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AreaKey | Block Code (15 characters) |
INTPTLAT | Internal point (latitude six decimal places) |
INTPTLNG | Internal point (longitude six decimal places) |
Region | Region |
Divis | Division |
Stat_ab | State/US Abbreviation |
Stat_ce | State (Census) |
Stat_fp | State (FIPS) |
County | County |
Cnty80 | 1980 FIPS county code (incl. state) |
Tract | Census Tract/Block Numbering area |
Tract80 | 1980 census tract/BNA (where app.) |
BG | Block group |
Block | Block |
CNTYSC | County population Size Code |
Reserv1 | Reserved 1 |
CD102 | Congressional District (102st Congress) |
CD103 | Congressional District (103st Congress) |
CONCITCE | Consolidated City (Census) |
CONCITFP | Consolidated City (FIPS) |
CONCITCC | Consolidated City Class Code |
CONCITSC | Consolidated City population Size Code |
ANRC | Alaska Native Regional Corporation |
AIANACE | American Indian/Alaska Native area (Census) |
AIANAFP | American Indian/Alaska Native area (FIPS) |
AIANACC | American Indian/Alaska Native area Class Code |
COUSUBCE | MCD/CCD County Subdivision (Census) |
COUSUBFP | MCD/CCD County Subdivision (FIPS) |
COUSUBCC | MCD/CCD County Subdivision Class Code |
COUSUBSC | MCD/CCD County Subdivision population Size Code |
PlaceCE | Place (Census) |
PlaceFP | Place (FIPS) |
PlaceCC | Place Class Code |
PlaceDC | Place Description Code |
PlaceSC | Place population Size Code |
PlaceF80 | 1980 FIPS place code |
FMCD80 | 1980 FIPS MCD/CCD code |
PMSA | PMSA 1990 |
MSA95 | Metro Statistical Area (or CMSA), 95 |
PMSA95 | Primary MSA, 1995 |
NECMA95 | New England County Metro Area, 1995 |
ZIP | Zip-code 1991 |
HUC | Hydrological Unit (Watershed) |
APUMA | PUMA code from 90 5% (A) Sample |
BPUMA | PUMA code from 90 1% (B) Sample |
VTD90 | Voting Tabulation District, 1990 |
CZ80 | Commuting Zone, 1980 |
CZ90 | Communting Zone, 1990 |
LMA80 | Labor Market Area, 1980 |
LMA90 | Labro Market Area, 1990 |
BEALE | Beale urban-rural continuum code, 1993 |
URBANRUR | Urban/Rural 1=Urban 2=Rural |
URBAREA | Urbanized area |
AREALAND | Area (land-001 square km) |
AREAWAT | Area (water-001 square km) *No water blocks in data |
Pop | Total Poplation |
Pop0 | 17-Population under 18 years |
Pop18 | 64-Population ages 18 to 64 |
Pop18 | Population ages 18 and over |
Pop65p | Population ages 65 and over |
White | White Population |
White17 | White Population under 18 |
White18 | White Population ages 18 and over |
Black | Black Population |
Black17 | Black Population under 18 |
Black18 | Black Population ages 18 and over |
NatAm | Native American Population |
NatAm17 | Native American Population under 18 |
NatAm18 | Native American Population ages 18 and over |
AsPac | Asia-Pacific Population |
AsPac18 | Asia-Pacific Population ages 18 and over |
AsPac17 | Asia-Pacific Population under 18 |
Other | Other race Population |
Other18 | Other race Population ages 18 and over |
Other17 | Other race Population under 18 |
HisPop | Hispanic Origin Population |
HisPop17 | Hisp. Orig. Population under 18 |
HisPop18 | Hisp. Orig. Population 18 and over |
HIWhi | Hisp. Orig. White |
HIBlk | Hisp. Orig. Black |
HINAm | Hisp. Orig. Native American |
HIAPc | Hisp. Orig. Asia-Pacific |
HIOth | Hisp. Orig. Other race |
HIWhi17 | Hisp. Orig. White under 18 |
HIBlk17 | Hisp. Orig. Black under 18 |
HINAm17 | Hisp. Orig. Native American under 18 |
HIAPc17 | Hisp. Orig. Asia-Pacific under 18 |
HIOth17 | Hisp. Orig. Other race under 18 |
HIWht18 | Hisp. Orig. White ages 18 and over |
HIBlk18 | Hisp. Orig. Black ages 18 and over |
HINAm18 | Hisp. Orig. Native American ages 18 and over |
HIAPc18 | Hisp. Orig. Asia-Pacific ages 18 and over |
HIOth18 | Hisp. Orig. Other race ages 18 and over |
NotHis | Not Hisp. Orig. Population |
NHPop17 | Not Hisp. Orig. Population under 18 |
NHPop18 | Not Hisp. Orig. Population 18 and over |
NHWhi | Not Hisp. Orig. White |
NHBlk | Not Hisp. Orig. Black |
NHNAm | Not Hisp. Orig. Native American |
NHAPc | Not Hisp. Orig. Asia-Pacific |
NHOth | Not Hisp. Orig. Other race |
NHWhi17 | Not Hisp. Orig. White under 18 |
NHBlk17 | Not Hisp. Orig. Black under 18 |
NHNAm17 | Not Hisp. Orig. Native American under 18 |
NHAPc17 | Not Hisp. Orig. Asia-Pacific under 18 |
NHOth17 | Not Hisp. Orig. Other race under 18 |
NHWht18 | Not Hisp. Orig. White ages 18 and over |
NHBlk18 | Not Hisp. Orig. Black ages 18 and over |
NHNAm18 | Not Hisp. Orig. Native American ages 18 and over |
NHAPc18 | Not Hisp. Orig. Asia-Pacific ages 18 and over |
NHOth18 | Not Hisp. Orig. Other race ages 18 and over |
HU | Total Housing Units |
HUPer | Total Persons in Occuped HU |
OccHU | Occupied Housing Units |
OwnOccHU | Owner Occupied HU |
RntOccHU | Renter Occupied HU |
HU1 | HU with 1 unit Detached or Attached |
HU2-9 | HU with 2 to 9 units in structure |
HU10 | HU with 10 or more units structure |
MeanRoom | Mean number of Rooms in Housing unit |
MeanVal | Mean value of owner occupied housing |
MeanRent | Mean Contract Rent in Renter Occ Housing paying cash rent |
HU1Pls | Total HU with 1.01 or more persons per room |
RnHU1Pls | Rental HU with 1.01 or more persons per room |
OwHU1Pls | Owner Occupied HU with 1.01+ persons per room |
HU1Per | Occupied HU with 1 person households |
HUFamNS | Occ. Family HU with No Spouse present and 1+ child 0-17 |