Census 1990 Short Form Blocks variables

AreaKeyBlock Code (15 characters)
INTPTLATInternal point (latitude six decimal places)
INTPTLNGInternal point (longitude six decimal places)
Stat_abState/US Abbreviation
Stat_ceState (Census)
Stat_fpState (FIPS)
Cnty801980 FIPS county code (incl. state)
TractCensus Tract/Block Numbering area
Tract801980 census tract/BNA (where app.)
BGBlock group
CNTYSCCounty population Size Code
Reserv1Reserved 1
CD102Congressional District (102st Congress)
CD103Congressional District (103st Congress)
CONCITCEConsolidated City (Census)
CONCITFPConsolidated City (FIPS)
CONCITCCConsolidated City Class Code
CONCITSCConsolidated City population Size Code
ANRCAlaska Native Regional Corporation
AIANACEAmerican Indian/Alaska Native area (Census)
AIANAFPAmerican Indian/Alaska Native area (FIPS)
AIANACCAmerican Indian/Alaska Native area Class Code
COUSUBCEMCD/CCD County Subdivision (Census)
COUSUBFPMCD/CCD County Subdivision (FIPS)
COUSUBCCMCD/CCD County Subdivision Class Code
COUSUBSCMCD/CCD County Subdivision population Size Code
PlaceCEPlace (Census)
PlaceFPPlace (FIPS)
PlaceCCPlace Class Code
PlaceDCPlace Description Code
PlaceSCPlace population Size Code
PlaceF801980 FIPS place code
FMCD801980 FIPS MCD/CCD code
MSA95Metro Statistical Area (or CMSA), 95
PMSA95Primary MSA, 1995
NECMA95New England County Metro Area, 1995
ZIPZip-code 1991
HUCHydrological Unit (Watershed)
APUMAPUMA code from 90 5% (A) Sample
BPUMAPUMA code from 90 1% (B) Sample
VTD90Voting Tabulation District, 1990
CZ80Commuting Zone, 1980
CZ90Communting Zone, 1990
LMA80Labor Market Area, 1980
LMA90Labro Market Area, 1990
BEALEBeale urban-rural continuum code, 1993
URBANRURUrban/Rural 1=Urban 2=Rural
URBAREAUrbanized area
AREALANDArea (land-001 square km)
AREAWAT Area (water-001 square km) *No water blocks in data
PopTotal Poplation
Pop017-Population under 18 years
Pop1864-Population ages 18 to 64
Pop18Population ages 18 and over
Pop65pPopulation ages 65 and over
WhiteWhite Population
White17White Population under 18
White18White Population ages 18 and over
BlackBlack Population
Black17Black Population under 18
Black18Black Population ages 18 and over
NatAmNative American Population
NatAm17Native American Population under 18
NatAm18Native American Population ages 18 and over
AsPacAsia-Pacific Population
AsPac18Asia-Pacific Population ages 18 and over
AsPac17Asia-Pacific Population under 18
OtherOther race Population
Other18Other race Population ages 18 and over
Other17Other race Population under 18
HisPopHispanic Origin Population
HisPop17Hisp. Orig. Population under 18
HisPop18Hisp. Orig. Population 18 and over
HIWhiHisp. Orig. White
HIBlkHisp. Orig. Black
HINAmHisp. Orig. Native American
HIAPcHisp. Orig. Asia-Pacific
HIOthHisp. Orig. Other race
HIWhi17Hisp. Orig. White under 18
HIBlk17Hisp. Orig. Black under 18
HINAm17Hisp. Orig. Native American under 18
HIAPc17Hisp. Orig. Asia-Pacific under 18
HIOth17Hisp. Orig. Other race under 18
HIWht18Hisp. Orig. White ages 18 and over
HIBlk18Hisp. Orig. Black ages 18 and over
HINAm18Hisp. Orig. Native American ages 18 and over
HIAPc18Hisp. Orig. Asia-Pacific ages 18 and over
HIOth18Hisp. Orig. Other race ages 18 and over
NotHisNot Hisp. Orig. Population
NHPop17Not Hisp. Orig. Population under 18
NHPop18Not Hisp. Orig. Population 18 and over
NHWhiNot Hisp. Orig. White
NHBlkNot Hisp. Orig. Black
NHNAmNot Hisp. Orig. Native American
NHAPcNot Hisp. Orig. Asia-Pacific
NHOthNot Hisp. Orig. Other race
NHWhi17Not Hisp. Orig. White under 18
NHBlk17Not Hisp. Orig. Black under 18
NHNAm17Not Hisp. Orig. Native American under 18
NHAPc17Not Hisp. Orig. Asia-Pacific under 18
NHOth17Not Hisp. Orig. Other race under 18
NHWht18Not Hisp. Orig. White ages 18 and over
NHBlk18Not Hisp. Orig. Black ages 18 and over
NHNAm18Not Hisp. Orig. Native American ages 18 and over
NHAPc18 Not Hisp. Orig. Asia-Pacific ages 18 and over
NHOth18Not Hisp. Orig. Other race ages 18 and over
HUTotal Housing Units
HUPerTotal Persons in Occuped HU
OccHUOccupied Housing Units
OwnOccHUOwner Occupied HU
RntOccHURenter Occupied HU
HU1HU with 1 unit Detached or Attached
HU2-9HU with 2 to 9 units in structure
HU10HU with 10 or more units structure
MeanRoomMean number of Rooms in Housing unit
MeanValMean value of owner occupied housing
MeanRentMean Contract Rent in Renter Occ Housing paying cash rent
HU1PlsTotal HU with 1.01 or more persons per room
RnHU1PlsRental HU with 1.01 or more persons per room
OwHU1PlsOwner Occupied HU with 1.01+ persons per room
HU1PerOccupied HU with 1 person households
HUFamNSOcc. Family HU with No Spouse present and 1+ child 0-17