persons 65+ years old
FEM40 Females 0-4 years old
FEM90 Females 5-9 years old
FEM140 Females 10-14 years old
FEM190 Females 15-19 years old
FEM170A Females 15-17 years old
FEM190A Females 18-19 years old
FEM240 Females 20-24 years old
FEM290 Females 25-29 years old
FEM340 Females 30-34 years old
FEM440 Females 35-44 years old
FEM540 Females 45-54 years old
FEM640 Females 55-64 years old
FEM740 Females 65-74 years old
FEM750 Females 75+ years old
MEN40 Males 0-4 years old
MEN90 Males 5-9 years old
MEN140 Males 10-14 years old
MEN190 Males 15-19 years old
MEN170A Males 15-17 years old
MEN190A Males 18-19 years old
MEN240 Males 20-24 years old
MEN290 Males 25-29 years old
MEN340 Males 30-34 years old
MEN440 Males 35-44 years old
MEN540 Males 45-54 years old
MEN640 Males 55-64 years old
MEN740 Males 65-74 years old
MEN750 Males 75+ years old
WF50 White females 0-4 years old
WF140 White females 5-14 years old
WF590 White females 15-59 years old
WF170A White females 15-17 years old
WF240A White females 18-24 years old
WF590A White females 25-59 years old
WF640 White females 60-64 years old
WF650 White females 65+ years old
WM50 White males 0-4 years old
WM140 White males 5-14 years old
WM590 White males 15-59 years old
WM170A White males 15-17 years old
WM240A White males 18-24 years old
WM590A White males 25-59 years old
WM640 White males 60-64 years old
WM650 White males 65+ years old
BF50 Black/Afr. Am. females 0-4 years old
BF140 Black/Afr. Am. females 5-14 years old
BF590 Black/Afr. Am. females 15-59 years old
BF170A Black/Afr. Am. females 15-17 years old
BF240A Black/Afr. Am. females 18-24 years old
BF590A Black/Afr. Am. females 25-59 years old
BF640 Black/Afr. Am. females 60-64 years old
BF650 Black/Afr. Am. females 65+ years old
BM50 Black/Afr. Am. males 0-4 years old
BM140 Black/Afr. Am. males 5-14 years old
BM590 Black/Afr. Am. males 15-59 years old
BM170A Black/Afr. Am. males 15-17 years old
BM240A Black/Afr. Am. males 18-24 years old
BM590A Black/Afr. Am. males 25-59 years old
BM640 Black/Afr. Am. males 60-64 years old
BM650 Black/Afr. Am. males 65+ years old
IF50 Am. Indian females 0-4 years old
IF140 Am. Indian females 5-14 years old
IF590 Am. Indian females 15-59 years old
IF170A Am. Indian females 15-17 years old
IF240A Am. Indian females 18-24 years old
IF590A Am. Indian females 25-59 years old
IF640 Am. Indian females 60-64 years old
IF650 Am. Indian females 65+ years old
IM50 Am. Indian males 0-4 years old
IM140 Am. Indian males 5-14 years old
IM590 Am. Indian males 15-59 years old
IM170A Am. Indian males 15-17 years old
IM240A Am. Indian males 18-24 years old
IM590A Am. Indian males 25-59 years old
IM640 Am. Indian males 60-64 years old
IM650 Am. Indian males 65+ years old
AF50 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 0-4 years old
AF140 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 5-14 years old
AF590 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 15-59 years old
AF170A Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 15-17 years old
AF240A Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 18-24 years old
AF590A Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 25-59 years old
AF640 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 60-64 years old
AF650 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 65+ years old
AM50 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 0-4 years old
AM140 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 5-14 years old
AM590 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 15-59 years old
AM170A Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 15-17 years old
AM240A Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 18-24 years old
AM590A Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 25-59 years old
AM640 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 60-64 years old
AM650 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 65+ years old
RF50 Asian females 0-4 years old
RF140 Asian females 5-14 years old
RF590 Asian females 15-59 years old
RF170A Asian females 15-17 years old
RF240A Asian females 18-24 years old
RF590A Asian females 25-59 years old
RF640 Asian females 60-64 years old
RF650 Asian females 65+ years old
RM50 Asian males 0-4 years old
RM140 Asian males 5-14 years old
RM590 Asian males 15-59 years old
RM170A Asian males 15-17 years old
RM240A Asian males 18-24 years old
RM590A Asian males 25-59 years old
RM640 Asian males 60-64 years old
RM650 Asian males 65+ years old
PF50 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 0-4 years old
PF140 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 5-14 years old
PF590 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 15-59 years old
PF170A Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 15-17 years old
PF240A Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 18-24 years old
PF590A Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 25-59 years old
PF640 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 60-64 years old
PF650 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 65+ years old
PM50 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 0-4 years old
PM140 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 5-14 years old
PM590 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 15-59 years old
PM170A Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 15-17 years old
PM240A Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 18-24 years old
PM590A Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 25-59 years old
PM640 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 60-64 years old
PM650 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 65+ years old
OF50 Other race females 0-4 years old
OF140 Other race females 5-14 years old
OF590 Other race females 15-59 years old
OF170A Other race females 15-17 years old
OF240A Other race females 18-24 years old
OF590A Other race females 25-59 years old
OF640 Other race females 60-64 years old
OF650 Other race females 65+ years old
OM50 Other race males 0-4 years old
OM140 Other race males 5-14 years old
OM590 Other race males 15-59 years old
OM170A Other race males 15-17 years old
OM240A Other race males 18-24 years old
OM590A Other race males 25-59 years old
OM640 Other race males 60-64 years old
OM650 Other race males 65+ years old
MF50 Multiracial females 0-4 years old
MF140 Multiracial females 5-14 years old
MF590 Multiracial females 15-59 years old
MF170A Multiracial females 15-17 years old
MF240A Multiracial females 18-24 years old
MF590A Multiracial females 25-59 years old
MF640 Multiracial females 60-64 years old
MF650 Multiracial females 65+ years old
MM50 Multiracial males 0-4 years old
MM140 Multiracial males 5-14 years old
MM590 Multiracial males 15-59 years old
MM170A Multiracial males 15-17 years old
MM240A Multiracial males 18-24 years old
MM590A Multiracial males 25-59 years old
MM640 Multiracial males 60-64 years old
MM650 Multiracial males 65+ years old
HF50 Hisp./Latino females 0-4 years old
HF140 Hisp./Latino females 5-14 years old
HF590 Hisp./Latino females 15-59 years old
HF170A Hisp./Latino females 15-17 years old
HF240A Hisp./Latino females 18-24 years old
HF590A Hisp./Latino females 25-59 years old
HF640 Hisp./Latino females 60-64 years old
HF650 Hisp./Latino females 65+ years old
HM50 Hisp./Latino males 0-4 years old
HM140 Hisp./Latino males 5-14 years old
HM590 Hisp./Latino males 15-59 years old
HM170A Hisp./Latino males 15-17 years old
HM240A Hisp./Latino males 18-24 years old
HM590A Hisp./Latino males 25-59 years old
HM640 Hisp./Latino males 60-64 years old
HM650 Hisp./Latino males 65+ years old
XF50 Non-Hisp./Latino White females 0-4 years old
XF140 Non-Hisp./Latino White females 5-14 years old
XF590 Non-Hisp./Latino White females 15-59 years old
XF170A Non-Hisp./Latino White females 15-17 years old
XF240A Non-Hisp./Latino White females 18-24 years old
XF590A Non-Hisp./Latino White females 25-59 years old
XF640 Non-Hisp./Latino White females 60-64 years old
XF650 Non-Hisp./Latino White females 65+ years old
XM50 Non-Hisp./Latino White males 0-4 years old
XM140 Non-Hisp./Latino White males 5-14 years old
XM590 Non-Hisp./Latino White males 15-59 years old
XM170A Non-Hisp./Latino White males 15-17 years old
XM240A Non-Hisp./Latino White males 18-24 years old
XM590A Non-Hisp./Latino White males 25-59 years old
XM640 Non-Hisp./Latino White males 60-64 years old
XM650 Non-Hisp./Latino White males 65+ years old
SPNENY0N Persons 5-17 years old who speak Spanish and speak English not well or not at all
ASNENY0N Persons 5-17 years old who speak Asian language and speak English not well or not at all
OTNENY0N Persons 5-17 years old who speak other language and speak English not well or not at all
YSPANSP0 Persons 5-17 years old who speak Spanish language
YASNSP0 Persons 5-17 years old who speak Asian language
YOTHSP0 Persons 5-17 years old who speak other language
SPNENO0N Persons 18-64 years old who speak Spanish and speak English not well or not at all
ASNENO0N Persons 18-64 years old who speak Asian language and speak English not well or not at all
OSPANSP0 Persons 18-64 years old who speak Spanish language
OASNSP0 Persons 18-64 years old who speak Asian language
OOTHSP0 Persons 18-64 years old who speak other language
YENGSP0 Persons 5-17 years old who speak only English
OTNENO0N Persons 18-64 years old who speak other language and speak English not well or not at all
OENGSP0 Persons 18-64 years old who speak only English
SPNENE0N Persons 65+ years old who speak Spanish and speak English not well or not at all
ASNENE0N Persons 65+ years old who speak Asian language and speak English not well or not at all
OTNENE0N Persons 65+ years old who speaks other language and speak English not well or not at all
EENGSP0 Persons 65+ years old who speak only English
ESPANSP0 Persons 65+ years old who speak Spanish language
EASNSP0 Persons 65+ years old who speak Asian language
EOTHSP0 Persons 65+ years old who speak other language
TOTHSUN0 Total housing units
SMPHSU0 Unweighted sample count of housing units (long form)
OCCHU0 Total occupied housing units
VACHU0 Total vacant housing units
VACRT0 Vacant housing units for rent
VACFS0 Vacant housing units for sale only
VACRS0 Vacant housing units rented or sold, not occupied
VACOCC0 Vacant housing units for seasonal, recreational or occasional use
VACMW0 Vacant housing for migrant workers
VACOTX0 Vacant housing units, other vacant
VACOTH0 Vacant housing units, other vacant (1990 def.)
RNTOCC0 Total renter-occ. housing units
OWNOCC0 Total owner-occ. housing units
SPRNTOC0 Total spec. renter-occ. housing units
SPOWNOC0 Total spec. owner-occ. housing units
PRSOCU0 Persons in occupied housing units
PRSOWNU0 Persons in owner-occ. housing units
PRSRNTU0 Persons in occupied rental units
OWNCR100 Owner-occ. housing units with 1.01-1.50 occupants per room
OWNCR150 Owner-occ. housing units with 1.51-2.00 occupants per room
OWNCR200 Owner-occ. housing units with more than 2.00 occupants per room
RNTCR100 Renter-occ. housing units with 1.01-1.50 occupants per room
RNTCR150 Renter-occ. housing units with 1.51-2.00 occupants per room
RNTCR200 Renter-occ. housing units with more than 2.00 occupants per room
TOTOCCW0 Total White occupied housing units
TOTOCCB0 Black/Afr. Am. occupied housing units
TOTOCCI0 Am. Indian and AK Native occupied housing units
TOTOCCA0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. occupied housing units
TOTOCCR0 Asian occupied housing units
TOTOCCP0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. occupied housing units
TOTOCCO0 Other race occupied housing units
TOTOCCM0 Total multiracial occupied housing units
TOTOCCH0 Hisp./Latino occupied housing units
TOTOCCX0 Non-Hisp./Latino White occupied housing units
OWNOCCW0 White owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCB0 Black owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCI0 Am. Indian owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCA0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCR0 Asian owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCP0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCO0 Other race owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCM0 Multiracial owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCH0 Hisp./Latino owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCX0 Non-Hisp./Latino White owner-occ. housing units
RNTOCCW0 White renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCB0 Black renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCI0 Am. Indian and AK Native renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCA0 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCR0 Asian renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCP0 Native HI and other Pac. Isl. renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCO0 Other race renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCM0 Multiracial renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCH0 Hisp./Latino renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCX0 Non-Hisp./Latino White renter-occ. housing units
YMVT0000 Occupied housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1999 and March 2000
YMVT0980 Occupied housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1995 and 1998
YMVT0940 Occupied housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1990 and 1994
YMVT0890 Occupied housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1980 and 1989
YMVT0790 Occupied housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1970 and 1979
YMVT0690 Occupied housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1969 or earlier
YMVR0000 Renter-occ. housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1999 and March 2000
YMVR0980 Renter-occ. housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1995 and 1998
YMVR0940 Renter-occ. housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1990 and 1994
YMVR0890 Renter-occ. housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1980 and 1989
YMVR0790 Renter-occ. housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1970 and 1979
YMVR0690 Renter-occ. housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1969 or earlier
AGGRMS0 Aggregate rooms in total housing units
BDTOT00 Total housing units with 0 bedrooms
BDTOT10 Total housing units with 1 bedroom
BDTOT20 Total housing units with 2 bedrooms
BDTOT30 Total housing units with 3 bedrooms
BDTOT40 Total housing units with 4 bedrooms
BDTOT50 Total housing units with 5+ bedrooms
BDOCC00 Occupied housing units with 0 bedrooms
BDOCC10 Occupied housing units with 1 bedroom
BDOCC20 Occupied housing units with 2 bedrooms
BDOCC30 Occupied housing units with 3 bedrooms
BDOCC40 Occupied housing units with 4 bedrooms
BDOCC50 Occupied housing units with 5+ bedrooms
BDRNT00 Renter-occ. housing units with 0 bedrooms
BDRNT10 Renter-occ. housing units with 1 bedroom
BDRNT20 Renter-occ. housing units with 2 bedrooms
BDRNT30 Renter-occ. housing units with 3 bedrooms
BDRNT40 Renter-occ. housing units with 4 bedrooms
BDRNT50 Renter-occ. housing units with 5+ bedrooms
TTUNIT10 Total housing units consisting of 1 unit, detached
TTUNIT20 Total housing units consisting of 1 unit, attached
TTUNIT30 Total housing units consisting of 2 units
TTUNIT40 Total housing units consisting of 3-4 units
TTUNIT50 Total housing units consisting of 5+ units
TTUNT500 Total housing units consisting of 50+ units
TTUNITM0 Total housing units consisting of a mobile home or trailer
TTUNITO0 Total housing units consisting of other type of structure (boat, RV, van)
OCUNIT10 Occupied housing units consisting of 1 unit, detached
OCUNIT20 Occupied housing units consisting of 1 unit, attached
OCUNIT30 Occupied housing units consisting of 2 units
OCUNIT40 Occupied housing units consisting of 3-4 units
OCUNIT50 Occupied housing units consisting of 5+ units
OCUNT500 Occupied housing units consisting of 50+ units
OCUNITM0 Occupied housing units consisting of a mobile home or trailer
OCUNITO0 Occupied housing units consisting of other type of structure (boat, RV, van)
REUNIT10 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of 1 unit, detached
REUNIT20 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of 1 unit, attached
REUNIT30 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of 2 units
REUNIT40 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of 3-4 units
REUNIT50 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of 5+ units
REUNT500 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of 50+ units
REUNITM0 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of a mobile home or trailer
REUNITO0 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of other type of structure
BLTYR000 Total housing units built 1999-March 2000
BLTYR980 Total housing units built 1995-1998
BLTYR940 Total housing units built 1990-1994
BLTYR890 Total housing units built 1980-1989
BLTYR790 Total housing units built 1970-1979
BLTYR690 Total housing units built 1960-1969
BLTYR590 Total housing units built 1950-1959
BLTYR490 Total housing units built 1940-1949
BLTYR390 Total housing units built 1939 or earlier
BLTOC000 Occupied housing units built 1999-March 2000
BLTOC980 Occupied housing units built 1995-1998
BLTOC940 Occupied housing units built 1990-1994
BLTOC890 Occupied housing units built 1980-1989
BLTOC790 Occupied housing units built 1970-1979
BLTOC690 Occupied housing units built 1960-1969
BLTOC590 Occupied housing units built 1950-1959
BLTOC490 Occupied housing units built 1940-1949
BLTOC390 Occupied housing units built 1939 or earlier
BLTRE000 Renter-occ. housing units built 1999-March 2000
BLTRE980 Renter-occ. housing units built 1995-1998
BLTRE940 Renter-occ. housing units built 1990-1994
BLTRE890 Renter-occ. housing units built 1980-1989
BLTRE790 Renter-occ. housing units built 1970-1979
BLTRE690 Renter-occ. housing units built 1960-1969
BLTRE590 Renter-occ. housing units built 1950-1959
BLTRE490 Renter-occ. housing units built 1940-1949
BLTRE390 Renter-occ. housing units built 1939 or earlier
HTFUUG0 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is utility gas
HTFUBG0 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is bottled, tank, or LP gas
HTFUEL0 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is electricity
HTFUOK0 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
HTFUCC0 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is coal or coke
HTFUWD0 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is wood
HTFUOT0 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is solar or other
HTFUNO0 Occupied housing units where no house heating fuel is used
KITYES0 Housing units with complete kitchen facilities
KITNO0 Housing units without complete kitchen facilities
PLMBT0 Occupied housing units with all plumbing facilities
PLMB2T0 Occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities with 1.01+ persons per room
PHONE0N Occupied housing units with a telephone
PHONE0 Prop. of occupied housing units with a telephone
MDVALHS0 Median value of spec. owner-occ. housing units
AGGVAL0 Aggregate value for spec. owner-occ. housing units ($)
MORTSMR0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage
MR01990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are less than $200
MR02990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $200-299
MR03990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $300-399
MR04990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $400-499
MR05990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $500-599
MR06990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $600-699
MR07990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $700-799
MR08990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $800-899
MR09990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $900-999
MR012490 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $1,000-1,249
MR014990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $1,250-1,499
MR019990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $1,500-1,999
MR024990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $2,000-2,499
MR029990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $2,500-2,999
MR030000 Spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $3,000+
MORTSNM0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage
NM0990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are less than $100
NM01490 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $100-149
NM01990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $150-199
NM02490 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $200-249
NM02990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $250-299
NM03490 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $300-349
NM03990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $350-399
NM04990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $400-499
NM05990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $500-599
NM06990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $600-699
NM07990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $700-799
NM08990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $800-899
NM09990 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $900-999
NM010000 Spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $1,000+
MCSMORT0 Median selected mo. owner costs for spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage ($)
MCSNMOR0 Median selected mo. owner costs for spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage ($)
AGCSNM0 Aggregate mo. owner costs for spec. owner-occ. housing units without a mortgage ($)
MNCPI0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are not computed as a pct.
AGCSMO0 Aggregate mo. owner costs for spec. owner-occ. housing units with a mortgage ($)
AGINOO0 Aggregate HH inc. last year for owner-occ. housing units ($)
M29PI100 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-29.9% of last year's inc., which was less than $10,000
M29PI200 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-29.9% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-19,999
M29PIX0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-29.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
M20PI350 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $20,000-34,999
M24PI350 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000-34,999
M29PI350 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-29.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000-34,999
M34PI350 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000-34,999
M35PI350 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $20,000-34,999
MNCPI350 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $20,000-34,999
M20PIXA0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $35,000+
M24PIXA0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $35,000+
M29PIXA0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-29.9% of last year's inc., which was $35,000+
M34PIXA0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $35,000+
M35PIXA0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $35,000+
MNCPIXA0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $35,000+
M20PI0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are less than 20% of their inc. last year
M29PI0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 20-29.9% of their inc. last year
M39PI0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 30-39.9% of their inc. last year
M49PI0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 40-49.9% of their inc. last year
M50PI0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 50%+ of their inc. last year
M20PI100 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are less than 20% of last year's inc., which was less than $10,000
M24PI100 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was less than $10,000
M34PI100 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was less than $10,000
M35PI100 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 35%+ of last year's inc., which was less than $10,000
MNCPI100 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was less than $10,000
M20PI200 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-19,999
M24PI200 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-19,999
M34PI200 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-19,999
M35PI200 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $10,000-19,999
MNCPI200 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $10,000-19,999
M20PIX0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
M24PIX0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
M34PIX0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
M35PIX0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
MNCPIX0 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $20,000+
GR0990 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of less than $100
GR01490 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $100-149
GR01990 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $150-199
GR02490 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $200-249
GR02990 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $250-299
GR03490 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $300-349
GR03990 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $350-399
GR04490 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $400-449
GR04990 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $450-499
GR05490 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $500-549
GR05990 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $550-599
GR06490 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $600-649
GR06990 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $650-699
GR07490 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $700-749
GR07990 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $750-799
GR08990 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $800-899
GR09990 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $900-999
GR012490 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $1000-1249
GR014990 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $1250-1499
GR019990 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $1500-1999
GR020000 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $2000+
GRNTNCR0 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying no cash rent
MDGRENT0 Median gross rent of spec. renter-occ. housing units paying cash rent
AGGRENT0 Aggregate gross rent of spec. renter-occ. housing units paying cash rent ($)
RENTRTO0 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying cash rent
UTILYES0 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying extra for 1+ utilities
UTILNO0 Spec. renter-occ. housing units not paying extra for any utilities
RNCPI0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is not computed as a pct.
AGINRO0 Aggregate HH inc. last year for renter-occ. housing units ($)
R20PI0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is less than 20% of their inc. last year
R29PI0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 20-29.9% of their inc. last year
R39PI0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 30-39.9% of their inc. last year
R49PI0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 40-49.9% of their inc. last year
R50PI0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 50%+ of their inc. last year
R20PI100 Renter HHs whose gross rent is less than 20% of last year's inc., which was less than $10,000
R24PI100 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was less than $10,000
R29PI100 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-29.9% of last year's inc., which was less than $10,000
R34PI100 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was less than $10,000
R35PI100 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 35%+ of last year's inc., which was less than $10,000
RNCPI100 Renter HHs whose gross rent is not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was less than $10,000
R20PI200 Renter HHs whose gross rent is less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-19,999
R24PI200 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-19,999
R29PI200 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-29.9% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-19,999
R34PI200 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-19,999
R35PI200 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $10,000-19,999
RNCPI200 Renter HHs whose gross rent is not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $10,000-19,999
R20PIX0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
R24PIX0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
R29PIX0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-29.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
R34PIX0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
R35PIX0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
RNCPIX0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $20,000+
R20PI350 Renter HHs whose gross rent is less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $20,000-34,999
R24PI350 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000-34,999
R29PI350 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-29.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000-34,999
R34PI350 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000-34,999
R35PI350 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $20,000-34,999
RNCPI350 Renter HHs whose gross rent is not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $20,000-34,999
R20PIXA0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $35,000+
R24PIXA0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $35,000+
R29PIXA0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-29.9% of last year's inc., which was $35,000+
R34PIXA0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $35,000+
R35PIXA0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $35,000+
RNCPIXA0 Renter HHs whose gross rent is not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $35,000+