CensusCD Neighborhood Change Database - 1980 Variables

VarName Description
GEO1980 Full census tract ID (1980): ssccctttttt
STATECE State (Census)
STUSAB State abbreviation
UCOUNTY Full county ID: ssccc
TRACT80 Census tract ID (1980): tttttt
TRCTCD1 Census tract ID, pt. 1
TRCTCD2 Census tract ID, pt. 2
REGION Census region
DIVIS Census division
SMSA80 Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (1980)
PLACE80 Census place (1980)
UPLACE80 Full census place ID: sspppp (1980)
PLCDSC80 Place description (1980)
MCD80 Minor Civil Division/Census County Division (1980)
TRCTPOP8 Total population
SMPPRS8 Unweighted sample count of persons (long form)
SHR8D Total population for race/ethnicity
SHRWHT8N Total White population
SHRWHT8 Prop. White population
SHRBLK8N Total Black/Afr. Am. population
SHRBLK8 Prop. Black/Afr. Am. population
SHRAMI8N Total Am. Indian/AK Native population
SHRAPI8N Total Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population
SHROTH8N Total other race population
NONHISP8 Persons not of Hisp./Latino origin
SHRNHW8N Total non-Hisp./Latino White population
SHRNHW8 Prop. non-Hisp./Latino White population
SHRNHB8N Total non-Hisp./Latino Black/Afr. Am. population
SHRNHB8 Prop. non-Hisp./Latino Black/Afr. Am. population
SHRNHJ8N Total non-Hisp./Latino Am. Indian, Asian, Native HI, other Pac. Isl. and other race population
SHRNHJ8 Prop. non-Hisp./Latino Am. Indian, Asian, Native HI, other Pac. Isl. and other race population
SHRHSP8N Total Hisp./Latino population
SHRHSP8 Prop. Hisp./Latino population
SHRHW8 Total Hisp./Latino White population
SHRHB8 Total Hisp./Latino Black/Afr. Am. population
WBIAHSP8 White, Black, Am. Indian, Eskimo, Aleut, and Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons of Hisp./Latino origin
MEXIC8 Persons of Mexican origin
PRICAN8 Persons of Puerto Rican origin
CUBAN8 Persons of Cuban origin
OTHHISX8 Persons of other Hisp./Latino origin (1980 def.)
ADULT8N Adults 18+ years old
ADULT8 Prop. of persons who are adults 18+ years old
CHILD8N Children under 18 years old
CHILD8 Prop. of persons who are children under 18 years old
OLD8N Persons 65+ years old
OLD8 Prop. of persons who are 65+ years old
KIDS8N Children under 5 years old
KIDS8 Prop. of persons who are children under 5 years old
GROUPQ8N Population in all group quarters
GROUPQ8 Prop. of population in all group quarters
AGED8N Population in nursing homes or homes for the aged and dependent
AGED8 Prop. of population in nursing homes or homes for the aged and dependent
MENTL8N Population in mental (psychiatric) hospitals
MENTL8 Prop. of population in mental (psychiatric) hospitals
INSTIT8N Population in other institutions
INSTIT8 Prop. of population in other institutions
DORM8N Population in college dormitories
DORM8 Prop. of population in college dormitories
OTHGQ8N Population in other group quarters
OTHGQ8 Prop. of population in other group quarters
NATBORN8 Native born population
OUTBORN8 Population born outside the U.S., not foreign born
FORBORN8 Foreign born population
SHRFOR8 Prop. of population who are foreign born
PERS15P8 Total persons 15+ years old
MEN15P8 Males 15+ years old
FEM15P8 Females 15+ years old
MNEVMAR8 Never married males 15+ years old
MMARSPP8 Married males, spouse present 15+ years old
MDIVOR8 Divorced males 15+ years old
FNEVMAR8 Never married females 15+ years old
FMARSPP8 Married females, spouse present 15+ years old
FDIVOR8 Divorced females 15+ years old
MMARNSP8 Married males, spouse absent
MWIDOW8 Widowed males
FMARNSP8 Married females, spouse absent
FWIDOW8 Widowed females
MGMKT8N Males 16-34 years old
MGMKT8D Females 16-34 years old
MGMKT8 Ratio of males-females, persons 16-34 years old
FAMSUB8 Total families and subfamilies
MOTHERS8 Mothers living with own children
FATHERS8 Fathers living with own children
FMC8N Married-couple familes and subfamilies with own children
FMC8 Prop. of families and subfamilies with own children who are married couples
FFH8N Female-headed families and subfamilies with own children
FFH8D Total families and subfamilies with own children
FFH8 Prop. of families and subfamilies with own children who are female-headed
MCWKID8 Married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
MCNKID8 Married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
MHWKID8 Male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
MHNKID8 Male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
FHWKID8 Female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
FHNKID8 Female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
NONFAM8 Nonfamily HHs
WMCWKID8 White married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
WMCNKID8 White married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
WMHWKID8 White male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
WMHNKID8 White male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
WFHWKID8 White female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
WFHNKID8 White female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
WNONFAM8 White nonfamily HHs
BMCWKID8 Black/Afr. Am. married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
BMCNKID8 Black/Afr. Am. married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
BMHWKID8 Black/Afr. Am. male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
BMHNKID8 Black/Afr. Am. male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
BFHWKID8 Black/Afr. Am. female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
BFHNKID8 Black/Afr. Am. female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
BNONFAM8 Black/Afr. Am. nonfamily HHs
IMCWKID8 Am. Indian married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
IMCNKID8 Am. Indian married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
IMHWKID8 Am. Indian male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
IMHNKID8 Am. Indian male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
IFHWKID8 Am. Indian female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
IFHNKID8 Am. Indian female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
INONFAM8 Am. Indian nonfamily HHs
AMCWKID8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
AMCNKID8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
AMHWKID8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
AMHNKID8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
AFHWKID8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
AFHNKID8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
ANONFAM8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. nonfamily HHs
OMCWKID8 Other race married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
OMCNKID8 Other race married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
OMHWKID8 Other race male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
OMHNKID8 Other race male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
OFHWKID8 Other race female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
OFHNKID8 Other race female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
ONONFAM8 Other race nonfamily HHs
HMCWKID8 Hisp./Latino married-couple families with own children under 18 years old
HMCNKID8 Hisp./Latino married-couple families without own children under 18 years old
HMHWKID8 Hisp./Latino male-headed families with own children under 18 years old
HMHNKID8 Hisp./Latino male-headed families without own children under 18 years old
HFHWKID8 Hisp./Latino female-headed families with own children under 18 years old
HFHNKID8 Hisp./Latino female-headed families without own children under 18 years old
HNONFAM8 Hisp./Latino nonfamily HHs
WRCNTY8N Workers 16+ years old working within their county of residence
WRCNTY8D Workers 16+ years old reporting place of work
WRCNTY8 Prop. of persons working within their county of residence
WRKSM8N Workers 16+ years old working within their metro area of residence
WRKSM8D Workers 16+ years old living within a metro area
WRKSM8 Prop. of workers who live in a metro area and work within the same metro area
WORKSUB8 Workers 16+ years old not living in a metro area
TRVLPB8N Workers 16+ years old traveling-work on public transportation
TRVLPB8D Workers 16+ years old working outside the home
TRVLPB8 Prop. of population working at home who travel-work on public transportation
NOCAR8 Occupied housing units with no car available
CAR18 Occupied housing units with one vehicle available
CAR28 Occupied housing units with two vehicles available
CAR38 Occupied housing units with three+ vehicles available
CAR8 Occupied housing units with at least one vehicle available
NOCARWT8 White HHs with no car available
NOCARBK8 Black/Afr. Am. HHs with no car available
NOCARAI8 Am. Indian HHs with no car available
NOCARAP8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. HHs with no car available
NOCAROT8 Other race HHs with no car available
NOCARHS8 Hisp./Latino HHs with no car available
WKHOME8 Workers 16+ years old working at home
AUTO8 Workers 16+ years old traveling-work by car, truck, or van
COMMUT28 Workers 16+ years old with travel time-work less than 20 minutes or work at home
COMMUT48 Workers 16+ years old with travel time-work 20-44 minutes
COMMUTX8 Workers 16+ years old with travel time-work more than 45 minutes
SMHSE8N Persons 5+ years old residing in the same house five years ago
SMHSE8D Persons 5+ years old
SMHSE8 Prop. of persons 5+ years old residing in the same house five years ago
LCLMV8N Persons 5+ years old residing in a different house five years ago but in the same county
LCLMV8 Prop. of persons 5+ years old residing in a different house five years ago but in the same county
SMCNTY8N Persons 5+ years old residing in the same county five years ago
SMCNTY8 Prop. of persons 5+ years old residing in the same county five years ago
SMST8N Persons 5+ years old residing in same state five years ago
SMSTATE8 Prop. of persons 5+ years old residing in same state five years ago
FROMNE8 Persons 5+ years old residing in a different state in the northeast five years ago
FROMMW8 Persons 5+ years old residing in a different state in the midwest five years ago
FROMS8 Persons 5+ years old residing in a different state in the south five years ago
FROMW8 Persons 5+ years old residing in a different state in the west five years ago
FROMFOR8 Persons 5+ years old residing outside the U.S. five years ago
WRSTAT8N Workers 16+ years old working within their state of residence
WRSTAT8 Prop. of workers 16+ years old working within their state of residence
WRKSC8N Workers 16+ years old working within the central city of their metro area of residence
WRKSC8 Prop. of workers 16+ years old working within the central city of their metro area of residence
WRKOM8N Workers 16+ years old working outside of metro area of residence
WRKOM8 Prop. of workers 16+ years old working outside of metro area of residence
WORKNR8 Workers 16+ years old not reporting place of work
TRVLOT8N Workers 16+ years old traveling-work by walking or other means
TRVLOT8 Prop. of workers 16+ years old traveling-work by walking or other means
EDUC88 Persons 25+ years old who have competed 0-8 years of school
EDUC118 Persons 25+ years old who have completed 9-12 years of school but no diploma
EDUC128 Persons 25+ years old who have completed h.s. but no college
EDUC158 Persons 25+ years old who have completed some college but no degree
EDUC168 Persons 25+ years old who have a bachelors or graduate/professional degree
EDUCPP8 Persons 25+ years old
HSDROP8N Persons 16-19 years old neither enrolled in nor graduated from h.s.
HSDROP8D Persons 16-19 years old
HSDROP8 Prop. of persons 16-19 years old neither enrolled in nor graduated from h.s.
WP25P8 White persons 25+ years old
WEDLT98 White persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
WEDLTHS8 White persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
WEDHSG8 White persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
WEDSC8 White persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
WEDCG8 White persons 25+ years old with college degree+
BP25P8 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old
BEDLT98 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
BEDLTHS8 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
BEDHSG8 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
BEDSC8 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
BEDCG8 Black/Afr. Am. persons 25+ years old with college degree+
IP25P8 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old
IEDLT98 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
IEDLTHS8 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
IEDHSG8 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
IEDSC8 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
IEDCG8 Am. Indian persons 25+ years old with college degree+
AP25P8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old
AEDLT98 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
AEDLTHS8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
AEDHSG8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
AEDSC8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
AEDCG8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. persons 25+ years old with college degree+
OP25P8 Other race persons 25+ years old
OEDLT98 Other race persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
OEDLTHS8 Other race persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
OEDHSG8 Other race persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
OEDSC8 Other race persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
OEDCG8 Other race persons 25+ years old with college degree+
HP25P8 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old
HEDLT98 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old with less than 9th grade education
HEDLTHS8 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old with 9th-12th grade education, no diploma
HEDHSG8 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old with h.s. diploma but no college
HEDSC8 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old with some college but no degree
HEDCG8 Hisp./Latino persons 25+ years old with college degree+
PRFEMP8 Persons 16+ years old employed in manufacturing, transportation and public administration
INDEMP8 Civilian employed persons 16+ years old
USKOCC8 Persons 16+ years old employed as operators, assemblers, transportation, material moving, nonfarm laborers, and service workers
OCC18 Persons 16+ years old employed in professional and technical occupations
OCC28 Persons 16+ years old employed as executives, managers, and administrators (excl. farms)
OCC38 Persons 16+ years old employed as sales workers
OCC48 Persons 16+ years old employed as administrative support and clerical workers
OCC58 Persons 16+ years old employed as precision production, craft, and repair workers
OCC68 Persons 16+ years old employed as operators, assemblers, transportation, and material moving workers
OCC78 Persons 16+ years old employed as nonfarm laborers
OCC88 Persons 16+ years old employed as service workers
OCC98 Persons 16+ years old employed as farm workers or in forestry and fishing
MNOPRT8N Males 16+ years old working 0-26 weeks last year
MNOPRT8D Males 16+ years old
FNOPRT8N Females 16+ years old working 0-26 weeks last year
FNOPRT8D Females 16+ years old
FEMLAB8 Females 16+ years old in the civilian labor force
FNOLF8 Females 16+ years old not in the labor force
ALTLAB8 Females 16+ years old in the civilian labor force; persons 18-24 years old; persons foreign born
UNEMPT8N Persons 16+ years old in the civilian labor force and unemployed
UNEMPT8D Persons 16+ years old in the civilian labor force
UNEMPRT8 Prop. of persons 16+ years old who are in the civilian labor force and unemployed
LFRAT8D Persons 16+ years old not in armed forces
LFRAT8 Prop. of persons 16+ years old not in armed forces who are in the civilian labor force
ARMFRM8 Males 16+ years old in the armed forces
ARMFRF8 Females 16+ years old in the armed forces
CMEPR8N Employed civilian males 16+ years old
CMEPR8D Males 16+ years old not in the armed forces
MEPR8 Prop. of males 16+ years old who are in the armed forces or employed
CFEPR8N Employed civilian females 16+ years old
CFEPR8D Females 16+ years old
FEPR8 Prop. of females 16+ years old who are in the armed forces or employed
EPR8 Prop. of persons 16+ years old who are in the armed forces or employed
WM16P8 White males 16+ years old
WMMIL8 White males 16+ years old in armed forces
WMEMP8 Employed White males 16+ years old
WMUNEMP8 Unemployed White males 16+ years old
WMNILF8 White males 16+ years old not in labor force
WF16P8 White females 16+ years old
WFMIL8 White females 16+ years old in armed forces
WFEMP8 Employed White females 16+ years old
WFUNEMP8 Unemployed White females 16+ years old
WFNILF8 White females 16+ years old not in labor force
BM16P8 Black/Afr. Am. males 16+ years old
BMMIL8 Black/Afr. Am. males 16+ years old in armed forces
BMEMP8 Employed Black/Afr. Am. males 16+ years old
BMUNEMP8 Unemployed Black/Afr. Am. males 16+ years old
BMNILF8 Black/Afr. Am. males 16+ years old not in labor force
BF16P8 Black/Afr. Am. females 16+ years old
BFMIL8 Black/Afr. Am. females 16+ years old in armed forces
BFEMP8 Employed Black/Afr. Am. females 16+ years old
BFUNEMP8 Unemployed Black/Afr. Am. females 16+ years old
BFNILF8 Black/Afr. Am. females 16+ years old not in labor force
IM16P8 Am. Indian males 16+ years old
IMMIL8 Am. Indian males 16+ years old in armed forces
IMEMP8 Employed Am. Indian males 16+ years old
IMUNEMP8 Unemployed Am. Indian males 16+ years old
IMNILF8 Am. Indian males 16+ years old not in labor force
IF16P8 Am. Indian females 16+ years old
IFMIL8 Am. Indian females 16+ years old in armed forces
IFEMP8 Employed Am. Indian females 16+ years old
IFUNEMP8 Unemployed Am. Indian females 16+ years old
IFNILF8 Am. Indian females 16+ years old not in labor force
AM16P8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old
AMMIL8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old in armed forces
AMEMP8 Employed Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old
AMUNEMP8 Unemployed Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old
AMNILF8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 16+ years old not in labor force
AF16P8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old
AFMIL8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old in armed forces
AFEMP8 Employed Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old
AFUNEMP8 Unemployed Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old
AFNILF8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 16+ years old not in labor force
OM16P8 Other race males 16+ years old
OMMIL8 Other males 16+ years old in armed forces
OMEMP8 Employed other males 16+ years old
OMUNEMP8 Unemployed other males 16+ years old
OMNILF8 Other race males 16+ years old not in labor force
OF16P8 Other race females 16+ years old
OFMIL8 Other race females 16+ years old in armed forces
OFEMP8 Employed other race females 16+ years old
OFUNEMP8 Unemployed other race females 16+ years old
OFNILF8 Other race females 16+ years old not in labor force
HM16P8 Hisp./Latino males 16+ years old
HMMIL8 Hisp./Latino males 16+ years old in armed forces
HMEMP8 Employed Hisp./Latino males 16+ years old
HMUNEMP8 Unemployed Hisp./Latino males 16+ years old
HMNILF8 Hisp./Latino males 16+ years old not in labor force
HF16P8 Hisp./Latino females 16+ years old
HFMIL8 Hisp./Latino females 16+ years old in armed forces
HFEMP8 Employed Hisp./Latino females 16+ years old
HFUNEMP8 Unemployed Hisp./Latino females 16+ years old
HFNILF8 Hisp./Latino females 16+ years old not in labor force
WORKER08 Families with no workers last year
WORKER18 Families with 1 worker last year
WORKR2P8 Families with 2+ workers last year
MNOWORK8 Males 16+ years old who did not work last year
FNOWORK8 Females 16+ years old who did not work last year
MNOPRT8A Males 16+ years old who worked 1-26 weeks last year
MNOFLT8D Males 16+ years old who worked over 26 weeks last year and usually 35+ hours per week
MNTWRK8D Males 16+ years old who did not work last year
MNPRTD8D Males 16+ years old who worked over 26 weeks last year and usually 1-34 hours per week
FNOPRT8A Females 16+ years old who worked 1-26 weeks last year
FNOFLT8D Females 16+ years old who worked over 26 weeks last year and usually 35+ hours per week
FNTWRK8D Females 16+ years old who did not work last year
FNPRTD8D Females 16+ years old who worked over 26 weeks last year and usually 1-34 hours per week
POVRAT8N Total persons below the poverty level last year
POVRAT8D Total population with poverty status determined
POVRAT8 Prop. of total persons below the poverty level last year
WHTPR8N White persons below the poverty level last year
WHTPR8D White population with poverty status determined
WHTPR8 Prop. of White persons below the poverty level last year
BLKPR8N Black/Afr. Am. persons below the poverty level last year
BLKPR8D Black/Afr. Am. population with poverty status determined
BLKPR8 Prop. of Black/Afr. Am. persons below the poverty level last year
INDPR8N Am. Indian population below the poverty line last year
INDPR8D Am. Indian population with poverty status determined
INDPR8 Prop. of Am. Indian population below the poverty line last year
ASNPR8N Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population below the poverty line last year
ASNPR8D Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population with poverty status determined
ASNPR8 Prop. of Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. population below the poverty line last year
OTHPR8N Other race population below the poverty line last year
OTHPR8D Other race population with poverty status determined
OTHPR8 Prop. of other race population below the poverty line last year
HISPR8N Hisp./Latino persons below the poverty level last year
HISPR8D Hisp./Latino population with poverty status determined
HISPR8 Prop. of Hisp./Latino persons below the poverty level last year
WELFAR8N Households with public assistance inc. (incl. SSI) last year
WELFARE8 Prop. of HHs with public assistance inc. last year
LTPOVL8 Total persons with inc. below the poverty line
TOTNONP8 Total nonpoor persons last year
NELPOO8N Total nonelderly persons under 65 years old below the poverty level last year
NELPOO8D Persons under 65 years old with poverty status determined
NELPOOR8 Prop. of nonelderly persons under 65 years old below the poverty level last year
ELDPOO8N Elderly persons 65+ years old below the poverty level last year
ELDPOO8D Elderly persons 65+ years old with poverty status determined
ELDPOO8 Prop. of elderly persons 65+ years old below the poverty level last year
AVWEL8N Aggregate HH public assistance inc. ($)
AVWELIN8 Average public assistance inc. for HHs on public assistance last year ($)
PVRAT78 Persons with ratio of inc.-poverty level last year below 0.75
PVRAT128 Persons with ratio of inc.-poverty level last year between 0.75 and 1.24
PVRAT158 Persons with ratio of inc.-poverty level last year between 1.25 and 1.49
PVRAT208 Persons with ratio of inc.-poverty level last year between 1.50 and 1.99
PVRATG28 Persons with ratio of inc.-poverty level last year 2.0 or greater
FAVINC8N Aggregate family inc. ($)
FAVINC8D Total families
FAVINC8 Average inc. per family ($)
FALT138 Families with $10,000-12,499 inc. last year
FALT158 Families with $12,500-14,999 inc. last year
FALT188 Families with $15,000-17,499 inc. last year
FALT208 Families with $17,500-19,999 inc. last year
FALT238 Families with $20,000-22,499 inc. last year
FALT258 Families with $22,500-24,999 inc. last year
FALT288 Families with $25,000-27,499 inc. last year
FALT308 Families with $27,500-29,999 inc. last year
FALT358 Families with $30,000-34,999 inc. last year
FALT408 Families with $35,000-39,999 inc. last year
FALT498 Families with $40,000-49,999 inc. last year
FALT758 Families with $50,000-74,999 inc. last year
FALTMX8 Families with $75,000+ inc. last year
FALT38 Families with under $2,500 inc. last year
FALT58 Families with $2,500-4,999 inc. last year
FALT88 Families with $5,000-7,499 inc. last year
FALT108 Families with $7,500-9,999 inc. last year
AVHHIN8N Aggregate HH inc. last year ($)
AVHHIN8 Average HH inc. last year ($)
AVEMER8N Aggregate HH wage and salary inc. last year ($)
AVEMER8D Households with wage and salary inc. last year
AVEMER8 Average HH wage and salary inc. last year ($)
AVSEME8N Aggregate HH self-employment inc. last year ($)
AVSEME8D Households with self-employment inc. last year
AVSEMER8 Average HH self-employment inc. last year ($)
AVGERN8N Aggregate HH earned inc. last year ($)
AVGERN8D Households with earned inc. last year
AVGERN8 Average HH earned inc. last year ($)
AVFINY8N Aggregate HH financial inc. (interest, dividends, rental inc.) last year ($)
AVFINY8D Households with financial inc. (interest, dividends, rental inc.) last year
AVFINY8 Average HH financial inc. (interest, dividends, rental inc.) last year ($)
AVSOCS8N Aggregate HH social security inc. last year ($)
AVSOCS8D Households with social security inc. last year
AVSOCS8 Average HH social security inc. last year ($)
AVPBLA8N Aggregate HH public assistance inc. (incl. SSI) last year ($)
AVPBLA8D Households with public assistance inc. (incl. SSI) last year
AVPBLA8 Average HH public assistance inc. (incl. SSI) last year ($)
AVOTY88N Aggregate HH other inc. last year ($)
AVOTY88D Households with other inc. last year
AVOTY88 Average HH other inc. last year ($)
WFALT58 White families with under $5,000 inc. last year
WFALT88 White families with $5,000-7,499 inc. last year
WFALT108 White families with $7,500-9,999 inc. last year
WFALT158 White families with $10,000- $14,999 inc. last year
WFALT208 White families with $15,000- $19,999 inc. last year
WFALT258 White families with $20,000- $24,999 inc. last year
WFALT358 White families with $25,000- $34,999 inc. last year
WFALT508 White families with $35,000- $49,999 inc. last year
WFALTMX8 White families with $50,000+ inc. last year
BFALT58 Black/Afr. Am. families with under $5,000 inc. last year
BFALT88 Black/Afr. Am. families with $5,000-7,499 inc. last year
BFALT108 Black/Afr. Am. families with $7,500-9,999 inc. last year
BFALT158 Black/Afr. Am. families with $10,000- $14,999 inc. last year
BFALT208 Black/Afr. Am. families with $15,000- $19,999 inc. last year
BFALT258 Black/Afr. Am. families with $20,000- $24,999 inc. last year
BFALT358 Black/Afr. Am. families with $25,000- $34,999 inc. last year
BFALT508 Black/Afr. Am. families with $35,000- $49,999 inc. last year
BFALTMX8 Black/Afr. Am. families with $50,000+ inc. last year
IFALT58 Am. Indian families with under $5,000 inc. last year
IFALT88 Am. Indian families with $5,000-7,499 inc. last year
IFALT108 Am. Indian families with $7,500-9,999 inc. last year
IFALT158 Am. Indian families with $10,000- $14,999 inc. last year
IFALT208 Am. Indian families with $15,000- $19,999 inc. last year
IFALT258 Am. Indian families with $20,000- $24,999 inc. last year
IFALT358 Am. Indian families with $25,000- $34,999 inc. last year
IFALT508 Am. Indian families with $35,000- $49,999 inc. last year
IFALTMX8 Am. Indian families with $50,000+ inc. last year
AFALT58 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. families with under $5,000 inc. last year
AFALT88 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. families with $5,000-7,499 inc. last year
AFALT108 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. families with $7,500-9,999 inc. last year
AFALT158 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. families with $10,000- $14,999 inc. last year
AFALT208 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. families with $15,000- $19,999 inc. last year
AFALT258 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. families with $20,000- $24,999 inc. last year
AFALT358 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. families with $25,000- $34,999 inc. last year
AFALT508 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. families with $35,000- $49,999 inc. last year
AFALTMX8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. families with $50,000+ inc. last year
OFALT58 Other race families with under $5,000 inc. last year
OFALT88 Other race families with $5,000-7,499 inc. last year
OFALT108 Other race families with $7,500-9,999 inc. last year
OFALT158 Other race families with $10,000- $14,999 inc. last year
OFALT208 Other race families with $15,000- $19,999 inc. last year
OFALT258 Other race families with $20,000- $24,999 inc. last year
OFALT358 Other race families with $25,000- $34,999 inc. last year
OFALT508 Other race families with $35,000- $49,999 inc. last year
OFALTMX8 Other race families with $50,000+ inc. last year
HFALT58 Hisp./Latino families with under $5,000 inc. last year
HFALT88 Hisp./Latino families with $5,000-7,499 inc. last year
HFALT108 Hisp./Latino families with $7,500-9,999 inc. last year
HFALT158 Hisp./Latino families with $10,000- $14,999 inc. last year
HFALT208 Hisp./Latino families with $15,000- $19,999 inc. last year
HFALT258 Hisp./Latino families with $20,000- $24,999 inc. last year
HFALT358 Hisp./Latino families with $25,000- $34,999 inc. last year
HFALT508 Hisp./Latino families with $35,000- $49,999 inc. last year
HFALTMX8 Hisp./Latino families with $50,000+ inc. last year
PERS5178 Persons 5-17 years old
YTHPOP8 Persons 18-24 years old
PERS648 Persons 18-64 years old
PERS65P8 Persons 65+ years old
FEM48 Females 0-4 years old
FEM98 Females 5-9 years old
FEM148 Females 10-14 years old
FEM198 Females 15-19 years old
FEM178A Females 15-17 years old
FEM198A Females 18-19 years old
FEM248 Females 20-24 years old
FEM298 Females 25-29 years old
FEM348 Females 30-34 years old
FEM448 Females 35-44 years old
FEM548 Females 45-54 years old
FEM648 Females 55-64 years old
FEM748 Females 65-74 years old
FEM758 Females 75+ years old
MEN48 Males 0-4 years old
MEN98 Males 5-9 years old
MEN148 Males 10-14 years old
MEN198 Males 15-19 years old
MEN178A Males 15-17 years old
MEN198A Males 18-19 years old
MEN248 Males 20-24 years old
MEN298 Males 25-29 years old
MEN348 Males 30-34 years old
MEN448 Males 35-44 years old
MEN548 Males 45-54 years old
MEN648 Males 55-64 years old
MEN748 Males 65-74 years old
MEN758 Males 75+ years old
WF58 White females 0-4 years old
WF148 White females 5-14 years old
WF598 White females 15-59 years old
WF648 White females 60-64 years old
WF658 White females 65+ years old
WM58 White males 0-4 years old
WM148 White males 5-14 years old
WM598 White males 15-59 years old
WM648 White males 60-64 years old
WM658 White males 65+ years old
BF58 Black/Afr. Am. females 0-4 years old
BF148 Black/Afr. Am. females 5-14 years old
BF598 Black/Afr. Am. females 15-59 years old
BF648 Black/Afr. Am. females 60-64 years old
BF658 Black/Afr. Am. females 65+ years old
BM58 Black/Afr. Am. males 0-4 years old
BM148 Black/Afr. Am. males 5-14 years old
BM598 Black/Afr. Am. males 15-59 years old
BM648 Black/Afr. Am. males 60-64 years old
BM658 Black/Afr. Am. males 65+ years old
IF58 Am. Indian females 0-4 years old
IF148 Am. Indian females 5-14 years old
IF598 Am. Indian females 15-59 years old
IF648 Am. Indian females 60-64 years old
IF658 Am. Indian females 65+ years old
IM58 Am. Indian males 0-4 years old
IM148 Am. Indian males 5-14 years old
IM598 Am. Indian males 15-59 years old
IM648 Am. Indian males 60-64 years old
IM658 Am. Indian males 65+ years old
AF58 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 0-4 years old
AF148 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 5-14 years old
AF598 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 15-59 years old
AF648 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 60-64 years old
AF658 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. females 65+ years old
AM58 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 0-4 years old
AM148 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 5-14 years old
AM598 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 15-59 years old
AM648 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 60-64 years old
AM658 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. males 65+ years old
OF58 Other race females 0-4 years old
OF148 Other race females 5-14 years old
OF598 Other race females 15-59 years old
OF648 Other race females 60-64 years old
OF658 Other race females 65+ years old
OM58 Other race males 0-4 years old
OM148 Other race males 5-14 years old
OM598 Other race males 15-59 years old
OM648 Other race males 60-64 years old
OM658 Other race males 65+ years old
HF58 Hisp./Latino females 0-4 years old
HF148 Hisp./Latino females 5-14 years old
HF598 Hisp./Latino females 15-59 years old
HF648 Hisp./Latino females 60-64 years old
HF658 Hisp./Latino females 65+ years old
HM58 Hisp./Latino males 0-4 years old
HM148 Hisp./Latino males 5-14 years old
HM598 Hisp./Latino males 15-59 years old
HM648 Hisp./Latino males 60-64 years old
HM658 Hisp./Latino males 65+ years old
SPNENY8N Persons 5-17 years old who speak Spanish and speak English not well or not at all
YSPANSP8 Persons 5-17 years old who speak Spanish language
YENGSP8 Persons 5-17 years old who speak only English
AONENY8N Persons 5-17 years old who speak Asian/other language and speak English not well or not at all
YASOTSP8 Persons 5-17 years old who speak Asian/other language
SPNENA8N Persons 18+ years old who speak Spanish and speak English not well or not at all
AONENA8N Persons 18+ years old who speak Asian/other language and speak English not well or not at all
AENGSP8 Persons 18+ years old who speak only English
ASPANSP8 Persons 18+ years old who speak Spanish language
AASOTSP8 Persons 18+ years old who speak Asian/other language
TOTHSUN8 Total housing units
SMPHSU8 Unweighted sample count of housing units (long form)
OCCHU8 Total occupied housing units
VACHU8 Total vacant year-round housing units
VACRT8 Vacant housing units for rent
VACFS8 Vacant housing units for sale only
VACOCC8 Vacant housing units for seasonal, recreational or occasional use
VACOTH8 Vacant housing units, other vacant (1990 def.)
RNTOCC8 Total renter-occ. housing units
OWNOCC8 Total owner-occ. housing units
SPRNTOC8 Total spec. renter-occ. housing units
SPOWNOC8 Total spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units
PRSOCU8 Persons in occupied housing units
PRSRNTU8 Persons in occupied rental units
TOTPER18 Persons in occupied housing units consisting of 1 unit, detached
TOTPER28 Persons in occupied housing units consisting of 1 unit, attached
TOTPER38 Persons in occupied housing units consisting of 2 units
TOTPER48 Persons in occupied housing units consisting of 3-4 units
TOTPER58 Persons in occupied housing units consisting of 5+ units
TOTPERM8 Persons in occupied housing units consisting of a mobile home or trailer
RNTPER18 Persons in renter-occ. housing units consisting of 1 unit, detached
RNTPER28 Persons in renter-occ. housing units consisting of 1 unit, attached
RNTPER38 Persons in renter-occ. housing units consisting of 2 units
RNTPER48 Persons in renter-occ. housing units consisting of 3-4 units
RNTPER58 Persons in renter-occ. housing units consisting of 5+ units
RNTPERM8 Persons in renter-occ. housing units consisting of a mobile home or trailer
TOTOCCW8 Total White occupied housing units
TOTOCCB8 Black/Afr. Am. occupied housing units
TOTOCCI8 Am. Indian and AK Native occupied housing units
TOTOCCA8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. occupied housing units
TOTOCCO8 Other race occupied housing units
TOTOCCH8 Hisp./Latino occupied housing units
OWNOCCW8 White owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCB8 Black owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCI8 Am. Indian owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCA8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCO8 Other race owner-occ. housing units
OWNOCCH8 Hisp./Latino owner-occ. housing units
RNTOCCW8 White renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCB8 Black renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCI8 Am. Indian and AK Native renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCA8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCO8 Other race renter-occ. housing units
RNTOCCH8 Hisp./Latino renter-occ. housing units
YRMVT808 Occupied housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1979 and March 1980
YRMVT788 Occupied housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1975 and 1978
YRMVT748 Occupied housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1970 and 1974
YRMVT498 Occupied housing units where hhdr. moved in 1949 or earlier
YRMVR808 Renter-occ. housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1979 and March 1980
YRMVR788 Renter-occ. housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1975 and 1978
YRMVR748 Renter-occ. housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1970 and 1974
YRMVR498 Renter-occ. housing units where hhdr. moved in 1949 or earlier
YRMVT698 Occupied housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1960 and 1969
YRMVT598 Total occupied housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1950 and 1959
YRMVR698 Renter-occ. housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1960 and 1969
YRMVR598 Renter-occ. housing units where hhdr. moved in between 1950 and 1959
MORTS808 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage where hhdr. moved in between 1975 and March 1980
MORTS748 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage where hhdr. moved in between 1970 and 1974
MORTS698 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage where hhdr. moved in between 1960 and 1969
MORTS598 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage where hhdr. moved in 1959 or earlier
AGGRMS8 Aggregate rooms in total housing units
BDTOT08 Total housing units with 0 bedrooms
BDTOT18 Total housing units with 1 bedroom
BDTOT28 Total housing units with 2 bedrooms
BDTOT38 Total housing units with 3 bedrooms
BDTOT48 Total housing units with 4 bedrooms
BDTOT58 Total housing units with 5+ bedrooms
BDOCC08 Occupied housing units with 0 bedrooms
BDOCC18 Occupied housing units with 1 bedroom
BDOCC28 Occupied housing units with 2 bedrooms
BDOCC38 Occupied housing units with 3 bedrooms
BDOCC48 Occupied housing units with 4 bedrooms
BDOCC58 Occupied housing units with 5+ bedrooms
BDRNT08 Renter-occ. housing units with 0 bedrooms
BDRNT18 Renter-occ. housing units with 1 bedroom
BDRNT28 Renter-occ. housing units with 2 bedrooms
BDRNT38 Renter-occ. housing units with 3 bedrooms
BDRNT48 Renter-occ. housing units with 4 bedrooms
BDRNT58 Renter-occ. housing units with 5+ bedrooms
TTUNIT18 Total housing units consisting of 1 unit, detached
TTUNIT28 Total housing units consisting of 1 unit, attached
TTUNIT38 Total housing units consisting of 2 units
TTUNIT48 Total housing units consisting of 3-4 units
TTUNIT58 Total housing units consisting of 5+ units
TTUNITM8 Total housing units consisting of a mobile home or trailer
OCUNIT18 Occupied housing units consisting of 1 unit, detached
OCUNIT28 Occupied housing units consisting of 1 unit, attached
OCUNIT38 Occupied housing units consisting of 2 units
OCUNIT48 Occupied housing units consisting of 3-4 units
OCUNIT58 Occupied housing units consisting of 5+ units
OCUNITM8 Occupied housing units consisting of a mobile home or trailer
REUNIT18 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of 1 unit, detached
REUNIT28 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of 1 unit, attached
REUNIT38 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of 2 units
REUNIT48 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of 3-4 units
REUNIT58 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of 5+ units
REUNITM8 Renter-occ. housing units consisting of a mobile home or trailer
STORY38 Year-round housing units with 1-3 stories
STORY68 Year-round housing units with 4-6 stories
STORY128 Year-round housing units with 7-12 stories
STORY138 Year-round housing units with 13+ stories
ELEVYES8 Year-round housing units with a passenger elevator
ELEVNO8 Year-round housing units without a passenger elevator
BLTYR698 Total housing units built 1960-1969
BLTYR598 Total housing units built 1950-1959
BLTYR498 Total housing units built 1940-1949
BLTYR398 Total housing units built 1939 or earlier
BLTYR808 Year-round housing units built 1979-March 1980
BLTYR788 Year-round housing units built 1975-1978
BLTYR748 Year-round housing units built 1970-1974
BLTOC698 Occupied housing units built 1960-1969
BLTOC598 Occupied housing units built 1950-1959
BLTOC498 Occupied housing units built 1940-1949
BLTOC398 Occupied housing units built 1939 or earlier
BLTOC808 Occupied housing units built 1979-March 1980
BLTOC788 Occupied housing units built 1975-1978
BLTOC748 Occupied housing units built 1970-1974
BLTRE698 Renter-occ. housing units built 1960-1969
BLTRE598 Renter-occ. housing units built 1950-1959
BLTRE498 Renter-occ. housing units built 1940-1949
BLTRE398 Renter-occ. housing units built 1939 or earlier
BLTRE808 Renter-occ. housing units built 1979-March 1980
BLTRE788 Renter-occ. housing units built 1975-1978
BLTRE748 Renter-occ. housing units built 1970-1974
HTFUUG8 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is utility gas
HTFUBG8 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is bottled, tank, or LP gas
HTFUEL8 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is electricity
HTFUOK8 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
HTFUCC8 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is coal or coke
HTFUWD8 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is wood
HTFUOT8 Occupied housing units where heating fuel is solar or other
HTFUNO8 Occupied housing units where no house heating fuel is used
HTEQST8 Year-round housing units where heating equip. is steam or hot water
HTEQFU8 Year-round housing units where heating equip. is central warm-air furnace
HTEQHP8 Year-round housing units where heating equip. is an electric heat pump
HTEQEU8 Year-round housing units where heating equip. is built-in electric unit
HTEQOF8 Year-round housing units where heating equip. is floor, wall, or pipeless furnace
HTEQRF8 Year-round housing units where heating equip. is room heater with flue
HTEQRN8 Year-round housing units where heating equip. is room heater without flue
HTEQOH8 Year-round housing units where heating equip. is fireplace, stove, or portable room heater
HTEQNO8 Year-round housing units which are not heated
COOKUG8 Occupied housing units where cooking fuel is utility gas
COOKBG8 Occupied housing units where cooking fuel is bottled, tank, or LP gas
COOKEL8 Occupied housing units where cooking fuel is electricity
COOKOT8 Occupied housing units where cooking fuel is some other fuel
COOKNO8 Occupied housing units where no cooking fuel is used
WATFUUG8 Occupied housing units where water fuel is utility gas
WATFUBG8 Occupied housing units where water heating fuel is bottled, tank, or LP gas
WATFUEL8 Occupied housing units where water heating fuel is electricity
WATFUOK8 Occupied housing units where water heating fuel is fuel oil or kerosene, etc.
WATFUOT8 Occupied housing units where water heating fuel is some other fuel
WATFUNO8 Occupied housing units where no water heating fuel is used
ACRM18 Year-round housing units with 1 individual room air conditioning unit
ACRM28 Year-round housing units with 2+ individual room air conditioning units
ACCENT8 Year-round housing units with a central air conditioning system
ACNO8 Year-round housing units with no air conditioning
KITYES8 Housing units with complete kitchen facilities
KITNO8 Housing units without complete kitchen facilities
BATH08 Year-round housing units with no baths or only a half-bath
BATH18 Year-round housing units with 1 complete bath
BATH1A8 Year-round housing units with 1 complete bath plus half-bath(s)
BATH28 Year-round housing units with 2+ complete baths
BTHOC08 Occupied housing units with no baths or only a half-bath
BTHOC18 Occupied housing units with 1 complete bath
BTHOC1A8 Occupied housing units with 1 complete bath plus half-bath(s)
BTHOC28 Occupied housing units with 2+ complete baths
BTHRE08 Renter-occ. housing units with no baths or only a half-bath
BTHRE18 Renter-occ. housing units with 1 complete bath
BTHRE1A8 Renter-occ. housing units with 1 complete bath, plus half-bath(s)
BTHRE28 Renter-occ. housing units with 2+ complete baths
PLMBT8 Occupied housing units with all plumbing facilities
PLMB2T8 Occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities with 1.01+ persons per room
PLMBW8 White occupied housing units with all plumbing facilities
PLMBB8 Black/Afr. Am. occupied housing units with all plumbing facilities
PLMBI8 Am. Indian and AK Native occupied housing units with all plumbing facilities
PLMBA8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. occupied housing units with all plumbing facilities
PLMBH8 Hisp./Latino occupied housing units with all plumbing facilities
PLMB39T8 Occupied housing units built 1939 or earlier with complete plumbing facilities
WATPUPR8 Housing units where source of water is a public system or private company
WATWEDR8 Housing units where source of water is an individual drilled well
WATWEDU8 Housing units where source of water is an individual dug well
WATOTH8 Housing units where source of water is some other source
SEWPUB8 Housing units where sewage disposal is a public sewer
SEWSTCP8 Housing units where sewage disposal is a septic tank or cesspool
SEWOTH8 Housing units where sewage disposal is some other means
HTY39P18 Occupied housing units built 1939 or earlier with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and central heating system and with less than 1.01 persons per room
HTY39P28 Occupied housing units built 1939 or earlier with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and central heating system and with 1.01 persons per room+
HTY40P18 Occupied housing units built 1940-March 1980 with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and central heating system and with less than 1.01 persons per room
HTY40P28 Occupied housing units built 1940-March 1980 with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and central heating system and with 1.01 persons per room+
HTN39P18 Occupied housing units built 1939 or earlier with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use but lacking central heating system and with less than 1.01 persons per room
HTN39P28 Occupied housing units built 1939 or earlier with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use but lacking central heating system and with 1.01 persons per room+
HTN40P18 Occupied housing units built 1940-March 1980 with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use but lacking central heating system and with less than 1.01 persons per room
HTN40P28 Occupied housing units built 1940-March 1980 with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use but lacking central heating system and with 1.01 persons per room+
PLMB39W8 White occupied housing units built 1939 or earlier with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use
PLMB39B8 Black/Afr. Am. occupied housing units built 1939 or earlier with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use
PLMB39I8 Am. Indian and AK Native occupied housing units built 1939 or earlier with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use
PLMB39A8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. occupied housing units built 1939 or earlier with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use
PLMB39H8 Hisp./Latino occupied housing units built 1939 or earlier with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use
PLMB2W8 White occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and with 1.01 persons per room+
PLMB2B8 Black/Afr. Am. occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and with 1.01 persons per room+
PLMB2I8 Am. Indian and AK Native occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and with 1.01 persons per room+
PLMB2A8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and with 1.01 persons per room+
PLMB2H8 Hisp./Latino occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and with 1.01 persons per room+
PLMBNHT8 Occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and lacking central heating equip.
PLMBNHW8 White occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and lacking central heating equip.
PLMBNHB8 Black/Afr. Am. occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and lacking central heating equip.
PLMBNHI8 Am. Indian and AK Native occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and lacking central heating equip.
PLMBNHA8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and lacking central heating equip.
PLMBNHH8 Hisp./Latino occupied housing units with complete plumbing facilities for exclusive use and lacking central heating equip.
AGGVAL8 Aggregate value for spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units ($)
MORT1008 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are less than $100
MORT1498 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $100-149
MORT1998 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $150-199
MORT2498 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $200-249
MORT3498 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $300-349
MORT4498 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $400-449
MORT6498 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $600-749
MORT7508 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $750+
MORTSNM8 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage
NMOR508 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are less than $50
CSMW2008 Spec. White owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are less than $200
NMOR748 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $50-74
CSMW2998 Spec. White owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $200-299
NMOR998 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $75-99
CSMW3998 Spec. White owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $300-399
NMOR1248 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $100-124
CSMB2008 Spec. Black/Afr. Am. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are less than $200
CSMB3998 Spec. Black/Afr. Am. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $300-399
CSMI2008 Spec. Am. Indian and AK Native noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are less than $200
CSMI2998 Spec. Am. Indian and AK Native owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $200-299
CSMI3998 Spec. Am. Indian and AK Native owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $300-399
CSMA2008 Spec. Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are less than $200
CSMA2998 Spec. Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $200-299
CSMA3998 Spec. Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $300-399
CSMH2008 Spec. Hisp./Latino owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are less than $200
CSMH2998 Spec. Hisp./Latino owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $200-299
CSMH3998 Spec. Hisp./Latino owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $300-399
MCSMORT8 Median selected mo. owner costs for spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage ($)
MCSNMOR8 Median selected mo. owner costs for spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage ($)
AGCSNM8 Aggregate mo. owner costs for spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage ($)
AGCSM808 Aggregate mo. owner costs for spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage where hhdr. moved in between 1975 and March 1980 ($)
AGCSM748 Aggregate mo. owner costs for spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage where hhdr. moved in between 1970 and 1974 ($)
AGCSM698 Aggregate mo. owner costs for spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage where hhdr. moved in between 1960 and 1969 ($)
AGCSM598 Aggregate mo. owner costs for spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage where hhdr. moved in between 1950 and 1959 ($)
AGCSMO8 Aggregate selected mo. owner costs for spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage ($)
MORT2998 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $250-299
MORT3998 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $350-399
MORT4998 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $450-499
MORT5998 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $500-599
NMOR1498 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $125-149
NMOR1998 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $150-199
NMOR2498 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $200-249
NMOR2508 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $250+
CSMW4998 Spec. White owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $400-499
CSMW5008 Spec. White owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $500+
CSNMW8 Spec. White owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage
CSMB2998 Spec. Black/Afr. Am. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $200-299
CSMB4998 Spec. Black/Afr. Am. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $400-499
CSMB5008 Spec. Black/Afr. Am. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $500+
CSNMB8 Spec. Black/Afr. Am. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage
CSMI4998 Spec. Am. Indian and AK Native owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $400-499
CSMI5008 Spec. Am. Indian and AK Native owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $500+
CSNMI8 Spec. Am. Indian and AK Native owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage
CSMA4998 Spec. Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $400-499
CSMA5008 Spec. Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $500+
CSNMA8 Spec. Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage
CSMH4998 Spec. Hisp./Latino owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $400-499
CSMH5008 Spec. Hisp./Latino owner-occ. noncondo. housing units with a mortgage whose mo. owner costs are $500+
CSNMH8 Spec. Hisp./Latino owner-occ. noncondo. housing units without a mortgage
AGINOO8 Aggregate HH inc. last year for owner-occ. housing units ($)
M20PI58 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are less than 20% of last year's inc., which was less than $5,000
M24PI58 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was less than $5,000
M34PI58 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was less than $5,000
M35PI58 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 35%+ of last year's inc., which was less than $5,000
MNCPI58 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was less than $5,000
M20PI158 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-14,999
M24PI158 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-14,999
M34PI158 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-14,999
M35PI158 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $15,000-19,999
MNCPI158 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $15,000-19,999
M20PI108 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $5,000-9,999
M24PI108 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $5,000-9,999
M34PI108 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $5,000-9,999
M35PI108 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $5,000-9,999
MNCPI108 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $5,000-9,999
M20PI208 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $15,000-19,999
M24PI208 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $15,000-19,999
M34PI208 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $15,000-19,999
M35PI208 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $15,000-19,999
MNCPI208 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $15,000-19,999
M20PIX8 Spec. owner-occ. noncondo. housing units whose mo. owner costs are less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
M24PIX8 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
M34PIX8 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
M35PIX8 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
MNCPIX8 Spec. owner-occ. housing units whose mo. owner costs are not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $20,000+
GRNTNCR8 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying no cash rent
MDGRENT8 Median gross rent of spec. renter-occ. housing units paying cash rent
AGGRENT8 Aggregate gross rent of spec. renter-occ. housing units paying cash rent ($)
AGCRTR08 Aggregate contract rent of spec. renter-occ. housing units paying cash rent ($)
RENTRTO8 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying cash rent
AGCRTVR8 Aggregate contract rent of vacant-for-rent housing units ($)
RENTVCR8 Spec. vacant-for-rent housing units
UTILYES8 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying extra for 1+ utilities
UTILNO8 Spec. renter-occ. housing units not paying extra for any utilities
GRNT1498 Spec. renter-occ. units paying gross cash rent of $120-149
GRNT1998 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $150-199
GRNT2498 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $200-249
GRNT2998 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $250-299
GRNT3498 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $300-349
GRNT3998 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $350-399
GRNT4998 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $400-499
GRNT5008 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $500+
GRNT608 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of less than $60
GRNT798 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $60-79
GRNT998 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $80-99
GRNT1198 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $100-119
GRNT1698 Spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $150-169
GRTW2998 White spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $200-299
GRTW3008 White spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $300+
GRTW1008 White renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of less than $100
GRTW1998 White renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $100-199
GRTWNCR8 White spec. renter-occ. housing units paying no cash rent
GRTB2998 Black/Afr. Am. spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $200-299
GRTB3008 Black/Afr. Am. spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $300+
GRTB1008 Black/Afr. Am. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of less than $100
GRTB1998 Black/Afr. Am. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $100-199
GRTBNCR8 Black/Afr. Am. spec. renter-occ. housing units paying no cash rent
GRTI2998 Am. Indian and AK Native spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $200-299
GRTI3008 Am. Indian and AK Native spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $300+
GRTI1008 Am. Indian and AK Native renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of less than $100
GRTI1998 Am. Indian and AK Native renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $100-199
GRTINCR8 Am. Indian and AK Native spec. renter-occ. housing units paying no cash rent
GRTA2998 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $200-299
GRTA3008 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $300+
GRTA1008 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of less than $100
GRTA1998 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $100-199
GRTANCR8 Asian, Native HI and other Pac. Isl. spec. renter-occ. housing units paying no cash rent
GRTH2998 Hisp./Latino spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $200-299
GRTH3008 Hisp./Latino spec. renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $300+
GRTH1008 Hisp./Latino renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of less than $100
GRTH1998 Hisp./Latino renter-occ. housing units paying gross cash rent of $100-199
GRTHNCR8 Hisp./Latino spec. renter-occ. housing units paying no cash rent
AGINRO8 Aggregate HH inc. last year for renter-occ. housing units ($)
R20PI58 Renter HHs whose gross rent is less than 20% of last year's inc., which was less than $5,000
R24PI58 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was less than $5,000
R34PI58 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was less than $5,000
R35PI58 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 35%+ of last year's inc., which was less than $5,000
RNCPI58 Renter HHs whose gross rent is not computed as a pct. and whose inc. is less than $5,000
R20PI158 Renter HHs whose gross rent is less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-14,999
R24PI158 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-14,999
R34PI158 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $10,000-14,999
R35PI158 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $10,000-14,999
RNCPI158 Renter HHs whose gross rent is not computed as a pct. and whose inc. is $10,000-14,999
R20PI108 Renters whose gross rent is less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $5,000-9,999
R24PI108 Renters whose gross rent is 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $5,000-9,999
R34PI108 Renters whose gross rent is 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $5,000-9,999
R35PI108 Renters whose gross rent is 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $5,000-9,999
RNCPI108 Renters whose gross rent is not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $5,000-9,999
R20PI208 Renters whose gross rent is less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $15,000-19,999
R24PI208 Renters whose gross rent is 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $15,000-19,999
R34PI208 Renters whose gross rent is 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $15,000-19,999
R35PI208 Renters whose gross rent is 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $15,000-19,999
RNCPI208 Renters whose gross rent is not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $15,000-19,999
R20PIX8 Renter HHs whose gross rent is less than 20% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
R24PIX8 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 20-24.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
R34PIX8 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 25-34.9% of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
R35PIX8 Renter HHs whose gross rent is 35%+ of last year's inc., which was $20,000+
RNCPIX8 Renter HHs whose gross rent is not computed as a pct. and whose inc. last year was $20,000+
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