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GEOID | AREAKEY | Geography Key Code |
GEOID | INTPTLAT | Internal Point (Latitude) |
GEOID | INTPTLON | Internal Point (Longitude) |
GEOID | AREALAND | Area Land Square Meters |
GEOID | AREAWATR | Area Water Square Meters |
GEOID | AREALANM | Area Land Square Meters |
GEOID | AREAWATM | Area Water Square Meters |
GEOID | STUSAB | State/US-Abbreviation (USPS) |
GEOID | REGION | Region |
GEOID | DIVISION | Division |
GEOID | STATECE | State (Census) |
GEOID | STATE | State (FIPS) |
GEOID | COUNTY | County Fips |
GEOID | COUNTYSC | County Size Code |
GEOID | COUSUB | County Subdivision (FIPS) |
GEOID | COUSUBCC | FIPS County Subdivision Class Code |
GEOID | COUSUBSC | County Subdivision Size Code |
GEOID | PLACE | Place (FIPS) |
GEOID | PLACECC | FIPS Place Class Code |
GEOID | PLACEDC | Place Description Code |
GEOID | PLACESC | Place Size Code |
GEOID | TRACT | Census Tract |
GEOID | BLKGRP | Block Group |
GEOID | BLOCK | Block |
GEOID | CONCIT | Consolidated City (FIPS) |
GEOID | CONCITCC | FIPS Consolidated City Class Code |
GEOID | CONCITSC | Consolidated City Size Code |
GEOID | AIANHHCE | American Indian area/AK Native Area/HI Home Land (Census) |
GEOID | AIANHH | American Indian area/AK Native Area/HI Home Land (FIPS) |
GEOID | AIANHHCC | FIPS American Indian Area/AK Native Area/HI Home Land Class |
GEOID | AIHHTLI | American Indian/Hawaiian Home Land Trust Land Indicator |
GEOID | AITSCE | American Indian Tribal Subdivision (Census) |
GEOID | AITS | American Indian Tribal Subdivision (FIPS) |
GEOID | AITSCC | FIPS American Indian Tribal Subdivision Class Code |
GEOID | ANRC | Alaska Native Regional Corporation (FIPS) |
GEOID | ANRCCC | FIPS Alaska Native Regional Corporation Class Code |
GEOID | MSACMSA | Metropolitan Statistical Area |
GEOID | CMSA | Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area |
GEOID | MACCI | Metropolitan Area Central City Indicator |
GEOID | PMSA | Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area |
GEOID | NECMA | New England County Metropolitan Area |
GEOID | NECMACCI | New England County Metropolitan Area Central City Indicator |
GEOID | NECMASC | New England County Metropolitan Area Size Code |
GEOID | EXI | Extended Entity Indicator |
GEOID | UA | Urbanized Area |
GEOID | UASC | Urbanized Area Size Code |
GEOID | UATYPE | Urban Area Type |
GEOID | UR | Urban/Rural |
GEOID | CD106 | Congressional District (106th) |
GEOID | CD108 | Congressional District (108th) |
GEOID | CD109 | Congressional District (109th) |
GEOID | CD110 | Congressional District (110th) |
GEOID | SLDU | State Legislative District (Upper Chamber) |
GEOID | SLDL | State Legislative District (Lower Chamber) |
GEOID | VTD | Voting District |
GEOID | VTDI | Voting District Indicator |
GEOID | ZCTA3 | ZIP Code Tabulation Area (3 digit) |
GEOID | ZCTA5 | ZIP Code Tabulation Area (5 digit) |
GEOID | SUBMCD | Sub-Minor Civil Division (FIPS) |
GEOID | SUBMCDCC | FIPS Sub-Minor Civil Division Class Code |
GEOID | FUNCSTAT | Functional Status Code |
GEOID | GCUNI | Geographic Change User Note Indicator |
GEOID | LSADC | Legal/Statistical Area Description Code |
GEOID | SDELM | School District (Elementary) |
GEOID | SDSEC | School District (Secondary) |
GEOID | SDUNI | School District (Unified) |
GEOID | TAZ | Traffic Analysis Zone |
GEOID | UGA | Oregon Urban Growth Area |
GEOID | PUMA5 | Public Use Microdata Area - 5% File |
GEOID | PUMA1 | Public Use Microdata Area - 1% File |
GEOID | MACC | Metropolitan area central city |
GEOID | UACP | Urban area central place |
P001 | P001001 | Population total |
P002 | P002001 | Urban and Rural Total |
P002 | P002002 | Urban |
P002 | P002003 | Urban: Inside urbanized areas |
P002 | P002004 | Urban: Inside urban clusters |
P002 | P002005 | Urban: Rural |
P002 | P002006 | Urban: Not defined for this file |
P003 | P003001 | Race Total |
P003 | P003002 | Pop 1 race |
P003 | P003003 | Pop 1 race: White alone |
P003 | P003004 | Pop 1 race: Black alone |
P003 | P003005 | Pop 1 race: NatAmer alone |
P003 | P003006 | Pop 1 race: Asian alone |
P003 | P003007 | Pop 1 race: Pacific alone |
P003 | P003008 | Pop 1 race: Other alone |
P003 | P003009 | Pop 2+ races |
P003 | P003010 | Pop 2 races |
P003 | P003011 | Pop 2 races: White; Black |
P003 | P003012 | Pop 2 races: White; NatAmer |
P003 | P003013 | Pop 2 races: White; Asian |
P003 | P003014 | Pop 2 races: White; Pacific |
P003 | P003015 | Pop 2 races: White; Other |
P003 | P003016 | Pop 2 races: Black; NatAmer |
P003 | P003017 | Pop 2 races: Black; Asian |
P003 | P003018 | Pop 2 races: Black; Pacific |
P003 | P003019 | Pop 2 races: Black; Other |
P003 | P003020 | Pop 2 races: NatAmer; Asian |
P003 | P003021 | Pop 2 races: NatAmer; Pacific |
P003 | P003022 | Pop 2 races: NatAmer; Other |
P003 | P003023 | Pop 2 races: Asian; Pacific |
P003 | P003024 | Pop 2 races: Asian; Other |
P003 | P003025 | Pop 2 races: Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003026 | Pop 3 races |
P003 | P003027 | Pop 3 races: White; Black; NatAmer |
P003 | P003028 | Pop 3 races: White; Black;Asian |
P003 | P003029 | Pop 3 races: White; Black;Pacific |
P003 | P003030 | Pop 3 races: White; Black; Other |
P003 | P003031 | Pop 3 races: White; NatAmer;Asian |
P003 | P003032 | Pop 3 races: White; NatAmer; Pacific |
P003 | P003033 | Pop 3 races: White; NatAmer; Other |
P003 | P003034 | Pop 3 races: White; Asian; Pacific |
P003 | P003035 | Pop 3 races: White; Asian; Other |
P003 | P003036 | Pop 3 races: White;Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003037 | Pop 3 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian |
P003 | P003038 | Pop 3 races: Black;NatAmer; Pacific |
P003 | P003039 | Pop 3 races: Black; NatAmer; Other |
P003 | P003040 | Pop 3 races: Black; Asian; Pacific |
P003 | P003041 | Pop 3 races: Black; Asian; Other |
P003 | P003042 | Pop 3 races: Black; Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003043 | Pop 3 races: NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P003 | P003044 | Pop 3 races: NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P003 | P003045 | Pop 3 races: NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003046 | Pop 3 races: Asian;Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003047 | Pop 4 races |
P003 | P003048 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian |
P003 | P003049 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Pacific |
P003 | P003050 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Other |
P003 | P003051 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; Asian; Pacific |
P003 | P003052 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; Asian; Other |
P003 | P003053 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003054 | Pop 4 races: White; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P003 | P003055 | Pop 4 races: White; NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P003 | P003056 | Pop 4 races: White; NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003057 | Pop 4 races: White; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003058 | Pop 4 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P003 | P003059 | Pop 4 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P003 | P003060 | Pop 4 races: Black; NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003061 | Pop 4 races: Black; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003062 | Pop 4 races: NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003063 | Pop 5 races |
P003 | P003064 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P003 | P003065 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P003 | P003066 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003067 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; Asian; Pacific; Ohter |
P003 | P003068 | Pop 5 races: White; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003069 | Pop 5 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P003 | P003070 | Pop 6 races |
P003 | P003071 | Pop 6 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004001 | Hisp, and not Hisp Total |
P004 | P004002 | Hisp |
P004 | P004003 | Not Hisp |
P004 | P004004 | Pop 1 race |
P004 | P004005 | Pop 1 race: White alone |
P004 | P004006 | Pop 1 race: Black alone |
P004 | P004007 | Pop 1 race: NatAmer alone |
P004 | P004008 | Pop 1 race: Asian alone |
P004 | P004009 | Pop 1 race: Pacific alone |
P004 | P004010 | Pop 1 race: Other alone |
P004 | P004011 | Pop 2+ races |
P004 | P004012 | Pop 2 races |
P004 | P004013 | Pop 2 races: White; Black |
P004 | P004014 | Pop 2 races: White; NatAmer |
P004 | P004015 | Pop 2 races: White; Asian |
P004 | P004016 | Pop 2 races: White; Pacific |
P004 | P004017 | Pop 2 races: White; Other |
P004 | P004018 | Pop 2 races: Black; NatAmer |
P004 | P004019 | Pop 2 races: Black; Asian |
P004 | P004020 | Pop 2 races: Black; Native Pacific |
P004 | P004021 | Pop 2 races: Black; Other |
P004 | P004022 | Pop 2 races: NatAmer;Asian |
P004 | P004023 | Pop 2 races: NatAmer; Pacific |
P004 | P004024 | Pop 2 races: NatAmer; Other |
P004 | P004025 | Pop 2 races: Asian; Pacific |
P004 | P004026 | Pop 2 races: Asian; Other |
P004 | P004027 | Pop 2 races: Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004028 | Pop 3 races |
P004 | P004029 | Pop 3 races: White; Black; NatAmer |
P004 | P004030 | Pop 3 races: White; Black;Asian |
P004 | P004031 | Pop 3 races: White; Black; Pacific |
P004 | P004032 | Pop 3 races: White; Black;Other |
P004 | P004033 | Pop 3 races: White; NatAmer; Asian |
P004 | P004034 | Pop 3 races: White; Native American; {acific |
P004 | P004035 | Pop 3 races: White; NatAmer; Other |
P004 | P004036 | Pop 3 races: White; Asian; Pacific |
P004 | P004037 | Pop 3 races: White; Asian; Other |
P004 | P004038 | Pop 3 races: White; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004039 | Pop 3 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian |
P004 | P004040 | Pop 3 races: Black; NatAmer; Pacific |
P004 | P004041 | Pop 3 races: Black; NatAmer; Other |
P004 | P004042 | Pop 3 races: Black; Asian; Pacific |
P004 | P004043 | Pop 3 races: Black; Asian; Other |
P004 | P004044 | Pop 3 races: Black; Native Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004045 | Pop 3 races: NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P004 | P004046 | Pop 3 races: NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P004 | P004047 | Pop 3 races: NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004048 | Pop 3 races: Asian; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004049 | Pop 4 races |
P004 | P004050 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian |
P004 | P004051 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Native Pacific |
P004 | P004052 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Other |
P004 | P004053 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; Asian; Pacific |
P004 | P004054 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; Asian; Other |
P004 | P004055 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004056 | Pop 4 races: White; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P004 | P004057 | Pop 4 races: White; NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P004 | P004058 | Pop 4 races: White; NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004059 | Pop 4 races: White; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004060 | Pop 4 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P004 | P004061 | Pop 4 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P004 | P004062 | Pop 4 races: Black; NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004063 | Pop 4 races: Black; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004064 | Pop 4 races: NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004065 | Pop 5 races |
P004 | P004066 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P004 | P004067 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P004 | P004068 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004069 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004070 | Pop 5 races: White; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004071 | Pop 5 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P004 | P004072 | Pop 6 races |
P004 | P004073 | Pop 6 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005001 | Race Pop 18+ Total |
P005 | P005002 | Pop 1 race |
P005 | P005003 | Pop 1 race: White alone |
P005 | P005004 | Pop 1 race: Black alone |
P005 | P005005 | Pop 1 race: NatAmer alone |
P005 | P005006 | Pop 1 race: Asian alone |
P005 | P005007 | Pop 1 race: Pacific alone |
P005 | P005008 | Pop 1 race: Other alone |
P005 | P005009 | Pop 1 race: Pop 2+ races |
P005 | P005010 | Pop 2 races |
P005 | P005011 | Pop 2 races: White; Black |
P005 | P005012 | Pop 2 races: White; NatAmer |
P005 | P005013 | Pop 2 races: White; Asian |
P005 | P005014 | Pop 2 races: White; Pacific |
P005 | P005015 | Pop 2 races: White; Other |
P005 | P005016 | Pop 2 races: Black; NatAmer |
P005 | P005017 | Pop 2 races: Black; Asian |
P005 | P005018 | Pop 2 races: Black; Pacific |
P005 | P005019 | Pop 2 races: Black; Other |
P005 | P005020 | Pop 2 races: NatAmer; Asian |
P005 | P005021 | Pop 2 races: NatAmer; Pacific |
P005 | P005022 | Pop 2 races: NatAmer; Other |
P005 | P005023 | Pop 2 races: Asian; Pacific |
P005 | P005024 | Pop 2 races: Asian;Other |
P005 | P005025 | Pop 2 races: Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005026 | Pop 3 races |
P005 | P005027 | Pop 3 races: White; Black; NatAmer |
P005 | P005028 | Pop 3 races: White; Black; Asian |
P005 | P005029 | Pop 3 races: White; Black; Pacific |
P005 | P005030 | Pop 3 races: White; Black; Other |
P005 | P005031 | Pop 3 races: White; NatAmer; Asian |
P005 | P005032 | Pop 3 races: White; NatAmer; Pacific |
P005 | P005033 | Pop 3 races: White; NatAmer; Other |
P005 | P005034 | Pop 3 races: White; Asian; Pacific |
P005 | P005035 | Pop 3 races: White; Asian; Other |
P005 | P005036 | Pop 3 races: White; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005037 | Pop 3 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian |
P005 | P005038 | Pop 3 races: Black; NatAmer; Pacific |
P005 | P005039 | Pop 3 races: Black; NatAmer; Other |
P005 | P005040 | Pop 3 races: Black; Asian; Pacific |
P005 | P005041 | Pop 3 races: Black; Asian; Other |
P005 | P005042 | Pop 3 races: Black; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005043 | Pop 3 races: NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P005 | P005044 | Pop 3 races: NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P005 | P005045 | Pop 3 races: NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005046 | Pop 3 races: Asian; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005047 | Pop 4 races |
P005 | P005048 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian |
P005 | P005049 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Pacific |
P005 | P005050 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Other |
P005 | P005051 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; Asian; Pacific |
P005 | P005052 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; Asian; Other |
P005 | P005053 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005054 | Pop 4 races: White; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P005 | P005055 | Pop 4 races: White; NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P005 | P005056 | Pop 4 races: White;NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005057 | Pop 4 races: White; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005058 | Pop 4 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P005 | P005059 | Pop 4 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P005 | P005060 | Pop 4 races: Black; NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005061 | Pop 4 races: Black; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005062 | Pop 4 races: NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005063 | Pop 5 races |
P005 | P005064 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P005 | P005065 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P005 | P005066 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005067 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005068 | Pop 5 races: White; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005069 | Pop 5 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P005 | P005070 | Pop 6 races |
P005 | P005071 | Pop 6 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006001 | Hisp,and not Hisp Pop 18+ Total |
P006 | P006002 | Hisp |
P006 | P006003 | Not Hisp |
P006 | P006004 | Pop 1 race |
P006 | P006005 | Pop 1 race: White alone |
P006 | P006006 | Pop 1 race: Black alone |
P006 | P006007 | Pop 1 race: NatAmer alone |
P006 | P006008 | Pop 1 race: Asian alone |
P006 | P006009 | Pop 1 race: Pacific alone |
P006 | P006010 | Pop 1 race: Other alone |
P006 | P006011 | Pop 2+ races |
P006 | P006012 | Pop 2 races |
P006 | P006013 | Pop 2 races: White; Black |
P006 | P006014 | Pop 2 races: White; NatAmer |
P006 | P006015 | Pop 2 races: White; Asian |
P006 | P006016 | Pop 2 races: White; Pacific |
P006 | P006017 | Pop 2 races: White; Other |
P006 | P006018 | Pop 2 races: Black;NatAmer |
P006 | P006019 | Pop 2 races: Black; Asian |
P006 | P006020 | Pop 2 races: Black; Pacific |
P006 | P006021 | Pop 2 races: Black; Other |
P006 | P006022 | Pop 2 races: NatAmer; Asian |
P006 | P006023 | Pop 2 races: NatAmer; Pacific |
P006 | P006024 | Pop 2 races: NatAmer; Other |
P006 | P006025 | Pop 2 races: Asian; Pacific |
P006 | P006026 | Pop 2 races: Asian; Other |
P006 | P006027 | Pop 2 races: Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006028 | Pop 3 races |
P006 | P006029 | Pop 3 races: White; Black; NatAmer |
P006 | P006030 | Pop 3 races: White; Black; Asian |
P006 | P006031 | Pop 3 races: White;Black; Pacific |
P006 | P006032 | Pop 3 races: White; Black; Other |
P006 | P006033 | Pop 3 races: White; NatAmer; Asian |
P006 | P006034 | Pop 3 races: White; NatAmer; Pacific |
P006 | P006035 | Pop 3 races: White; NatAmer; Other |
P006 | P006036 | Pop 3 races: White; Asian; Pacific |
P006 | P006037 | Pop 3 races: White; Asian; Other |
P006 | P006038 | Pop 3 races: White; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006039 | Pop 3 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian |
P006 | P006040 | Pop 3 races: Black; NatAmer; Pacific |
P006 | P006041 | Pop 3 races: Black; NatAmer; Other |
P006 | P006042 | Pop 3 races: Black; Asian; Pacific |
P006 | P006043 | Pop 3 races: Black; Asian; Other |
P006 | P006044 | Pop 3 races: Black; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006045 | Pop 3 races: NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P006 | P006046 | Pop 3 races: NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P006 | P006047 | Pop 3 races: NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006048 | Pop 3 races: Asian; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006049 | Pop 4 races |
P006 | P006050 | Pop 4 races: White; Black;NatAmer;Asian |
P006 | P006051 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Pacific |
P006 | P006052 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Other |
P006 | P006053 | Pop 4 races: White;Black; Asian; Pacific |
P006 | P006054 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; Asian; Other |
P006 | P006055 | Pop 4 races: White; Black; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006056 | Pop 4 races: White; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P006 | P006057 | Pop 4 races: White; NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P006 | P006058 | Pop 4 races: White; NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006059 | Pop 4 races: White; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006060 | Pop 4 races: Black;NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P006 | P006061 | Pop 4 races: Black;NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P006 | P006062 | Pop 4 races: Black; NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006063 | Pop 4 races: Black; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006064 | Pop 4 races: NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006065 | Pop 5 races |
P006 | P006066 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific |
P006 | P006067 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian; Other |
P006 | P006068 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006069 | Pop 5 races: White; Black; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006070 | Pop 5 races: White; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006071 | Pop 5 races: Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P006 | P006072 | Pop 6 races |
P006 | P006073 | Pop 6 races: White; Black; NatAmer; Asian; Pacific; Other |
P007 | P007001 | Race Total |
P007 | P007002 | White alone |
P007 | P007003 | Black alone |
P007 | P007004 | NatAmer alone |
P007 | P007005 | Asian alone |
P007 | P007006 | Pacific alone |
P007 | P007007 | Other alone |
P007 | P007008 | Two or more races |
P008 | P008001 | Hisp Total |
P008 | P008002 | Not Hisp |
P008 | P008003 | Not Hisp: White alone |
P008 | P008004 | Not Hisp: Black alone |
P008 | P008005 | Not Hisp: NatAmer alone |
P008 | P008006 | Not Hisp: Asian alone |
P008 | P008007 | Not Hisp: Pacific alone |
P008 | P008008 | Not Hisp: Other alone |
P008 | P008009 | Not Hisp: Two or more races |
P008 | P008010 | Hisp |
P008 | P008011 | Hisp: White alone |
P008 | P008012 | Hisp: Black alone |
P008 | P008013 | Hisp: NatAmer alone |
P008 | P008014 | Hisp: Asian alone |
P008 | P008015 | Hisp: Pacific alone |
P008 | P008016 | Hisp: Other alone |
P008 | P008017 | Hisp: Two or more races |
P009 | P009001 | Total races tallied |
P009 | P009002 | White alone or combination |
P009 | P009003 | Black alone or combination |
P009 | P009004 | NatAmer alone or combination |
P009 | P009005 | Asian alone or combination |
P009 | P009006 | Pacific alone or combination |
P009 | P009007 | Other alone or combination |
P0010 | P010001 | Total races tallied |
P0010 | P010002 | Not Hisp |
P0010 | P010003 | Not Hisp: White alone or combination |
P0010 | P010004 | Not Hisp: Black alone or combination |
P0010 | P010005 | Not Hisp: NatAmer alone or combination |
P0010 | P010006 | Not Hisp: Asian alone or combination |
P0010 | P010007 | Not Hisp: Pacific alone or combination |
P0010 | P010008 | Not Hisp: Other alone or combination |
P0010 | P010009 | Hisp |
P0010 | P010010 | Hisp: White alone or combination |
P0010 | P010011 | Hisp: Black alone or combination |
P0010 | P010012 | Hisp: NatAmer alone or combination |
P0010 | P010013 | Hisp: Asian alone or combination |
P0010 | P010014 | Hisp: Pacific alone or combination |
P0010 | P010015 | Hisp: Other alone or combination |
P0011 | P011001 | Hisp Total |
P0012 | P012001 | Age Total |
P0012 | P012002 | Age: Male |
P0012 | P012003 | Age: Male: 0-4 |
P0012 | P012004 | Age: Male: 5-9 |
P0012 | P012005 | Age: Male: 10-14 |
P0012 | P012006 | Age: Male: 15-17 |
P0012 | P012007 | Age: Male: 18-19 |
P0012 | P012008 | Age: Male: 20 |
P0012 | P012009 | Age: Male: 21 |
P0012 | P012010 | Age: Male: 22-24 |
P0012 | P012011 | Age: Male: 25-29 |
P0012 | P012012 | Age: Male: 30-34 |
P0012 | P012013 | Age: Male: 35-39 |
P0012 | P012014 | Age: Male: 40-44 |
P0012 | P012015 | Age: Male: 45-49 |
P0012 | P012016 | Age: Male: 50-54 |
P0012 | P012017 | Age: Male: 55-59 |
P0012 | P012018 | Age: Male: 60-61 |
P0012 | P012019 | Age: Male: 62-64 |
P0012 | P012020 | Age: Male: 65-66 |
P0012 | P012021 | Age: Male: 67-69 |
P0012 | P012022 | Age: Male: 70-74 |
P0012 | P012023 | Age: Male: 75-79 |
P0012 | P012024 | Age: Male: 80-84 |
P0012 | P012025 | Age: Male: 85+ |
P0012 | P012026 | Age: Female |
P0012 | P012027 | Age: Female: 0-4 |
P0012 | P012028 | Age: Female: 5-9 |
P0012 | P012029 | Age: Female: 10-14 |
P0012 | P012030 | Age: Female: 15-17 |
P0012 | P012031 | Age: Female: 18-19 |
P0012 | P012032 | Age: Female: 20 |
P0012 | P012033 | Age: Female: 21 |
P0012 | P012034 | Age: Female: 22-24 |
P0012 | P012035 | Age: Female: 25-29 |
P0012 | P012036 | Age: Female: 30-34 |
P0012 | P012037 | Age: Female: 35-39 |
P0012 | P012038 | Age: Female: 40-44 |
P0012 | P012039 | Age: Female: 45-49 |
P0012 | P012040 | Age: Female: 50-54 |
P0012 | P012041 | Age: Female: 55-59 |
P0012 | P012042 | Age: Female: 60-61 |
P0012 | P012043 | Age: Female: 62-64 |
P0012 | P012044 | Age: Female: 65-66 |
P0012 | P012045 | Age: Female: 67-69 |
P0012 | P012046 | Age: Female: 70-74 |
P0012 | P012047 | Age: Female: 75-79 |
P0012 | P012048 | Age: Female: 80-84 |
P0012 | P012049 | Age: Female: 85+ |
P0013 | P013001 | Both sexes |
P0013 | P013002 | Male |
P0013 | P013003 | Female |
P0014 | P014001 | Pop under 20 Total |
P0014 | P014002 | Pop under 20: Male |
P0014 | P014003 | Pop under 20: Male: Under 1 year |
P0014 | P014004 | Pop under 20: Male: 1 year |
P0014 | P014005 | Pop under 20: Male: 2 |
P0014 | P014006 | Pop under 20: Male: 3 |
P0014 | P014007 | Pop under 20: Male: 4 |
P0014 | P014008 | Pop under 20: Male: 5 |
P0014 | P014009 | Pop under 20: Male: 6 |
P0014 | P014010 | Pop under 20: Male: 7 |
P0014 | P014011 | Pop under 20: Male: 8 |
P0014 | P014012 | Pop under 20: Male: 9 |
P0014 | P014013 | Pop under 20: Male: 10 |
P0014 | P014014 | Pop under 20: Male: 11 |
P0014 | P014015 | Pop under 20: Male: 12 |
P0014 | P014016 | Pop under 20: Male: 13 |
P0014 | P014017 | Pop under 20: Male: 14 |
P0014 | P014018 | Pop under 20: Male: 15 |
P0014 | P014019 | Pop under 20: Male: 16 |
P0014 | P014020 | Pop under 20: Male: 17 |
P0014 | P014021 | Pop under 20: Male: 18 |
P0014 | P014022 | Pop under 20: Male: 19 |
P0014 | P014023 | Pop under 20: Female |
P0014 | P014024 | Pop under 20: Female: Under 1 year |
P0014 | P014025 | Pop under 20: Female: 1 year |
P0014 | P014026 | Pop under 20: Female: 2 |
P0014 | P014027 | Pop under 20: Female: 3 |
P0014 | P014028 | Pop under 20: Female: 4 |
P0014 | P014029 | Pop under 20: Female: 5 |
P0014 | P014030 | Pop under 20: Female: 6 |
P0014 | P014031 | Pop under 20: Female: 7 |
P0014 | P014032 | Pop under 20: Female: 8 |
P0014 | P014033 | Pop under 20: Female: 9 |
P0014 | P014034 | Pop under 20: Female: 10 |
P0014 | P014035 | Pop under 20: Female: 11 |
P0014 | P014036 | Pop under 20: Female: 12 |
P0014 | P014037 | Pop under 20: Female: 13 |
P0014 | P014038 | Pop under 20: Female: 14 |
P0014 | P014039 | Pop under 20: Female: 15 |
P0014 | P014040 | Pop under 20: Female: 16 |
P0014 | P014041 | Pop under 20: Female: 17 |
P0014 | P014042 | Pop under 20: Female: 18 |
P0014 | P014043 | Pop under 20: Female: 19 |
P0015 | P015001 | Households total |
P0016 | P016001 | Pop in HHs Total |
P0017 | P017001 | Average HH size |
P0018 | P018001 | HH size, HH type, and presence own childs Total |
P0018 | P018002 | 1-person HH |
P0018 | P018003 | 1-person HH: Male HHldr |
P0018 | P018004 | 1-person HH: Female HHldr |
P0018 | P018005 | 2 or more person HH |
P0018 | P018006 | Family HHs |
P0018 | P018007 | Family HH: Married family |
P0018 | P018008 | Family HH: Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P0018 | P018009 | Family HH: Married family: No own childs 0-17 |
P0018 | P018010 | Family HH: Other family |
P0018 | P018011 | Family HH: Male HHldr, no wife |
P0018 | P018012 | Family HH: Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P0018 | P018013 | Family HH: Male HHldr, no wife: No own childs 0-17 |
P0018 | P018014 | Family HH: Female HHldr, no husband |
P0018 | P018015 | Family HH: Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P0018 | P018016 | Family HH: Female HHldr, no husband: No own childs 0-17 |
P0018 | P018017 | Family HH: Nonfamily HHs |
P0018 | P018018 | Family HH: Nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P0018 | P018019 | Family HH: Nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P0019 | P019001 | HHs by presence of people 0-17 by HH type Total |
P0019 | P019002 | HHs with 1+ people 0-17 |
P0019 | P019003 | HHs with 1+ people 0-17: Family HHs |
P0019 | P019004 | HHs with 1+ people 0-17: Family HH: Married family |
P0019 | P019005 | HHs with 1+ people 0-17: Other family |
P0019 | P019006 | HHs with 1+ people 0-17: Other family: Male HHldr, no wife |
P0019 | P019007 | HHs with 1+ people 0-17: Other family: Female HHldr, no husband |
P0019 | P019008 | HHs with 1+ people 0-17: Nonfamily HHs |
P0019 | P019009 | HHs with 1+ people 0-17: Nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P0019 | P019010 | HHs with 1+ people 0-17: Nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P0019 | P019011 | HHs w/no people 0-17 |
P0019 | P019012 | HHs w/no people 0-17: Family HHs |
P0019 | P019013 | HHs w/no people 0-17: Family HH: Married family |
P0019 | P019014 | HHs w/no people 0-17: Other family |
P0019 | P019015 | HHs w/no people 0-17: Other family: Male HHldr, no wife |
P0019 | P019016 | HHs w/no people 0-17: Other family: Female HHldr, no husband |
P0019 | P019017 | HHs w/no people 0-17: Nonfamily HHs |
P0019 | P019018 | HHs w/no people 0-17: Nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P0019 | P019019 | HHs w/no people 0-17: Nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P020 | P020001 | HHs by Age of HHldr by HH type (inc. living alone) own childs Total |
P020 | P020002 | HHldr 15-64 |
P020 | P020003 | HHldr 15-64: Family HHs |
P020 | P020004 | HHldr 15-64: Married family |
P020 | P020005 | HHldr 15-64: Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P020 | P020006 | HHldr 15-64: Married family: No own childs 0-17 |
P020 | P020007 | HHldr 15-64: Other family |
P020 | P020008 | HHldr 15-64: Male HHldr, no wife |
P020 | P020009 | HHldr 15-64: Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P020 | P020010 | HHldr 15-64: Male HHldr, no wife: No own childs 0-17 |
P020 | P020011 | HHldr 15-64: Female HHldr, no husband |
P020 | P020012 | HHldr 15-64: Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P020 | P020013 | HHldr 15-64: Female HHldr, no husband: No own childs 0-17 |
P020 | P020014 | HHldr 15-64: Nonfamily HHs |
P020 | P020015 | HHldr 15-64: Nonfamily HH: HHldr living alone |
P020 | P020016 | HHldr 15-64: Nonfamily HH: HHldr not living alone |
P020 | P020017 | HHldr 65+ |
P020 | P020018 | HHldr 65+: Family HHs |
P020 | P020019 | HHldr 65+: Married family |
P020 | P020020 | HHldr 65+: Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P020 | P020021 | HHldr 65+: Married family: No own childs 0-17 |
P020 | P020022 | HHldr 65+: Other family |
P020 | P020023 | HHldr 65+: Male HHldr, no wife |
P020 | P020024 | HHldr 65+: Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P020 | P020025 | HHldr 65+: Male HHldr, no wife: No own childs 0-17 |
P020 | P020026 | HHldr 65+: Female HHldr, no husband |
P020 | P020027 | HHldr 65+: Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P020 | P020028 | HHldr 65+: Female HHldr, no husband: No own childs 0-17 |
P020 | P020029 | HHldr 65+: Nonfamily HHs |
P020 | P020030 | HHldr 65+: Nonfamily HH: HHldr not living alone |
P020 | P020031 | HHldr 65+: Nonfamily HH: HHldr living alone |
P021 | P021001 | HH type by Age of HHldr Total |
P021 | P021002 | Family HHs |
P021 | P021003 | Family HH: HHldr 15 to 24 |
P021 | P021004 | Family HH: HHldr 25 to 34 |
P021 | P021005 | Family HH: HHldr 35 to 44 |
P021 | P021006 | Family HH: HHldr 45 to 54 |
P021 | P021007 | Family HH: HHldr 55 to 64 |
P021 | P021008 | Family HH: HHldr 65 to 74 |
P021 | P021009 | Family HH: HHldr 75 to 84 |
P021 | P021010 | Family HH: HHldr 85+ |
P021 | P021011 | Nonfamily HHs |
P021 | P021012 | Nonfamily HH: HHldr 15 to 24 |
P021 | P021013 | Nonfamily HH: HHldr 25 to 34 |
P021 | P021014 | Nonfamily HH: HHldr 35 to 44 |
P021 | P021015 | Nonfamily HH: HHldr 45 to 54 |
P021 | P021016 | Nonfamily HH: HHldr 55 to 64 |
P021 | P021017 | Nonfamily HH: HHldr 65 to 74 |
P021 | P021018 | Nonfamily HH: HHldr 75 to 84 |
P021 | P021019 | Nonfamily HH: HHldr 85+ |
P022 | P022001 | HHs by presence of people 60+,HH size, and HH type Total |
P022 | P022002 | HHs with 1+ people 60+ |
P022 | P022003 | HHs with 1+ people 60+: 1-person HH |
P022 | P022004 | 2+ person HH |
P022 | P022005 | 2+ person HH: Family HHs |
P022 | P022006 | 2+ person HH: Nonfamily HHs |
P022 | P022007 | HHs w/no people 60+ |
P022 | P022008 | HHs w/no people 60+: 1-person HH |
P022 | P022009 | 2+ person HH |
P022 | P022010 | 2+ person HH: Family HHs |
P022 | P022011 | 2+ person HH: Nonfamily HHs |
P023 | P023001 | HHs by presence of people 65+, HH size, and HH type Total |
P023 | P023002 | HHs with 1+ people 65+ |
P023 | P023003 | HHs with 1+ people 65+: 1-person HH |
P023 | P023004 | 2+ person HH |
P023 | P023005 | 2+ person HH: Family HHs |
P023 | P023006 | 2+ person HH: Nonfamily HHs |
P023 | P023007 | HHs w/no people 65+ |
P023 | P023008 | HHs w/no people 65+: 1-person HH |
P023 | P023009 | 2+ person HH |
P023 | P023010 | 2+ person HH: Family HHs |
P023 | P023011 | 2+ person HH: Nonfamily HHs |
P024 | P024001 | HHs by presence of people 75+, HH size, and HH type Total |
P024 | P024002 | HHs with 1+ people 75+ |
P024 | P024003 | HHs with 1+ people 75+: 1-person HH |
P024 | P024004 | 2+ person HH |
P024 | P024005 | 2+ person HH: Family HHs |
P024 | P024006 | 2+ person HH: Nonfamily HHs |
P024 | P024007 | HHs w/no people 75+ |
P024 | P024008 | HHs w/no people 75+: 1-person HH |
P024 | P024009 | 2+ person HH |
P024 | P024010 | 2+ person HH: Family HHs |
P024 | P024011 | 2+ person HH: Nonfamily HHs |
P025 | P025001 | HHs by presence of nonrelative Total |
P025 | P025002 | HHs with 1+ nonrelative |
P025 | P025003 | HHs w/no nonrelative |
P026 | P026001 | HH type by HH size Total |
P026 | P026002 | Family HHs |
P026 | P026003 | Family HH: 2-person HH |
P026 | P026004 | Family HH: 3-person HH |
P026 | P026005 | Family HH: 4-person HH |
P026 | P026006 | Family HH: 5-person HH |
P026 | P026007 | Family HH: 6-person HH |
P026 | P026008 | Family HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026 | P026009 | Nonfamily HHs |
P026 | P026010 | Nonfamily HH: 1-person HH |
P026 | P026011 | Nonfamily HH: 2-person HH |
P026 | P026012 | Nonfamily HH: 3-person HH |
P026 | P026013 | Nonfamily HH: 4-person HH |
P026 | P026014 | Nonfamily HH: 5-person HH |
P026 | P026015 | Nonfamily HH: 6-person HH |
P026 | P026016 | Nonfamily HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P027 | P027001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) Total |
P027 | P027002 | In HHs |
P027 | P027003 | In family HHs |
P027 | P027004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P027 | P027005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P027 | P027006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P027 | P027007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P027 | P027008 | In family HH: Child |
P027 | P027009 | In family HH: Child: Natural-born or adopted |
P027 | P027010 | In family HH: Child: Step |
P027 | P027011 | In family HH: Child: Grandchild |
P027 | P027012 | In family HH: Child: Brother or sister |
P027 | P027013 | In family HH: Child: Parent |
P027 | P027014 | In family HH: Child: Other relative |
P027 | P027015 | In family HH: Child: Nonrelative |
P027 | P027016 | In nonfamily HHs |
P027 | P027017 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P027 | P027018 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P027 | P027019 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P027 | P027020 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P027 | P027021 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P027 | P027022 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P027 | P027023 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P027 | P027024 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P027 | P027025 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P027 | P027026 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P027 | P027027 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P028 | P028001 | Relationship by HH type Pop 0-17 Total |
P028 | P028002 | In HHs |
P028 | P028003 | In HH: HHldr or spouse |
P028 | P028004 | Related child |
P028 | P028005 | Related child: Own child |
P028 | P028006 | Related child: Own child: In Married family |
P028 | P028007 | Related child: In other family |
P028 | P028008 | Related child: In other family: Male HHldr, no wife |
P028 | P028009 | Related child: In other family: Female HHldr, no husband |
P028 | P028010 | Related child: Other relative |
P028 | P028011 | Related child: Other relative: Grandchild |
P028 | P028012 | Related child: Other relative: Other relative |
P028 | P028013 | Related child: Other relative: Nonrelative |
P028 | P028014 | Related child: In GC |
P028 | P028015 | Related child: In GC: In Institute |
P028 | P028016 | Related child: In GC: Not in Institute |
P028 | P028017 | Related child: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P029 | P029001 | Relationship by Pop 0-17 Total |
P029 | P029002 | In HHs |
P029 | P029003 | In HH: HHldr or spouse |
P029 | P029004 | Related child |
P029 | P029005 | Related child: Own child |
P029 | P029006 | Related child: Own child: 0-2 |
P029 | P029007 | Related child: Own child: 3-4 |
P029 | P029008 | Related child: Own child: 5 |
P029 | P029009 | Related child: Own child: 6-11 |
P029 | P029010 | Related child: Own child: 12-13 |
P029 | P029011 | Related child: Own child: 14 |
P029 | P029012 | Related child: Own child: 15-17 |
P029 | P029013 | Related child: Other relative |
P029 | P029014 | Related child: Other relative: 0-2 |
P029 | P029015 | Related child: Other relative: 3-4 |
P029 | P029016 | Related child: Other relative: 5 |
P029 | P029017 | Related child: Other relative: 6-11 |
P029 | P029018 | Related child: Other relative: 12-13 |
P029 | P029019 | Related child: Other relative: 14 |
P029 | P029020 | Related child: Other relative: 15-17 |
P029 | P029021 | Related child: Nonrelative |
P029 | P029022 | Related child: Nonrelative: 0-2 |
P029 | P029023 | Related child: Nonrelative: 3-4 |
P029 | P029024 | Related child: Nonrelative: 5 |
P029 | P029025 | Related child: Nonrelative: 6-11 |
P029 | P029026 | Related child: Nonrelative: 12-13 |
P029 | P029027 | Related child: Nonrelative: 14 |
P029 | P029028 | Related child: Nonrelative: 15-17 |
P029 | P029029 | In GC |
P029 | P029030 | In GC: In Institute |
P029 | P029031 | In GC: In Institute: 0-2 |
P029 | P029032 | In GC: In Institute: 3-4 |
P029 | P029033 | In GC: In Institute: 5 |
P029 | P029034 | In GC: In Institute: 6-11 |
P029 | P029035 | In GC: In Institute: 12-13 |
P029 | P029036 | In GC: In Institute: 14 |
P029 | P029037 | In GC: In Institute: 15-17 |
P029 | P029038 | In GC: Not in Institute |
P029 | P029039 | In GC: Not in Institute: 0-2 |
P029 | P029040 | In GC: Not in Institute: 3-4 |
P029 | P029041 | In GC: Not in Institute: 5 |
P029 | P029042 | In GC: Not in Institute: 6-11 |
P029 | P029043 | In GC: Not in Institute: 12-13 |
P029 | P029044 | In GC: Not in Institute: 14 |
P029 | P029045 | In GC: Not in Institute: 15-17 |
P029 | P029046 | In GC: Not in Institute: Coverage improvement adj |
P030 | P030001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) Pop 65+ Total |
P030 | P030002 | In HHs |
P030 | P030003 | In family HHs |
P030 | P030004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P030 | P030005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P030 | P030006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P030 | P030007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P030 | P030008 | In family HH: HHldr: Parent |
P030 | P030009 | In family HH: HHldr: Other relative |
P030 | P030010 | In family HH: HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030 | P030011 | In nonfamily HHs |
P030 | P030012 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P030 | P030013 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P030 | P030014 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P030 | P030015 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P030 | P030016 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P030 | P030017 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P030 | P030018 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030 | P030019 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P030 | P030020 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P030 | P030021 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P030 | P030022 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P031 | P031001 | Families Total |
P032 | P032001 | Pop in families Total |
P033 | P033001 | Average family size |
P034 | P034001 | Family type by presence, Age own childs Total |
P034 | P034002 | Married family |
P034 | P034003 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034 | P034004 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034 | P034005 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034 | P034006 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034 | P034007 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034 | P034008 | Married family: Other family |
P034 | P034009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P034 | P034010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034 | P034011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034 | P034012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034 | P034013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034 | P034014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034 | P034015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P034 | P034016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034 | P034017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034 | P034018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034 | P034019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034 | P034020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P035 | P035001 | Family type by presence, Age of rel childs Total |
P035 | P035002 | Married family |
P035 | P035003 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035 | P035004 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035 | P035005 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035 | P035006 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035 | P035007 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035 | P035008 | Married family: Other family |
P035 | P035009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P035 | P035010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035 | P035011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035 | P035012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035 | P035013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035 | P035014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035 | P035015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P035 | P035016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035 | P035017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035 | P035018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035 | P035019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035 | P035020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P036 | P036001 | Own childs 0-17 by family type, Age Total |
P036 | P036002 | In Married families |
P036 | P036003 | In Married families: 0-2 |
P036 | P036004 | In Married families: 3-4 |
P036 | P036005 | In Married families: 5 |
P036 | P036006 | In Married families: 6-11 |
P036 | P036007 | In Married families: 12 to 17 |
P036 | P036008 | In other families |
P036 | P036009 | In other families: Male HHldr, no wife |
P036 | P036010 | In other families: Male HHldr, no wife: 0-2 |
P036 | P036011 | In other families: Male HHldr, no wife: 3-4 |
P036 | P036012 | In other families: Male HHldr, no wife: 5 |
P036 | P036013 | In other families: Male HHldr, no wife: 6-11 |
P036 | P036014 | In other families: Male HHldr, no wife: 12 to 17 |
P036 | P036015 | In other families: Female HHldr, no husband |
P036 | P036016 | In other families: Female HHldr, no husband: 0-2 |
P036 | P036017 | In other families: Female HHldr, no husband: 3-4 |
P036 | P036018 | In other families: Female HHldr, no husband: 5 |
P036 | P036019 | In other families: Female HHldr, no husband: 6-11 |
P036 | P036020 | In other families: Female HHldr, no husband: 12 to 17 |
P037 | P037001 | GC Pop Total |
P037 | P037002 | In Institute |
P037 | P037003 | In Institute: Correctional |
P037 | P037004 | In Institute: Nursing homes |
P037 | P037005 | In Institute: Other institute |
P037 | P037006 | Not in Institute |
P037 | P037007 | Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
P037 | P037008 | Not in Institute: Military quarters |
P037 | P037009 | Not in Institute: Other non institutional GC |
P038 | P038001 | GC Pop by sex by Age by GC type Total |
P038 | P038002 | Male |
P038 | P038003 | Male: 0-17 |
P038 | P038004 | Male: 0-17: In Institute |
P038 | P038005 | Male: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
P038 | P038006 | Male: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
P038 | P038007 | Male: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
P038 | P038008 | Male: 0-17: Not in Institute |
P038 | P038009 | Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
P038 | P038010 | Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
P038 | P038011 | Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
P038 | P038012 | Male: 18-64 |
P038 | P038013 | Male: 18-64: In Institute |
P038 | P038014 | Male: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
P038 | P038015 | Male: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
P038 | P038016 | Male: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
P038 | P038017 | Male: 18-64: Not in Institute |
P038 | P038018 | Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
P038 | P038019 | Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
P038 | P038020 | Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
P038 | P038021 | Male: 65+ |
P038 | P038022 | Male: 65+: In Institute |
P038 | P038023 | Male: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
P038 | P038024 | Male: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
P038 | P038025 | Male: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
P038 | P038026 | Male: 65+: Not in Institute |
P038 | P038027 | Male: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
P038 | P038028 | Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
P038 | P038029 | Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
P038 | P038030 | Male: 65+: Female |
P038 | P038031 | Female: 0-17 |
P038 | P038032 | Female: 0-17: In Institute |
P038 | P038033 | Female: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
P038 | P038034 | Female: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
P038 | P038035 | Female: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
P038 | P038036 | Female: 0-17: Not in Institute |
P038 | P038037 | Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
P038 | P038038 | Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
P038 | P038039 | Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
P038 | P038040 | Female: 18-64 |
P038 | P038041 | Female: 18-64: In Institute |
P038 | P038042 | Female: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
P038 | P038043 | Female: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
P038 | P038044 | Female: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
P038 | P038045 | Female: 18-64: Not in Institute |
P038 | P038046 | Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
P038 | P038047 | Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
P038 | P038048 | Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
P038 | P038049 | Female: 65+ |
P038 | P038050 | Female: 65+: In Institute |
P038 | P038051 | Female: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
P038 | P038052 | Female: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
P038 | P038053 | Female: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
P038 | P038054 | Female: 65+: Not in Institute |
P038 | P038055 | Female: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
P038 | P038056 | Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
P038 | P038057 | Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
P039 | P039001 | Pop substituted total |
P039 | P039002 | Not substituted |
P039 | P039003 | Substituted |
P039 | P039004 | Substituted: Noninterview |
P039 | P039005 | Substituted: Coverage improvement adj |
P040 | P040001 | Imputation of Pop items Total |
P040 | P040002 | Imputation of Pop items: No items allocated |
P040 | P040003 | Imputation of Pop items: 1+ items allocated |
P041 | P041001 | Imputation of race Total |
P041 | P041002 | Imputation of race: Allocated |
P041 | P041003 | Imputation of race: Not allocated |
P042 | P042001 | Imputation of Hisp Total |
P042 | P042002 | Imputation of Hisp: Allocated |
P042 | P042003 | Imputation of Hisp: Not allocated |
P043 | P043001 | Imputation of sex Total |
P043 | P043002 | Imputation of sex: Allocated |
P043 | P043003 | Imputation of sex: Not allocated |
P044 | P044001 | Imputation of Age Total |
P044 | P044002 | Imputation of Age: Allocated |
P044 | P044003 | Imputation of AgeNot allocated |
P045 | P045001 | Imputation of relationship Total |
P045 | P045002 | Imputation of relationship: Allocated |
P045 | P045003 | Imputation of relationship: Not allocated |
P012A | P012A001 | Age (White alone) Total |
P012A | P012A002 | Age (White alone): Male |
P012A | P012A003 | Age (White alone): Male: 0-4 |
P012A | P012A004 | Age (White alone): Male: 5-9 |
P012A | P012A005 | Age (White alone): Male: 10-14 |
P012A | P012A006 | Age (White alone): Male: 15-17 |
P012A | P012A007 | Age (White alone): Male: 18-19 |
P012A | P012A008 | Age (White alone): Male: 20 |
P012A | P012A009 | Age (White alone): Male: 21 |
P012A | P012A010 | Age (White alone): Male: 22-24 |
P012A | P012A011 | Age (White alone): Male: 25-29 |
P012A | P012A012 | Age (White alone): Male: 30-34 |
P012A | P012A013 | Age (White alone): Male: 35-39 |
P012A | P012A014 | Age (White alone): Male: 40-44 |
P012A | P012A015 | Age (White alone): Male: 45-49 |
P012A | P012A016 | Age (White alone): Male: 50-54 |
P012A | P012A017 | Age (White alone): Male: 55-59 |
P012A | P012A018 | Age (White alone): Male: 60-61 |
P012A | P012A019 | Age (White alone): Male: 62-64 |
P012A | P012A020 | Age (White alone): Male: 65-66 |
P012A | P012A021 | Age (White alone): Male: 67-69 |
P012A | P012A022 | Age (White alone): Male: 70-74 |
P012A | P012A023 | Age (White alone): Male: 75-79 |
P012A | P012A024 | Age (White alone): Male: 80-84 |
P012A | P012A025 | Age (White alone): Male: 85+ |
P012A | P012A026 | Age (White alone): Female |
P012A | P012A027 | Age (White alone): Female: 0-4 |
P012A | P012A028 | Age (White alone): Female: 5-9 |
P012A | P012A029 | Age (White alone): Female: 10-14 |
P012A | P012A030 | Age (White alone): Female: 15-17 |
P012A | P012A031 | Age (White alone): Female: 18-19 |
P012A | P012A032 | Age (White alone): Female: 20 |
P012A | P012A033 | Age (White alone): Female: 21 |
P012A | P012A034 | Age (White alone): Female: 22-24 |
P012A | P012A035 | Age (White alone): Female: 25-29 |
P012A | P012A036 | Age (White alone): Female: 30-34 |
P012A | P012A037 | Age (White alone): Female: 35-39 |
P012A | P012A038 | Age (White alone): Female: 40-44 |
P012A | P012A039 | Age (White alone): Female: 45-49 |
P012A | P012A040 | Age (White alone): Female: 50-54 |
P012A | P012A041 | Age (White alone): Female: 55-59 |
P012A | P012A042 | Age (White alone): Female: 60-61 |
P012A | P012A043 | Age (White alone): Female: 62-64 |
P012A | P012A044 | Age (White alone): Female: 65-66 |
P012A | P012A045 | Age (White alone): Female: 67-69 |
P012A | P012A046 | Age (White alone): Female: 70-74 |
P012A | P012A047 | Age (White alone): Female: 75-79 |
P012A | P012A048 | Age (White alone): Female: 80-84 |
P012A | P012A049 | Age (White alone): Female: 85+ |
P012B | P012B001 | Age (Black alone) Total |
P012B | P012B002 | Age (Black alone): Male |
P012B | P012B003 | Age (Black alone): Male: 0-4 |
P012B | P012B004 | Age (Black alone): Male: 5-9 |
P012B | P012B005 | Age (Black alone): Male: 10-14 |
P012B | P012B006 | Age (Black alone): Male: 15-17 |
P012B | P012B007 | Age (Black alone): Male: 18-19 |
P012B | P012B008 | Age (Black alone): Male: 20 |
P012B | P012B009 | Age (Black alone): Male: 21 |
P012B | P012B010 | Age (Black alone): Male: 22-24 |
P012B | P012B011 | Age (Black alone): Male: 25-29 |
P012B | P012B012 | Age (Black alone): Male: 30-34 |
P012B | P012B013 | Age (Black alone): Male: 35-39 |
P012B | P012B014 | Age (Black alone): Male: 40-44 |
P012B | P012B015 | Age (Black alone): Male: 45-49 |
P012B | P012B016 | Age (Black alone): Male: 50-54 |
P012B | P012B017 | Age (Black alone): Male: 55-59 |
P012B | P012B018 | Age (Black alone): Male: 60-61 |
P012B | P012B019 | Age (Black alone): Male: 62-64 |
P012B | P012B020 | Age (Black alone): Male: 65-66 |
P012B | P012B021 | Age (Black alone): Male: 67-69 |
P012B | P012B022 | Age (Black alone): Male: 70-74 |
P012B | P012B023 | Age (Black alone): Male: 75-79 |
P012B | P012B024 | Age (Black alone): Male: 80-84 |
P012B | P012B025 | Age (Black alone): Male: 85+ |
P012B | P012B026 | Age (Black alone): Female |
P012B | P012B027 | Age (Black alone): Female: 0-4 |
P012B | P012B028 | Age (Black alone): Female: 5-9 |
P012B | P012B029 | Age (Black alone): Female: 10-14 |
P012B | P012B030 | Age (Black alone): Female: 15-17 |
P012B | P012B031 | Age (Black alone): Female: 18-19 |
P012B | P012B032 | Age (Black alone): Female: 20 |
P012B | P012B033 | Age (Black alone): Female: 21 |
P012B | P012B034 | Age (Black alone): Female: 22-24 |
P012B | P012B035 | Age (Black alone): Female: 25-29 |
P012B | P012B036 | Age (Black alone): Female: 30-34 |
P012B | P012B037 | Age (Black alone): Female: 35-39 |
P012B | P012B038 | Age (Black alone): Female: 40-44 |
P012B | P012B039 | Age (Black alone): Female: 45-49 |
P012B | P012B040 | Age (Black alone): Female: 50-54 |
P012B | P012B041 | Age (Black alone): Female: 55-59 |
P012B | P012B042 | Age (Black alone): Female: 60-61 |
P012B | P012B043 | Age (Black alone): Female: 62-64 |
P012B | P012B044 | Age (Black alone): Female: 65-66 |
P012B | P012B045 | Age (Black alone): Female: 67-69 |
P012B | P012B046 | Age (Black alone): Female: 70-74 |
P012B | P012B047 | Age (Black alone): Female: 75-79 |
P012B | P012B048 | Age (Black alone): Female: 80-84 |
P012B | P012B049 | Age (Black alone): Female: 85+ |
P012C | P012C001 | Age (NatAmer alone) Total |
P012C | P012C002 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male |
P012C | P012C003 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-4 |
P012C | P012C004 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 5-9 |
P012C | P012C005 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 10-14 |
P012C | P012C006 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 15-17 |
P012C | P012C007 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-19 |
P012C | P012C008 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 20 |
P012C | P012C009 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 21 |
P012C | P012C010 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 22-24 |
P012C | P012C011 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 25-29 |
P012C | P012C012 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 30-34 |
P012C | P012C013 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 35-39 |
P012C | P012C014 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 40-44 |
P012C | P012C015 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 45-49 |
P012C | P012C016 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 50-54 |
P012C | P012C017 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 55-59 |
P012C | P012C018 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 60-61 |
P012C | P012C019 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 62-64 |
P012C | P012C020 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 65-66 |
P012C | P012C021 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 67-69 |
P012C | P012C022 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 70-74 |
P012C | P012C023 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 75-79 |
P012C | P012C024 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 80-84 |
P012C | P012C025 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 85+ |
P012C | P012C026 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female |
P012C | P012C027 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-4 |
P012C | P012C028 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 5-9 |
P012C | P012C029 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 10-14 |
P012C | P012C030 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 15-17 |
P012C | P012C031 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-19 |
P012C | P012C032 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 20 |
P012C | P012C033 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 21 |
P012C | P012C034 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 22-24 |
P012C | P012C035 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 25-29 |
P012C | P012C036 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 30-34 |
P012C | P012C037 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 35-39 |
P012C | P012C038 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 40-44 |
P012C | P012C039 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 45-49 |
P012C | P012C040 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 50-54 |
P012C | P012C041 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 55-59 |
P012C | P012C042 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 60-61 |
P012C | P012C043 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 62-64 |
P012C | P012C044 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 65-66 |
P012C | P012C045 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 67-69 |
P012C | P012C046 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 70-74 |
P012C | P012C047 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 75-79 |
P012C | P012C048 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 80-84 |
P012C | P012C049 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 85+ |
P012D | P012D001 | Age (Asian alone) Total |
P012D | P012D002 | Age (Asian alone): Male |
P012D | P012D003 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 0-4 |
P012D | P012D004 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 5-9 |
P012D | P012D005 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 10-14 |
P012D | P012D006 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 15-17 |
P012D | P012D007 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 18-19 |
P012D | P012D008 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 20 |
P012D | P012D009 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 21 |
P012D | P012D010 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 22-24 |
P012D | P012D011 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 25-29 |
P012D | P012D012 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 30-34 |
P012D | P012D013 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 35-39 |
P012D | P012D014 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 40-44 |
P012D | P012D015 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 45-49 |
P012D | P012D016 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 50-54 |
P012D | P012D017 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 55-59 |
P012D | P012D018 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 60-61 |
P012D | P012D019 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 62-64 |
P012D | P012D020 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 65-66 |
P012D | P012D021 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 67-69 |
P012D | P012D022 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 70-74 |
P012D | P012D023 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 75-79 |
P012D | P012D024 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 80-84 |
P012D | P012D025 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 85+ |
P012D | P012D026 | Age (Asian alone): Female |
P012D | P012D027 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 0-4 |
P012D | P012D028 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 5-9 |
P012D | P012D029 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 10-14 |
P012D | P012D030 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 15-17 |
P012D | P012D031 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 18-19 |
P012D | P012D032 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 20 |
P012D | P012D033 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 21 |
P012D | P012D034 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 22-24 |
P012D | P012D035 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 25-29 |
P012D | P012D036 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 30-34 |
P012D | P012D037 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 35-39 |
P012D | P012D038 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 40-44 |
P012D | P012D039 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 45-49 |
P012D | P012D040 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 50-54 |
P012D | P012D041 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 55-59 |
P012D | P012D042 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 60-61 |
P012D | P012D043 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 62-64 |
P012D | P012D044 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 65-66 |
P012D | P012D045 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 67-69 |
P012D | P012D046 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 70-74 |
P012D | P012D047 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 75-79 |
P012D | P012D048 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 80-84 |
P012D | P012D049 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 85+ |
P012E | P012E001 | Age (Pacific alone) Total |
P012E | P012E002 | Age (Pacific alone): Male |
P012E | P012E003 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 0-4 |
P012E | P012E004 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 5-9 |
P012E | P012E005 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 10-14 |
P012E | P012E006 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 15-17 |
P012E | P012E007 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 18-19 |
P012E | P012E008 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 20 |
P012E | P012E009 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 21 |
P012E | P012E010 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 22-24 |
P012E | P012E011 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 25-29 |
P012E | P012E012 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 30-34 |
P012E | P012E013 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 35-39 |
P012E | P012E014 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 40-44 |
P012E | P012E015 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 45-49 |
P012E | P012E016 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 50-54 |
P012E | P012E017 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 55-59 |
P012E | P012E018 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 60-61 |
P012E | P012E019 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 62-64 |
P012E | P012E020 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 65-66 |
P012E | P012E021 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 67-69 |
P012E | P012E022 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 70-74 |
P012E | P012E023 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 75-79 |
P012E | P012E024 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 80-84 |
P012E | P012E025 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 85+ |
P012E | P012E026 | Age (Pacific alone): Female |
P012E | P012E027 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 0-4 |
P012E | P012E028 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 5-9 |
P012E | P012E029 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 10-14 |
P012E | P012E030 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 15-17 |
P012E | P012E031 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 18-19 |
P012E | P012E032 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 20 |
P012E | P012E033 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 21 |
P012E | P012E034 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 22-24 |
P012E | P012E035 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 25-29 |
P012E | P012E036 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 30-34 |
P012E | P012E037 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 35-39 |
P012E | P012E038 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 40-44 |
P012E | P012E039 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 45-49 |
P012E | P012E040 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 50-54 |
P012E | P012E041 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 55-59 |
P012E | P012E042 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 60-61 |
P012E | P012E043 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 62-64 |
P012E | P012E044 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 65-66 |
P012E | P012E045 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 67-69 |
P012E | P012E046 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 70-74 |
P012E | P012E047 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 75-79 |
P012E | P012E048 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 80-84 |
P012E | P012E049 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 85+ |
P012F | P012F001 | Age (Other alone) Total |
P012F | P012F002 | Age (Other alone): Male |
P012F | P012F003 | Age (Other alone): Male: 0-4 |
P012F | P012F004 | Age (Other alone): Male: 5-9 |
P012F | P012F005 | Age (Other alone): Male: 10-14 |
P012F | P012F006 | Age (Other alone): Male: 15-17 |
P012F | P012F007 | Age (Other alone): Male: 18-19 |
P012F | P012F008 | Age (Other alone): Male: 20 |
P012F | P012F009 | Age (Other alone): Male: 21 |
P012F | P012F010 | Age (Other alone): Male: 22-24 |
P012F | P012F011 | Age (Other alone): Male: 25-29 |
P012F | P012F012 | Age (Other alone): Male: 30-34 |
P012F | P012F013 | Age (Other alone): Male: 35-39 |
P012F | P012F014 | Age (Other alone): Male: 40-44 |
P012F | P012F015 | Age (Other alone): Male: 45-49 |
P012F | P012F016 | Age (Other alone): Male: 50-54 |
P012F | P012F017 | Age (Other alone): Male: 55-59 |
P012F | P012F018 | Age (Other alone): Male: 60-61 |
P012F | P012F019 | Age (Other alone): Male: 62-64 |
P012F | P012F020 | Age (Other alone): Male: 65-66 |
P012F | P012F021 | Age (Other alone): Male: 67-69 |
P012F | P012F022 | Age (Other alone): Male: 70-74 |
P012F | P012F023 | Age (Other alone): Male: 75-79 |
P012F | P012F024 | Age (Other alone): Male: 80-84 |
P012F | P012F025 | Age (Other alone): Male: 85+ |
P012F | P012F026 | Age (Other alone): Female |
P012F | P012F027 | Age (Other alone): Female: 0-4 |
P012F | P012F028 | Age (Other alone): Female: 5-9 |
P012F | P012F029 | Age (Other alone): Female: 10-14 |
P012F | P012F030 | Age (Other alone): Female: 15-17 |
P012F | P012F031 | Age (Other alone): Female: 18-19 |
P012F | P012F032 | Age (Other alone): Female: 20 |
P012F | P012F033 | Age (Other alone): Female: 21 |
P012F | P012F034 | Age (Other alone): Female: 22-24 |
P012F | P012F035 | Age (Other alone): Female: 25-29 |
P012F | P012F036 | Age (Other alone): Female: 30-34 |
P012F | P012F037 | Age (Other alone): Female: 35-39 |
P012F | P012F038 | Age (Other alone): Female: 40-44 |
P012F | P012F039 | Age (Other alone): Female: 45-49 |
P012F | P012F040 | Age (Other alone): Female: 50-54 |
P012F | P012F041 | Age (Other alone): Female: 55-59 |
P012F | P012F042 | Age (Other alone): Female: 60-61 |
P012F | P012F043 | Age (Other alone): Female: 62-64 |
P012F | P012F044 | Age (Other alone): Female: 65-66 |
P012F | P012F045 | Age (Other alone): Female: 67-69 |
P012F | P012F046 | Age (Other alone): Female: 70-74 |
P012F | P012F047 | Age (Other alone): Female: 75-79 |
P012F | P012F048 | Age (Other alone): Female: 80-84 |
P012F | P012F049 | Age (Other alone): Female: 85+ |
P012G | P012G001 | Age (2+ races) Total |
P012G | P012G002 | Age (2+ races): Male |
P012G | P012G003 | Age (2+ races): Male: 0-4 |
P012G | P012G004 | Age (2+ races): Male: 5-9 |
P012G | P012G005 | Age (2+ races): Male: 10-14 |
P012G | P012G006 | Age (2+ races): Male: 15-17 |
P012G | P012G007 | Age (2+ races): Male: 18-19 |
P012G | P012G008 | Age (2+ races): Male: 20 |
P012G | P012G009 | Age (2+ races): Male: 21 |
P012G | P012G010 | Age (2+ races): Male: 22-24 |
P012G | P012G011 | Age (2+ races): Male: 25-29 |
P012G | P012G012 | Age (2+ races): Male: 30-34 |
P012G | P012G013 | Age (2+ races): Male: 35-39 |
P012G | P012G014 | Age (2+ races): Male: 40-44 |
P012G | P012G015 | Age (2+ races): Male: 45-49 |
P012G | P012G016 | Age (2+ races): Male: 50-54 |
P012G | P012G017 | Age (2+ races): Male: 55-59 |
P012G | P012G018 | Age (2+ races): Male: 60-61 |
P012G | P012G019 | Age (2+ races): Male: 62-64 |
P012G | P012G020 | Age (2+ races): Male: 65-66 |
P012G | P012G021 | Age (2+ races): Male: 67-69 |
P012G | P012G022 | Age (2+ races): Male: 70-74 |
P012G | P012G023 | Age (2+ races): Male: 75-79 |
P012G | P012G024 | Age (2+ races): Male: 80-84 |
P012G | P012G025 | Age (2+ races): Male: 85+ |
P012G | P012G026 | Age (2+ races): Female |
P012G | P012G027 | Age (2+ races): Female: 0-4 |
P012G | P012G028 | Age (2+ races): Female: 5-9 |
P012G | P012G029 | Age (2+ races): Female: 10-14 |
P012G | P012G030 | Age (2+ races): Female: 15-17 |
P012G | P012G031 | Age (2+ races): Female: 18-19 |
P012G | P012G032 | Age (2+ races): Female: 20 |
P012G | P012G033 | Age (2+ races): Female: 21 |
P012G | P012G034 | Age (2+ races): Female: 22-24 |
P012G | P012G035 | Age (2+ races): Female: 25-29 |
P012G | P012G036 | Age (2+ races): Female: 30-34 |
P012G | P012G037 | Age (2+ races): Female: 35-39 |
P012G | P012G038 | Age (2+ races): Female: 40-44 |
P012G | P012G039 | Age (2+ races): Female: 45-49 |
P012G | P012G040 | Age (2+ races): Female: 50-54 |
P012G | P012G041 | Age (2+ races): Female: 55-59 |
P012G | P012G042 | Age (2+ races): Female: 60-61 |
P012G | P012G043 | Age (2+ races): Female: 62-64 |
P012G | P012G044 | Age (2+ races): Female: 65-66 |
P012G | P012G045 | Age (2+ races): Female: 67-69 |
P012G | P012G046 | Age (2+ races): Female: 70-74 |
P012G | P012G047 | Age (2+ races): Female: 75-79 |
P012G | P012G048 | Age (2+ races): Female: 80-84 |
P012G | P012G049 | Age (2+ races): Female: 85+ |
P012H | P012H001 | Age (Hisp) Total |
P012H | P012H002 | Age (Hisp): Male |
P012H | P012H003 | Age (Hisp): Male: 0-4 |
P012H | P012H004 | Age (Hisp): Male: 5-9 |
P012H | P012H005 | Age (Hisp): Male: 10-14 |
P012H | P012H006 | Age (Hisp): Male: 15-17 |
P012H | P012H007 | Age (Hisp): Male: 18-19 |
P012H | P012H008 | Age (Hisp): Male: 20 |
P012H | P012H009 | Age (Hisp): Male: 21 |
P012H | P012H010 | Age (Hisp): Male: 22-24 |
P012H | P012H011 | Age (Hisp): Male: 25-29 |
P012H | P012H012 | Age (Hisp): Male: 30-34 |
P012H | P012H013 | Age (Hisp): Male: 35-39 |
P012H | P012H014 | Age (Hisp): Male: 40-44 |
P012H | P012H015 | Age (Hisp): Male: 45-49 |
P012H | P012H016 | Age (Hisp): Male: 50-54 |
P012H | P012H017 | Age (Hisp): Male: 55-59 |
P012H | P012H018 | Age (Hisp): Male: 60-61 |
P012H | P012H019 | Age (Hisp): Male: 62-64 |
P012H | P012H020 | Age (Hisp): Male: 65-66 |
P012H | P012H021 | Age (Hisp): Male: 67-69 |
P012H | P012H022 | Age (Hisp): Male: 70-74 |
P012H | P012H023 | Age (Hisp): Male: 75-79 |
P012H | P012H024 | Age (Hisp): Male: 80-84 |
P012H | P012H025 | Age (Hisp): Male: 85+ |
P012H | P012H026 | Age (Hisp): Female |
P012H | P012H027 | Age (Hisp): Female: 0-4 |
P012H | P012H028 | Age (Hisp): Female: 5-9 |
P012H | P012H029 | Age (Hisp): Female: 10-14 |
P012H | P012H030 | Age (Hisp): Female: 15-17 |
P012H | P012H031 | Age (Hisp): Female: 18-19 |
P012H | P012H032 | Age (Hisp): Female: 20 |
P012H | P012H033 | Age (Hisp): Female: 21 |
P012H | P012H034 | Age (Hisp): Female: 22-24 |
P012H | P012H035 | Age (Hisp): Female: 25-29 |
P012H | P012H036 | Age (Hisp): Female: 30-34 |
P012H | P012H037 | Age (Hisp): Female: 35-39 |
P012H | P012H038 | Age (Hisp): Female: 40-44 |
P012H | P012H039 | Age (Hisp): Female: 45-49 |
P012H | P012H040 | Age (Hisp): Female: 50-54 |
P012H | P012H041 | Age (Hisp): Female: 55-59 |
P012H | P012H042 | Age (Hisp): Female: 60-61 |
P012H | P012H043 | Age (Hisp): Female: 62-64 |
P012H | P012H044 | Age (Hisp): Female: 65-66 |
P012H | P012H045 | Age (Hisp): Female: 67-69 |
P012H | P012H046 | Age (Hisp): Female: 70-74 |
P012H | P012H047 | Age (Hisp): Female: 75-79 |
P012H | P012H048 | Age (Hisp): Female: 80-84 |
P012H | P012H049 | Age (Hisp): Female: 85+ |
P012I | P012I001 | Age (White alone, not Hisp) Total |
P012I | P012I002 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male |
P012I | P012I003 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-4 |
P012I | P012I004 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 5-9 |
P012I | P012I005 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 10-14 |
P012I | P012I006 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 15-17 |
P012I | P012I007 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-19 |
P012I | P012I008 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 20 |
P012I | P012I009 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 21 |
P012I | P012I010 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 22-24 |
P012I | P012I011 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 25-29 |
P012I | P012I012 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 30-34 |
P012I | P012I013 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 35-39 |
P012I | P012I014 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 40-44 |
P012I | P012I015 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 45-49 |
P012I | P012I016 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 50-54 |
P012I | P012I017 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 55-59 |
P012I | P012I018 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 60-61 |
P012I | P012I019 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 62-64 |
P012I | P012I020 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65-66 |
P012I | P012I021 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 67-69 |
P012I | P012I022 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 70-74 |
P012I | P012I023 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 75-79 |
P012I | P012I024 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 80-84 |
P012I | P012I025 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 85+ |
P012I | P012I026 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female |
P012I | P012I027 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-4 |
P012I | P012I028 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 5-9 |
P012I | P012I029 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 10-14 |
P012I | P012I030 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 15-17 |
P012I | P012I031 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-19 |
P012I | P012I032 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 20 |
P012I | P012I033 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 21 |
P012I | P012I034 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 22-24 |
P012I | P012I035 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 25-29 |
P012I | P012I036 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 30-34 |
P012I | P012I037 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 35-39 |
P012I | P012I038 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 40-44 |
P012I | P012I039 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 45-49 |
P012I | P012I040 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 50-54 |
P012I | P012I041 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 55-59 |
P012I | P012I042 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 60-61 |
P012I | P012I043 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 62-64 |
P012I | P012I044 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65-66 |
P012I | P012I045 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 67-69 |
P012I | P012I046 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 70-74 |
P012I | P012I047 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 75-79 |
P012I | P012I048 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 80-84 |
P012I | P012I049 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 85+ |
P013A | P013A001 | Median Age by Sex (White alone): Both sexes |
P013A | P013A002 | Median Age by Sex (White alone): Male |
P013A | P013A003 | Median Age (White alone): Female |
P013B | P013B001 | Median Age (Black alone): Both sexes |
P013B | P013B002 | Median Age (Black alone): Male |
P013B | P013B003 | Median Age (Black alone): Female |
P013C | P013C001 | Median Age (NatAmer alone): Both sexes |
P013C | P013C002 | Median Age (NatAmer alone): Male |
P013C | P013C003 | Median Age (NatAmer alone): Female |
P013D | P013D001 | Median Age (Asian alone): Both sexes |
P013D | P013D002 | Median Age (Asian alone): Male |
P013D | P013D003 | Median Age (Asian alone): Female |
P013E | P013E001 | Median Age (Pacific alone): Both sexes |
P013E | P013E002 | Median Age (Pacific alone): Male |
P013E | P013E003 | Median Age (Pacific alone): Female |
P013F | P013F001 | Median Age (Other alone): Both sexes |
P013F | P013F002 | Median Age (Other alone): Male |
P013F | P013F003 | Median Age (Other alone): Female |
P013G | P013G001 | Median Age (Two or more races): Both sexes |
P013G | P013G002 | Median Age (Two or more races): Male |
P013G | P013G003 | Median Age (Two or more races): Female |
P013H | P013H001 | Median Age (Hisp): Both sexes |
P013H | P013H002 | Median Age (Hisp): Male |
P013H | P013H003 | Median Age (Hisp): Female |
P013I | P013I001 | Median Age (White alone, not Hisp): Both sexes |
P013I | P013I002 | Median Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male |
P013I | P013I003 | Median Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female |
P015A | P015A001 | HHs (White alone HHldr) Total |
P015B | P015B001 | HHs (Black alone HHldr) Total |
P015C | P015C001 | HHs (NatAmer alone HHldr) Total |
P015D | P015D001 | HHs (Asian alone HHldr) Total |
P015E | P015E001 | HHs (Pacific alone HHldr) Total |
P015F | P015F001 | HHs (Other alone HHldr) Total |
P015G | P015G001 | HHs (2+ races HHldr) Total |
P015H | P015H001 | HHs (Hisp HHldr) Total |
P015I | P015I001 | HHs (White alone, not Hisp HHldr) Total |
P016A | P016A001 | Pop in HHs (White alone HHldr) Total |
P016B | P016B001 | Pop in HHs (Black alone HHldr) Total |
P016C | P016C001 | Pop in HHs (NatAmer alone HHldr) Total |
P016D | P016D001 | Pop in HHs (asian alone HHldr) Total |
P016E | P016E001 | Pop in HHs (PacIsl alone HHldr) Total |
P016F | P016F001 | Pop in HHs (Other alone HHldr) Total |
P016G | P016G001 | Pop in HHs (2+ races HHldr) Total |
P016H | P016H001 | Pop in HHs (Hisp HHldr) Total |
P016I | P016I001 | Pop in HHs (White alone, not Hisp HHldr) Total |
P017A | P017A001 | Average HH size (White alone HHldr) |
P017B | P017B001 | Average HH size (Black alone HHldr) |
P017C | P017C001 | Average HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr) |
P017D | P017D001 | Average HH size (Asian alone HHldr) |
P017E | P017E001 | Average HH size (Pacific alone HHldr) |
P017F | P017F001 | Average HH size (Other alone HHldr) |
P017G | P017G001 | Average HH size (2+ races HHldr) |
P017H | P017H001 | Average HH size (Hisp HHldr) |
P017I | P017I001 | Average HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr) |
P026A | P026A001 | HH type by HH size (White alone HHldr) Total |
P026A | P026A002 | Family HHs |
P026A | P026A003 | Family HH: 2-person HH |
P026A | P026A004 | Family HH: 3-person HH |
P026A | P026A005 | Family HH: 4-person HH |
P026A | P026A006 | Family HH: 5-person HH |
P026A | P026A007 | Family HH: 6-person HH |
P026A | P026A008 | Family HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026A | P026A009 | Nonfamily HHs |
P026A | P026A010 | Nonfamily HH: 1-person HH |
P026A | P026A011 | Nonfamily HH: 2-person HH |
P026A | P026A012 | Nonfamily HH: 3-person HH |
P026A | P026A013 | Nonfamily HH: 4-person HH |
P026A | P026A014 | Nonfamily HH: 5-person HH |
P026A | P026A015 | Nonfamily HH: 6-person HH |
P026A | P026A016 | Nonfamily HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026B | P026B001 | HH type by HH size (Black alone HHldr) Total |
P026B | P026B002 | Family HHs |
P026B | P026B003 | Family HH: 2-person HH |
P026B | P026B004 | Family HH: 3-person HH |
P026B | P026B005 | Family HH: 4-person HH |
P026B | P026B006 | Family HH: 5-person HH |
P026B | P026B007 | Family HH: 6-person HH |
P026B | P026B008 | Family HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026B | P026B009 | Nonfamily HHs |
P026B | P026B010 | Nonfamily HH: 1-person HH |
P026B | P026B011 | Nonfamily HH: 2-person HH |
P026B | P026B012 | Nonfamily HH: 3-person HH |
P026B | P026B013 | Nonfamily HH: 4-person HH |
P026B | P026B014 | Nonfamily HH: 5-person HH |
P026B | P026B015 | Nonfamily HH: 6-person HH |
P026B | P026B016 | Nonfamily HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026C | P026C001 | HH type by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr) Total |
P026C | P026C002 | Family HHs |
P026C | P026C003 | Family HH: 2-person HH |
P026C | P026C004 | Family HH: 3-person HH |
P026C | P026C005 | Family HH: 4-person HH |
P026C | P026C006 | Family HH: 5-person HH |
P026C | P026C007 | Family HH: 6-person HH |
P026C | P026C008 | Family HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026C | P026C009 | Nonfamily HHs |
P026C | P026C010 | Nonfamily HH: 1-person HH |
P026C | P026C011 | Nonfamily HH: 2-person HH |
P026C | P026C012 | Nonfamily HH: 3-person HH |
P026C | P026C013 | Nonfamily HH: 4-person HH |
P026C | P026C014 | Nonfamily HH: 5-person HH |
P026C | P026C015 | Nonfamily HH: 6-person HH |
P026C | P026C016 | Nonfamily HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026D | P026D001 | HH type by HH size (asian alone HHldr) Total |
P026D | P026D002 | Family HHs |
P026D | P026D003 | Family HH: 2-person HH |
P026D | P026D004 | Family HH: 3-person HH |
P026D | P026D005 | Family HH: 4-person HH |
P026D | P026D006 | Family HH: 5-person HH |
P026D | P026D007 | Family HH: 6-person HH |
P026D | P026D008 | Family HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026D | P026D009 | Nonfamily HHs |
P026D | P026D010 | Nonfamily HH: 1-person HH |
P026D | P026D011 | Nonfamily HH: 2-person HH |
P026D | P026D012 | Nonfamily HH: 3-person HH |
P026D | P026D013 | Nonfamily HH: 4-person HH |
P026D | P026D014 | Nonfamily HH: 5-person HH |
P026D | P026D015 | Nonfamily HH: 6-person HH |
P026D | P026D016 | Nonfamily HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026E | P026E001 | HH type by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr) Total |
P026E | P026E002 | Family HHs |
P026E | P026E003 | Family HH: 2-person HH |
P026E | P026E004 | Family HH: 3-person HH |
P026E | P026E005 | Family HH: 4-person HH |
P026E | P026E006 | Family HH: 5-person HH |
P026E | P026E007 | Family HH: 6-person HH |
P026E | P026E008 | Family HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026E | P026E009 | Nonfamily HHs |
P026E | P026E010 | Nonfamily HH: 1-person HH |
P026E | P026E011 | Nonfamily HH: 2-person HH |
P026E | P026E012 | Nonfamily HH: 3-person HH |
P026E | P026E013 | Nonfamily HH: 4-person HH |
P026E | P026E014 | Nonfamily HH: 5-person HH |
P026E | P026E015 | Nonfamily HH: 6-person HH |
P026E | P026E016 | Nonfamily HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026F | P026F001 | HH type by HH size (Other alone HHldr) Total |
P026F | P026F002 | Family HHs |
P026F | P026F003 | Family HH: 2-person HH |
P026F | P026F004 | Family HH: 3-person HH |
P026F | P026F005 | Family HH: 4-person HH |
P026F | P026F006 | Family HH: 5-person HH |
P026F | P026F007 | Family HH: 6-person HH |
P026F | P026F008 | Family HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026F | P026F009 | Nonfamily HHs |
P026F | P026F010 | Nonfamily HH: 1-person HH |
P026F | P026F011 | Nonfamily HH: 2-person HH |
P026F | P026F012 | Nonfamily HH: 3-person HH |
P026F | P026F013 | Nonfamily HH: 4-person HH |
P026F | P026F014 | Nonfamily HH: 5-person HH |
P026F | P026F015 | Nonfamily HH: 6-person HH |
P026F | P026F016 | Nonfamily HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026G | P026G001 | HH type by HH size (2+ races HHldr) Total |
P026G | P026G002 | Family HHs |
P026G | P026G003 | Family HH: 2-person HH |
P026G | P026G004 | Family HH: 3-person HH |
P026G | P026G005 | Family HH: 4-person HH |
P026G | P026G006 | Family HH: 5-person HH |
P026G | P026G007 | Family HH: 6-person HH |
P026G | P026G008 | Family HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026G | P026G009 | Nonfamily HHs |
P026G | P026G010 | Nonfamily HH: 1-person HH |
P026G | P026G011 | Nonfamily HH: 2-person HH |
P026G | P026G012 | Nonfamily HH: 3-person HH |
P026G | P026G013 | Nonfamily HH: 4-person HH |
P026G | P026G014 | Nonfamily HH: 5-person HH |
P026G | P026G015 | Nonfamily HH: 6-person HH |
P026G | P026G016 | Nonfamily HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026H | P026H001 | HH type by HH size (Hisp HHldr) Total |
P026H | P026H002 | Family HHs |
P026H | P026H003 | Family HH: 2-person HH |
P026H | P026H004 | Family HH: 3-person HH |
P026H | P026H005 | Family HH: 4-person HH |
P026H | P026H006 | Family HH: 5-person HH |
P026H | P026H007 | Family HH: 6-person HH |
P026H | P026H008 | Family HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026H | P026H009 | Nonfamily HHs |
P026H | P026H010 | Nonfamily HH: 1-person HH |
P026H | P026H011 | Nonfamily HH: 2-person HH |
P026H | P026H012 | Nonfamily HH: 3-person HH |
P026H | P026H013 | Nonfamily HH: 4-person HH |
P026H | P026H014 | Nonfamily HH: 5-person HH |
P026H | P026H015 | Nonfamily HH: 6-person HH |
P026H | P026H016 | Nonfamily HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026I | P026I001 | HH type by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr) Total |
P026I | P026I002 | Family HHs |
P026I | P026I003 | Family HH: 2-person HH |
P026I | P026I004 | Family HH: 3-person HH |
P026I | P026I005 | Family HH: 4-person HH |
P026I | P026I006 | Family HH: 5-person HH |
P026I | P026I007 | Family HH: 6-person HH |
P026I | P026I008 | Family HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P026I | P026I009 | Nonfamily HHs |
P026I | P026I010 | Nonfamily HH: 1-person HH |
P026I | P026I011 | Nonfamily HH: 2-person HH |
P026I | P026I012 | Nonfamily HH: 3-person HH |
P026I | P026I013 | Nonfamily HH: 4-person HH |
P026I | P026I014 | Nonfamily HH: 5-person HH |
P026I | P026I015 | Nonfamily HH: 6-person HH |
P026I | P026I016 | Nonfamily HH: 7-or-more person HH |
P027A | P027A001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) (White alone) Total |
P027A | P027A002 | In HHs |
P027A | P027A003 | In family HHs |
P027A | P027A004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P027A | P027A005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P027A | P027A006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P027A | P027A007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P027A | P027A008 | In family HH: Child |
P027A | P027A009 | In family HH: Child: Natural-born or adopted |
P027A | P027A010 | In family HH: Child: Step |
P027A | P027A011 | In family HH: Child: Grandchild |
P027A | P027A012 | In family HH: Child: Brother or sister |
P027A | P027A013 | In family HH: Child: Parent |
P027A | P027A014 | In family HH: Child: Other relative |
P027A | P027A015 | In family HH: Child: Nonrelative |
P027A | P027A016 | In nonfamily HHs |
P027A | P027A017 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P027A | P027A018 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P027A | P027A019 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P027A | P027A020 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P027A | P027A021 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P027A | P027A022 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P027A | P027A023 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P027A | P027A024 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P027A | P027A025 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P027A | P027A026 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P027A | P027A027 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P027B | P027B001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) (Black alone) Total |
P027B | P027B002 | In HHs |
P027B | P027B003 | In family HHs |
P027B | P027B004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P027B | P027B005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P027B | P027B006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P027B | P027B007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P027B | P027B008 | In family HH: Child |
P027B | P027B009 | In family HH: Child: Natural-born or adopted |
P027B | P027B010 | In family HH: Child: Step |
P027B | P027B011 | In family HH: Child: Grandchild |
P027B | P027B012 | In family HH: Child: Brother or sister |
P027B | P027B013 | In family HH: Child: Parent |
P027B | P027B014 | In family HH: Child: Other relative |
P027B | P027B015 | In family HH: Child: Nonrelative |
P027B | P027B016 | In nonfamily HHs |
P027B | P027B017 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P027B | P027B018 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P027B | P027B019 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P027B | P027B020 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P027B | P027B021 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P027B | P027B022 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P027B | P027B023 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P027B | P027B024 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P027B | P027B025 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P027B | P027B026 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P027B | P027B027 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P027C | P027C001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) (NatAmer alone) Total |
P027C | P027C002 | In HHs |
P027C | P027C003 | In family HHs |
P027C | P027C004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P027C | P027C005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P027C | P027C006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P027C | P027C007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P027C | P027C008 | In family HH: Child |
P027C | P027C009 | In family HH: Child: Natural-born or adopted |
P027C | P027C010 | In family HH: Child: Step |
P027C | P027C011 | In family HH: Child: Grandchild |
P027C | P027C012 | In family HH: Child: Brother or sister |
P027C | P027C013 | In family HH: Child: Parent |
P027C | P027C014 | In family HH: Child: Other relative |
P027C | P027C015 | In family HH: Child: Nonrelative |
P027C | P027C016 | In nonfamily HHs |
P027C | P027C017 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P027C | P027C018 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P027C | P027C019 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P027C | P027C020 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P027C | P027C021 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P027C | P027C022 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P027C | P027C023 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P027C | P027C024 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P027C | P027C025 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P027C | P027C026 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P027C | P027C027 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P027D | P027D001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) (asian alone) Total |
P027D | P027D002 | In HHs |
P027D | P027D003 | In family HHs |
P027D | P027D004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P027D | P027D005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P027D | P027D006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P027D | P027D007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P027D | P027D008 | In family HH: Child |
P027D | P027D009 | In family HH: Child: Natural-born or adopted |
P027D | P027D010 | In family HH: Child: Step |
P027D | P027D011 | In family HH: Child: Grandchild |
P027D | P027D012 | In family HH: Child: Brother or sister |
P027D | P027D013 | In family HH: Child: Parent |
P027D | P027D014 | In family HH: Child: Other relative |
P027D | P027D015 | In family HH: Child: Nonrelative |
P027D | P027D016 | In nonfamily HHs |
P027D | P027D017 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P027D | P027D018 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P027D | P027D019 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P027D | P027D020 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P027D | P027D021 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P027D | P027D022 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P027D | P027D023 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P027D | P027D024 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P027D | P027D025 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P027D | P027D026 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P027D | P027D027 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P027E | P027E001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) (Pacific alone) Total |
P027E | P027E002 | In HHs |
P027E | P027E003 | In family HHs |
P027E | P027E004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P027E | P027E005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P027E | P027E006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P027E | P027E007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P027E | P027E008 | In family HH: Child |
P027E | P027E009 | In family HH: Child: Natural-born or adopted |
P027E | P027E010 | In family HH: Child: Step |
P027E | P027E011 | In family HH: Child: Grandchild |
P027E | P027E012 | In family HH: Child: Brother or sister |
P027E | P027E013 | In family HH: Child: Parent |
P027E | P027E014 | In family HH: Child: Other relative |
P027E | P027E015 | In family HH: Child: Nonrelative |
P027E | P027E016 | In nonfamily HHs |
P027E | P027E017 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P027E | P027E018 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P027E | P027E019 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P027E | P027E020 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P027E | P027E021 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P027E | P027E022 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P027E | P027E023 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P027E | P027E024 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P027E | P027E025 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P027E | P027E026 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P027E | P027E027 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P027F | P027F001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) (Other alone) Total |
P027F | P027F002 | In HHs |
P027F | P027F003 | In family HHs |
P027F | P027F004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P027F | P027F005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P027F | P027F006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P027F | P027F007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P027F | P027F008 | In family HH: Child |
P027F | P027F009 | In family HH: Child: Natural-born or adopted |
P027F | P027F010 | In family HH: Child: Step |
P027F | P027F011 | In family HH: Child: Grandchild |
P027F | P027F012 | In family HH: Child: Brother or sister |
P027F | P027F013 | In family HH: Child: Parent |
P027F | P027F014 | In family HH: Child: Other relative |
P027F | P027F015 | In family HH: Child: Nonrelative |
P027F | P027F016 | In nonfamily HHs |
P027F | P027F017 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P027F | P027F018 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P027F | P027F019 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P027F | P027F020 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P027F | P027F021 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P027F | P027F022 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P027F | P027F023 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P027F | P027F024 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P027F | P027F025 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P027F | P027F026 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P027F | P027F027 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P027G | P027G001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) 2+ races) Total |
P027G | P027G002 | In HHs |
P027G | P027G003 | In family HHs |
P027G | P027G004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P027G | P027G005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P027G | P027G006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P027G | P027G007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P027G | P027G008 | In family HH: Child |
P027G | P027G009 | In family HH: Child: Natural-born or adopted |
P027G | P027G010 | In family HH: Child: Step |
P027G | P027G011 | In family HH: Child: Grandchild |
P027G | P027G012 | In family HH: Child: Brother or sister |
P027G | P027G013 | In family HH: Child: Parent |
P027G | P027G014 | In family HH: Child: Other relative |
P027G | P027G015 | In family HH: Child: Nonrelative |
P027G | P027G016 | In nonfamily HHs |
P027G | P027G017 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P027G | P027G018 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P027G | P027G019 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P027G | P027G020 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P027G | P027G021 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P027G | P027G022 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P027G | P027G023 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P027G | P027G024 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P027G | P027G025 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P027G | P027G026 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P027G | P027G027 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P027H | P027H001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) (Hisp) Total |
P027H | P027H002 | In HHs |
P027H | P027H003 | In family HHs |
P027H | P027H004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P027H | P027H005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P027H | P027H006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P027H | P027H007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P027H | P027H008 | In family HH: Child |
P027H | P027H009 | In family HH: Child: Natural-born or adopted |
P027H | P027H010 | In family HH: Child: Step |
P027H | P027H011 | In family HH: Child: Grandchild |
P027H | P027H012 | In family HH: Child: Brother or sister |
P027H | P027H013 | In family HH: Child: Parent |
P027H | P027H014 | In family HH: Child: Other relative |
P027H | P027H015 | In family HH: Child: Nonrelative |
P027H | P027H016 | In nonfamily HHs |
P027H | P027H017 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P027H | P027H018 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P027H | P027H019 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P027H | P027H020 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P027H | P027H021 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P027H | P027H022 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P027H | P027H023 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P027H | P027H024 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P027H | P027H025 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P027H | P027H026 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P027H | P027H027 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P027I | P027I001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) (White alone, not Hisp) Total |
P027I | P027I002 | In HHs |
P027I | P027I003 | In family HHs |
P027I | P027I004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P027I | P027I005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P027I | P027I006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P027I | P027I007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P027I | P027I008 | In family HH: Child |
P027I | P027I009 | In family HH: Child: Natural-born or adopted |
P027I | P027I010 | In family HH: Child: Step |
P027I | P027I011 | In family HH: Child: Grandchild |
P027I | P027I012 | In family HH: Child: Brother or sister |
P027I | P027I013 | In family HH: Child: Parent |
P027I | P027I014 | In family HH: Child: Other relative |
P027I | P027I015 | In family HH: Child: Nonrelative |
P027I | P027I016 | In nonfamily HHs |
P027I | P027I017 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P027I | P027I018 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P027I | P027I019 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P027I | P027I020 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P027I | P027I021 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P027I | P027I022 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P027I | P027I023 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P027I | P027I024 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P027I | P027I025 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P027I | P027I026 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P027I | P027I027 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P028A | P028A001 | Relationship by HH type Pop 0-17 (White alone) Total |
P028A | P028A002 | In HHs |
P028A | P028A003 | In HH: HHldr or spouse |
P028A | P028A004 | Related child |
P028A | P028A005 | Related child: Own child |
P028A | P028A006 | Related child: Own child: In Married family |
P028A | P028A007 | Related child: In other family |
P028A | P028A008 | Related child: In other family: Male HHldr, no wife |
P028A | P028A009 | Related child: In other family: Female HHldr, no husband |
P028A | P028A010 | Related child: Other relative |
P028A | P028A011 | Related child: Other relative: Grandchild |
P028A | P028A012 | Related child: Other relative: Other relative |
P028A | P028A013 | Related child: Other relative: Nonrelative |
P028A | P028A014 | Related child: In GC |
P028A | P028A015 | Related child: In GC: In Institute |
P028A | P028A016 | Related child: In GC: Not in Institute |
P028A | P028A017 | Related child: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P028B | P028B001 | Relationship by HH type Pop 0-17 (Black alone) Total |
P028B | P028B002 | In HHs |
P028B | P028B003 | In HH: HHldr or spouse |
P028B | P028B004 | Related child |
P028B | P028B005 | Related child: Own child |
P028B | P028B006 | Related child: Own child: In Married family |
P028B | P028B007 | Related child: In other family |
P028B | P028B008 | Related child: In other family: Male HHldr,no wife |
P028B | P028B009 | Related child: In other family: Female HHldr, no husband |
P028B | P028B010 | Related child: Other relative |
P028B | P028B011 | Related child: Other relative: Grandchild |
P028B | P028B012 | Related child: Other relative: Other relative |
P028B | P028B013 | Related child: Other relative: Nonrelative |
P028B | P028B014 | Related child: In GC |
P028B | P028B015 | Related child: In GC: In Institute |
P028B | P028B016 | Related child: In GC: Not in Institute |
P028B | P028B017 | Related child: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P028C | P028C001 | Relationship by HH type Pop 0-17 (NatAmer alone) |
P028C | P028C002 | In HHs |
P028C | P028C003 | In HH: HHldr or spouse |
P028C | P028C004 | Related child |
P028C | P028C005 | Related child: Own child |
P028C | P028C006 | Related child: Own child: In Married family |
P028C | P028C007 | Related child: In other family |
P028C | P028C008 | Related child: In other family: Male HHldr, no wife |
P028C | P028C009 | Related child: In other family: Female HHldr, no husband |
P028C | P028C010 | Related child: Other relative |
P028C | P028C011 | Related child: Other relative: Grandchild |
P028C | P028C012 | Related child: Other relative: Other relative |
P028C | P028C013 | Related child: Other relative: Nonrelative |
P028C | P028C014 | Related child: In GC |
P028C | P028C015 | Related child: In GC: In Institute |
P028C | P028C016 | Related child: In GC: Not in Institute |
P028C | P028C017 | Related child: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P028D | P028D001 | Relationship by HH type Pop 0-17 (asian alone) Total |
P028D | P028D002 | In HHs |
P028D | P028D003 | In HH: HHldr or spouse |
P028D | P028D004 | Related child |
P028D | P028D005 | Related child: Own child |
P028D | P028D006 | Related child: Own child: In Married family |
P028D | P028D007 | Related child: In other family |
P028D | P028D008 | Related child: In other family: Male HHldr, no wife |
P028D | P028D009 | Related child: In other family: Female HHldr, no husband |
P028D | P028D010 | Related child: Other relative |
P028D | P028D011 | Related child: Other relative: Grandchild |
P028D | P028D012 | Related child: Other relative: Other relative |
P028D | P028D013 | Related child: Other relative: Nonrelative |
P028D | P028D014 | Related child: In GC |
P028D | P028D015 | Related child: In GC: In Institute |
P028D | P028D016 | Related child: In GC: Not in Institute |
P028D | P028D017 | Related child: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P028E | P028E001 | Relationship by HH type Pop 0-17 (Pacific alone) Total |
P028E | P028E002 | In HHs |
P028E | P028E003 | In HH: HHldr or spouse |
P028E | P028E004 | Related child |
P028E | P028E005 | Related child: Own child |
P028E | P028E006 | Related child: Own child: In Married family |
P028E | P028E007 | Related child: In other family |
P028E | P028E008 | Related child: In other family: Male HHldr, no wife |
P028E | P028E009 | Related child: In other family: Female HHldr, no husband |
P028E | P028E010 | Related child: Other relative |
P028E | P028E011 | Related child: Other relative: Grandchild |
P028E | P028E012 | Related child: Other relative: Other relative |
P028E | P028E013 | Related child: Other relative: Nonrelative |
P028E | P028E014 | Related child: In GC |
P028E | P028E015 | Related child: In GC: In Institute |
P028E | P028E016 | Related child: In GC: Not in Institute |
P028E | P028E017 | Related child: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P028F | P028F001 | Relationship by HH type Pop 0-17 (Other alone) Total |
P028F | P028F002 | In HHs |
P028F | P028F003 | In HH: HHldr or spouse |
P028F | P028F004 | Related child |
P028F | P028F005 | Related child: Own child |
P028F | P028F006 | Related child: Own child: In Married family |
P028F | P028F007 | Related child: In other family |
P028F | P028F008 | Related child: In other family: Male HHldr, no wife |
P028F | P028F009 | Related child: In other family: Female HHldr, no husband |
P028F | P028F010 | Related child: Other relative |
P028F | P028F011 | Related child: Other relative: Grandchild |
P028F | P028F012 | Related child: Other relative: Other relative |
P028F | P028F013 | Related child: Other relative: Nonrelative |
P028F | P028F014 | Related child: In GC |
P028F | P028F015 | Related child: In GC: In Institute |
P028F | P028F016 | Related child: In GC: Not in Institute |
P028F | P028F017 | Related child: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P028G | P028G001 | Relationship by HH type Pop 0-17 (2+ races) Total |
P028G | P028G002 | In HHs |
P028G | P028G003 | In HH: HHldr or spouse |
P028G | P028G004 | Related child |
P028G | P028G005 | Related child: Own child |
P028G | P028G006 | Related child: Own child: In Married family |
P028G | P028G007 | Related child: In other family |
P028G | P028G008 | Related child: In other family: Male HHldr, no wife |
P028G | P028G009 | Related child: In other family: Female HHldr, no husband |
P028G | P028G010 | Related child: Other relative |
P028G | P028G011 | Related child: Other relative: Grandchild |
P028G | P028G012 | Related child: Other relative: Other relative |
P028G | P028G013 | Related child: Other relative: Nonrelative |
P028G | P028G014 | Related child: In GC |
P028G | P028G015 | Related child: In GC: In Institute |
P028G | P028G016 | Related child: In GC: Not in Institute |
P028G | P028G017 | Related child: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P028H | P028H001 | Relationship by HH type Pop under18 (Hisp orlatino) Total |
P028H | P028H002 | In HHs |
P028H | P028H003 | In HH: HHldr or spouse |
P028H | P028H004 | Related child |
P028H | P028H005 | Related child: Own child |
P028H | P028H006 | Related child: Own child: In Married family |
P028H | P028H007 | Related child: In other family |
P028H | P028H008 | Related child: In other family: Male HHldr, no wife |
P028H | P028H009 | Related child: In other family: Female HHldr, no husband |
P028H | P028H010 | Related child: Other relative |
P028H | P028H011 | Related child: Other relative: Grandchild |
P028H | P028H012 | Related child: Other relative: Other relative |
P028H | P028H013 | Related child: Other relative: Nonrelative |
P028H | P028H014 | Related child: In GC |
P028H | P028H015 | Related child: In GC: In Institute |
P028H | P028H016 | Related child: In GC: Not in Institute |
P028H | P028H017 | Related child: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P028I | P028I001 | Relationship by HH type Pop under 18 yrs (White alone, not Hisp) Total |
P028I | P028I002 | In HHs |
P028I | P028I003 | In HH: HHldr or spouse |
P028I | P028I004 | Related child |
P028I | P028I005 | Related child: Own child |
P028I | P028I006 | Related child: Own child: In Married family |
P028I | P028I007 | Related child: In other family |
P028I | P028I008 | Related child: In other family: Male HHldr, no wife |
P028I | P028I009 | Related child: In other family: Female HHldr, no husband |
P028I | P028I010 | Related child: Other relative |
P028I | P028I011 | Related child: Other relative: Grandchild |
P028I | P028I012 | Related child: Other relative: Other relative |
P028I | P028I013 | Related child: Other relative: Nonrelative |
P028I | P028I014 | Related child: In GC |
P028I | P028I015 | Related child: In GC: In Institute |
P028I | P028I016 | Related child: In GC: Not in Institute |
P028I | P028I017 | Related child: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P030A | P030A001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone)Pop 65+ (White alone) Total |
P030A | P030A002 | In HHs |
P030A | P030A003 | In family HHs |
P030A | P030A004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P030A | P030A005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P030A | P030A006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P030A | P030A007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P030A | P030A008 | In family HH: HHldr: Parent |
P030A | P030A009 | In family HH: HHldr: Other relative |
P030A | P030A010 | In family HH: HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030A | P030A011 | In nonfamily HHs |
P030A | P030A012 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P030A | P030A013 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P030A | P030A014 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P030A | P030A015 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P030A | P030A016 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P030A | P030A017 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P030A | P030A018 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030A | P030A019 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P030A | P030A020 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P030A | P030A021 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P030A | P030A022 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P030B | P030B001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) Pop >= 65 (Black alone) Total |
P030B | P030B002 | In HHs |
P030B | P030B003 | In family HHs |
P030B | P030B004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P030B | P030B005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P030B | P030B006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P030B | P030B007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P030B | P030B008 | In family HH: HHldr: Parent |
P030B | P030B009 | In family HH: HHldr: Other relative |
P030B | P030B010 | In family HH: HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030B | P030B011 | In nonfamily HHs |
P030B | P030B012 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P030B | P030B013 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P030B | P030B014 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P030B | P030B015 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P030B | P030B016 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P030B | P030B017 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P030B | P030B018 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030B | P030B019 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P030B | P030B020 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P030B | P030B021 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P030B | P030B022 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P030C | P030C001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) Pop 65+ (NatAmer alone) Total |
P030C | P030C002 | In HHs |
P030C | P030C003 | In family HHs |
P030C | P030C004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P030C | P030C005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P030C | P030C006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P030C | P030C007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P030C | P030C008 | In family HH: HHldr: Parent |
P030C | P030C009 | In family HH: HHldr: Other relative |
P030C | P030C010 | In family HH: HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030C | P030C011 | In nonfamily HHs |
P030C | P030C012 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P030C | P030C013 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P030C | P030C014 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P030C | P030C015 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P030C | P030C016 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P030C | P030C017 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P030C | P030C018 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030C | P030C019 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P030C | P030C020 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P030C | P030C021 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P030C | P030C022 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P030D | P030D001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) Pop 65+ (asian alone) Total |
P030D | P030D002 | In HHs |
P030D | P030D003 | In family HHs |
P030D | P030D004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P030D | P030D005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P030D | P030D006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P030D | P030D007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P030D | P030D008 | In family HH: HHldr: Parent |
P030D | P030D009 | In family HH: HHldr: Other relative |
P030D | P030D010 | In family HH: HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030D | P030D011 | In nonfamily HHs |
P030D | P030D012 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P030D | P030D013 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P030D | P030D014 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P030D | P030D015 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P030D | P030D016 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P030D | P030D017 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P030D | P030D018 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030D | P030D019 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P030D | P030D020 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P030D | P030D021 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P030D | P030D022 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P030E | P030E001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) Pop 65+ (Pacific alone) Total |
P030E | P030E002 | In HHs |
P030E | P030E003 | In family HHs |
P030E | P030E004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P030E | P030E005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P030E | P030E006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P030E | P030E007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P030E | P030E008 | In family HH: HHldr: Parent |
P030E | P030E009 | In family HH: HHldr: Other relative |
P030E | P030E010 | In family HH: HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030E | P030E011 | In nonfamily HHs |
P030E | P030E012 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P030E | P030E013 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P030E | P030E014 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P030E | P030E015 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P030E | P030E016 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P030E | P030E017 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P030E | P030E018 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030E | P030E019 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P030E | P030E020 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P030E | P030E021 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P030E | P030E022 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P030F | P030F001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) Pop 65+ (Other alone) Total |
P030F | P030F002 | In HHs |
P030F | P030F003 | In family HHs |
P030F | P030F004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P030F | P030F005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P030F | P030F006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P030F | P030F007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P030F | P030F008 | In family HH: HHldr: Parent |
P030F | P030F009 | In family HH: HHldr: Other relative |
P030F | P030F010 | In family HH: HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030F | P030F011 | In nonfamily HHs |
P030F | P030F012 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P030F | P030F013 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P030F | P030F014 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P030F | P030F015 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P030F | P030F016 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P030F | P030F017 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P030F | P030F018 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030F | P030F019 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P030F | P030F020 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P030F | P030F021 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P030F | P030F022 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P030G | P030G001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) Pop 65+ (2+ races) Total |
P030G | P030G002 | In HHs |
P030G | P030G003 | In family HHs |
P030G | P030G004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P030G | P030G005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P030G | P030G006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P030G | P030G007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P030G | P030G008 | In family HH: HHldr: Parent |
P030G | P030G009 | In family HH: HHldr: Other relative |
P030G | P030G010 | In family HH: HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030G | P030G011 | In nonfamily HHs |
P030G | P030G012 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P030G | P030G013 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P030G | P030G014 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P030G | P030G015 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P030G | P030G016 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P030G | P030G017 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P030G | P030G018 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030G | P030G019 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P030G | P030G020 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P030G | P030G021 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P030G | P030G022 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P030H | P030H001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) Pop 65+ (Hisp) Total |
P030H | P030H002 | In HHs |
P030H | P030H003 | In family HHs |
P030H | P030H004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P030H | P030H005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P030H | P030H006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P030H | P030H007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P030H | P030H008 | In family HH: HHldr: Parent |
P030H | P030H009 | In family HH: HHldr: Other relative |
P030H | P030H010 | In family HH: HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030H | P030H011 | In nonfamily HHs |
P030H | P030H012 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P030H | P030H013 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P030H | P030H014 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P030H | P030H015 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P030H | P030H016 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P030H | P030H017 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P030H | P030H018 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030H | P030H019 | In nonfamily HH: In GC |
P030H | P030H020 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: In Institute |
P030H | P030H021 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Not in Institute |
P030H | P030H022 | In nonfamily HH: In GC: Coverage improvement adj |
P030I | P030I001 | Relationship by HH type (+ living alone) Pop 65+ (White alone, not Hisp) Total |
P030I | P030I002 | In HHs |
P030I | P030I003 | In family HHs |
P030I | P030I004 | In family HH: HHldr |
P030I | P030I005 | In family HH: HHldr: Male |
P030I | P030I006 | In family HH: HHldr: Female |
P030I | P030I007 | In family HH: HHldr: Spouse |
P030I | P030I008 | In family HH: HHldr: Parent |
P030I | P030I009 | In family HH: HHldr: Other relative |
P030I | P030I010 | In family HH: HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030I | P030I011 | In nonfamily HHs |
P030I | P030I012 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
P030I | P030I013 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Living alone |
P030I | P030I014 | In nonfamily HH: Male HHldr: Not living alone |
P030I | P030I015 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
P030I | P030I016 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Living alone |
P030I | P030I017 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not living alone |
P030I | P030I018 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Nonrelative |
P030I | P030I019 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: In GC |
P030I | P030I020 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: In Institute |
P030I | P030I021 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Not in Institute |
P030I | P030I022 | In nonfamily HH: Female HHldr: Coverage improvement adj |
P031A | P031A001 | Families (White alone HHldr) Total |
P031B | P031B001 | Families (Black alone HHldr) Total |
P031C | P031C001 | Families (NatAmer alone HHldr) Total |
P031D | P031D001 | Families (asian alone HHldr) Total |
P031E | P031E001 | Families (PacIsl alone HHldr) Total |
P031F | P031F001 | Families (some otherrace aloneHHldr) Total |
P031G | P031G001 | Families (2+ races HHldr) Total |
P031H | P031H001 | Families (Hisp HHldr) Total |
P031I | P031I001 | Families (White alone, not Hisp HHldr) Total |
P032A | P032A001 | Pop in families (White alone HHldr) Total |
P032B | P032B001 | Pop in families (Black alone HHldr) Total |
P032C | P032C001 | Pop in families (NatAmer alone HHldr) Total |
P032D | P032D001 | Pop in families (asian alone HHldr)Total |
P032E | P032E001 | Pop in families (Pacific alone HHldr) Total |
P032F | P032F001 | Pop in families (Other alone HHldr) Total |
P032G | P032G001 | Pop in families (2+ races HHldr) Total |
P032H | P032H001 | Pop in families (Hisp HHldr) Total |
P032I | P032I001 | Pop in families (White alone,not Hisp HHldr) Total |
P033A | P033A001 | Average family size |
P033B | P033B001 | Average family size |
P033C | P033C001 | Average family size |
P033D | P033D001 | Average family size |
P033E | P033E001 | Average family size |
P033F | P033F001 | Average family size |
P033G | P033G001 | Average family size |
P033H | P033H001 | Average family size |
P033I | P033I001 | Average family size |
P034A | P034A001 | Family type by presence, Age own childs (White alone HHldr) Total |
P034A | P034A002 | Married family |
P034A | P034A003 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034A | P034A004 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034A | P034A005 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034A | P034A006 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034A | P034A007 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034A | P034A008 | Married family: Other family |
P034A | P034A009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P034A | P034A010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034A | P034A011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034A | P034A012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034A | P034A013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034A | P034A014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034A | P034A015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P034A | P034A016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034A | P034A017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034A | P034A018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034A | P034A019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034A | P034A020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034B | P034B001 | Family type by presence, Age own childs (Black alone HHldr) Total |
P034B | P034B002 | Married family |
P034B | P034B003 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034B | P034B004 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034B | P034B005 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034B | P034B006 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034B | P034B007 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034B | P034B008 | Married family: Other family |
P034B | P034B009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P034B | P034B010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034B | P034B011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034B | P034B012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034B | P034B013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034B | P034B014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034B | P034B015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P034B | P034B016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034B | P034B017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034B | P034B018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034B | P034B019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034B | P034B020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034C | P034C001 | Family type by presence, Age own childs (NatAmer alone HHldr) Total |
P034C | P034C002 | Married family |
P034C | P034C003 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034C | P034C004 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034C | P034C005 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034C | P034C006 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034C | P034C007 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034C | P034C008 | Married family: Other family |
P034C | P034C009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P034C | P034C010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034C | P034C011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034C | P034C012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034C | P034C013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034C | P034C014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034C | P034C015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P034C | P034C016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034C | P034C017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034C | P034C018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034C | P034C019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034C | P034C020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034D | P034D001 | Family type by presence, Age own childs (asian alone HHldr) Total |
P034D | P034D002 | Married family |
P034D | P034D003 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034D | P034D004 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034D | P034D005 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034D | P034D006 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034D | P034D007 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034D | P034D008 | Married family: Other family |
P034D | P034D009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P034D | P034D010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034D | P034D011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034D | P034D012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034D | P034D013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034D | P034D014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034D | P034D015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P034D | P034D016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034D | P034D017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034D | P034D018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034D | P034D019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034D | P034D020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034E | P034E001 | Family type by presence, Age own childs (pacific alone HHldr)Total |
P034E | P034E002 | Married family |
P034E | P034E003 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034E | P034E004 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034E | P034E005 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034E | P034E006 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034E | P034E007 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034E | P034E008 | Married family: Other family |
P034E | P034E009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P034E | P034E010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034E | P034E011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034E | P034E012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034E | P034E013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034E | P034E014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034E | P034E015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P034E | P034E016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034E | P034E017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034E | P034E018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034E | P034E019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034E | P034E020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034F | P034F001 | Family type by presence, Age own childs (Other alone HHldr) Total |
P034F | P034F002 | Married family |
P034F | P034F003 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034F | P034F004 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034F | P034F005 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034F | P034F006 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034F | P034F007 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034F | P034F008 | Married family: Other family |
P034F | P034F009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P034F | P034F010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034F | P034F011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034F | P034F012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034F | P034F013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034F | P034F014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034F | P034F015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P034F | P034F016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034F | P034F017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034F | P034F018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034F | P034F019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034F | P034F020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034G | P034G001 | Family type by presence, Age own childs (2+ races HHldr) Total |
P034G | P034G002 | Married family |
P034G | P034G003 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034G | P034G004 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034G | P034G005 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034G | P034G006 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034G | P034G007 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034G | P034G008 | Married family: Other family |
P034G | P034G009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P034G | P034G010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034G | P034G011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034G | P034G012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034G | P034G013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034G | P034G014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034G | P034G015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P034G | P034G016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034G | P034G017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034G | P034G018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034G | P034G019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034G | P034G020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034H | P034H001 | Family type by Presence, Age own Childs (Hisp HHldr) Total |
P034H | P034H002 | Married family |
P034H | P034H003 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034H | P034H004 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034H | P034H005 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034H | P034H006 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034H | P034H007 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034H | P034H008 | Married family: Other family |
P034H | P034H009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P034H | P034H010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034H | P034H011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034H | P034H012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034H | P034H013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034H | P034H014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034H | P034H015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P034H | P034H016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034H | P034H017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034H | P034H018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034H | P034H019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034H | P034H020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034I | P034I001 | Family type by Presence, Age own Childs (White alone, not Hisp HHldr) Total |
P034I | P034I002 | Married family |
P034I | P034I003 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034I | P034I004 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034I | P034I005 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034I | P034I006 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034I | P034I007 | Married family: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034I | P034I008 | Married family: Other family |
P034I | P034I009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P034I | P034I010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034I | P034I011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034I | P034I012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034I | P034I013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034I | P034I014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P034I | P034I015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P034I | P034I016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17 |
P034I | P034I017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P034I | P034I018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P034I | P034I019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P034I | P034I020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/own childs 0-17: No own childs 0-17 |
P035A | P035A001 | Family type by Presence, Age of Related Childs (White alone HHldr) Total |
P035A | P035A002 | Married family |
P035A | P035A003 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035A | P035A004 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035A | P035A005 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035A | P035A006 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035A | P035A007 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035A | P035A008 | Married family: Other family |
P035A | P035A009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P035A | P035A010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035A | P035A011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035A | P035A012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035A | P035A013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035A | P035A014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035A | P035A015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P035A | P035A016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035A | P035A017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035A | P035A018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035A | P035A019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035A | P035A020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035B | P035B001 | Family type by Presence, Age of Related Childs (Black alone HHldr) Total |
P035B | P035B002 | Married family |
P035B | P035B003 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035B | P035B004 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035B | P035B005 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035B | P035B006 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035B | P035B007 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035B | P035B008 | Married family: Other family |
P035B | P035B009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P035B | P035B010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035B | P035B011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035B | P035B012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035B | P035B013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035B | P035B014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035B | P035B015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P035B | P035B016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035B | P035B017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035B | P035B018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035B | P035B019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035B | P035B020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035C | P035C001 | Family type by Presence, Age of Related Childs (NatAmer alone HHldr)Total |
P035C | P035C002 | Married family |
P035C | P035C003 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035C | P035C004 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035C | P035C005 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035C | P035C006 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035C | P035C007 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035C | P035C008 | Married family: Other family |
P035C | P035C009 | Male HHldr,no wife |
P035C | P035C010 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035C | P035C011 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035C | P035C012 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035C | P035C013 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035C | P035C014 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035C | P035C015 | Female HHldr,no husband |
P035C | P035C016 | Female HHldr,no husband: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035C | P035C017 | Female HHldr,no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035C | P035C018 | Female HHldr,no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035C | P035C019 | Female HHldr,no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035C | P035C020 | Female HHldr,no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035D | P035D001 | Family type by presence, Age of rel childs (asian alone HHldr)Total |
P035D | P035D002 | Married family |
P035D | P035D003 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035D | P035D004 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035D | P035D005 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035D | P035D006 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035D | P035D007 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035D | P035D008 | Married family: Other family |
P035D | P035D009 | Male HHldr,no wife |
P035D | P035D010 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035D | P035D011 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035D | P035D012 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035D | P035D013 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035D | P035D014 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035D | P035D015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P035D | P035D016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035D | P035D017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035D | P035D018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035D | P035D019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035D | P035D020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035E | P035E001 | Family type by Presence, Age of Related Childs (Pacific alone hsehldr)Total |
P035E | P035E002 | Married family |
P035E | P035E003 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035E | P035E004 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035E | P035E005 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035E | P035E006 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035E | P035E007 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035E | P035E008 | Married family: Other family |
P035E | P035E009 | Male HHldr,no wife |
P035E | P035E010 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035E | P035E011 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035E | P035E012 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035E | P035E013 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035E | P035E014 | Male HHldr,no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035E | P035E015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P035E | P035E016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035E | P035E017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035E | P035E018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035E | P035E019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035E | P035E020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035F | P035F001 | Family type by presence, Age of rel childs (Other alone HHldr)Total |
P035F | P035F002 | Married family |
P035F | P035F003 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035F | P035F004 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035F | P035F005 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035F | P035F006 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035F | P035F007 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035F | P035F008 | Married family: Other family |
P035F | P035F009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P035F | P035F010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035F | P035F011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035F | P035F012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035F | P035F013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035F | P035F014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035F | P035F015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P035F | P035F016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035F | P035F017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035F | P035F018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035F | P035F019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035F | P035F020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035G | P035G001 | Family type by presence, Age of rel childs (2+ races HHldr) Total |
P035G | P035G002 | Married family |
P035G | P035G003 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035G | P035G004 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035G | P035G005 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035G | P035G006 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035G | P035G007 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035G | P035G008 | Married family: Other family |
P035G | P035G009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P035G | P035G010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035G | P035G011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035G | P035G012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035G | P035G013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035G | P035G014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035G | P035G015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P035G | P035G016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035G | P035G017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035G | P035G018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035G | P035G019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035G | P035G020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035H | P035H001 | Family type by presence, Age of rel childs (Hisp HHldr) Total |
P035H | P035H002 | Married family |
P035H | P035H003 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035H | P035H004 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035H | P035H005 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035H | P035H006 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035H | P035H007 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035H | P035H008 | Married family: Other family |
P035H | P035H009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P035H | P035H010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035H | P035H011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035H | P035H012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035H | P035H013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035H | P035H014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035H | P035H015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P035H | P035H016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035H | P035H017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035H | P035H018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035H | P035H019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035H | P035H020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035I | P035I001 | Family type by presence, Age of rel childs (White alone, Not Hisp HHldr) Total |
P035I | P035I002 | Married family |
P035I | P035I003 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035I | P035I004 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035I | P035I005 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035I | P035I006 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035I | P035I007 | Married family: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035I | P035I008 | Married family: Other family |
P035I | P035I009 | Male HHldr, no wife |
P035I | P035I010 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035I | P035I011 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035I | P035I012 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035I | P035I013 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035I | P035I014 | Male HHldr, no wife: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
P035I | P035I015 | Female HHldr, no husband |
P035I | P035I016 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17 |
P035I | P035I017 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 only |
P035I | P035I018 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 0-5 and 6-17 |
P035I | P035I019 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: 6-17 only |
P035I | P035I020 | Female HHldr, no husband: w/rel childs 0-17: No rel childs 0-17 |
PCT001 | PCT001001 | Total tribes tallied |
PCT001 | PCT001002 | Total tribes tallied: American Indian Tribes specified |
PCT001 | PCT001003 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Apache |
PCT001 | PCT001004 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Blackfeet |
PCT001 | PCT001005 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Cherokee |
PCT001 | PCT001006 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Cheyenne |
PCT001 | PCT001007 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Chickasaw |
PCT001 | PCT001008 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Chippewa |
PCT001 | PCT001009 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Choctaw |
PCT001 | PCT001010 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Colville |
PCT001 | PCT001011 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Comanche |
PCT001 | PCT001012 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Cree |
PCT001 | PCT001013 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Creek |
PCT001 | PCT001014 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Crow |
PCT001 | PCT001015 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Delaware |
PCT001 | PCT001016 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Houma |
PCT001 | PCT001017 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Iroquois |
PCT001 | PCT001018 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Kiowa |
PCT001 | PCT001019 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Latin American Indians |
PCT001 | PCT001020 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Lumbee |
PCT001 | PCT001021 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Menominee |
PCT001 | PCT001022 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Navajo |
PCT001 | PCT001023 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Osage |
PCT001 | PCT001024 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Ottawa |
PCT001 | PCT001025 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Paiute |
PCT001 | PCT001026 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Pima |
PCT001 | PCT001027 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Potawatomi |
PCT001 | PCT001028 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Pueblo |
PCT001 | PCT001029 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Puget Sound Salish |
PCT001 | PCT001030 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Seminole |
PCT001 | PCT001031 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Shoshone |
PCT001 | PCT001032 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Sioux |
PCT001 | PCT001033 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Tohono O 'Odham |
PCT001 | PCT001034 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Ute |
PCT001 | PCT001035 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Yakama |
PCT001 | PCT001036 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Yaqui |
PCT001 | PCT001037 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Yuman |
PCT001 | PCT001038 | Total tribes tallied: specified: All other tribes |
PCT001 | PCT001039 | Total tribes tallied: specified: not specified |
PCT001 | PCT001040 | Total tribes tallied: Alaska Native tribes, specified |
PCT001 | PCT001041 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Alaska Athabaskan |
PCT001 | PCT001042 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Aleut |
PCT001 | PCT001043 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Eskimo |
PCT001 | PCT001044 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Tlingit-Haida |
PCT001 | PCT001045 | Total tribes tallied: specified: All other tribes |
PCT001 | PCT001046 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Alaska Native tribes, not specified |
PCT001 | PCT001047 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Native American tribes, not specified |
PCT002 | PCT002001 | Total tribes tallied |
PCT002 | PCT002002 | Total tribes tallied: American Indian tribes specified |
PCT002 | PCT002003 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Apache |
PCT002 | PCT002004 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Blackfeet |
PCT002 | PCT002005 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Cherokee |
PCT002 | PCT002006 | Total tribes tallied: specified: ???????? |
PCT002 | PCT002007 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Cheyenne |
PCT002 | PCT002008 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Chippewa |
PCT002 | PCT002009 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Choctaw |
PCT002 | PCT002010 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Colville |
PCT002 | PCT002011 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Comanche |
PCT002 | PCT002012 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Cree |
PCT002 | PCT002013 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Creek |
PCT002 | PCT002014 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Crow |
PCT002 | PCT002015 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Delaware |
PCT002 | PCT002016 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Houma |
PCT002 | PCT002017 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Iroquois |
PCT002 | PCT002018 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Kiowa |
PCT002 | PCT002019 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Latin American Indians |
PCT002 | PCT002020 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Lumbee |
PCT002 | PCT002021 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Menominee |
PCT002 | PCT002022 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Navajo |
PCT002 | PCT002023 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Osage |
PCT002 | PCT002024 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Ottawa |
PCT002 | PCT002025 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Paiute |
PCT002 | PCT002026 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Pima |
PCT002 | PCT002027 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Potawatomi |
PCT002 | PCT002028 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Pueblo |
PCT002 | PCT002029 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Puget Sound Salish |
PCT002 | PCT002030 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Seminole |
PCT002 | PCT002031 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Shoshone |
PCT002 | PCT002032 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Sioux |
PCT002 | PCT002033 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Tohono O 'Odham |
PCT002 | PCT002034 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Ute |
PCT002 | PCT002035 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Yakama |
PCT002 | PCT002036 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Yaqui |
PCT002 | PCT002037 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Yuman |
PCT002 | PCT002038 | Total tribes tallied: specified: All other tribes |
PCT002 | PCT002039 | Total tribes tallied: specified: not specified |
PCT002 | PCT002040 | Total tribes tallied: Alaska Native tribes, specified |
PCT002 | PCT002041 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Alaska Athabaskan |
PCT002 | PCT002042 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Aleut |
PCT002 | PCT002043 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Eskimo |
PCT002 | PCT002044 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Tlingit-Haida |
PCT002 | PCT002045 | Total tribes tallied: specified: All other tribes |
PCT002 | PCT002046 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Alaska Native tribes,not specified |
PCT002 | PCT002047 | Total tribes tallied: specified: NatAmer tribes, not specified |
PCT003 | PCT003001 | Total tribes tallied |
PCT003 | PCT003002 | Total tribes tallied: American indian tribes specified |
PCT003 | PCT003003 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Apache |
PCT003 | PCT003004 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Blackfeet |
PCT003 | PCT003005 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Cherokee |
PCT003 | PCT003006 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Cheyenne |
PCT003 | PCT003007 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Chickasaw |
PCT003 | PCT003008 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Chippewa |
PCT003 | PCT003009 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Choctaw |
PCT003 | PCT003010 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Colville |
PCT003 | PCT003011 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Comanche |
PCT003 | PCT003012 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Cree |
PCT003 | PCT003013 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Creek |
PCT003 | PCT003014 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Crow |
PCT003 | PCT003015 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Delaware |
PCT003 | PCT003016 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Houma |
PCT003 | PCT003017 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Iroquois |
PCT003 | PCT003018 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Kiowa |
PCT003 | PCT003019 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Latin American Indians |
PCT003 | PCT003020 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Lumbee |
PCT003 | PCT003021 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Menominee |
PCT003 | PCT003022 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Navajo |
PCT003 | PCT003023 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Osage |
PCT003 | PCT003024 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Ottawa |
PCT003 | PCT003025 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Paiute |
PCT003 | PCT003026 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Pima |
PCT003 | PCT003027 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Potawatomi |
PCT003 | PCT003028 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Pueblo |
PCT003 | PCT003029 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Puget Sound Salish |
PCT003 | PCT003030 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Seminole |
PCT003 | PCT003031 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Shoshone |
PCT003 | PCT003032 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Sioux |
PCT003 | PCT003033 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Tohono O 'Odham |
PCT003 | PCT003034 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Ute |
PCT003 | PCT003035 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Yakama |
PCT003 | PCT003036 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Yaqui |
PCT003 | PCT003037 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Yuman |
PCT003 | PCT003038 | Total tribes tallied: specified: All other tribes |
PCT003 | PCT003039 | Total tribes tallied: specified: not specified |
PCT003 | PCT003040 | Total tribes tallied: Alaska Native tribes, specified |
PCT003 | PCT003041 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Alaska Athabaskan |
PCT003 | PCT003042 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Aleut |
PCT003 | PCT003043 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Eskimo |
PCT003 | PCT003044 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Tlingit-Haida |
PCT003 | PCT003045 | Total tribes tallied: specified: All other tribes |
PCT003 | PCT003046 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Alaska Native tribes, not specified |
PCT003 | PCT003047 | Total tribes tallied: specified: Native American tribes, not specified |
PCT004 | PCT004001 | NatAmer alone or combination Total |
PCT004 | PCT004002 | American Indian alone |
PCT004 | PCT004003 | Alaska Native alone |
PCT004 | PCT004004 | NatAmer alone (People are tallied as both NatAmer) |
PCT004 | PCT004005 | Amer.Indian with >=1 Others (White, Black, Asian, Pacific, & Other) |
PCT004 | PCT004006 | Alaska Native with >=1 Others (White, Black, Asian, Pacific,& Other) |
PCT004 | PCT004007 | NatAmer with >=1 Others (People are tallied as both AIAN) |
PCT004 | PCT004008 | NatAmer alone (People marked the NatAmercheckbox only no write in) |
PCT004 | PCT004009 | NatAmer with >=1 Others (People marked the NatAmer no write in) |
PCT005 | PCT005001 | Asian alone with one asian category for selected groups Total |
PCT005 | PCT005002 | Asian Indian |
PCT005 | PCT005003 | Bangladeshi |
PCT005 | PCT005004 | Cambodian |
PCT005 | PCT005005 | Chinese,except Taiwanese |
PCT005 | PCT005006 | Filipino |
PCT005 | PCT005007 | Hmong |
PCT005 | PCT005008 | Indonesian |
PCT005 | PCT005009 | Japanese |
PCT005 | PCT005010 | Korean |
PCT005 | PCT005011 | Laotian |
PCT005 | PCT005012 | Malaysian |
PCT005 | PCT005013 | Pakistani |
PCT005 | PCT005014 | Sri Lankan |
PCT005 | PCT005015 | Taiwanese |
PCT005 | PCT005016 | Thai |
PCT005 | PCT005017 | Vietnamese |
PCT005 | PCT005018 | Other Asian |
PCT005 | PCT005019 | Other Asian,not specified |
PCT006 | PCT006001 | Total Asian categories tallied |
PCT006 | PCT006002 | Asian Indian |
PCT006 | PCT006003 | Bangladeshi |
PCT006 | PCT006004 | Cambodian |
PCT006 | PCT006005 | Chinese, except Taiwanese |
PCT006 | PCT006006 | Filipino |
PCT006 | PCT006007 | Hmong |
PCT006 | PCT006008 | Indonesian |
PCT006 | PCT006009 | Japanese |
PCT006 | PCT006010 | Korean |
PCT006 | PCT006011 | Laotian |
PCT006 | PCT006012 | Malaysian |
PCT006 | PCT006013 | Pakistani |
PCT006 | PCT006014 | Sri Lankan |
PCT006 | PCT006015 | Taiwanese |
PCT006 | PCT006016 | Thai |
PCT006 | PCT006017 | Vietnamese |
PCT006 | PCT006018 | Other Asian |
PCT006 | PCT006019 | Other Asian |
PCT007 | PCT007001 | Total Asian categories tallied |
PCT007 | PCT007002 | Asian Indian |
PCT007 | PCT007003 | Bangladeshi |
PCT007 | PCT007004 | Cambodian |
PCT007 | PCT007005 | Chinese, except Taiwanese |
PCT007 | PCT007006 | Filipino |
PCT007 | PCT007007 | Hmong |
PCT007 | PCT007008 | Indonesian |
PCT007 | PCT007009 | Japanese |
PCT007 | PCT007010 | Korean |
PCT007 | PCT007011 | Laotian |
PCT007 | PCT007012 | Malaysian |
PCT007 | PCT007013 | Pakistani |
PCT007 | PCT007014 | Sri Lankan |
PCT007 | PCT007015 | Taiwanese |
PCT007 | PCT007016 | Thai |
PCT007 | PCT007017 | Vietnamese |
PCT007 | PCT007018 | Other Asian |
PCT007 | PCT007019 | Other Asian, not specified |
PCT008 | PCT008001 | Pacific alone w/1 pacific Category for sel.Groups Total |
PCT008 | PCT008002 | Polynesian |
PCT008 | PCT008003 | Polynesian: Native Hawaiian |
PCT008 | PCT008004 | Polynesian: Samoan |
PCT008 | PCT008005 | Polynesian: Tongan |
PCT008 | PCT008006 | Polynesian: Other Polynesian |
PCT008 | PCT008007 | Micronesian |
PCT008 | PCT008008 | Micronesian: Guamanian or Chamorro |
PCT008 | PCT008009 | Micronesian: Other Micronesian |
PCT008 | PCT008010 | Melanesian |
PCT008 | PCT008011 | Melanesian: Fijian |
PCT008 | PCT008012 | Melanesian: Other Melanesian |
PCT008 | PCT008013 | Melanesian: Other Pacific, not specified |
PCT008 | PCT008014 | Melanesian: Filler |
PCT009 | PCT009001 | Pacific categories tallied |
PCT009 | PCT009002 | Polynesian |
PCT009 | PCT009003 | Native Hawaiian |
PCT009 | PCT009004 | Samoan |
PCT009 | PCT009005 | Tongan |
PCT009 | PCT009006 | Other Polynesian |
PCT009 | PCT009007 | Micronesian |
PCT009 | PCT009008 | Guamanian or Chamorro |
PCT009 | PCT009009 | Other Micronesian |
PCT009 | PCT009010 | Melanesian |
PCT009 | PCT009011 | Fijian |
PCT009 | PCT009012 | Other Melanesian |
PCT009 | PCT009013 | Other Pacific |
PCT009 | PCT009014 | Other Pacific, not specified |
PCT010 | PCT010001 | Total Pacific categories tallied |
PCT010 | PCT010002 | Polynesian |
PCT010 | PCT010003 | Native Hawaiian |
PCT010 | PCT010004 | Samoan |
PCT010 | PCT010005 | Tongan |
PCT010 | PCT010006 | Other Polynesian |
PCT010 | PCT010007 | Micronesian |
PCT010 | PCT010008 | Micronesian: Guamanian or Chamorro |
PCT010 | PCT010009 | Micronesian: Other Micronesian |
PCT010 | PCT010010 | Melanesian |
PCT010 | PCT010011 | Melanesian: Fijian |
PCT010 | PCT010012 | Melanesian: Other Melanesian |
PCT010 | PCT010013 | Melanesian: Other Pacific |
PCT010 | PCT010014 | Melanesian: Other Pacific, not specified |
PCT011 | PCT011001 | Hisp by specific origin Total |
PCT011 | PCT011002 | Not Hisp |
PCT011 | PCT011003 | Hisp |
PCT011 | PCT011004 | Hisp: Mexican |
PCT011 | PCT011005 | Hisp: Puerto Rican |
PCT011 | PCT011006 | Hisp: Cuban |
PCT011 | PCT011007 | Hisp: Dominican Republic |
PCT011 | PCT011008 | Central American |
PCT011 | PCT011009 | Central American: Costa Rican |
PCT011 | PCT011010 | Central American: Guatemalan |
PCT011 | PCT011011 | Central American: Honduran |
PCT011 | PCT011012 | Central American: Nicaraguan |
PCT011 | PCT011013 | Central American: Panamanian |
PCT011 | PCT011014 | Central American: Salvadoran |
PCT011 | PCT011015 | Central American: Other Central American |
PCT011 | PCT011016 | South American |
PCT011 | PCT011017 | South American: Argentinean |
PCT011 | PCT011018 | South American: Bolivian |
PCT011 | PCT011019 | South American: Chilean |
PCT011 | PCT011020 | South American: Colombian |
PCT011 | PCT011021 | South American: Ecuadorian |
PCT011 | PCT011022 | South American: Paraguayan |
PCT011 | PCT011023 | South American: Peruvian |
PCT011 | PCT011024 | South American: Uruguayan |
PCT011 | PCT011025 | South American: Venezuelan |
PCT011 | PCT011026 | South American: Other South American |
PCT011 | PCT011027 | Other Hisp |
PCT011 | PCT011028 | Other Hisp: Spaniard |
PCT011 | PCT011029 | Other Hisp: Spanish |
PCT011 | PCT011030 | Other Hisp: Spanish American |
PCT011 | PCT011031 | Other Hisp: All other Hisp |
PCT012 | PCT012001 | Age Total |
PCT012 | PCT012002 | Age: Male |
PCT012 | PCT012003 | Age: Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012 | PCT012004 | Age: Male: 1 year |
PCT012 | PCT012005 | Age: Male: 2 |
PCT012 | PCT012006 | Age: Male: 3 |
PCT012 | PCT012007 | Age: Male: 4 |
PCT012 | PCT012008 | Age: Male: 5 |
PCT012 | PCT012009 | Age: Male: 6 |
PCT012 | PCT012010 | Age: Male: 7 |
PCT012 | PCT012011 | Age: Male: 8 |
PCT012 | PCT012012 | Age: Male: 9 |
PCT012 | PCT012013 | Age: Male: 10 |
PCT012 | PCT012014 | Age: Male: 11 |
PCT012 | PCT012015 | Age: Male: 12 |
PCT012 | PCT012016 | Age: Male: 13 |
PCT012 | PCT012017 | Age: Male: 14 |
PCT012 | PCT012018 | Age: Male: 15 |
PCT012 | PCT012019 | Age: Male: 16 |
PCT012 | PCT012020 | Age: Male: 17 |
PCT012 | PCT012021 | Age: Male: 18 |
PCT012 | PCT012022 | Age: Male: 19 |
PCT012 | PCT012023 | Age: Male: 20 |
PCT012 | PCT012024 | Age: Male: 21 |
PCT012 | PCT012025 | Age: Male: 22 |
PCT012 | PCT012026 | Age: Male: 23 |
PCT012 | PCT012027 | Age: Male: 24 |
PCT012 | PCT012028 | Age: Male: 25 |
PCT012 | PCT012029 | Age: Male: 26 |
PCT012 | PCT012030 | Age: Male: 27 |
PCT012 | PCT012031 | Age: Male: 28 |
PCT012 | PCT012032 | Age: Male: 29 |
PCT012 | PCT012033 | Age: Male: 30 |
PCT012 | PCT012034 | Age: Male: 31 |
PCT012 | PCT012035 | Age: Male: 32 |
PCT012 | PCT012036 | Age: Male: 33 |
PCT012 | PCT012037 | Age: Male: 34 |
PCT012 | PCT012038 | Age: Male: 35 |
PCT012 | PCT012039 | Age: Male: 36 |
PCT012 | PCT012040 | Age: Male: 37 |
PCT012 | PCT012041 | Age: Male: 38 |
PCT012 | PCT012042 | Age: Male: 39 |
PCT012 | PCT012043 | Age: Male: 40 |
PCT012 | PCT012044 | Age: Male: 41 |
PCT012 | PCT012045 | Age: Male: 42 |
PCT012 | PCT012046 | Age: Male: 43 |
PCT012 | PCT012047 | Age: Male: 44 |
PCT012 | PCT012048 | Age: Male: 45 |
PCT012 | PCT012049 | Age: Male: 46 |
PCT012 | PCT012050 | Age: Male: 47 |
PCT012 | PCT012051 | Age: Male: 48 |
PCT012 | PCT012052 | Age: Male: 49 |
PCT012 | PCT012053 | Age: Male: 50 |
PCT012 | PCT012054 | Age: Male: 51 |
PCT012 | PCT012055 | Age: Male: 52 |
PCT012 | PCT012056 | Age: Male: 53 |
PCT012 | PCT012057 | Age: Male: 54 |
PCT012 | PCT012058 | Age: Male: 55 |
PCT012 | PCT012059 | Age: Male: 56 |
PCT012 | PCT012060 | Age: Male: 57 |
PCT012 | PCT012061 | Age: Male: 58 |
PCT012 | PCT012062 | Age: Male: 59 |
PCT012 | PCT012063 | Age: Male: 60 |
PCT012 | PCT012064 | Age: Male: 61 |
PCT012 | PCT012065 | Age: Male: 62 |
PCT012 | PCT012066 | Age: Male: 63 |
PCT012 | PCT012067 | Age: Male: 64 |
PCT012 | PCT012068 | Age: Male: 65 |
PCT012 | PCT012069 | Age: Male: 66 |
PCT012 | PCT012070 | Age: Male: 67 |
PCT012 | PCT012071 | Age: Male: 68 |
PCT012 | PCT012072 | Age: Male: 69 |
PCT012 | PCT012073 | Age: Male: 70 |
PCT012 | PCT012074 | Age: Male: 71 |
PCT012 | PCT012075 | Age: Male: 72 |
PCT012 | PCT012076 | Age: Male: 73 |
PCT012 | PCT012077 | Age: Male: 74 |
PCT012 | PCT012078 | Age: Male: 75 |
PCT012 | PCT012079 | Age: Male: 76 |
PCT012 | PCT012080 | Age: Male: 77 |
PCT012 | PCT012081 | Age: Male: 78 |
PCT012 | PCT012082 | Age: Male: 79 |
PCT012 | PCT012083 | Age: Male: 80 |
PCT012 | PCT012084 | Age: Male: 81 |
PCT012 | PCT012085 | Age: Male: 82 |
PCT012 | PCT012086 | Age: Male: 83 |
PCT012 | PCT012087 | Age: Male: 84 |
PCT012 | PCT012088 | Age: Male: 85 |
PCT012 | PCT012089 | Age: Male: 86 |
PCT012 | PCT012090 | Age: Male: 87 |
PCT012 | PCT012091 | Age: Male: 88 |
PCT012 | PCT012092 | Age: Male: 89 |
PCT012 | PCT012093 | Age: Male: 90 |
PCT012 | PCT012094 | Age: Male: 91 |
PCT012 | PCT012095 | Age: Male: 92 |
PCT012 | PCT012096 | Age: Male: 93 |
PCT012 | PCT012097 | Age: Male: 94 |
PCT012 | PCT012098 | Age: Male: 95 |
PCT012 | PCT012099 | Age: Male: 96 |
PCT012 | PCT012100 | Age: Male: 97 |
PCT012 | PCT012101 | Age: Male: 98 |
PCT012 | PCT012102 | Age: Male: 99 |
PCT012 | PCT012103 | Age: Male: 100-104 |
PCT012 | PCT012104 | Age: Male: 105-109 |
PCT012 | PCT012105 | Age: Male: 110+ |
PCT012 | PCT012106 | Age: Female |
PCT012 | PCT012107 | Age: Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012 | PCT012108 | Age: Female: 1 year |
PCT012 | PCT012109 | Age: Female: 2 |
PCT012 | PCT012110 | Age: Female: 3 |
PCT012 | PCT012111 | Age: Female: 4 |
PCT012 | PCT012112 | Age: Female: 5 |
PCT012 | PCT012113 | Age: Female: 6 |
PCT012 | PCT012114 | Age: Female: 7 |
PCT012 | PCT012115 | Age: Female: 8 |
PCT012 | PCT012116 | Age: Female: 9 |
PCT012 | PCT012117 | Age: Female: 10 |
PCT012 | PCT012118 | Age: Female: 11 |
PCT012 | PCT012119 | Age: Female: 12 |
PCT012 | PCT012120 | Age: Female: 13 |
PCT012 | PCT012121 | Age: Female: 14 |
PCT012 | PCT012122 | Age: Female: 15 |
PCT012 | PCT012123 | Age: Female: 16 |
PCT012 | PCT012124 | Age: Female: 17 |
PCT012 | PCT012125 | Age: Female: 18 |
PCT012 | PCT012126 | Age: Female: 19 |
PCT012 | PCT012127 | Age: Female: 20 |
PCT012 | PCT012128 | Age: Female: 21 |
PCT012 | PCT012129 | Age: Female: 22 |
PCT012 | PCT012130 | Age: Female: 23 |
PCT012 | PCT012131 | Age: Female: 24 |
PCT012 | PCT012132 | Age: Female: 25 |
PCT012 | PCT012133 | Age: Female: 26 |
PCT012 | PCT012134 | Age: Female: 27 |
PCT012 | PCT012135 | Age: Female: 28 |
PCT012 | PCT012136 | Age: Female: 29 |
PCT012 | PCT012137 | Age: Female: 30 |
PCT012 | PCT012138 | Age: Female: 31 |
PCT012 | PCT012139 | Age: Female: 32 |
PCT012 | PCT012140 | Age: Female: 33 |
PCT012 | PCT012141 | Age: Female: 34 |
PCT012 | PCT012142 | Age: Female: 35 |
PCT012 | PCT012143 | Age: Female: 36 |
PCT012 | PCT012144 | Age: Female: 37 |
PCT012 | PCT012145 | Age: Female: 38 |
PCT012 | PCT012146 | Age: Female: 39 |
PCT012 | PCT012147 | Age: Female: 40 |
PCT012 | PCT012148 | Age: Female: 41 |
PCT012 | PCT012149 | Age: Female: 42 |
PCT012 | PCT012150 | Age: Female: 43 |
PCT012 | PCT012151 | Age: Female: 44 |
PCT012 | PCT012152 | Age: Female: 45 |
PCT012 | PCT012153 | Age: Female: 46 |
PCT012 | PCT012154 | Age: Female: 47 |
PCT012 | PCT012155 | Age: Female: 48 |
PCT012 | PCT012156 | Age: Female: 49 |
PCT012 | PCT012157 | Age: Female: 50 |
PCT012 | PCT012158 | Age: Female: 51 |
PCT012 | PCT012159 | Age: Female: 52 |
PCT012 | PCT012160 | Age: Female: 53 |
PCT012 | PCT012161 | Age: Female: 54 |
PCT012 | PCT012162 | Age: Female: 55 |
PCT012 | PCT012163 | Age: Female: 56 |
PCT012 | PCT012164 | Age: Female: 57 |
PCT012 | PCT012165 | Age: Female: 58 |
PCT012 | PCT012166 | Age: Female: 59 |
PCT012 | PCT012167 | Age: Female: 60 |
PCT012 | PCT012168 | Age: Female: 61 |
PCT012 | PCT012169 | Age: Female: 62 |
PCT012 | PCT012170 | Age: Female: 63 |
PCT012 | PCT012171 | Age: Female: 64 |
PCT012 | PCT012172 | Age: Female: 65 |
PCT012 | PCT012173 | Age: Female: 66 |
PCT012 | PCT012174 | Age: Female: 67 |
PCT012 | PCT012175 | Age: Female: 68 |
PCT012 | PCT012176 | Age: Female: 69 |
PCT012 | PCT012177 | Age: Female: 70 |
PCT012 | PCT012178 | Age: Female: 71 |
PCT012 | PCT012179 | Age: Female: 72 |
PCT012 | PCT012180 | Age: Female: 73 |
PCT012 | PCT012181 | Age: Female: 74 |
PCT012 | PCT012182 | Age: Female: 75 |
PCT012 | PCT012183 | Age: Female: 76 |
PCT012 | PCT012184 | Age: Female: 77 |
PCT012 | PCT012185 | Age: Female: 78 |
PCT012 | PCT012186 | Age: Female: 79 |
PCT012 | PCT012187 | Age: Female: 80 |
PCT012 | PCT012188 | Age: Female: 81 |
PCT012 | PCT012189 | Age: Female: 82 |
PCT012 | PCT012190 | Age: Female: 83 |
PCT012 | PCT012191 | Age: Female: 84 |
PCT012 | PCT012192 | Age: Female: 85 |
PCT012 | PCT012193 | Age: Female: 86 |
PCT012 | PCT012194 | Age: Female: 87 |
PCT012 | PCT012195 | Age: Female: 88 |
PCT012 | PCT012196 | Age: Female: 89 |
PCT012 | PCT012197 | Age: Female: 90 |
PCT012 | PCT012198 | Age: Female: 91 |
PCT012 | PCT012199 | Age: Female: 92 |
PCT012 | PCT012200 | Age: Female: 93 |
PCT012 | PCT012201 | Age: Female: 94 |
PCT012 | PCT012202 | Age: Female: 95 |
PCT012 | PCT012203 | Age: Female: 96 |
PCT012 | PCT012204 | Age: Female: 97 |
PCT012 | PCT012205 | Age: Female: 98 |
PCT012 | PCT012206 | Age: Female: 99 |
PCT012 | PCT012207 | Age: Female: 100-104 |
PCT012 | PCT012208 | Age: Female: 105-109 |
PCT012 | PCT012209 | Age: Female: 110+ |
PCT013 | PCT013001 | Age Total |
PCT013 | PCT013002 | Males |
PCT013 | PCT013003 | Age: Male: 0-4 |
PCT013 | PCT013004 | Age: Male: 5-9 |
PCT013 | PCT013005 | Age: Male: 10-14 |
PCT013 | PCT013006 | Age: Male: 15-17 |
PCT013 | PCT013007 | Age: Male: 18-19 |
PCT013 | PCT013008 | Age: Male: 20 |
PCT013 | PCT013009 | Age: Male: 21 |
PCT013 | PCT013010 | Age: Male: 22-24 |
PCT013 | PCT013011 | Age: Male: 25-29 |
PCT013 | PCT013012 | Age: Male: 30-34 |
PCT013 | PCT013013 | Age: Male: 35-39 |
PCT013 | PCT013014 | Age: Male: 40-44 |
PCT013 | PCT013015 | Age: Male: 45-49 |
PCT013 | PCT013016 | Age: Male: 50-54 |
PCT013 | PCT013017 | Age: Male: 55-59 |
PCT013 | PCT013018 | Age: Male: 60-61 |
PCT013 | PCT013019 | Age: Male: 62-64 |
PCT013 | PCT013020 | Age: Male: 65-66 |
PCT013 | PCT013021 | Age: Male: 67-69 |
PCT013 | PCT013022 | Age: Male: 70-74 |
PCT013 | PCT013023 | Age: Male: 75-79 |
PCT013 | PCT013024 | Age: Male: 80-84 |
PCT013 | PCT013025 | Age: Male: 85+ |
PCT013 | PCT013026 | Age: Female |
PCT013 | PCT013027 | Age: Female: 0-4 |
PCT013 | PCT013028 | Age: Female: 5-9 |
PCT013 | PCT013029 | Age: Female: 10-14 |
PCT013 | PCT013030 | Age: Female: 15-17 |
PCT013 | PCT013031 | Age: Female: 18-19 |
PCT013 | PCT013032 | Age: Female: 20 |
PCT013 | PCT013033 | Age: Female: 21 |
PCT013 | PCT013034 | Age: Female: 22-24 |
PCT013 | PCT013035 | Age: Female: 25-29 |
PCT013 | PCT013036 | Age: Female: 30-34 |
PCT013 | PCT013037 | Age: Female: 35-39 |
PCT013 | PCT013038 | Age: Female: 40-44 |
PCT013 | PCT013039 | Age: Female: 45-49 |
PCT013 | PCT013040 | Age: Female: 50-54 |
PCT013 | PCT013041 | Age: Female: 55-59 |
PCT013 | PCT013042 | Age: Female: 60-61 |
PCT013 | PCT013043 | Age: Female: 62-64 |
PCT013 | PCT013044 | Age: Female: 65-66 |
PCT013 | PCT013045 | Age: Female: 67-69 |
PCT013 | PCT013046 | Age: Female: 70-74 |
PCT013 | PCT013047 | Age: Female: 75-79 |
PCT013 | PCT013048 | Age: Female: 80-84 |
PCT013 | PCT013049 | Age: Female: 85+ |
PCT014 | PCT014001 | Unmarried-Partner HHs by Sex of Partners Total |
PCT014 | PCT014002 | Unmarried-partner HHs |
PCT014 | PCT014003 | Unmarried-partner HH: Male HHldr and male partner |
PCT014 | PCT014004 | Unmarried-partner HH: Male HHldr and female partner |
PCT014 | PCT014005 | Unmarried-partner HH: Female HHldr and female partner |
PCT014 | PCT014006 | Unmarried-partner HH: Female HHldr and male partner |
PCT014 | PCT014007 | Unmarried-partner HH: All other HHs |
PCT015 | PCT015001 | Nonrelative by HH Type Total |
PCT015 | PCT015002 | In family HHs |
PCT015 | PCT015003 | In family HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015 | PCT015004 | In family HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015 | PCT015005 | In family HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015 | PCT015006 | In family HH: Foster child |
PCT015 | PCT015007 | In family HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015 | PCT015008 | In nonfamily HHs |
PCT015 | PCT015009 | In nonfamily HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015 | PCT015010 | In nonfamily HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015 | PCT015011 | In nonfamily HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015 | PCT015012 | In nonfamily HH: Foster child |
PCT015 | PCT015013 | In nonfamily HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT016 | PCT016001 | GC Pop Total |
PCT016 | PCT016002 | GC Pop: In Institute |
PCT016 | PCT016003 | GC Pop: Correctional |
PCT016 | PCT016004 | GC Pop: Correctional: Federal prisons and detention center |
PCT016 | PCT016005 | GC Pop: Correctional: Halfway houses |
PCT016 | PCT016006 | GC Pop: Correctional: Local jails, confinements (+ police lockups) |
PCT016 | PCT016007 | GC Pop: Correctional: Military disciplinary barracks |
PCT016 | PCT016008 | GC Pop: Correctional: State prisons |
PCT016 | PCT016009 | GC Pop: Correctional: Other types of correctional institute |
PCT016 | PCT016010 | GC Pop: Correctional: Nursing homes |
PCT016 | PCT016011 | GC Pop: Hosp/wards, hospices, and schools for the handicapped |
PCT016 | PCT016012 | GC Pop: Hosp/hospices |
PCT016 | PCT016013 | GC Pop: Hosp/hospices: Hospices or homes |
PCT016 | PCT016014 | GC Pop: Hosp/hospices: Military Hosp or wards |
PCT016 | PCT016015 | GC Pop: Hosp/hospices: Other Hosp or wards |
PCT016 | PCT016016 | GC Pop: Hosp/hospices: Hosp or wards for drug/alcohol abuse |
PCT016 | PCT016017 | GC Pop: Hosp/hospices: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT016 | PCT016018 | GC Pop: Hosp/hospices: Schools,Hosp, or wards for the mentally retarded |
PCT016 | PCT016019 | GC Pop: Schools,Hosp,handicapped wards |
PCT016 | PCT016020 | GC Pop: Schools,Hosp,handicapped wards: Institute for the deaf |
PCT016 | PCT016021 | GC Pop: Schools,Hosp,handicapped wards: Institute for the blind |
PCT016 | PCT016022 | GC Pop: Schools,Hosp,handicapped wards: Orthopedic wards and handicapped institute |
PCT016 | PCT016023 | GC Pop: Schools,Hosp,handicapped wards: Wards general Hosp no other home |
PCT016 | PCT016024 | GC Pop: Schools,Hosp,handicapped wards: Wards military Hosp no other home |
PCT016 | PCT016025 | GC Pop: Juvenile institute |
PCT016 | PCT016026 | GC Pop: Long-term care |
PCT016 | PCT016027 | GC Pop: Long-term care: Homes for abused,dependent,and neglected childs |
PCT016 | PCT016028 | GC Pop: Long-term care: Residential center for emotionally disturbed childs |
PCT016 | PCT016029 | GC Pop: Long-term care: Training schools for juvenile delinquents |
PCT016 | PCT016030 | GC Pop: Long-term care: Short-term care, dentension/diagnose center for delinquent childs |
PCT016 | PCT016031 | GC Pop: Long-term care: Type of juvenile institution unknown |
PCT016 | PCT016032 | GC Pop: Not in Institute |
PCT016 | PCT016033 | GC Pop: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT016 | PCT016034 | Military quarters |
PCT016 | PCT016035 | Military quarters: On base |
PCT016 | PCT016036 | Military quarters: On base: Barracks, UPH, (Enlisted/Officer), and sim. GC for milit.pers. |
PCT016 | PCT016037 | Military quarters: On base: Transient quarters for temporary residents |
PCT016 | PCT016038 | Military quarters: On base: Military ships |
PCT016 | PCT016039 | Military quarters: Group homes |
PCT016 | PCT016040 | Military quarters: Group homes: Homes or halfway houses for drug/alcohol abuse |
PCT016 | PCT016041 | Military quarters: Group homes: Homes for the mentally ill |
PCT016 | PCT016042 | Military quarters: Group homes: Homes for the mentally retarded |
PCT016 | PCT016043 | Military quarters: Group homes: Homes for the handcapped |
PCT016 | PCT016044 | Military quarters: Group homes: Other group homes |
PCT016 | PCT016045 | Military quarters: Group homes: Religious GC |
PCT016 | PCT016046 | Military quarters: Dormitories |
PCT016 | PCT016047 | Military quarters: Dormitories: Agriculture workers dorms on farms |
PCT016 | PCT016048 | Military quarters: Dormitories: Job Corps and vocational training facilities |
PCT016 | PCT016049 | Military quarters: Dormitories: Other workers dorms |
PCT016 | PCT016050 | Military quarters: Dormitories: Crews of maritime vessels |
PCT016 | PCT016051 | Military quarters: Dormitories: Other nonHH living situations |
PCT016 | PCT016052 | Military quarters: Dormitories: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017 | PCT017001 | GC Pop Total |
PCT017 | PCT017002 | GC Males |
PCT017 | PCT017003 | Male: 0-17 |
PCT017 | PCT017004 | Male: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017 | PCT017005 | Male: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017 | PCT017006 | Male: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017 | PCT017007 | Male: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017 | PCT017008 | Male: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017 | PCT017009 | Male: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017 | PCT017010 | Male: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017 | PCT017011 | Male: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017 | PCT017012 | Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017 | PCT017013 | Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017 | PCT017014 | Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017 | PCT017015 | Male: 18-64 |
PCT017 | PCT017016 | Male: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017 | PCT017017 | Male: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017 | PCT017018 | Male: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017 | PCT017019 | Male: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices for chronically ll |
PCT017 | PCT017020 | Male: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017 | PCT017021 | Male: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017 | PCT017022 | Male: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017 | PCT017023 | Male: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017 | PCT017024 | Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017 | PCT017025 | Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017 | PCT017026 | Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017 | PCT017027 | Male: 65+ |
PCT017 | PCT017028 | Male: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017 | PCT017029 | Male: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017 | PCT017030 | Male: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017 | PCT017031 | Male: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017 | PCT017032 | Male: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017 | PCT017033 | Male: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017 | PCT017034 | Male: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017 | PCT017035 | Male: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017 | PCT017036 | Male: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017 | PCT017037 | Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017 | PCT017038 | Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017 | PCT017039 | Female |
PCT017 | PCT017040 | Female: 0-17 |
PCT017 | PCT017041 | Female: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017 | PCT017042 | Female: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017 | PCT017043 | Female: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017 | PCT017044 | Female: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017 | PCT017045 | Female: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017 | PCT017046 | Female: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017 | PCT017047 | Female: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017 | PCT017048 | Female: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017 | PCT017049 | Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017 | PCT017050 | Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017 | PCT017051 | Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017 | PCT017052 | Female: 18-64 |
PCT017 | PCT017053 | Female: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017 | PCT017054 | Female: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017 | PCT017055 | Female: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017 | PCT017056 | Female: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017 | PCT017057 | Female: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017 | PCT017058 | Female: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017 | PCT017059 | Female: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017 | PCT017060 | Female: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017 | PCT017061 | Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017 | PCT017062 | Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017 | PCT017063 | Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017 | PCT017064 | Female: 65+ |
PCT017 | PCT017065 | Female: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017 | PCT017066 | Female: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017 | PCT017067 | Female: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017 | PCT017068 | Female: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017 | PCT017069 | Female: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017 | PCT017070 | Female: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017 | PCT017071 | Female: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017 | PCT017072 | Female: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017 | PCT017073 | Female: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017 | PCT017074 | Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017 | PCT017075 | Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT012A | PCT012A001 | Age (White alone) Total |
PCT012A | PCT012A002 | Age (White alone): Male |
PCT012A | PCT012A003 | Age (White alone): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012A | PCT012A004 | Age (White alone): Male: 1 year |
PCT012A | PCT012A005 | Age (White alone): Male: 2 |
PCT012A | PCT012A006 | Age (White alone): Male: 3 |
PCT012A | PCT012A007 | Age (White alone): Male: 4 |
PCT012A | PCT012A008 | Age (White alone): Male: 5 |
PCT012A | PCT012A009 | Age (White alone): Male: 6 |
PCT012A | PCT012A010 | Age (White alone): Male: 7 |
PCT012A | PCT012A011 | Age (White alone): Male: 8 |
PCT012A | PCT012A012 | Age (White alone): Male: 9 |
PCT012A | PCT012A013 | Age (White alone): Male: 10 |
PCT012A | PCT012A014 | Age (White alone): Male: 11 |
PCT012A | PCT012A015 | Age (White alone): Male: 12 |
PCT012A | PCT012A016 | Age (White alone): Male: 13 |
PCT012A | PCT012A017 | Age (White alone): Male: 14 |
PCT012A | PCT012A018 | Age (White alone): Male: 15 |
PCT012A | PCT012A019 | Age (White alone): Male: 16 |
PCT012A | PCT012A020 | Age (White alone): Male: 17 |
PCT012A | PCT012A021 | Age (White alone): Male: 18 |
PCT012A | PCT012A022 | Age (White alone): Male: 19 |
PCT012A | PCT012A023 | Age (White alone): Male: 20 |
PCT012A | PCT012A024 | Age (White alone): Male: 21 |
PCT012A | PCT012A025 | Age (White alone): Male: 22 |
PCT012A | PCT012A026 | Age (White alone): Male: 23 |
PCT012A | PCT012A027 | Age (White alone): Male: 24 |
PCT012A | PCT012A028 | Age (White alone): Male: 25 |
PCT012A | PCT012A029 | Age (White alone): Male: 26 |
PCT012A | PCT012A030 | Age (White alone): Male: 27 |
PCT012A | PCT012A031 | Age (White alone): Male: 28 |
PCT012A | PCT012A032 | Age (White alone): Male: 29 |
PCT012A | PCT012A033 | Age (White alone): Male: 30 |
PCT012A | PCT012A034 | Age (White alone): Male: 31 |
PCT012A | PCT012A035 | Age (White alone): Male: 32 |
PCT012A | PCT012A036 | Age (White alone): Male: 33 |
PCT012A | PCT012A037 | Age (White alone): Male: 34 |
PCT012A | PCT012A038 | Age (White alone): Male: 35 |
PCT012A | PCT012A039 | Age (White alone): Male: 36 |
PCT012A | PCT012A040 | Age (White alone): Male: 37 |
PCT012A | PCT012A041 | Age (White alone): Male: 38 |
PCT012A | PCT012A042 | Age (White alone): Male: 39 |
PCT012A | PCT012A043 | Age (White alone): Male: 40 |
PCT012A | PCT012A044 | Age (White alone): Male: 41 |
PCT012A | PCT012A045 | Age (White alone): Male: 42 |
PCT012A | PCT012A046 | Age (White alone): Male: 43 |
PCT012A | PCT012A047 | Age (White alone): Male: 44 |
PCT012A | PCT012A048 | Age (White alone): Male: 45 |
PCT012A | PCT012A049 | Age (White alone): Male: 46 |
PCT012A | PCT012A050 | Age (White alone): Male: 47 |
PCT012A | PCT012A051 | Age (White alone): Male: 48 |
PCT012A | PCT012A052 | Age (White alone): Male: 49 |
PCT012A | PCT012A053 | Age (White alone): Male: 50 |
PCT012A | PCT012A054 | Age (White alone): Male: 51 |
PCT012A | PCT012A055 | Age (White alone): Male: 52 |
PCT012A | PCT012A056 | Age (White alone): Male: 53 |
PCT012A | PCT012A057 | Age (White alone): Male: 54 |
PCT012A | PCT012A058 | Age (White alone): Male: 55 |
PCT012A | PCT012A059 | Age (White alone): Male: 56 |
PCT012A | PCT012A060 | Age (White alone): Male: 57 |
PCT012A | PCT012A061 | Age (White alone): Male: 58 |
PCT012A | PCT012A062 | Age (White alone): Male: 59 |
PCT012A | PCT012A063 | Age (White alone): Male: 60 |
PCT012A | PCT012A064 | Age (White alone): Male: 61 |
PCT012A | PCT012A065 | Age (White alone): Male: 62 |
PCT012A | PCT012A066 | Age (White alone): Male: 63 |
PCT012A | PCT012A067 | Age (White alone): Male: 64 |
PCT012A | PCT012A068 | Age (White alone): Male: 65 |
PCT012A | PCT012A069 | Age (White alone): Male: 66 |
PCT012A | PCT012A070 | Age (White alone): Male: 67 |
PCT012A | PCT012A071 | Age (White alone): Male: 68 |
PCT012A | PCT012A072 | Age (White alone): Male: 69 |
PCT012A | PCT012A073 | Age (White alone): Male: 70 |
PCT012A | PCT012A074 | Age (White alone): Male: 71 |
PCT012A | PCT012A075 | Age (White alone): Male: 72 |
PCT012A | PCT012A076 | Age (White alone): Male: 73 |
PCT012A | PCT012A077 | Age (White alone): Male: 74 |
PCT012A | PCT012A078 | Age (White alone): Male: 75 |
PCT012A | PCT012A079 | Age (White alone): Male: 76 |
PCT012A | PCT012A080 | Age (White alone): Male: 77 |
PCT012A | PCT012A081 | Age (White alone): Male: 78 |
PCT012A | PCT012A082 | Age (White alone): Male: 79 |
PCT012A | PCT012A083 | Age (White alone): Male: 80 |
PCT012A | PCT012A084 | Age (White alone): Male: 81 |
PCT012A | PCT012A085 | Age (White alone): Male: 82 |
PCT012A | PCT012A086 | Age (White alone): Male: 83 |
PCT012A | PCT012A087 | Age (White alone): Male: 84 |
PCT012A | PCT012A088 | Age (White alone): Male: 85 |
PCT012A | PCT012A089 | Age (White alone): Male: 86 |
PCT012A | PCT012A090 | Age (White alone): Male: 87 |
PCT012A | PCT012A091 | Age (White alone): Male: 88 |
PCT012A | PCT012A092 | Age (White alone): Male: 89 |
PCT012A | PCT012A093 | Age (White alone): Male: 90 |
PCT012A | PCT012A094 | Age (White alone): Male: 91 |
PCT012A | PCT012A095 | Age (White alone): Male: 92 |
PCT012A | PCT012A096 | Age (White alone): Male: 93 |
PCT012A | PCT012A097 | Age (White alone): Male: 94 |
PCT012A | PCT012A098 | Age (White alone): Male: 95 |
PCT012A | PCT012A099 | Age (White alone): Male: 96 |
PCT012A | PCT012A100 | Age (White alone): Male: 97 |
PCT012A | PCT012A101 | Age (White alone): Male: 98 |
PCT012A | PCT012A102 | Age (White alone): Male: 99 |
PCT012A | PCT012A103 | Age (White alone): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012A | PCT012A104 | Age (White alone): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012A | PCT012A105 | Age (White alone): Male: 110+ |
PCT012A | PCT012A106 | Age (White alone): Female |
PCT012A | PCT012A107 | Age (White alone): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012A | PCT012A108 | Age (White alone): Female: 1 year |
PCT012A | PCT012A109 | Age (White alone): Female: 2 |
PCT012A | PCT012A110 | Age (White alone): Female: 3 |
PCT012A | PCT012A111 | Age (White alone): Female: 4 |
PCT012A | PCT012A112 | Age (White alone): Female: 5 |
PCT012A | PCT012A113 | Age (White alone): Female: 6 |
PCT012A | PCT012A114 | Age (White alone): Female: 7 |
PCT012A | PCT012A115 | Age (White alone): Female: 8 |
PCT012A | PCT012A116 | Age (White alone): Female: 9 |
PCT012A | PCT012A117 | Age (White alone): Female: 10 |
PCT012A | PCT012A118 | Age (White alone): Female: 11 |
PCT012A | PCT012A119 | Age (White alone): Female: 12 |
PCT012A | PCT012A120 | Age (White alone): Female: 13 |
PCT012A | PCT012A121 | Age (White alone): Female: 14 |
PCT012A | PCT012A122 | Age (White alone): Female: 15 |
PCT012A | PCT012A123 | Age (White alone): Female: 16 |
PCT012A | PCT012A124 | Age (White alone): Female: 17 |
PCT012A | PCT012A125 | Age (White alone): Female: 18 |
PCT012A | PCT012A126 | Age (White alone): Female: 19 |
PCT012A | PCT012A127 | Age (White alone): Female: 20 |
PCT012A | PCT012A128 | Age (White alone): Female: 21 |
PCT012A | PCT012A129 | Age (White alone): Female: 22 |
PCT012A | PCT012A130 | Age (White alone): Female: 23 |
PCT012A | PCT012A131 | Age (White alone): Female: 24 |
PCT012A | PCT012A132 | Age (White alone): Female: 25 |
PCT012A | PCT012A133 | Age (White alone): Female: 26 |
PCT012A | PCT012A134 | Age (White alone): Female: 27 |
PCT012A | PCT012A135 | Age (White alone): Female: 28 |
PCT012A | PCT012A136 | Age (White alone): Female: 29 |
PCT012A | PCT012A137 | Age (White alone): Female: 30 |
PCT012A | PCT012A138 | Age (White alone): Female: 31 |
PCT012A | PCT012A139 | Age (White alone): Female: 32 |
PCT012A | PCT012A140 | Age (White alone): Female: 33 |
PCT012A | PCT012A141 | Age (White alone): Female: 34 |
PCT012A | PCT012A142 | Age (White alone): Female: 35 |
PCT012A | PCT012A143 | Age (White alone): Female: 36 |
PCT012A | PCT012A144 | Age (White alone): Female: 37 |
PCT012A | PCT012A145 | Age (White alone): Female: 38 |
PCT012A | PCT012A146 | Age (White alone): Female: 39 |
PCT012A | PCT012A147 | Age (White alone): Female: 40 |
PCT012A | PCT012A148 | Age (White alone): Female: 41 |
PCT012A | PCT012A149 | Age (White alone): Female: 42 |
PCT012A | PCT012A150 | Age (White alone): Female: 43 |
PCT012A | PCT012A151 | Age (White alone): Female: 44 |
PCT012A | PCT012A152 | Age (White alone): Female: 45 |
PCT012A | PCT012A153 | Age (White alone): Female: 46 |
PCT012A | PCT012A154 | Age (White alone): Female: 47 |
PCT012A | PCT012A155 | Age (White alone): Female: 48 |
PCT012A | PCT012A156 | Age (White alone): Female: 49 |
PCT012A | PCT012A157 | Age (White alone): Female: 50 |
PCT012A | PCT012A158 | Age (White alone): Female: 51 |
PCT012A | PCT012A159 | Age (White alone): Female: 52 |
PCT012A | PCT012A160 | Age (White alone): Female: 53 |
PCT012A | PCT012A161 | Age (White alone): Female: 54 |
PCT012A | PCT012A162 | Age (White alone): Female: 55 |
PCT012A | PCT012A163 | Age (White alone): Female: 56 |
PCT012A | PCT012A164 | Age (White alone): Female: 57 |
PCT012A | PCT012A165 | Age (White alone): Female: 58 |
PCT012A | PCT012A166 | Age (White alone): Female: 59 |
PCT012A | PCT012A167 | Age (White alone): Female: 60 |
PCT012A | PCT012A168 | Age (White alone): Female: 61 |
PCT012A | PCT012A169 | Age (White alone): Female: 62 |
PCT012A | PCT012A170 | Age (White alone): Female: 63 |
PCT012A | PCT012A171 | Age (White alone): Female: 64 |
PCT012A | PCT012A172 | Age (White alone): Female: 65 |
PCT012A | PCT012A173 | Age (White alone): Female: 66 |
PCT012A | PCT012A174 | Age (White alone): Female: 67 |
PCT012A | PCT012A175 | Age (White alone): Female: 68 |
PCT012A | PCT012A176 | Age (White alone): Female: 69 |
PCT012A | PCT012A177 | Age (White alone): Female: 70 |
PCT012A | PCT012A178 | Age (White alone): Female: 71 |
PCT012A | PCT012A179 | Age (White alone): Female: 72 |
PCT012A | PCT012A180 | Age (White alone): Female: 73 |
PCT012A | PCT012A181 | Age (White alone): Female: 74 |
PCT012A | PCT012A182 | Age (White alone): Female: 75 |
PCT012A | PCT012A183 | Age (White alone): Female: 76 |
PCT012A | PCT012A184 | Age (White alone): Female: 77 |
PCT012A | PCT012A185 | Age (White alone): Female: 78 |
PCT012A | PCT012A186 | Age (White alone): Female: 79 |
PCT012A | PCT012A187 | Age (White alone): Female: 80 |
PCT012A | PCT012A188 | Age (White alone): Female: 81 |
PCT012A | PCT012A189 | Age (White alone): Female: 82 |
PCT012A | PCT012A190 | Age (White alone): Female: 83 |
PCT012A | PCT012A191 | Age (White alone): Female: 84 |
PCT012A | PCT012A192 | Age (White alone): Female: 85 |
PCT012A | PCT012A193 | Age (White alone): Female: 86 |
PCT012A | PCT012A194 | Age (White alone): Female: 87 |
PCT012A | PCT012A195 | Age (White alone): Female: 88 |
PCT012A | PCT012A196 | Age (White alone): Female: 89 |
PCT012A | PCT012A197 | Age (White alone): Female: 90 |
PCT012A | PCT012A198 | Age (White alone): Female: 91 |
PCT012A | PCT012A199 | Age (White alone): Female: 92 |
PCT012A | PCT012A200 | Age (White alone): Female: 93 |
PCT012A | PCT012A201 | Age (White alone): Female: 94 |
PCT012A | PCT012A202 | Age (White alone): Female: 95 |
PCT012A | PCT012A203 | Age (White alone): Female: 96 |
PCT012A | PCT012A204 | Age (White alone): Female: 97 |
PCT012A | PCT012A205 | Age (White alone): Female: 98 |
PCT012A | PCT012A206 | Age (White alone): Female: 99 |
PCT012A | PCT012A207 | Age (White alone): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012A | PCT012A208 | Age (White alone): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012A | PCT012A209 | Age (White alone): Female: 110+ |
PCT012B | PCT012B001 | Age (Black alone) Total |
PCT012B | PCT012B002 | Age (Black alone): Male |
PCT012B | PCT012B003 | Age (Black alone): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012B | PCT012B004 | Age (Black alone): Male: 1 year |
PCT012B | PCT012B005 | Age (Black alone): Male: 2 |
PCT012B | PCT012B006 | Age (Black alone): Male: 3 |
PCT012B | PCT012B007 | Age (Black alone): Male: 4 |
PCT012B | PCT012B008 | Age (Black alone): Male: 5 |
PCT012B | PCT012B009 | Age (Black alone): Male: 6 |
PCT012B | PCT012B010 | Age (Black alone): Male: 7 |
PCT012B | PCT012B011 | Age (Black alone): Male: 8 |
PCT012B | PCT012B012 | Age (Black alone): Male: 9 |
PCT012B | PCT012B013 | Age (Black alone): Male: 10 |
PCT012B | PCT012B014 | Age (Black alone): Male: 11 |
PCT012B | PCT012B015 | Age (Black alone): Male: 12 |
PCT012B | PCT012B016 | Age (Black alone): Male: 13 |
PCT012B | PCT012B017 | Age (Black alone): Male: 14 |
PCT012B | PCT012B018 | Age (Black alone): Male: 15 |
PCT012B | PCT012B019 | Age (Black alone): Male: 16 |
PCT012B | PCT012B020 | Age (Black alone): Male: 17 |
PCT012B | PCT012B021 | Age (Black alone): Male: 18 |
PCT012B | PCT012B022 | Age (Black alone): Male: 19 |
PCT012B | PCT012B023 | Age (Black alone): Male: 20 |
PCT012B | PCT012B024 | Age (Black alone): Male: 21 |
PCT012B | PCT012B025 | Age (Black alone): Male: 22 |
PCT012B | PCT012B026 | Age (Black alone): Male: 23 |
PCT012B | PCT012B027 | Age (Black alone): Male: 24 |
PCT012B | PCT012B028 | Age (Black alone): Male: 25 |
PCT012B | PCT012B029 | Age (Black alone): Male: 26 |
PCT012B | PCT012B030 | Age (Black alone): Male: 27 |
PCT012B | PCT012B031 | Age (Black alone): Male: 28 |
PCT012B | PCT012B032 | Age (Black alone): Male: 29 |
PCT012B | PCT012B033 | Age (Black alone): Male: 30 |
PCT012B | PCT012B034 | Age (Black alone): Male: 31 |
PCT012B | PCT012B035 | Age (Black alone): Male: 32 |
PCT012B | PCT012B036 | Age (Black alone): Male: 33 |
PCT012B | PCT012B037 | Age (Black alone): Male: 34 |
PCT012B | PCT012B038 | Age (Black alone): Male: 35 |
PCT012B | PCT012B039 | Age (Black alone): Male: 36 |
PCT012B | PCT012B040 | Age (Black alone): Male: 37 |
PCT012B | PCT012B041 | Age (Black alone): Male: 38 |
PCT012B | PCT012B042 | Age (Black alone): Male: 39 |
PCT012B | PCT012B043 | Age (Black alone): Male: 40 |
PCT012B | PCT012B044 | Age (Black alone): Male: 41 |
PCT012B | PCT012B045 | Age (Black alone): Male: 42 |
PCT012B | PCT012B046 | Age (Black alone): Male: 43 |
PCT012B | PCT012B047 | Age (Black alone): Male: 44 |
PCT012B | PCT012B048 | Age (Black alone): Male: 45 |
PCT012B | PCT012B049 | Age (Black alone): Male: 46 |
PCT012B | PCT012B050 | Age (Black alone): Male: 47 |
PCT012B | PCT012B051 | Age (Black alone): Male: 48 |
PCT012B | PCT012B052 | Age (Black alone): Male: 49 |
PCT012B | PCT012B053 | Age (Black alone): Male: 50 |
PCT012B | PCT012B054 | Age (Black alone): Male: 51 |
PCT012B | PCT012B055 | Age (Black alone): Male: 52 |
PCT012B | PCT012B056 | Age (Black alone): Male: 53 |
PCT012B | PCT012B057 | Age (Black alone): Male: 54 |
PCT012B | PCT012B058 | Age (Black alone): Male: 55 |
PCT012B | PCT012B059 | Age (Black alone): Male: 56 |
PCT012B | PCT012B060 | Age (Black alone): Male: 57 |
PCT012B | PCT012B061 | Age (Black alone): Male: 58 |
PCT012B | PCT012B062 | Age (Black alone): Male: 59 |
PCT012B | PCT012B063 | Age (Black alone): Male: 60 |
PCT012B | PCT012B064 | Age (Black alone): Male: 61 |
PCT012B | PCT012B065 | Age (Black alone): Male: 62 |
PCT012B | PCT012B066 | Age (Black alone): Male: 63 |
PCT012B | PCT012B067 | Age (Black alone): Male: 64 |
PCT012B | PCT012B068 | Age (Black alone): Male: 65 |
PCT012B | PCT012B069 | Age (Black alone): Male: 66 |
PCT012B | PCT012B070 | Age (Black alone): Male: 67 |
PCT012B | PCT012B071 | Age (Black alone): Male: 68 |
PCT012B | PCT012B072 | Age (Black alone): Male: 69 |
PCT012B | PCT012B073 | Age (Black alone): Male: 70 |
PCT012B | PCT012B074 | Age (Black alone): Male: 71 |
PCT012B | PCT012B075 | Age (Black alone): Male: 72 |
PCT012B | PCT012B076 | Age (Black alone): Male: 73 |
PCT012B | PCT012B077 | Age (Black alone): Male: 74 |
PCT012B | PCT012B078 | Age (Black alone): Male: 75 |
PCT012B | PCT012B079 | Age (Black alone): Male: 76 |
PCT012B | PCT012B080 | Age (Black alone): Male: 77 |
PCT012B | PCT012B081 | Age (Black alone): Male: 78 |
PCT012B | PCT012B082 | Age (Black alone): Male: 79 |
PCT012B | PCT012B083 | Age (Black alone): Male: 80 |
PCT012B | PCT012B084 | Age (Black alone): Male: 81 |
PCT012B | PCT012B085 | Age (Black alone): Male: 82 |
PCT012B | PCT012B086 | Age (Black alone): Male: 83 |
PCT012B | PCT012B087 | Age (Black alone): Male: 84 |
PCT012B | PCT012B088 | Age (Black alone): Male: 85 |
PCT012B | PCT012B089 | Age (Black alone): Male: 86 |
PCT012B | PCT012B090 | Age (Black alone): Male: 87 |
PCT012B | PCT012B091 | Age (Black alone): Male: 88 |
PCT012B | PCT012B092 | Age (Black alone): Male: 89 |
PCT012B | PCT012B093 | Age (Black alone): Male: 90 |
PCT012B | PCT012B094 | Age (Black alone): Male: 91 |
PCT012B | PCT012B095 | Age (Black alone): Male: 92 |
PCT012B | PCT012B096 | Age (Black alone): Male: 93 |
PCT012B | PCT012B097 | Age (Black alone): Male: 94 |
PCT012B | PCT012B098 | Age (Black alone): Male: 95 |
PCT012B | PCT012B099 | Age (Black alone): Male: 96 |
PCT012B | PCT012B100 | Age (Black alone): Male: 97 |
PCT012B | PCT012B101 | Age (Black alone): Male: 98 |
PCT012B | PCT012B102 | Age (Black alone): Male: 99 |
PCT012B | PCT012B103 | Age (Black alone): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012B | PCT012B104 | Age (Black alone): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012B | PCT012B105 | Age (Black alone): Male: 110+ |
PCT012B | PCT012B106 | Age (Black alone): Female |
PCT012B | PCT012B107 | Age (Black alone): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012B | PCT012B108 | Age (Black alone): Female: 1 year |
PCT012B | PCT012B109 | Age (Black alone): Female: 2 |
PCT012B | PCT012B110 | Age (Black alone): Female: 3 |
PCT012B | PCT012B111 | Age (Black alone): Female: 4 |
PCT012B | PCT012B112 | Age (Black alone): Female: 5 |
PCT012B | PCT012B113 | Age (Black alone): Female: 6 |
PCT012B | PCT012B114 | Age (Black alone): Female: 7 |
PCT012B | PCT012B115 | Age (Black alone): Female: 8 |
PCT012B | PCT012B116 | Age (Black alone): Female: 9 |
PCT012B | PCT012B117 | Age (Black alone): Female: 10 |
PCT012B | PCT012B118 | Age (Black alone): Female: 11 |
PCT012B | PCT012B119 | Age (Black alone): Female: 12 |
PCT012B | PCT012B120 | Age (Black alone): Female: 13 |
PCT012B | PCT012B121 | Age (Black alone): Female: 14 |
PCT012B | PCT012B122 | Age (Black alone): Female: 15 |
PCT012B | PCT012B123 | Age (Black alone): Female: 16 |
PCT012B | PCT012B124 | Age (Black alone): Female: 17 |
PCT012B | PCT012B125 | Age (Black alone): Female: 18 |
PCT012B | PCT012B126 | Age (Black alone): Female: 19 |
PCT012B | PCT012B127 | Age (Black alone): Female: 20 |
PCT012B | PCT012B128 | Age (Black alone): Female: 21 |
PCT012B | PCT012B129 | Age (Black alone): Female: 22 |
PCT012B | PCT012B130 | Age (Black alone): Female: 23 |
PCT012B | PCT012B131 | Age (Black alone): Female: 24 |
PCT012B | PCT012B132 | Age (Black alone): Female: 25 |
PCT012B | PCT012B133 | Age (Black alone): Female: 26 |
PCT012B | PCT012B134 | Age (Black alone): Female: 27 |
PCT012B | PCT012B135 | Age (Black alone): Female: 28 |
PCT012B | PCT012B136 | Age (Black alone): Female: 29 |
PCT012B | PCT012B137 | Age (Black alone): Female: 30 |
PCT012B | PCT012B138 | Age (Black alone): Female: 31 |
PCT012B | PCT012B139 | Age (Black alone): Female: 32 |
PCT012B | PCT012B140 | Age (Black alone): Female: 33 |
PCT012B | PCT012B141 | Age (Black alone): Female: 34 |
PCT012B | PCT012B142 | Age (Black alone): Female: 35 |
PCT012B | PCT012B143 | Age (Black alone): Female: 36 |
PCT012B | PCT012B144 | Age (Black alone): Female: 37 |
PCT012B | PCT012B145 | Age (Black alone): Female: 38 |
PCT012B | PCT012B146 | Age (Black alone): Female: 39 |
PCT012B | PCT012B147 | Age (Black alone): Female: 40 |
PCT012B | PCT012B148 | Age (Black alone): Female: 41 |
PCT012B | PCT012B149 | Age (Black alone): Female: 42 |
PCT012B | PCT012B150 | Age (Black alone): Female: 43 |
PCT012B | PCT012B151 | Age (Black alone): Female: 44 |
PCT012B | PCT012B152 | Age (Black alone): Female: 45 |
PCT012B | PCT012B153 | Age (Black alone): Female: 46 |
PCT012B | PCT012B154 | Age (Black alone): Female: 47 |
PCT012B | PCT012B155 | Age (Black alone): Female: 48 |
PCT012B | PCT012B156 | Age (Black alone): Female: 49 |
PCT012B | PCT012B157 | Age (Black alone): Female: 50 |
PCT012B | PCT012B158 | Age (Black alone): Female: 51 |
PCT012B | PCT012B159 | Age (Black alone): Female: 52 |
PCT012B | PCT012B160 | Age (Black alone): Female: 53 |
PCT012B | PCT012B161 | Age (Black alone): Female: 54 |
PCT012B | PCT012B162 | Age (Black alone): Female: 55 |
PCT012B | PCT012B163 | Age (Black alone): Female: 56 |
PCT012B | PCT012B164 | Age (Black alone): Female: 57 |
PCT012B | PCT012B165 | Age (Black alone): Female: 58 |
PCT012B | PCT012B166 | Age (Black alone): Female: 59 |
PCT012B | PCT012B167 | Age (Black alone): Female: 60 |
PCT012B | PCT012B168 | Age (Black alone): Female: 61 |
PCT012B | PCT012B169 | Age (Black alone): Female: 62 |
PCT012B | PCT012B170 | Age (Black alone): Female: 63 |
PCT012B | PCT012B171 | Age (Black alone): Female: 64 |
PCT012B | PCT012B172 | Age (Black alone): Female: 65 |
PCT012B | PCT012B173 | Age (Black alone): Female: 66 |
PCT012B | PCT012B174 | Age (Black alone): Female: 67 |
PCT012B | PCT012B175 | Age (Black alone): Female: 68 |
PCT012B | PCT012B176 | Age (Black alone): Female: 69 |
PCT012B | PCT012B177 | Age (Black alone): Female: 70 |
PCT012B | PCT012B178 | Age (Black alone): Female: 71 |
PCT012B | PCT012B179 | Age (Black alone): Female: 72 |
PCT012B | PCT012B180 | Age (Black alone): Female: 73 |
PCT012B | PCT012B181 | Age (Black alone): Female: 74 |
PCT012B | PCT012B182 | Age (Black alone): Female: 75 |
PCT012B | PCT012B183 | Age (Black alone): Female: 76 |
PCT012B | PCT012B184 | Age (Black alone): Female: 77 |
PCT012B | PCT012B185 | Age (Black alone): Female: 78 |
PCT012B | PCT012B186 | Age (Black alone): Female: 79 |
PCT012B | PCT012B187 | Age (Black alone): Female: 80 |
PCT012B | PCT012B188 | Age (Black alone): Female: 81 |
PCT012B | PCT012B189 | Age (Black alone): Female: 82 |
PCT012B | PCT012B190 | Age (Black alone): Female: 83 |
PCT012B | PCT012B191 | Age (Black alone): Female: 84 |
PCT012B | PCT012B192 | Age (Black alone): Female: 85 |
PCT012B | PCT012B193 | Age (Black alone): Female: 86 |
PCT012B | PCT012B194 | Age (Black alone): Female: 87 |
PCT012B | PCT012B195 | Age (Black alone): Female: 88 |
PCT012B | PCT012B196 | Age (Black alone): Female: 89 |
PCT012B | PCT012B197 | Age (Black alone): Female: 90 |
PCT012B | PCT012B198 | Age (Black alone): Female: 91 |
PCT012B | PCT012B199 | Age (Black alone): Female: 92 |
PCT012B | PCT012B200 | Age (Black alone): Female: 93 |
PCT012B | PCT012B201 | Age (Black alone): Female: 94 |
PCT012B | PCT012B202 | Age (Black alone): Female: 95 |
PCT012B | PCT012B203 | Age (Black alone): Female: 96 |
PCT012B | PCT012B204 | Age (Black alone): Female: 97 |
PCT012B | PCT012B205 | Age (Black alone): Female: 98 |
PCT012B | PCT012B206 | Age (Black alone): Female: 99 |
PCT012B | PCT012B207 | Age (Black alone): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012B | PCT012B208 | Age (Black alone): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012B | PCT012B209 | Age (Black alone): Female: 110+ |
PCT012C | PCT012C001 | Age (NatAmer alone) Total |
PCT012C | PCT012C002 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male |
PCT012C | PCT012C003 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012C | PCT012C004 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 1 year |
PCT012C | PCT012C005 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 2 |
PCT012C | PCT012C006 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 3 |
PCT012C | PCT012C007 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 4 |
PCT012C | PCT012C008 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 5 |
PCT012C | PCT012C009 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 6 |
PCT012C | PCT012C010 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 7 |
PCT012C | PCT012C011 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 8 |
PCT012C | PCT012C012 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 9 |
PCT012C | PCT012C013 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 10 |
PCT012C | PCT012C014 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 11 |
PCT012C | PCT012C015 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 12 |
PCT012C | PCT012C016 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 13 |
PCT012C | PCT012C017 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 14 |
PCT012C | PCT012C018 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 15 |
PCT012C | PCT012C019 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 16 |
PCT012C | PCT012C020 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 17 |
PCT012C | PCT012C021 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 18 |
PCT012C | PCT012C022 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 19 |
PCT012C | PCT012C023 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 20 |
PCT012C | PCT012C024 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 21 |
PCT012C | PCT012C025 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 22 |
PCT012C | PCT012C026 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 23 |
PCT012C | PCT012C027 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 24 |
PCT012C | PCT012C028 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 25 |
PCT012C | PCT012C029 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 26 |
PCT012C | PCT012C030 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 27 |
PCT012C | PCT012C031 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 28 |
PCT012C | PCT012C032 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 29 |
PCT012C | PCT012C033 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 30 |
PCT012C | PCT012C034 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 31 |
PCT012C | PCT012C035 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 32 |
PCT012C | PCT012C036 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 33 |
PCT012C | PCT012C037 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 34 |
PCT012C | PCT012C038 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 35 |
PCT012C | PCT012C039 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 36 |
PCT012C | PCT012C040 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 37 |
PCT012C | PCT012C041 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 38 |
PCT012C | PCT012C042 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 39 |
PCT012C | PCT012C043 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 40 |
PCT012C | PCT012C044 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 41 |
PCT012C | PCT012C045 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 42 |
PCT012C | PCT012C046 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 43 |
PCT012C | PCT012C047 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 44 |
PCT012C | PCT012C048 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 45 |
PCT012C | PCT012C049 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 46 |
PCT012C | PCT012C050 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 47 |
PCT012C | PCT012C051 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 48 |
PCT012C | PCT012C052 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 49 |
PCT012C | PCT012C053 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 50 |
PCT012C | PCT012C054 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 51 |
PCT012C | PCT012C055 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 52 |
PCT012C | PCT012C056 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 53 |
PCT012C | PCT012C057 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 54 |
PCT012C | PCT012C058 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 55 |
PCT012C | PCT012C059 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 56 |
PCT012C | PCT012C060 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 57 |
PCT012C | PCT012C061 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 58 |
PCT012C | PCT012C062 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 59 |
PCT012C | PCT012C063 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 60 |
PCT012C | PCT012C064 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 61 |
PCT012C | PCT012C065 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 62 |
PCT012C | PCT012C066 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 63 |
PCT012C | PCT012C067 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 64 |
PCT012C | PCT012C068 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 65 |
PCT012C | PCT012C069 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 66 |
PCT012C | PCT012C070 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 67 |
PCT012C | PCT012C071 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 68 |
PCT012C | PCT012C072 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 69 |
PCT012C | PCT012C073 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 70 |
PCT012C | PCT012C074 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 71 |
PCT012C | PCT012C075 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 72 |
PCT012C | PCT012C076 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 73 |
PCT012C | PCT012C077 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 74 |
PCT012C | PCT012C078 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 75 |
PCT012C | PCT012C079 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 76 |
PCT012C | PCT012C080 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 77 |
PCT012C | PCT012C081 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 78 |
PCT012C | PCT012C082 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 79 |
PCT012C | PCT012C083 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 80 |
PCT012C | PCT012C084 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 81 |
PCT012C | PCT012C085 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 82 |
PCT012C | PCT012C086 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 83 |
PCT012C | PCT012C087 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 84 |
PCT012C | PCT012C088 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 85 |
PCT012C | PCT012C089 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 86 |
PCT012C | PCT012C090 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 87 |
PCT012C | PCT012C091 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 88 |
PCT012C | PCT012C092 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 89 |
PCT012C | PCT012C093 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 90 |
PCT012C | PCT012C094 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 91 |
PCT012C | PCT012C095 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 92 |
PCT012C | PCT012C096 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 93 |
PCT012C | PCT012C097 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 94 |
PCT012C | PCT012C098 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 95 |
PCT012C | PCT012C099 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 96 |
PCT012C | PCT012C100 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 97 |
PCT012C | PCT012C101 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 98 |
PCT012C | PCT012C102 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 99 |
PCT012C | PCT012C103 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012C | PCT012C104 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012C | PCT012C105 | Age (NatAmer alone): Male: 110+ |
PCT012C | PCT012C106 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female |
PCT012C | PCT012C107 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012C | PCT012C108 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 1 year |
PCT012C | PCT012C109 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 2 |
PCT012C | PCT012C110 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 3 |
PCT012C | PCT012C111 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 4 |
PCT012C | PCT012C112 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 5 |
PCT012C | PCT012C113 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 6 |
PCT012C | PCT012C114 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 7 |
PCT012C | PCT012C115 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 8 |
PCT012C | PCT012C116 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 9 |
PCT012C | PCT012C117 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 10 |
PCT012C | PCT012C118 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 11 |
PCT012C | PCT012C119 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 12 |
PCT012C | PCT012C120 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 13 |
PCT012C | PCT012C121 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 14 |
PCT012C | PCT012C122 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 15 |
PCT012C | PCT012C123 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 16 |
PCT012C | PCT012C124 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 17 |
PCT012C | PCT012C125 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 18 |
PCT012C | PCT012C126 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 19 |
PCT012C | PCT012C127 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 20 |
PCT012C | PCT012C128 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 21 |
PCT012C | PCT012C129 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 22 |
PCT012C | PCT012C130 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 23 |
PCT012C | PCT012C131 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 24 |
PCT012C | PCT012C132 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 25 |
PCT012C | PCT012C133 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 26 |
PCT012C | PCT012C134 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 27 |
PCT012C | PCT012C135 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 28 |
PCT012C | PCT012C136 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 29 |
PCT012C | PCT012C137 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 30 |
PCT012C | PCT012C138 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 31 |
PCT012C | PCT012C139 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 32 |
PCT012C | PCT012C140 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 33 |
PCT012C | PCT012C141 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 34 |
PCT012C | PCT012C142 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 35 |
PCT012C | PCT012C143 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 36 |
PCT012C | PCT012C144 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 37 |
PCT012C | PCT012C145 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 38 |
PCT012C | PCT012C146 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 39 |
PCT012C | PCT012C147 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 40 |
PCT012C | PCT012C148 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 41 |
PCT012C | PCT012C149 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 42 |
PCT012C | PCT012C150 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 43 |
PCT012C | PCT012C151 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 44 |
PCT012C | PCT012C152 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 45 |
PCT012C | PCT012C153 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 46 |
PCT012C | PCT012C154 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 47 |
PCT012C | PCT012C155 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 48 |
PCT012C | PCT012C156 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 49 |
PCT012C | PCT012C157 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 50 |
PCT012C | PCT012C158 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 51 |
PCT012C | PCT012C159 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 52 |
PCT012C | PCT012C160 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 53 |
PCT012C | PCT012C161 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 54 |
PCT012C | PCT012C162 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 55 |
PCT012C | PCT012C163 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 56 |
PCT012C | PCT012C164 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 57 |
PCT012C | PCT012C165 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 58 |
PCT012C | PCT012C166 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 59 |
PCT012C | PCT012C167 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 60 |
PCT012C | PCT012C168 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 61 |
PCT012C | PCT012C169 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 62 |
PCT012C | PCT012C170 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 63 |
PCT012C | PCT012C171 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 64 |
PCT012C | PCT012C172 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 65 |
PCT012C | PCT012C173 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 66 |
PCT012C | PCT012C174 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 67 |
PCT012C | PCT012C175 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 68 |
PCT012C | PCT012C176 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 69 |
PCT012C | PCT012C177 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 70 |
PCT012C | PCT012C178 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 71 |
PCT012C | PCT012C179 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 72 |
PCT012C | PCT012C180 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 73 |
PCT012C | PCT012C181 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 74 |
PCT012C | PCT012C182 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 75 |
PCT012C | PCT012C183 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 76 |
PCT012C | PCT012C184 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 77 |
PCT012C | PCT012C185 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 78 |
PCT012C | PCT012C186 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 79 |
PCT012C | PCT012C187 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 80 |
PCT012C | PCT012C188 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 81 |
PCT012C | PCT012C189 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 82 |
PCT012C | PCT012C190 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 83 |
PCT012C | PCT012C191 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 84 |
PCT012C | PCT012C192 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 85 |
PCT012C | PCT012C193 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 86 |
PCT012C | PCT012C194 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 87 |
PCT012C | PCT012C195 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 88 |
PCT012C | PCT012C196 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 89 |
PCT012C | PCT012C197 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 90 |
PCT012C | PCT012C198 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 91 |
PCT012C | PCT012C199 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 92 |
PCT012C | PCT012C200 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 93 |
PCT012C | PCT012C201 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 94 |
PCT012C | PCT012C202 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 95 |
PCT012C | PCT012C203 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 96 |
PCT012C | PCT012C204 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 97 |
PCT012C | PCT012C205 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 98 |
PCT012C | PCT012C206 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 99 |
PCT012C | PCT012C207 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012C | PCT012C208 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012C | PCT012C209 | Age (NatAmer alone): Female: 110+ |
PCT012D | PCT012D001 | Age (Asian alone) Total |
PCT012D | PCT012D002 | Age (Asian alone): Male |
PCT012D | PCT012D003 | Age (Asian alone): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012D | PCT012D004 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 1 year |
PCT012D | PCT012D005 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 2 |
PCT012D | PCT012D006 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 3 |
PCT012D | PCT012D007 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 4 |
PCT012D | PCT012D008 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 5 |
PCT012D | PCT012D009 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 6 |
PCT012D | PCT012D010 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 7 |
PCT012D | PCT012D011 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 8 |
PCT012D | PCT012D012 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 9 |
PCT012D | PCT012D013 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 10 |
PCT012D | PCT012D014 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 11 |
PCT012D | PCT012D015 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 12 |
PCT012D | PCT012D016 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 13 |
PCT012D | PCT012D017 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 14 |
PCT012D | PCT012D018 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 15 |
PCT012D | PCT012D019 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 16 |
PCT012D | PCT012D020 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 17 |
PCT012D | PCT012D021 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 18 |
PCT012D | PCT012D022 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 19 |
PCT012D | PCT012D023 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 20 |
PCT012D | PCT012D024 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 21 |
PCT012D | PCT012D025 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 22 |
PCT012D | PCT012D026 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 23 |
PCT012D | PCT012D027 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 24 |
PCT012D | PCT012D028 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 25 |
PCT012D | PCT012D029 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 26 |
PCT012D | PCT012D030 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 27 |
PCT012D | PCT012D031 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 28 |
PCT012D | PCT012D032 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 29 |
PCT012D | PCT012D033 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 30 |
PCT012D | PCT012D034 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 31 |
PCT012D | PCT012D035 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 32 |
PCT012D | PCT012D036 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 33 |
PCT012D | PCT012D037 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 34 |
PCT012D | PCT012D038 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 35 |
PCT012D | PCT012D039 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 36 |
PCT012D | PCT012D040 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 37 |
PCT012D | PCT012D041 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 38 |
PCT012D | PCT012D042 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 39 |
PCT012D | PCT012D043 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 40 |
PCT012D | PCT012D044 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 41 |
PCT012D | PCT012D045 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 42 |
PCT012D | PCT012D046 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 43 |
PCT012D | PCT012D047 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 44 |
PCT012D | PCT012D048 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 45 |
PCT012D | PCT012D049 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 46 |
PCT012D | PCT012D050 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 47 |
PCT012D | PCT012D051 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 48 |
PCT012D | PCT012D052 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 49 |
PCT012D | PCT012D053 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 50 |
PCT012D | PCT012D054 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 51 |
PCT012D | PCT012D055 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 52 |
PCT012D | PCT012D056 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 53 |
PCT012D | PCT012D057 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 54 |
PCT012D | PCT012D058 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 55 |
PCT012D | PCT012D059 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 56 |
PCT012D | PCT012D060 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 57 |
PCT012D | PCT012D061 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 58 |
PCT012D | PCT012D062 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 59 |
PCT012D | PCT012D063 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 60 |
PCT012D | PCT012D064 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 61 |
PCT012D | PCT012D065 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 62 |
PCT012D | PCT012D066 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 63 |
PCT012D | PCT012D067 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 64 |
PCT012D | PCT012D068 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 65 |
PCT012D | PCT012D069 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 66 |
PCT012D | PCT012D070 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 67 |
PCT012D | PCT012D071 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 68 |
PCT012D | PCT012D072 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 69 |
PCT012D | PCT012D073 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 70 |
PCT012D | PCT012D074 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 71 |
PCT012D | PCT012D075 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 72 |
PCT012D | PCT012D076 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 73 |
PCT012D | PCT012D077 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 74 |
PCT012D | PCT012D078 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 75 |
PCT012D | PCT012D079 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 76 |
PCT012D | PCT012D080 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 77 |
PCT012D | PCT012D081 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 78 |
PCT012D | PCT012D082 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 79 |
PCT012D | PCT012D083 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 80 |
PCT012D | PCT012D084 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 81 |
PCT012D | PCT012D085 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 82 |
PCT012D | PCT012D086 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 83 |
PCT012D | PCT012D087 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 84 |
PCT012D | PCT012D088 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 85 |
PCT012D | PCT012D089 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 86 |
PCT012D | PCT012D090 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 87 |
PCT012D | PCT012D091 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 88 |
PCT012D | PCT012D092 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 89 |
PCT012D | PCT012D093 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 90 |
PCT012D | PCT012D094 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 91 |
PCT012D | PCT012D095 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 92 |
PCT012D | PCT012D096 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 93 |
PCT012D | PCT012D097 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 94 |
PCT012D | PCT012D098 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 95 |
PCT012D | PCT012D099 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 96 |
PCT012D | PCT012D100 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 97 |
PCT012D | PCT012D101 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 98 |
PCT012D | PCT012D102 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 99 |
PCT012D | PCT012D103 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012D | PCT012D104 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012D | PCT012D105 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 110+ |
PCT012D | PCT012D106 | Age (Asian alone): Female |
PCT012D | PCT012D107 | Age (Asian alone): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012D | PCT012D108 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 1 year |
PCT012D | PCT012D109 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 2 |
PCT012D | PCT012D110 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 3 |
PCT012D | PCT012D111 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 4 |
PCT012D | PCT012D112 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 5 |
PCT012D | PCT012D113 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 6 |
PCT012D | PCT012D114 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 7 |
PCT012D | PCT012D115 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 8 |
PCT012D | PCT012D116 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 9 |
PCT012D | PCT012D117 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 10 |
PCT012D | PCT012D118 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 11 |
PCT012D | PCT012D119 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 12 |
PCT012D | PCT012D120 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 13 |
PCT012D | PCT012D121 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 14 |
PCT012D | PCT012D122 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 15 |
PCT012D | PCT012D123 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 16 |
PCT012D | PCT012D124 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 17 |
PCT012D | PCT012D125 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 18 |
PCT012D | PCT012D126 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 19 |
PCT012D | PCT012D127 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 20 |
PCT012D | PCT012D128 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 21 |
PCT012D | PCT012D129 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 22 |
PCT012D | PCT012D130 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 23 |
PCT012D | PCT012D131 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 24 |
PCT012D | PCT012D132 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 25 |
PCT012D | PCT012D133 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 26 |
PCT012D | PCT012D134 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 27 |
PCT012D | PCT012D135 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 28 |
PCT012D | PCT012D136 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 29 |
PCT012D | PCT012D137 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 30 |
PCT012D | PCT012D138 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 31 |
PCT012D | PCT012D139 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 32 |
PCT012D | PCT012D140 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 33 |
PCT012D | PCT012D141 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 34 |
PCT012D | PCT012D142 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 35 |
PCT012D | PCT012D143 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 36 |
PCT012D | PCT012D144 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 37 |
PCT012D | PCT012D145 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 38 |
PCT012D | PCT012D146 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 39 |
PCT012D | PCT012D147 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 40 |
PCT012D | PCT012D148 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 41 |
PCT012D | PCT012D149 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 42 |
PCT012D | PCT012D150 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 43 |
PCT012D | PCT012D151 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 44 |
PCT012D | PCT012D152 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 45 |
PCT012D | PCT012D153 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 46 |
PCT012D | PCT012D154 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 47 |
PCT012D | PCT012D155 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 48 |
PCT012D | PCT012D156 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 49 |
PCT012D | PCT012D157 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 50 |
PCT012D | PCT012D158 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 51 |
PCT012D | PCT012D159 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 52 |
PCT012D | PCT012D160 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 53 |
PCT012D | PCT012D161 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 54 |
PCT012D | PCT012D162 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 55 |
PCT012D | PCT012D163 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 56 |
PCT012D | PCT012D164 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 57 |
PCT012D | PCT012D165 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 58 |
PCT012D | PCT012D166 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 59 |
PCT012D | PCT012D167 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 60 |
PCT012D | PCT012D168 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 61 |
PCT012D | PCT012D169 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 62 |
PCT012D | PCT012D170 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 63 |
PCT012D | PCT012D171 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 64 |
PCT012D | PCT012D172 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 65 |
PCT012D | PCT012D173 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 66 |
PCT012D | PCT012D174 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 67 |
PCT012D | PCT012D175 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 68 |
PCT012D | PCT012D176 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 69 |
PCT012D | PCT012D177 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 70 |
PCT012D | PCT012D178 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 71 |
PCT012D | PCT012D179 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 72 |
PCT012D | PCT012D180 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 73 |
PCT012D | PCT012D181 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 74 |
PCT012D | PCT012D182 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 75 |
PCT012D | PCT012D183 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 76 |
PCT012D | PCT012D184 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 77 |
PCT012D | PCT012D185 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 78 |
PCT012D | PCT012D186 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 79 |
PCT012D | PCT012D187 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 80 |
PCT012D | PCT012D188 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 81 |
PCT012D | PCT012D189 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 82 |
PCT012D | PCT012D190 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 83 |
PCT012D | PCT012D191 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 84 |
PCT012D | PCT012D192 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 85 |
PCT012D | PCT012D193 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 86 |
PCT012D | PCT012D194 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 87 |
PCT012D | PCT012D195 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 88 |
PCT012D | PCT012D196 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 89 |
PCT012D | PCT012D197 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 90 |
PCT012D | PCT012D198 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 91 |
PCT012D | PCT012D199 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 92 |
PCT012D | PCT012D200 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 93 |
PCT012D | PCT012D201 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 94 |
PCT012D | PCT012D202 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 95 |
PCT012D | PCT012D203 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 96 |
PCT012D | PCT012D204 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 97 |
PCT012D | PCT012D205 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 98 |
PCT012D | PCT012D206 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 99 |
PCT012D | PCT012D207 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012D | PCT012D208 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012D | PCT012D209 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 110+ |
PCT012E | PCT012E001 | Age (Pacific Alone) Total |
PCT012E | PCT012E002 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male |
PCT012E | PCT012E003 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012E | PCT012E004 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 1 year |
PCT012E | PCT012E005 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 2 |
PCT012E | PCT012E006 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 3 |
PCT012E | PCT012E007 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 4 |
PCT012E | PCT012E008 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 5 |
PCT012E | PCT012E009 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 6 |
PCT012E | PCT012E010 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 7 |
PCT012E | PCT012E011 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 8 |
PCT012E | PCT012E012 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 9 |
PCT012E | PCT012E013 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 10 |
PCT012E | PCT012E014 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 11 |
PCT012E | PCT012E015 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 12 |
PCT012E | PCT012E016 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 13 |
PCT012E | PCT012E017 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 14 |
PCT012E | PCT012E018 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 15 |
PCT012E | PCT012E019 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 16 |
PCT012E | PCT012E020 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 17 |
PCT012E | PCT012E021 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 18 |
PCT012E | PCT012E022 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 19 |
PCT012E | PCT012E023 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 20 |
PCT012E | PCT012E024 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 21 |
PCT012E | PCT012E025 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 22 |
PCT012E | PCT012E026 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 23 |
PCT012E | PCT012E027 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 24 |
PCT012E | PCT012E028 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 25 |
PCT012E | PCT012E029 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 26 |
PCT012E | PCT012E030 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 27 |
PCT012E | PCT012E031 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 28 |
PCT012E | PCT012E032 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 29 |
PCT012E | PCT012E033 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 30 |
PCT012E | PCT012E034 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 31 |
PCT012E | PCT012E035 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 32 |
PCT012E | PCT012E036 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 33 |
PCT012E | PCT012E037 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 34 |
PCT012E | PCT012E038 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 35 |
PCT012E | PCT012E039 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 36 |
PCT012E | PCT012E040 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 37 |
PCT012E | PCT012E041 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 38 |
PCT012E | PCT012E042 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 39 |
PCT012E | PCT012E043 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 40 |
PCT012E | PCT012E044 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 41 |
PCT012E | PCT012E045 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 42 |
PCT012E | PCT012E046 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 43 |
PCT012E | PCT012E047 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 44 |
PCT012E | PCT012E048 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 45 |
PCT012E | PCT012E049 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 46 |
PCT012E | PCT012E050 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 47 |
PCT012E | PCT012E051 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 48 |
PCT012E | PCT012E052 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 49 |
PCT012E | PCT012E053 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 50 |
PCT012E | PCT012E054 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 51 |
PCT012E | PCT012E055 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 52 |
PCT012E | PCT012E056 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 53 |
PCT012E | PCT012E057 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 54 |
PCT012E | PCT012E058 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 55 |
PCT012E | PCT012E059 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 56 |
PCT012E | PCT012E060 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 57 |
PCT012E | PCT012E061 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 58 |
PCT012E | PCT012E062 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 59 |
PCT012E | PCT012E063 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 60 |
PCT012E | PCT012E064 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 61 |
PCT012E | PCT012E065 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 62 |
PCT012E | PCT012E066 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 63 |
PCT012E | PCT012E067 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 64 |
PCT012E | PCT012E068 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 65 |
PCT012E | PCT012E069 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 66 |
PCT012E | PCT012E070 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 67 |
PCT012E | PCT012E071 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 68 |
PCT012E | PCT012E072 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 69 |
PCT012E | PCT012E073 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 70 |
PCT012E | PCT012E074 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 71 |
PCT012E | PCT012E075 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 72 |
PCT012E | PCT012E076 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 73 |
PCT012E | PCT012E077 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 74 |
PCT012E | PCT012E078 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 75 |
PCT012E | PCT012E079 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 76 |
PCT012E | PCT012E080 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 77 |
PCT012E | PCT012E081 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 78 |
PCT012E | PCT012E082 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 79 |
PCT012E | PCT012E083 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 80 |
PCT012E | PCT012E084 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 81 |
PCT012E | PCT012E085 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 82 |
PCT012E | PCT012E086 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 83 |
PCT012E | PCT012E087 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 84 |
PCT012E | PCT012E088 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 85 |
PCT012E | PCT012E089 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 86 |
PCT012E | PCT012E090 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 87 |
PCT012E | PCT012E091 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 88 |
PCT012E | PCT012E092 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 89 |
PCT012E | PCT012E093 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 90 |
PCT012E | PCT012E094 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 91 |
PCT012E | PCT012E095 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 92 |
PCT012E | PCT012E096 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 93 |
PCT012E | PCT012E097 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 94 |
PCT012E | PCT012E098 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 95 |
PCT012E | PCT012E099 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 96 |
PCT012E | PCT012E100 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 97 |
PCT012E | PCT012E101 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 98 |
PCT012E | PCT012E102 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 99 |
PCT012E | PCT012E103 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012E | PCT012E104 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012E | PCT012E105 | Age (Pacific Alone): Male: 110+ |
PCT012E | PCT012E106 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female |
PCT012E | PCT012E107 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012E | PCT012E108 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 1 year |
PCT012E | PCT012E109 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 2 |
PCT012E | PCT012E110 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 3 |
PCT012E | PCT012E111 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 4 |
PCT012E | PCT012E112 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 5 |
PCT012E | PCT012E113 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 6 |
PCT012E | PCT012E114 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 7 |
PCT012E | PCT012E115 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 8 |
PCT012E | PCT012E116 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 9 |
PCT012E | PCT012E117 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 10 |
PCT012E | PCT012E118 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 11 |
PCT012E | PCT012E119 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 12 |
PCT012E | PCT012E120 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 13 |
PCT012E | PCT012E121 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 14 |
PCT012E | PCT012E122 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 15 |
PCT012E | PCT012E123 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 16 |
PCT012E | PCT012E124 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 17 |
PCT012E | PCT012E125 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 18 |
PCT012E | PCT012E126 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 19 |
PCT012E | PCT012E127 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 20 |
PCT012E | PCT012E128 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 21 |
PCT012E | PCT012E129 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 22 |
PCT012E | PCT012E130 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 23 |
PCT012E | PCT012E131 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 24 |
PCT012E | PCT012E132 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 25 |
PCT012E | PCT012E133 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 26 |
PCT012E | PCT012E134 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 27 |
PCT012E | PCT012E135 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 28 |
PCT012E | PCT012E136 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 29 |
PCT012E | PCT012E137 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 30 |
PCT012E | PCT012E138 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 31 |
PCT012E | PCT012E139 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 32 |
PCT012E | PCT012E140 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 33 |
PCT012E | PCT012E141 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 34 |
PCT012E | PCT012E142 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 35 |
PCT012E | PCT012E143 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 36 |
PCT012E | PCT012E144 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 37 |
PCT012E | PCT012E145 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 38 |
PCT012E | PCT012E146 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 39 |
PCT012E | PCT012E147 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 40 |
PCT012E | PCT012E148 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 41 |
PCT012E | PCT012E149 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 42 |
PCT012E | PCT012E150 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 43 |
PCT012E | PCT012E151 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 44 |
PCT012E | PCT012E152 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 45 |
PCT012E | PCT012E153 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 46 |
PCT012E | PCT012E154 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 47 |
PCT012E | PCT012E155 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 48 |
PCT012E | PCT012E156 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 49 |
PCT012E | PCT012E157 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 50 |
PCT012E | PCT012E158 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 51 |
PCT012E | PCT012E159 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 52 |
PCT012E | PCT012E160 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 53 |
PCT012E | PCT012E161 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 54 |
PCT012E | PCT012E162 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 55 |
PCT012E | PCT012E163 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 56 |
PCT012E | PCT012E164 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 57 |
PCT012E | PCT012E165 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 58 |
PCT012E | PCT012E166 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 59 |
PCT012E | PCT012E167 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 60 |
PCT012E | PCT012E168 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 61 |
PCT012E | PCT012E169 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 62 |
PCT012E | PCT012E170 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 63 |
PCT012E | PCT012E171 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 64 |
PCT012E | PCT012E172 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 65 |
PCT012E | PCT012E173 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 66 |
PCT012E | PCT012E174 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 67 |
PCT012E | PCT012E175 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 68 |
PCT012E | PCT012E176 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 69 |
PCT012E | PCT012E177 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 70 |
PCT012E | PCT012E178 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 71 |
PCT012E | PCT012E179 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 72 |
PCT012E | PCT012E180 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 73 |
PCT012E | PCT012E181 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 74 |
PCT012E | PCT012E182 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 75 |
PCT012E | PCT012E183 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 76 |
PCT012E | PCT012E184 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 77 |
PCT012E | PCT012E185 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 78 |
PCT012E | PCT012E186 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 79 |
PCT012E | PCT012E187 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 80 |
PCT012E | PCT012E188 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 81 |
PCT012E | PCT012E189 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 82 |
PCT012E | PCT012E190 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 83 |
PCT012E | PCT012E191 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 84 |
PCT012E | PCT012E192 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 85 |
PCT012E | PCT012E193 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 86 |
PCT012E | PCT012E194 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 87 |
PCT012E | PCT012E195 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 88 |
PCT012E | PCT012E196 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 89 |
PCT012E | PCT012E197 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 90 |
PCT012E | PCT012E198 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 91 |
PCT012E | PCT012E199 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 92 |
PCT012E | PCT012E200 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 93 |
PCT012E | PCT012E201 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 94 |
PCT012E | PCT012E202 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 95 |
PCT012E | PCT012E203 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 96 |
PCT012E | PCT012E204 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 97 |
PCT012E | PCT012E205 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 98 |
PCT012E | PCT012E206 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 99 |
PCT012E | PCT012E207 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012E | PCT012E208 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012E | PCT012E209 | Age (Pacific Alone): Female: 110+ |
PCT012F | PCT012F001 | Age (some other Race alone) Total |
PCT012F | PCT012F002 | Age (some other Race alone): Male |
PCT012F | PCT012F003 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012F | PCT012F004 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 1 year |
PCT012F | PCT012F005 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 2 |
PCT012F | PCT012F006 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 3 |
PCT012F | PCT012F007 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 4 |
PCT012F | PCT012F008 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 5 |
PCT012F | PCT012F009 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 6 |
PCT012F | PCT012F010 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 7 |
PCT012F | PCT012F011 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 8 |
PCT012F | PCT012F012 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 9 |
PCT012F | PCT012F013 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 10 |
PCT012F | PCT012F014 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 11 |
PCT012F | PCT012F015 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 12 |
PCT012F | PCT012F016 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 13 |
PCT012F | PCT012F017 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 14 |
PCT012F | PCT012F018 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 15 |
PCT012F | PCT012F019 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 16 |
PCT012F | PCT012F020 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 17 |
PCT012F | PCT012F021 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 18 |
PCT012F | PCT012F022 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 19 |
PCT012F | PCT012F023 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 20 |
PCT012F | PCT012F024 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 21 |
PCT012F | PCT012F025 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 22 |
PCT012F | PCT012F026 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 23 |
PCT012F | PCT012F027 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 24 |
PCT012F | PCT012F028 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 25 |
PCT012F | PCT012F029 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 26 |
PCT012F | PCT012F030 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 27 |
PCT012F | PCT012F031 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 28 |
PCT012F | PCT012F032 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 29 |
PCT012F | PCT012F033 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 30 |
PCT012F | PCT012F034 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 31 |
PCT012F | PCT012F035 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 32 |
PCT012F | PCT012F036 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 33 |
PCT012F | PCT012F037 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 34 |
PCT012F | PCT012F038 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 35 |
PCT012F | PCT012F039 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 36 |
PCT012F | PCT012F040 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 37 |
PCT012F | PCT012F041 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 38 |
PCT012F | PCT012F042 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 39 |
PCT012F | PCT012F043 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 40 |
PCT012F | PCT012F044 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 41 |
PCT012F | PCT012F045 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 42 |
PCT012F | PCT012F046 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 43 |
PCT012F | PCT012F047 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 44 |
PCT012F | PCT012F048 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 45 |
PCT012F | PCT012F049 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 46 |
PCT012F | PCT012F050 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 47 |
PCT012F | PCT012F051 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 48 |
PCT012F | PCT012F052 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 49 |
PCT012F | PCT012F053 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 50 |
PCT012F | PCT012F054 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 51 |
PCT012F | PCT012F055 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 52 |
PCT012F | PCT012F056 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 53 |
PCT012F | PCT012F057 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 54 |
PCT012F | PCT012F058 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 55 |
PCT012F | PCT012F059 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 56 |
PCT012F | PCT012F060 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 57 |
PCT012F | PCT012F061 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 58 |
PCT012F | PCT012F062 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 59 |
PCT012F | PCT012F063 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 60 |
PCT012F | PCT012F064 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 61 |
PCT012F | PCT012F065 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 62 |
PCT012F | PCT012F066 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 63 |
PCT012F | PCT012F067 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 64 |
PCT012F | PCT012F068 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 65 |
PCT012F | PCT012F069 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 66 |
PCT012F | PCT012F070 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 67 |
PCT012F | PCT012F071 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 68 |
PCT012F | PCT012F072 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 69 |
PCT012F | PCT012F073 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 70 |
PCT012F | PCT012F074 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 71 |
PCT012F | PCT012F075 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 72 |
PCT012F | PCT012F076 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 73 |
PCT012F | PCT012F077 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 74 |
PCT012F | PCT012F078 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 75 |
PCT012F | PCT012F079 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 76 |
PCT012F | PCT012F080 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 77 |
PCT012F | PCT012F081 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 78 |
PCT012F | PCT012F082 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 79 |
PCT012F | PCT012F083 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 80 |
PCT012F | PCT012F084 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 81 |
PCT012F | PCT012F085 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 82 |
PCT012F | PCT012F086 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 83 |
PCT012F | PCT012F087 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 84 |
PCT012F | PCT012F088 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 85 |
PCT012F | PCT012F089 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 86 |
PCT012F | PCT012F090 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 87 |
PCT012F | PCT012F091 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 88 |
PCT012F | PCT012F092 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 89 |
PCT012F | PCT012F093 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 90 |
PCT012F | PCT012F094 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 91 |
PCT012F | PCT012F095 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 92 |
PCT012F | PCT012F096 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 93 |
PCT012F | PCT012F097 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 94 |
PCT012F | PCT012F098 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 95 |
PCT012F | PCT012F099 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 96 |
PCT012F | PCT012F100 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 97 |
PCT012F | PCT012F101 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 98 |
PCT012F | PCT012F102 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 99 |
PCT012F | PCT012F103 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012F | PCT012F104 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012F | PCT012F105 | Age (some other Race alone): Male: 110+ |
PCT012F | PCT012F106 | Age (some other Race alone): Female |
PCT012F | PCT012F107 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012F | PCT012F108 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 1 year |
PCT012F | PCT012F109 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 2 |
PCT012F | PCT012F110 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 3 |
PCT012F | PCT012F111 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 4 |
PCT012F | PCT012F112 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 5 |
PCT012F | PCT012F113 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 6 |
PCT012F | PCT012F114 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 7 |
PCT012F | PCT012F115 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 8 |
PCT012F | PCT012F116 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 9 |
PCT012F | PCT012F117 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 10 |
PCT012F | PCT012F118 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 11 |
PCT012F | PCT012F119 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 12 |
PCT012F | PCT012F120 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 13 |
PCT012F | PCT012F121 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 14 |
PCT012F | PCT012F122 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 15 |
PCT012F | PCT012F123 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 16 |
PCT012F | PCT012F124 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 17 |
PCT012F | PCT012F125 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 18 |
PCT012F | PCT012F126 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 19 |
PCT012F | PCT012F127 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 20 |
PCT012F | PCT012F128 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 21 |
PCT012F | PCT012F129 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 22 |
PCT012F | PCT012F130 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 23 |
PCT012F | PCT012F131 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 24 |
PCT012F | PCT012F132 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 25 |
PCT012F | PCT012F133 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 26 |
PCT012F | PCT012F134 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 27 |
PCT012F | PCT012F135 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 28 |
PCT012F | PCT012F136 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 29 |
PCT012F | PCT012F137 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 30 |
PCT012F | PCT012F138 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 31 |
PCT012F | PCT012F139 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 32 |
PCT012F | PCT012F140 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 33 |
PCT012F | PCT012F141 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 34 |
PCT012F | PCT012F142 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 35 |
PCT012F | PCT012F143 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 36 |
PCT012F | PCT012F144 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 37 |
PCT012F | PCT012F145 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 38 |
PCT012F | PCT012F146 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 39 |
PCT012F | PCT012F147 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 40 |
PCT012F | PCT012F148 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 41 |
PCT012F | PCT012F149 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 42 |
PCT012F | PCT012F150 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 43 |
PCT012F | PCT012F151 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 44 |
PCT012F | PCT012F152 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 45 |
PCT012F | PCT012F153 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 46 |
PCT012F | PCT012F154 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 47 |
PCT012F | PCT012F155 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 48 |
PCT012F | PCT012F156 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 49 |
PCT012F | PCT012F157 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 50 |
PCT012F | PCT012F158 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 51 |
PCT012F | PCT012F159 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 52 |
PCT012F | PCT012F160 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 53 |
PCT012F | PCT012F161 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 54 |
PCT012F | PCT012F162 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 55 |
PCT012F | PCT012F163 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 56 |
PCT012F | PCT012F164 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 57 |
PCT012F | PCT012F165 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 58 |
PCT012F | PCT012F166 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 59 |
PCT012F | PCT012F167 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 60 |
PCT012F | PCT012F168 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 61 |
PCT012F | PCT012F169 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 62 |
PCT012F | PCT012F170 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 63 |
PCT012F | PCT012F171 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 64 |
PCT012F | PCT012F172 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 65 |
PCT012F | PCT012F173 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 66 |
PCT012F | PCT012F174 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 67 |
PCT012F | PCT012F175 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 68 |
PCT012F | PCT012F176 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 69 |
PCT012F | PCT012F177 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 70 |
PCT012F | PCT012F178 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 71 |
PCT012F | PCT012F179 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 72 |
PCT012F | PCT012F180 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 73 |
PCT012F | PCT012F181 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 74 |
PCT012F | PCT012F182 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 75 |
PCT012F | PCT012F183 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 76 |
PCT012F | PCT012F184 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 77 |
PCT012F | PCT012F185 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 78 |
PCT012F | PCT012F186 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 79 |
PCT012F | PCT012F187 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 80 |
PCT012F | PCT012F188 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 81 |
PCT012F | PCT012F189 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 82 |
PCT012F | PCT012F190 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 83 |
PCT012F | PCT012F191 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 84 |
PCT012F | PCT012F192 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 85 |
PCT012F | PCT012F193 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 86 |
PCT012F | PCT012F194 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 87 |
PCT012F | PCT012F195 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 88 |
PCT012F | PCT012F196 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 89 |
PCT012F | PCT012F197 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 90 |
PCT012F | PCT012F198 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 91 |
PCT012F | PCT012F199 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 92 |
PCT012F | PCT012F200 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 93 |
PCT012F | PCT012F201 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 94 |
PCT012F | PCT012F202 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 95 |
PCT012F | PCT012F203 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 96 |
PCT012F | PCT012F204 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 97 |
PCT012F | PCT012F205 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 98 |
PCT012F | PCT012F206 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 99 |
PCT012F | PCT012F207 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012F | PCT012F208 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012F | PCT012F209 | Age (some other Race alone): Female: 110+ |
PCT012G | PCT012G001 | Age (2+ Races) Total |
PCT012G | PCT012G002 | Age (2+ Races): Male |
PCT012G | PCT012G003 | Age (2+ Races): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012G | PCT012G004 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 1 year |
PCT012G | PCT012G005 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 2 |
PCT012G | PCT012G006 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 3 |
PCT012G | PCT012G007 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 4 |
PCT012G | PCT012G008 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 5 |
PCT012G | PCT012G009 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 6 |
PCT012G | PCT012G010 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 7 |
PCT012G | PCT012G011 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 8 |
PCT012G | PCT012G012 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 9 |
PCT012G | PCT012G013 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 10 |
PCT012G | PCT012G014 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 11 |
PCT012G | PCT012G015 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 12 |
PCT012G | PCT012G016 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 13 |
PCT012G | PCT012G017 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 14 |
PCT012G | PCT012G018 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 15 |
PCT012G | PCT012G019 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 16 |
PCT012G | PCT012G020 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 17 |
PCT012G | PCT012G021 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 18 |
PCT012G | PCT012G022 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 19 |
PCT012G | PCT012G023 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 20 |
PCT012G | PCT012G024 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 21 |
PCT012G | PCT012G025 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 22 |
PCT012G | PCT012G026 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 23 |
PCT012G | PCT012G027 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 24 |
PCT012G | PCT012G028 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 25 |
PCT012G | PCT012G029 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 26 |
PCT012G | PCT012G030 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 27 |
PCT012G | PCT012G031 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 28 |
PCT012G | PCT012G032 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 29 |
PCT012G | PCT012G033 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 30 |
PCT012G | PCT012G034 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 31 |
PCT012G | PCT012G035 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 32 |
PCT012G | PCT012G036 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 33 |
PCT012G | PCT012G037 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 34 |
PCT012G | PCT012G038 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 35 |
PCT012G | PCT012G039 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 36 |
PCT012G | PCT012G040 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 37 |
PCT012G | PCT012G041 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 38 |
PCT012G | PCT012G042 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 39 |
PCT012G | PCT012G043 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 40 |
PCT012G | PCT012G044 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 41 |
PCT012G | PCT012G045 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 42 |
PCT012G | PCT012G046 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 43 |
PCT012G | PCT012G047 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 44 |
PCT012G | PCT012G048 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 45 |
PCT012G | PCT012G049 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 46 |
PCT012G | PCT012G050 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 47 |
PCT012G | PCT012G051 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 48 |
PCT012G | PCT012G052 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 49 |
PCT012G | PCT012G053 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 50 |
PCT012G | PCT012G054 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 51 |
PCT012G | PCT012G055 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 52 |
PCT012G | PCT012G056 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 53 |
PCT012G | PCT012G057 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 54 |
PCT012G | PCT012G058 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 55 |
PCT012G | PCT012G059 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 56 |
PCT012G | PCT012G060 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 57 |
PCT012G | PCT012G061 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 58 |
PCT012G | PCT012G062 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 59 |
PCT012G | PCT012G063 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 60 |
PCT012G | PCT012G064 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 61 |
PCT012G | PCT012G065 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 62 |
PCT012G | PCT012G066 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 63 |
PCT012G | PCT012G067 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 64 |
PCT012G | PCT012G068 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 65 |
PCT012G | PCT012G069 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 66 |
PCT012G | PCT012G070 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 67 |
PCT012G | PCT012G071 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 68 |
PCT012G | PCT012G072 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 69 |
PCT012G | PCT012G073 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 70 |
PCT012G | PCT012G074 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 71 |
PCT012G | PCT012G075 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 72 |
PCT012G | PCT012G076 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 73 |
PCT012G | PCT012G077 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 74 |
PCT012G | PCT012G078 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 75 |
PCT012G | PCT012G079 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 76 |
PCT012G | PCT012G080 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 77 |
PCT012G | PCT012G081 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 78 |
PCT012G | PCT012G082 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 79 |
PCT012G | PCT012G083 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 80 |
PCT012G | PCT012G084 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 81 |
PCT012G | PCT012G085 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 82 |
PCT012G | PCT012G086 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 83 |
PCT012G | PCT012G087 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 84 |
PCT012G | PCT012G088 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 85 |
PCT012G | PCT012G089 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 86 |
PCT012G | PCT012G090 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 87 |
PCT012G | PCT012G091 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 88 |
PCT012G | PCT012G092 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 89 |
PCT012G | PCT012G093 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 90 |
PCT012G | PCT012G094 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 91 |
PCT012G | PCT012G095 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 92 |
PCT012G | PCT012G096 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 93 |
PCT012G | PCT012G097 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 94 |
PCT012G | PCT012G098 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 95 |
PCT012G | PCT012G099 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 96 |
PCT012G | PCT012G100 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 97 |
PCT012G | PCT012G101 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 98 |
PCT012G | PCT012G102 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 99 |
PCT012G | PCT012G103 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012G | PCT012G104 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012G | PCT012G105 | Age (2+ Races): Male: 110+ |
PCT012G | PCT012G106 | Age (2+ Races): Female |
PCT012G | PCT012G107 | Age (2+ Races): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012G | PCT012G108 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 1 year |
PCT012G | PCT012G109 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 2 |
PCT012G | PCT012G110 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 3 |
PCT012G | PCT012G111 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 4 |
PCT012G | PCT012G112 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 5 |
PCT012G | PCT012G113 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 6 |
PCT012G | PCT012G114 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 7 |
PCT012G | PCT012G115 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 8 |
PCT012G | PCT012G116 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 9 |
PCT012G | PCT012G117 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 10 |
PCT012G | PCT012G118 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 11 |
PCT012G | PCT012G119 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 12 |
PCT012G | PCT012G120 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 13 |
PCT012G | PCT012G121 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 14 |
PCT012G | PCT012G122 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 15 |
PCT012G | PCT012G123 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 16 |
PCT012G | PCT012G124 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 17 |
PCT012G | PCT012G125 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 18 |
PCT012G | PCT012G126 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 19 |
PCT012G | PCT012G127 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 20 |
PCT012G | PCT012G128 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 21 |
PCT012G | PCT012G129 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 22 |
PCT012G | PCT012G130 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 23 |
PCT012G | PCT012G131 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 24 |
PCT012G | PCT012G132 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 25 |
PCT012G | PCT012G133 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 26 |
PCT012G | PCT012G134 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 27 |
PCT012G | PCT012G135 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 28 |
PCT012G | PCT012G136 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 29 |
PCT012G | PCT012G137 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 30 |
PCT012G | PCT012G138 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 31 |
PCT012G | PCT012G139 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 32 |
PCT012G | PCT012G140 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 33 |
PCT012G | PCT012G141 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 34 |
PCT012G | PCT012G142 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 35 |
PCT012G | PCT012G143 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 36 |
PCT012G | PCT012G144 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 37 |
PCT012G | PCT012G145 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 38 |
PCT012G | PCT012G146 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 39 |
PCT012G | PCT012G147 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 40 |
PCT012G | PCT012G148 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 41 |
PCT012G | PCT012G149 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 42 |
PCT012G | PCT012G150 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 43 |
PCT012G | PCT012G151 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 44 |
PCT012G | PCT012G152 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 45 |
PCT012G | PCT012G153 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 46 |
PCT012G | PCT012G154 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 47 |
PCT012G | PCT012G155 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 48 |
PCT012G | PCT012G156 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 49 |
PCT012G | PCT012G157 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 50 |
PCT012G | PCT012G158 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 51 |
PCT012G | PCT012G159 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 52 |
PCT012G | PCT012G160 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 53 |
PCT012G | PCT012G161 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 54 |
PCT012G | PCT012G162 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 55 |
PCT012G | PCT012G163 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 56 |
PCT012G | PCT012G164 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 57 |
PCT012G | PCT012G165 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 58 |
PCT012G | PCT012G166 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 59 |
PCT012G | PCT012G167 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 60 |
PCT012G | PCT012G168 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 61 |
PCT012G | PCT012G169 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 62 |
PCT012G | PCT012G170 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 63 |
PCT012G | PCT012G171 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 64 |
PCT012G | PCT012G172 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 65 |
PCT012G | PCT012G173 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 66 |
PCT012G | PCT012G174 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 67 |
PCT012G | PCT012G175 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 68 |
PCT012G | PCT012G176 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 69 |
PCT012G | PCT012G177 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 70 |
PCT012G | PCT012G178 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 71 |
PCT012G | PCT012G179 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 72 |
PCT012G | PCT012G180 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 73 |
PCT012G | PCT012G181 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 74 |
PCT012G | PCT012G182 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 75 |
PCT012G | PCT012G183 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 76 |
PCT012G | PCT012G184 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 77 |
PCT012G | PCT012G185 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 78 |
PCT012G | PCT012G186 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 79 |
PCT012G | PCT012G187 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 80 |
PCT012G | PCT012G188 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 81 |
PCT012G | PCT012G189 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 82 |
PCT012G | PCT012G190 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 83 |
PCT012G | PCT012G191 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 84 |
PCT012G | PCT012G192 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 85 |
PCT012G | PCT012G193 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 86 |
PCT012G | PCT012G194 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 87 |
PCT012G | PCT012G195 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 88 |
PCT012G | PCT012G196 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 89 |
PCT012G | PCT012G197 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 90 |
PCT012G | PCT012G198 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 91 |
PCT012G | PCT012G199 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 92 |
PCT012G | PCT012G200 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 93 |
PCT012G | PCT012G201 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 94 |
PCT012G | PCT012G202 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 95 |
PCT012G | PCT012G203 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 96 |
PCT012G | PCT012G204 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 97 |
PCT012G | PCT012G205 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 98 |
PCT012G | PCT012G206 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 99 |
PCT012G | PCT012G207 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012G | PCT012G208 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012G | PCT012G209 | Age (2+ Races): Female: 110+ |
PCT012H | PCT012H001 | Age (Hisp) Total |
PCT012H | PCT012H002 | Age (Hisp): Male |
PCT012H | PCT012H003 | Age (Hisp): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012H | PCT012H004 | Age (Hisp): Male: 1 year |
PCT012H | PCT012H005 | Age (Hisp): Male: 2 |
PCT012H | PCT012H006 | Age (Hisp): Male: 3 |
PCT012H | PCT012H007 | Age (Hisp): Male: 4 |
PCT012H | PCT012H008 | Age (Hisp): Male: 5 |
PCT012H | PCT012H009 | Age (Hisp): Male: 6 |
PCT012H | PCT012H010 | Age (Hisp): Male: 7 |
PCT012H | PCT012H011 | Age (Hisp): Male: 8 |
PCT012H | PCT012H012 | Age (Hisp): Male: 9 |
PCT012H | PCT012H013 | Age (Hisp): Male: 10 |
PCT012H | PCT012H014 | Age (Hisp): Male: 11 |
PCT012H | PCT012H015 | Age (Hisp): Male: 12 |
PCT012H | PCT012H016 | Age (Hisp): Male: 13 |
PCT012H | PCT012H017 | Age (Hisp): Male: 14 |
PCT012H | PCT012H018 | Age (Hisp): Male: 15 |
PCT012H | PCT012H019 | Age (Hisp): Male: 16 |
PCT012H | PCT012H020 | Age (Hisp): Male: 17 |
PCT012H | PCT012H021 | Age (Hisp): Male: 18 |
PCT012H | PCT012H022 | Age (Hisp): Male: 19 |
PCT012H | PCT012H023 | Age (Hisp): Male: 20 |
PCT012H | PCT012H024 | Age (Hisp): Male: 21 |
PCT012H | PCT012H025 | Age (Hisp): Male: 22 |
PCT012H | PCT012H026 | Age (Hisp): Male: 23 |
PCT012H | PCT012H027 | Age (Hisp): Male: 24 |
PCT012H | PCT012H028 | Age (Hisp): Male: 25 |
PCT012H | PCT012H029 | Age (Hisp): Male: 26 |
PCT012H | PCT012H030 | Age (Hisp): Male: 27 |
PCT012H | PCT012H031 | Age (Hisp): Male: 28 |
PCT012H | PCT012H032 | Age (Hisp): Male: 29 |
PCT012H | PCT012H033 | Age (Hisp): Male: 30 |
PCT012H | PCT012H034 | Age (Hisp): Male: 31 |
PCT012H | PCT012H035 | Age (Hisp): Male: 32 |
PCT012H | PCT012H036 | Age (Hisp): Male: 33 |
PCT012H | PCT012H037 | Age (Hisp): Male: 34 |
PCT012H | PCT012H038 | Age (Hisp): Male: 35 |
PCT012H | PCT012H039 | Age (Hisp): Male: 36 |
PCT012H | PCT012H040 | Age (Hisp): Male: 37 |
PCT012H | PCT012H041 | Age (Hisp): Male: 38 |
PCT012H | PCT012H042 | Age (Hisp): Male: 39 |
PCT012H | PCT012H043 | Age (Hisp): Male: 40 |
PCT012H | PCT012H044 | Age (Hisp): Male: 41 |
PCT012H | PCT012H045 | Age (Hisp): Male: 42 |
PCT012H | PCT012H046 | Age (Hisp): Male: 43 |
PCT012H | PCT012H047 | Age (Hisp): Male: 44 |
PCT012H | PCT012H048 | Age (Hisp): Male: 45 |
PCT012H | PCT012H049 | Age (Hisp): Male: 46 |
PCT012H | PCT012H050 | Age (Hisp): Male: 47 |
PCT012H | PCT012H051 | Age (Hisp): Male: 48 |
PCT012H | PCT012H052 | Age (Hisp): Male: 49 |
PCT012H | PCT012H053 | Age (Hisp): Male: 50 |
PCT012H | PCT012H054 | Age (Hisp): Male: 51 |
PCT012H | PCT012H055 | Age (Hisp): Male: 52 |
PCT012H | PCT012H056 | Age (Hisp): Male: 53 |
PCT012H | PCT012H057 | Age (Hisp): Male: 54 |
PCT012H | PCT012H058 | Age (Hisp): Male: 55 |
PCT012H | PCT012H059 | Age (Hisp): Male: 56 |
PCT012H | PCT012H060 | Age (Hisp): Male: 57 |
PCT012H | PCT012H061 | Age (Hisp): Male: 58 |
PCT012H | PCT012H062 | Age (Hisp): Male: 59 |
PCT012H | PCT012H063 | Age (Hisp): Male: 60 |
PCT012H | PCT012H064 | Age (Hisp): Male: 61 |
PCT012H | PCT012H065 | Age (Hisp): Male: 62 |
PCT012H | PCT012H066 | Age (Hisp): Male: 63 |
PCT012H | PCT012H067 | Age (Hisp): Male: 64 |
PCT012H | PCT012H068 | Age (Hisp): Male: 65 |
PCT012H | PCT012H069 | Age (Hisp): Male: 66 |
PCT012H | PCT012H070 | Age (Hisp): Male: 67 |
PCT012H | PCT012H071 | Age (Hisp): Male: 68 |
PCT012H | PCT012H072 | Age (Hisp): Male: 69 |
PCT012H | PCT012H073 | Age (Hisp): Male: 70 |
PCT012H | PCT012H074 | Age (Hisp): Male: 71 |
PCT012H | PCT012H075 | Age (Hisp): Male: 72 |
PCT012H | PCT012H076 | Age (Hisp): Male: 73 |
PCT012H | PCT012H077 | Age (Hisp): Male: 74 |
PCT012H | PCT012H078 | Age (Hisp): Male: 75 |
PCT012H | PCT012H079 | Age (Hisp): Male: 76 |
PCT012H | PCT012H080 | Age (Hisp): Male: 77 |
PCT012H | PCT012H081 | Age (Hisp): Male: 78 |
PCT012H | PCT012H082 | Age (Hisp): Male: 79 |
PCT012H | PCT012H083 | Age (Hisp): Male: 80 |
PCT012H | PCT012H084 | Age (Hisp): Male: 81 |
PCT012H | PCT012H085 | Age (Hisp): Male: 82 |
PCT012H | PCT012H086 | Age (Hisp): Male: 83 |
PCT012H | PCT012H087 | Age (Hisp): Male: 84 |
PCT012H | PCT012H088 | Age (Hisp): Male: 85 |
PCT012H | PCT012H089 | Age (Hisp): Male: 86 |
PCT012H | PCT012H090 | Age (Hisp): Male: 87 |
PCT012H | PCT012H091 | Age (Hisp): Male: 88 |
PCT012H | PCT012H092 | Age (Hisp): Male: 89 |
PCT012H | PCT012H093 | Age (Hisp): Male: 90 |
PCT012H | PCT012H094 | Age (Hisp): Male: 91 |
PCT012H | PCT012H095 | Age (Hisp): Male: 92 |
PCT012H | PCT012H096 | Age (Hisp): Male: 93 |
PCT012H | PCT012H097 | Age (Hisp): Male: 94 |
PCT012H | PCT012H098 | Age (Hisp): Male: 95 |
PCT012H | PCT012H099 | Age (Hisp): Male: 96 |
PCT012H | PCT012H100 | Age (Hisp): Male: 97 |
PCT012H | PCT012H101 | Age (Hisp): Male: 98 |
PCT012H | PCT012H102 | Age (Hisp): Male: 99 |
PCT012H | PCT012H103 | Age (Hisp): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012H | PCT012H104 | Age (Hisp): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012H | PCT012H105 | Age (Hisp): Male: 110+ |
PCT012H | PCT012H106 | Age (Hisp): Female |
PCT012H | PCT012H107 | Age (Hisp): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012H | PCT012H108 | Age (Hisp): Female: 1 year |
PCT012H | PCT012H109 | Age (Hisp): Female: 2 |
PCT012H | PCT012H110 | Age (Hisp): Female: 3 |
PCT012H | PCT012H111 | Age (Hisp): Female: 4 |
PCT012H | PCT012H112 | Age (Hisp): Female: 5 |
PCT012H | PCT012H113 | Age (Hisp): Female: 6 |
PCT012H | PCT012H114 | Age (Hisp): Female: 7 |
PCT012H | PCT012H115 | Age (Hisp): Female: 8 |
PCT012H | PCT012H116 | Age (Hisp): Female: 9 |
PCT012H | PCT012H117 | Age (Hisp): Female: 10 |
PCT012H | PCT012H118 | Age (Hisp): Female: 11 |
PCT012H | PCT012H119 | Age (Hisp): Female: 12 |
PCT012H | PCT012H120 | Age (Hisp): Female: 13 |
PCT012H | PCT012H121 | Age (Hisp): Female: 14 |
PCT012H | PCT012H122 | Age (Hisp): Female: 15 |
PCT012H | PCT012H123 | Age (Hisp): Female: 16 |
PCT012H | PCT012H124 | Age (Hisp): Female: 17 |
PCT012H | PCT012H125 | Age (Hisp): Female: 18 |
PCT012H | PCT012H126 | Age (Hisp): Female: 19 |
PCT012H | PCT012H127 | Age (Hisp): Female: 20 |
PCT012H | PCT012H128 | Age (Hisp): Female: 21 |
PCT012H | PCT012H129 | Age (Hisp): Female: 22 |
PCT012H | PCT012H130 | Age (Hisp): Female: 23 |
PCT012H | PCT012H131 | Age (Hisp): Female: 24 |
PCT012H | PCT012H132 | Age (Hisp): Female: 25 |
PCT012H | PCT012H133 | Age (Hisp): Female: 26 |
PCT012H | PCT012H134 | Age (Hisp): Female: 27 |
PCT012H | PCT012H135 | Age (Hisp): Female: 28 |
PCT012H | PCT012H136 | Age (Hisp): Female: 29 |
PCT012H | PCT012H137 | Age (Hisp): Female: 30 |
PCT012H | PCT012H138 | Age (Hisp): Female: 31 |
PCT012H | PCT012H139 | Age (Hisp): Female: 32 |
PCT012H | PCT012H140 | Age (Hisp): Female: 33 |
PCT012H | PCT012H141 | Age (Hisp): Female: 34 |
PCT012H | PCT012H142 | Age (Hisp): Female: 35 |
PCT012H | PCT012H143 | Age (Hisp): Female: 36 |
PCT012H | PCT012H144 | Age (Hisp): Female: 37 |
PCT012H | PCT012H145 | Age (Hisp): Female: 38 |
PCT012H | PCT012H146 | Age (Hisp): Female: 39 |
PCT012H | PCT012H147 | Age (Hisp): Female: 40 |
PCT012H | PCT012H148 | Age (Hisp): Female: 41 |
PCT012H | PCT012H149 | Age (Hisp): Female: 42 |
PCT012H | PCT012H150 | Age (Hisp): Female: 43 |
PCT012H | PCT012H151 | Age (Hisp): Female: 44 |
PCT012H | PCT012H152 | Age (Hisp): Female: 45 |
PCT012H | PCT012H153 | Age (Hisp): Female: 46 |
PCT012H | PCT012H154 | Age (Hisp): Female: 47 |
PCT012H | PCT012H155 | Age (Hisp): Female: 48 |
PCT012H | PCT012H156 | Age (Hisp): Female: 49 |
PCT012H | PCT012H157 | Age (Hisp): Female: 50 |
PCT012H | PCT012H158 | Age (Hisp): Female: 51 |
PCT012H | PCT012H159 | Age (Hisp): Female: 52 |
PCT012H | PCT012H160 | Age (Hisp): Female: 53 |
PCT012H | PCT012H161 | Age (Hisp): Female: 54 |
PCT012H | PCT012H162 | Age (Hisp): Female: 55 |
PCT012H | PCT012H163 | Age (Hisp): Female: 56 |
PCT012H | PCT012H164 | Age (Hisp): Female: 57 |
PCT012H | PCT012H165 | Age (Hisp): Female: 58 |
PCT012H | PCT012H166 | Age (Hisp): Female: 59 |
PCT012H | PCT012H167 | Age (Hisp): Female: 60 |
PCT012H | PCT012H168 | Age (Hisp): Female: 61 |
PCT012H | PCT012H169 | Age (Hisp): Female: 62 |
PCT012H | PCT012H170 | Age (Hisp): Female: 63 |
PCT012H | PCT012H171 | Age (Hisp): Female: 64 |
PCT012H | PCT012H172 | Age (Hisp): Female: 65 |
PCT012H | PCT012H173 | Age (Hisp): Female: 66 |
PCT012H | PCT012H174 | Age (Hisp): Female: 67 |
PCT012H | PCT012H175 | Age (Hisp): Female: 68 |
PCT012H | PCT012H176 | Age (Hisp): Female: 69 |
PCT012H | PCT012H177 | Age (Hisp): Female: 70 |
PCT012H | PCT012H178 | Age (Hisp): Female: 71 |
PCT012H | PCT012H179 | Age (Hisp): Female: 72 |
PCT012H | PCT012H180 | Age (Hisp): Female: 73 |
PCT012H | PCT012H181 | Age (Hisp): Female: 74 |
PCT012H | PCT012H182 | Age (Hisp): Female: 75 |
PCT012H | PCT012H183 | Age (Hisp): Female: 76 |
PCT012H | PCT012H184 | Age (Hisp): Female: 77 |
PCT012H | PCT012H185 | Age (Hisp): Female: 78 |
PCT012H | PCT012H186 | Age (Hisp): Female: 79 |
PCT012H | PCT012H187 | Age (Hisp): Female: 80 |
PCT012H | PCT012H188 | Age (Hisp): Female: 81 |
PCT012H | PCT012H189 | Age (Hisp): Female: 82 |
PCT012H | PCT012H190 | Age (Hisp): Female: 83 |
PCT012H | PCT012H191 | Age (Hisp): Female: 84 |
PCT012H | PCT012H192 | Age (Hisp): Female: 85 |
PCT012H | PCT012H193 | Age (Hisp): Female: 86 |
PCT012H | PCT012H194 | Age (Hisp): Female: 87 |
PCT012H | PCT012H195 | Age (Hisp): Female: 88 |
PCT012H | PCT012H196 | Age (Hisp): Female: 89 |
PCT012H | PCT012H197 | Age (Hisp): Female: 90 |
PCT012H | PCT012H198 | Age (Hisp): Female: 91 |
PCT012H | PCT012H199 | Age (Hisp): Female: 92 |
PCT012H | PCT012H200 | Age (Hisp): Female: 93 |
PCT012H | PCT012H201 | Age (Hisp): Female: 94 |
PCT012H | PCT012H202 | Age (Hisp): Female: 95 |
PCT012H | PCT012H203 | Age (Hisp): Female: 96 |
PCT012H | PCT012H204 | Age (Hisp): Female: 97 |
PCT012H | PCT012H205 | Age (Hisp): Female: 98 |
PCT012H | PCT012H206 | Age (Hisp): Female: 99 |
PCT012H | PCT012H207 | Age (Hisp): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012H | PCT012H208 | Age (Hisp): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012H | PCT012H209 | Age (Hisp): Female: 110+ |
PCT012I | PCT012I001 | Age (White alone, not Hisp) Total |
PCT012I | PCT012I002 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male |
PCT012I | PCT012I003 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012I | PCT012I004 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 1 year |
PCT012I | PCT012I005 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 2 |
PCT012I | PCT012I006 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 3 |
PCT012I | PCT012I007 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 4 |
PCT012I | PCT012I008 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 5 |
PCT012I | PCT012I009 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 6 |
PCT012I | PCT012I010 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 7 |
PCT012I | PCT012I011 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 8 |
PCT012I | PCT012I012 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 9 |
PCT012I | PCT012I013 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 10 |
PCT012I | PCT012I014 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 11 |
PCT012I | PCT012I015 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 12 |
PCT012I | PCT012I016 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 13 |
PCT012I | PCT012I017 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 14 |
PCT012I | PCT012I018 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 15 |
PCT012I | PCT012I019 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 16 |
PCT012I | PCT012I020 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 17 |
PCT012I | PCT012I021 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18 |
PCT012I | PCT012I022 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 19 |
PCT012I | PCT012I023 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 20 |
PCT012I | PCT012I024 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 21 |
PCT012I | PCT012I025 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 22 |
PCT012I | PCT012I026 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 23 |
PCT012I | PCT012I027 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 24 |
PCT012I | PCT012I028 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 25 |
PCT012I | PCT012I029 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 26 |
PCT012I | PCT012I030 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 27 |
PCT012I | PCT012I031 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 28 |
PCT012I | PCT012I032 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 29 |
PCT012I | PCT012I033 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 30 |
PCT012I | PCT012I034 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 31 |
PCT012I | PCT012I035 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 32 |
PCT012I | PCT012I036 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 33 |
PCT012I | PCT012I037 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 34 |
PCT012I | PCT012I038 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 35 |
PCT012I | PCT012I039 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 36 |
PCT012I | PCT012I040 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 37 |
PCT012I | PCT012I041 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 38 |
PCT012I | PCT012I042 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 39 |
PCT012I | PCT012I043 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 40 |
PCT012I | PCT012I044 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 41 |
PCT012I | PCT012I045 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 42 |
PCT012I | PCT012I046 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 43 |
PCT012I | PCT012I047 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 44 |
PCT012I | PCT012I048 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 45 |
PCT012I | PCT012I049 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 46 |
PCT012I | PCT012I050 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 47 |
PCT012I | PCT012I051 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 48 |
PCT012I | PCT012I052 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 49 |
PCT012I | PCT012I053 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 50 |
PCT012I | PCT012I054 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 51 |
PCT012I | PCT012I055 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 52 |
PCT012I | PCT012I056 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 53 |
PCT012I | PCT012I057 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 54 |
PCT012I | PCT012I058 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 55 |
PCT012I | PCT012I059 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 56 |
PCT012I | PCT012I060 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 57 |
PCT012I | PCT012I061 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 58 |
PCT012I | PCT012I062 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 59 |
PCT012I | PCT012I063 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 60 |
PCT012I | PCT012I064 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 61 |
PCT012I | PCT012I065 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 62 |
PCT012I | PCT012I066 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 63 |
PCT012I | PCT012I067 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 64 |
PCT012I | PCT012I068 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65 |
PCT012I | PCT012I069 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 66 |
PCT012I | PCT012I070 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 67 |
PCT012I | PCT012I071 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 68 |
PCT012I | PCT012I072 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 69 |
PCT012I | PCT012I073 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 70 |
PCT012I | PCT012I074 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 71 |
PCT012I | PCT012I075 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 72 |
PCT012I | PCT012I076 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 73 |
PCT012I | PCT012I077 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 74 |
PCT012I | PCT012I078 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 75 |
PCT012I | PCT012I079 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 76 |
PCT012I | PCT012I080 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 77 |
PCT012I | PCT012I081 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 78 |
PCT012I | PCT012I082 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 79 |
PCT012I | PCT012I083 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 80 |
PCT012I | PCT012I084 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 81 |
PCT012I | PCT012I085 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 82 |
PCT012I | PCT012I086 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 83 |
PCT012I | PCT012I087 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 84 |
PCT012I | PCT012I088 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 85 |
PCT012I | PCT012I089 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 86 |
PCT012I | PCT012I090 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 87 |
PCT012I | PCT012I091 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 88 |
PCT012I | PCT012I092 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 89 |
PCT012I | PCT012I093 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 90 |
PCT012I | PCT012I094 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 91 |
PCT012I | PCT012I095 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 92 |
PCT012I | PCT012I096 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 93 |
PCT012I | PCT012I097 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 94 |
PCT012I | PCT012I098 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 95 |
PCT012I | PCT012I099 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 96 |
PCT012I | PCT012I100 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 97 |
PCT012I | PCT012I101 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 98 |
PCT012I | PCT012I102 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 99 |
PCT012I | PCT012I103 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012I | PCT012I104 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012I | PCT012I105 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 110+ |
PCT012I | PCT012I106 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female |
PCT012I | PCT012I107 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012I | PCT012I108 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 1 year |
PCT012I | PCT012I109 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 2 |
PCT012I | PCT012I110 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 3 |
PCT012I | PCT012I111 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 4 |
PCT012I | PCT012I112 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 5 |
PCT012I | PCT012I113 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 6 |
PCT012I | PCT012I114 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 7 |
PCT012I | PCT012I115 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 8 |
PCT012I | PCT012I116 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 9 |
PCT012I | PCT012I117 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 10 |
PCT012I | PCT012I118 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 11 |
PCT012I | PCT012I119 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 12 |
PCT012I | PCT012I120 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 13 |
PCT012I | PCT012I121 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 14 |
PCT012I | PCT012I122 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 15 |
PCT012I | PCT012I123 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 16 |
PCT012I | PCT012I124 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 17 |
PCT012I | PCT012I125 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18 |
PCT012I | PCT012I126 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 19 |
PCT012I | PCT012I127 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 20 |
PCT012I | PCT012I128 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 21 |
PCT012I | PCT012I129 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 22 |
PCT012I | PCT012I130 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 23 |
PCT012I | PCT012I131 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 24 |
PCT012I | PCT012I132 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 25 |
PCT012I | PCT012I133 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 26 |
PCT012I | PCT012I134 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 27 |
PCT012I | PCT012I135 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 28 |
PCT012I | PCT012I136 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 29 |
PCT012I | PCT012I137 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 30 |
PCT012I | PCT012I138 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 31 |
PCT012I | PCT012I139 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 32 |
PCT012I | PCT012I140 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 33 |
PCT012I | PCT012I141 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 34 |
PCT012I | PCT012I142 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 35 |
PCT012I | PCT012I143 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 36 |
PCT012I | PCT012I144 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 37 |
PCT012I | PCT012I145 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 38 |
PCT012I | PCT012I146 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 39 |
PCT012I | PCT012I147 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 40 |
PCT012I | PCT012I148 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 41 |
PCT012I | PCT012I149 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 42 |
PCT012I | PCT012I150 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 43 |
PCT012I | PCT012I151 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 44 |
PCT012I | PCT012I152 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 45 |
PCT012I | PCT012I153 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 46 |
PCT012I | PCT012I154 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 47 |
PCT012I | PCT012I155 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 48 |
PCT012I | PCT012I156 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 49 |
PCT012I | PCT012I157 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 50 |
PCT012I | PCT012I158 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 51 |
PCT012I | PCT012I159 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 52 |
PCT012I | PCT012I160 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 53 |
PCT012I | PCT012I161 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 54 |
PCT012I | PCT012I162 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 55 |
PCT012I | PCT012I163 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 56 |
PCT012I | PCT012I164 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 57 |
PCT012I | PCT012I165 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 58 |
PCT012I | PCT012I166 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 59 |
PCT012I | PCT012I167 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 60 |
PCT012I | PCT012I168 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 61 |
PCT012I | PCT012I169 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 62 |
PCT012I | PCT012I170 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 63 |
PCT012I | PCT012I171 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 64 |
PCT012I | PCT012I172 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65 |
PCT012I | PCT012I173 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 66 |
PCT012I | PCT012I174 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 67 |
PCT012I | PCT012I175 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 68 |
PCT012I | PCT012I176 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 69 |
PCT012I | PCT012I177 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 70 |
PCT012I | PCT012I178 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 71 |
PCT012I | PCT012I179 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 72 |
PCT012I | PCT012I180 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 73 |
PCT012I | PCT012I181 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 74 |
PCT012I | PCT012I182 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 75 |
PCT012I | PCT012I183 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 76 |
PCT012I | PCT012I184 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 77 |
PCT012I | PCT012I185 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 78 |
PCT012I | PCT012I186 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 79 |
PCT012I | PCT012I187 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 80 |
PCT012I | PCT012I188 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 81 |
PCT012I | PCT012I189 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 82 |
PCT012I | PCT012I190 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 83 |
PCT012I | PCT012I191 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 84 |
PCT012I | PCT012I192 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 85 |
PCT012I | PCT012I193 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 86 |
PCT012I | PCT012I194 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 87 |
PCT012I | PCT012I195 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 88 |
PCT012I | PCT012I196 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 89 |
PCT012I | PCT012I197 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 90 |
PCT012I | PCT012I198 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 91 |
PCT012I | PCT012I199 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 92 |
PCT012I | PCT012I200 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 93 |
PCT012I | PCT012I201 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 94 |
PCT012I | PCT012I202 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 95 |
PCT012I | PCT012I203 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 96 |
PCT012I | PCT012I204 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 97 |
PCT012I | PCT012I205 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 98 |
PCT012I | PCT012I206 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 99 |
PCT012I | PCT012I207 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012I | PCT012I208 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012I | PCT012I209 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 110+ |
PCT012J | PCT012J001 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp) Total |
PCT012J | PCT012J002 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male |
PCT012J | PCT012J003 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012J | PCT012J004 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 1 year |
PCT012J | PCT012J005 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 2 |
PCT012J | PCT012J006 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 3 |
PCT012J | PCT012J007 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 4 |
PCT012J | PCT012J008 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 5 |
PCT012J | PCT012J009 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 6 |
PCT012J | PCT012J010 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 7 |
PCT012J | PCT012J011 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 8 |
PCT012J | PCT012J012 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 9 |
PCT012J | PCT012J013 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 10 |
PCT012J | PCT012J014 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 11 |
PCT012J | PCT012J015 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 12 |
PCT012J | PCT012J016 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 13 |
PCT012J | PCT012J017 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 14 |
PCT012J | PCT012J018 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 15 |
PCT012J | PCT012J019 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 16 |
PCT012J | PCT012J020 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 17 |
PCT012J | PCT012J021 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 18 |
PCT012J | PCT012J022 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 19 |
PCT012J | PCT012J023 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 20 |
PCT012J | PCT012J024 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 21 |
PCT012J | PCT012J025 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 22 |
PCT012J | PCT012J026 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 23 |
PCT012J | PCT012J027 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 24 |
PCT012J | PCT012J028 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 25 |
PCT012J | PCT012J029 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 26 |
PCT012J | PCT012J030 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 27 |
PCT012J | PCT012J031 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 28 |
PCT012J | PCT012J032 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 29 |
PCT012J | PCT012J033 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 30 |
PCT012J | PCT012J034 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 31 |
PCT012J | PCT012J035 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 32 |
PCT012J | PCT012J036 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 33 |
PCT012J | PCT012J037 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 34 |
PCT012J | PCT012J038 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 35 |
PCT012J | PCT012J039 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 36 |
PCT012J | PCT012J040 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 37 |
PCT012J | PCT012J041 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 38 |
PCT012J | PCT012J042 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 39 |
PCT012J | PCT012J043 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 40 |
PCT012J | PCT012J044 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 41 |
PCT012J | PCT012J045 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 42 |
PCT012J | PCT012J046 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 43 |
PCT012J | PCT012J047 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 44 |
PCT012J | PCT012J048 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 45 |
PCT012J | PCT012J049 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 46 |
PCT012J | PCT012J050 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 47 |
PCT012J | PCT012J051 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 48 |
PCT012J | PCT012J052 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 49 |
PCT012J | PCT012J053 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 50 |
PCT012J | PCT012J054 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 51 |
PCT012J | PCT012J055 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 52 |
PCT012J | PCT012J056 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 53 |
PCT012J | PCT012J057 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 54 |
PCT012J | PCT012J058 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 55 |
PCT012J | PCT012J059 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 56 |
PCT012J | PCT012J060 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 57 |
PCT012J | PCT012J061 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 58 |
PCT012J | PCT012J062 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 59 |
PCT012J | PCT012J063 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 60 |
PCT012J | PCT012J064 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 61 |
PCT012J | PCT012J065 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 62 |
PCT012J | PCT012J066 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 63 |
PCT012J | PCT012J067 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 64 |
PCT012J | PCT012J068 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 65 |
PCT012J | PCT012J069 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 66 |
PCT012J | PCT012J070 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 67 |
PCT012J | PCT012J071 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 68 |
PCT012J | PCT012J072 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 69 |
PCT012J | PCT012J073 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 70 |
PCT012J | PCT012J074 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 71 |
PCT012J | PCT012J075 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 72 |
PCT012J | PCT012J076 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 73 |
PCT012J | PCT012J077 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 74 |
PCT012J | PCT012J078 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 75 |
PCT012J | PCT012J079 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 76 |
PCT012J | PCT012J080 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 77 |
PCT012J | PCT012J081 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 78 |
PCT012J | PCT012J082 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 79 |
PCT012J | PCT012J083 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 80 |
PCT012J | PCT012J084 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 81 |
PCT012J | PCT012J085 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 82 |
PCT012J | PCT012J086 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 83 |
PCT012J | PCT012J087 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 84 |
PCT012J | PCT012J088 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 85 |
PCT012J | PCT012J089 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 86 |
PCT012J | PCT012J090 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 87 |
PCT012J | PCT012J091 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 88 |
PCT012J | PCT012J092 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 89 |
PCT012J | PCT012J093 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 90 |
PCT012J | PCT012J094 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 91 |
PCT012J | PCT012J095 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 92 |
PCT012J | PCT012J096 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 93 |
PCT012J | PCT012J097 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 94 |
PCT012J | PCT012J098 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 95 |
PCT012J | PCT012J099 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 96 |
PCT012J | PCT012J100 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 97 |
PCT012J | PCT012J101 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 98 |
PCT012J | PCT012J102 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 99 |
PCT012J | PCT012J103 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012J | PCT012J104 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012J | PCT012J105 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Male: 110+ |
PCT012J | PCT012J106 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female |
PCT012J | PCT012J107 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012J | PCT012J108 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 1 year |
PCT012J | PCT012J109 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 2 |
PCT012J | PCT012J110 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 3 |
PCT012J | PCT012J111 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 4 |
PCT012J | PCT012J112 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 5 |
PCT012J | PCT012J113 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 6 |
PCT012J | PCT012J114 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 7 |
PCT012J | PCT012J115 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 8 |
PCT012J | PCT012J116 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 9 |
PCT012J | PCT012J117 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 10 |
PCT012J | PCT012J118 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 11 |
PCT012J | PCT012J119 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 12 |
PCT012J | PCT012J120 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 13 |
PCT012J | PCT012J121 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 14 |
PCT012J | PCT012J122 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 15 |
PCT012J | PCT012J123 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 16 |
PCT012J | PCT012J124 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 17 |
PCT012J | PCT012J125 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 18 |
PCT012J | PCT012J126 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 19 |
PCT012J | PCT012J127 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 20 |
PCT012J | PCT012J128 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 21 |
PCT012J | PCT012J129 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 22 |
PCT012J | PCT012J130 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 23 |
PCT012J | PCT012J131 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 24 |
PCT012J | PCT012J132 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 25 |
PCT012J | PCT012J133 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 26 |
PCT012J | PCT012J134 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 27 |
PCT012J | PCT012J135 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 28 |
PCT012J | PCT012J136 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 29 |
PCT012J | PCT012J137 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 30 |
PCT012J | PCT012J138 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 31 |
PCT012J | PCT012J139 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 32 |
PCT012J | PCT012J140 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 33 |
PCT012J | PCT012J141 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 34 |
PCT012J | PCT012J142 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 35 |
PCT012J | PCT012J143 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 36 |
PCT012J | PCT012J144 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 37 |
PCT012J | PCT012J145 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 38 |
PCT012J | PCT012J146 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 39 |
PCT012J | PCT012J147 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 40 |
PCT012J | PCT012J148 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 41 |
PCT012J | PCT012J149 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 42 |
PCT012J | PCT012J150 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 43 |
PCT012J | PCT012J151 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 44 |
PCT012J | PCT012J152 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 45 |
PCT012J | PCT012J153 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 46 |
PCT012J | PCT012J154 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 47 |
PCT012J | PCT012J155 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 48 |
PCT012J | PCT012J156 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 49 |
PCT012J | PCT012J157 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 50 |
PCT012J | PCT012J158 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 51 |
PCT012J | PCT012J159 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 52 |
PCT012J | PCT012J160 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 53 |
PCT012J | PCT012J161 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 54 |
PCT012J | PCT012J162 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 55 |
PCT012J | PCT012J163 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 56 |
PCT012J | PCT012J164 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 57 |
PCT012J | PCT012J165 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 58 |
PCT012J | PCT012J166 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 59 |
PCT012J | PCT012J167 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 60 |
PCT012J | PCT012J168 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 61 |
PCT012J | PCT012J169 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 62 |
PCT012J | PCT012J170 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 63 |
PCT012J | PCT012J171 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 64 |
PCT012J | PCT012J172 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 65 |
PCT012J | PCT012J173 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 66 |
PCT012J | PCT012J174 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 67 |
PCT012J | PCT012J175 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 68 |
PCT012J | PCT012J176 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 69 |
PCT012J | PCT012J177 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 70 |
PCT012J | PCT012J178 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 71 |
PCT012J | PCT012J179 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 72 |
PCT012J | PCT012J180 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 73 |
PCT012J | PCT012J181 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 74 |
PCT012J | PCT012J182 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 75 |
PCT012J | PCT012J183 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 76 |
PCT012J | PCT012J184 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 77 |
PCT012J | PCT012J185 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 78 |
PCT012J | PCT012J186 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 79 |
PCT012J | PCT012J187 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 80 |
PCT012J | PCT012J188 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 81 |
PCT012J | PCT012J189 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 82 |
PCT012J | PCT012J190 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 83 |
PCT012J | PCT012J191 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 84 |
PCT012J | PCT012J192 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 85 |
PCT012J | PCT012J193 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 86 |
PCT012J | PCT012J194 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 87 |
PCT012J | PCT012J195 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 88 |
PCT012J | PCT012J196 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 89 |
PCT012J | PCT012J197 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 90 |
PCT012J | PCT012J198 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 91 |
PCT012J | PCT012J199 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 92 |
PCT012J | PCT012J200 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 93 |
PCT012J | PCT012J201 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 94 |
PCT012J | PCT012J202 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 95 |
PCT012J | PCT012J203 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 96 |
PCT012J | PCT012J204 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 97 |
PCT012J | PCT012J205 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 98 |
PCT012J | PCT012J206 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 99 |
PCT012J | PCT012J207 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012J | PCT012J208 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012J | PCT012J209 | Age (Black alone, not Hisp): Female: 110+ |
PCT012K | PCT012K001 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp) Total |
PCT012K | PCT012K002 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male |
PCT012K | PCT012K003 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012K | PCT012K004 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 1 year |
PCT012K | PCT012K005 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 2 |
PCT012K | PCT012K006 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 3 |
PCT012K | PCT012K007 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 4 |
PCT012K | PCT012K008 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 5 |
PCT012K | PCT012K009 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 6 |
PCT012K | PCT012K010 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 7 |
PCT012K | PCT012K011 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 8 |
PCT012K | PCT012K012 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 9 |
PCT012K | PCT012K013 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 10 |
PCT012K | PCT012K014 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 11 |
PCT012K | PCT012K015 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 12 |
PCT012K | PCT012K016 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 13 |
PCT012K | PCT012K017 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 14 |
PCT012K | PCT012K018 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 15 |
PCT012K | PCT012K019 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 16 |
PCT012K | PCT012K020 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 17 |
PCT012K | PCT012K021 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 18 |
PCT012K | PCT012K022 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 19 |
PCT012K | PCT012K023 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 20 |
PCT012K | PCT012K024 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 21 |
PCT012K | PCT012K025 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 22 |
PCT012K | PCT012K026 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 23 |
PCT012K | PCT012K027 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 24 |
PCT012K | PCT012K028 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 25 |
PCT012K | PCT012K029 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 26 |
PCT012K | PCT012K030 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 27 |
PCT012K | PCT012K031 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 28 |
PCT012K | PCT012K032 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 29 |
PCT012K | PCT012K033 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 30 |
PCT012K | PCT012K034 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 31 |
PCT012K | PCT012K035 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 32 |
PCT012K | PCT012K036 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 33 |
PCT012K | PCT012K037 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 34 |
PCT012K | PCT012K038 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 35 |
PCT012K | PCT012K039 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 36 |
PCT012K | PCT012K040 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 37 |
PCT012K | PCT012K041 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 38 |
PCT012K | PCT012K042 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 39 |
PCT012K | PCT012K043 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 40 |
PCT012K | PCT012K044 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 41 |
PCT012K | PCT012K045 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 42 |
PCT012K | PCT012K046 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 43 |
PCT012K | PCT012K047 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 44 |
PCT012K | PCT012K048 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 45 |
PCT012K | PCT012K049 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 46 |
PCT012K | PCT012K050 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 47 |
PCT012K | PCT012K051 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 48 |
PCT012K | PCT012K052 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 49 |
PCT012K | PCT012K053 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 50 |
PCT012K | PCT012K054 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 51 |
PCT012K | PCT012K055 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 52 |
PCT012K | PCT012K056 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 53 |
PCT012K | PCT012K057 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 54 |
PCT012K | PCT012K058 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 55 |
PCT012K | PCT012K059 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 56 |
PCT012K | PCT012K060 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 57 |
PCT012K | PCT012K061 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 58 |
PCT012K | PCT012K062 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 59 |
PCT012K | PCT012K063 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 60 |
PCT012K | PCT012K064 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 61 |
PCT012K | PCT012K065 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 62 |
PCT012K | PCT012K066 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 63 |
PCT012K | PCT012K067 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 64 |
PCT012K | PCT012K068 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 65 |
PCT012K | PCT012K069 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 66 |
PCT012K | PCT012K070 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 67 |
PCT012K | PCT012K071 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 68 |
PCT012K | PCT012K072 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 69 |
PCT012K | PCT012K073 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 70 |
PCT012K | PCT012K074 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 71 |
PCT012K | PCT012K075 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 72 |
PCT012K | PCT012K076 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 73 |
PCT012K | PCT012K077 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 74 |
PCT012K | PCT012K078 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 75 |
PCT012K | PCT012K079 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 76 |
PCT012K | PCT012K080 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 77 |
PCT012K | PCT012K081 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 78 |
PCT012K | PCT012K082 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 79 |
PCT012K | PCT012K083 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 80 |
PCT012K | PCT012K084 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 81 |
PCT012K | PCT012K085 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 82 |
PCT012K | PCT012K086 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 83 |
PCT012K | PCT012K087 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 84 |
PCT012K | PCT012K088 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 85 |
PCT012K | PCT012K089 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 86 |
PCT012K | PCT012K090 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 87 |
PCT012K | PCT012K091 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 88 |
PCT012K | PCT012K092 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 89 |
PCT012K | PCT012K093 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 90 |
PCT012K | PCT012K094 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 91 |
PCT012K | PCT012K095 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 92 |
PCT012K | PCT012K096 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 93 |
PCT012K | PCT012K097 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 94 |
PCT012K | PCT012K098 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 95 |
PCT012K | PCT012K099 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 96 |
PCT012K | PCT012K100 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 97 |
PCT012K | PCT012K101 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 98 |
PCT012K | PCT012K102 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 99 |
PCT012K | PCT012K103 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012K | PCT012K104 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012K | PCT012K105 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Male: 110+ |
PCT012K | PCT012K106 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female |
PCT012K | PCT012K107 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012K | PCT012K108 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 1 year |
PCT012K | PCT012K109 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 2 |
PCT012K | PCT012K110 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 3 |
PCT012K | PCT012K111 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 4 |
PCT012K | PCT012K112 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 5 |
PCT012K | PCT012K113 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 6 |
PCT012K | PCT012K114 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 7 |
PCT012K | PCT012K115 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 8 |
PCT012K | PCT012K116 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 9 |
PCT012K | PCT012K117 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 10 |
PCT012K | PCT012K118 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 11 |
PCT012K | PCT012K119 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 12 |
PCT012K | PCT012K120 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 13 |
PCT012K | PCT012K121 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 14 |
PCT012K | PCT012K122 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 15 |
PCT012K | PCT012K123 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 16 |
PCT012K | PCT012K124 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 17 |
PCT012K | PCT012K125 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 18 |
PCT012K | PCT012K126 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 19 |
PCT012K | PCT012K127 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 20 |
PCT012K | PCT012K128 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 21 |
PCT012K | PCT012K129 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 22 |
PCT012K | PCT012K130 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 23 |
PCT012K | PCT012K131 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 24 |
PCT012K | PCT012K132 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 25 |
PCT012K | PCT012K133 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 26 |
PCT012K | PCT012K134 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 27 |
PCT012K | PCT012K135 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 28 |
PCT012K | PCT012K136 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 29 |
PCT012K | PCT012K137 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 30 |
PCT012K | PCT012K138 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 31 |
PCT012K | PCT012K139 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 32 |
PCT012K | PCT012K140 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 33 |
PCT012K | PCT012K141 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 34 |
PCT012K | PCT012K142 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 35 |
PCT012K | PCT012K143 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 36 |
PCT012K | PCT012K144 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 37 |
PCT012K | PCT012K145 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 38 |
PCT012K | PCT012K146 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 39 |
PCT012K | PCT012K147 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 40 |
PCT012K | PCT012K148 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 41 |
PCT012K | PCT012K149 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 42 |
PCT012K | PCT012K150 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 43 |
PCT012K | PCT012K151 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 44 |
PCT012K | PCT012K152 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 45 |
PCT012K | PCT012K153 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 46 |
PCT012K | PCT012K154 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 47 |
PCT012K | PCT012K155 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 48 |
PCT012K | PCT012K156 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 49 |
PCT012K | PCT012K157 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 50 |
PCT012K | PCT012K158 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 51 |
PCT012K | PCT012K159 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 52 |
PCT012K | PCT012K160 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 53 |
PCT012K | PCT012K161 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 54 |
PCT012K | PCT012K162 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 55 |
PCT012K | PCT012K163 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 56 |
PCT012K | PCT012K164 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 57 |
PCT012K | PCT012K165 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 58 |
PCT012K | PCT012K166 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 59 |
PCT012K | PCT012K167 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 60 |
PCT012K | PCT012K168 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 61 |
PCT012K | PCT012K169 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 62 |
PCT012K | PCT012K170 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 63 |
PCT012K | PCT012K171 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 64 |
PCT012K | PCT012K172 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 65 |
PCT012K | PCT012K173 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 66 |
PCT012K | PCT012K174 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 67 |
PCT012K | PCT012K175 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 68 |
PCT012K | PCT012K176 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 69 |
PCT012K | PCT012K177 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 70 |
PCT012K | PCT012K178 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 71 |
PCT012K | PCT012K179 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 72 |
PCT012K | PCT012K180 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 73 |
PCT012K | PCT012K181 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 74 |
PCT012K | PCT012K182 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 75 |
PCT012K | PCT012K183 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 76 |
PCT012K | PCT012K184 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 77 |
PCT012K | PCT012K185 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 78 |
PCT012K | PCT012K186 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 79 |
PCT012K | PCT012K187 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 80 |
PCT012K | PCT012K188 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 81 |
PCT012K | PCT012K189 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 82 |
PCT012K | PCT012K190 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 83 |
PCT012K | PCT012K191 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 84 |
PCT012K | PCT012K192 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 85 |
PCT012K | PCT012K193 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 86 |
PCT012K | PCT012K194 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 87 |
PCT012K | PCT012K195 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 88 |
PCT012K | PCT012K196 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 89 |
PCT012K | PCT012K197 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 90 |
PCT012K | PCT012K198 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 91 |
PCT012K | PCT012K199 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 92 |
PCT012K | PCT012K200 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 93 |
PCT012K | PCT012K201 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 94 |
PCT012K | PCT012K202 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 95 |
PCT012K | PCT012K203 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 96 |
PCT012K | PCT012K204 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 97 |
PCT012K | PCT012K205 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 98 |
PCT012K | PCT012K206 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 99 |
PCT012K | PCT012K207 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012K | PCT012K208 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012K | PCT012K209 | Age (NatAmer alone, not Hisp): Female: 110+ |
PCT012L | PCT012L001 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp) Total |
PCT012L | PCT012L002 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male |
PCT012L | PCT012L003 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012L | PCT012L004 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 1 year |
PCT012L | PCT012L005 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 2 |
PCT012L | PCT012L006 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 3 |
PCT012L | PCT012L007 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 4 |
PCT012L | PCT012L008 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 5 |
PCT012L | PCT012L009 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 6 |
PCT012L | PCT012L010 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 7 |
PCT012L | PCT012L011 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 8 |
PCT012L | PCT012L012 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 9 |
PCT012L | PCT012L013 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 10 |
PCT012L | PCT012L014 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 11 |
PCT012L | PCT012L015 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 12 |
PCT012L | PCT012L016 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 13 |
PCT012L | PCT012L017 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 14 |
PCT012L | PCT012L018 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 15 |
PCT012L | PCT012L019 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 16 |
PCT012L | PCT012L020 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 17 |
PCT012L | PCT012L021 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 18 |
PCT012L | PCT012L022 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 19 |
PCT012L | PCT012L023 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 20 |
PCT012L | PCT012L024 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 21 |
PCT012L | PCT012L025 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 22 |
PCT012L | PCT012L026 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 23 |
PCT012L | PCT012L027 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 24 |
PCT012L | PCT012L028 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 25 |
PCT012L | PCT012L029 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 26 |
PCT012L | PCT012L030 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 27 |
PCT012L | PCT012L031 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 28 |
PCT012L | PCT012L032 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 29 |
PCT012L | PCT012L033 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 30 |
PCT012L | PCT012L034 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 31 |
PCT012L | PCT012L035 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 32 |
PCT012L | PCT012L036 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 33 |
PCT012L | PCT012L037 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 34 |
PCT012L | PCT012L038 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 35 |
PCT012L | PCT012L039 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 36 |
PCT012L | PCT012L040 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 37 |
PCT012L | PCT012L041 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 38 |
PCT012L | PCT012L042 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 39 |
PCT012L | PCT012L043 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 40 |
PCT012L | PCT012L044 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 41 |
PCT012L | PCT012L045 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 42 |
PCT012L | PCT012L046 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 43 |
PCT012L | PCT012L047 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 44 |
PCT012L | PCT012L048 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 45 |
PCT012L | PCT012L049 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 46 |
PCT012L | PCT012L050 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 47 |
PCT012L | PCT012L051 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 48 |
PCT012L | PCT012L052 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 49 |
PCT012L | PCT012L053 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 50 |
PCT012L | PCT012L054 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 51 |
PCT012L | PCT012L055 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 52 |
PCT012L | PCT012L056 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 53 |
PCT012L | PCT012L057 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 54 |
PCT012L | PCT012L058 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 55 |
PCT012L | PCT012L059 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 56 |
PCT012L | PCT012L060 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 57 |
PCT012L | PCT012L061 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 58 |
PCT012L | PCT012L062 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 59 |
PCT012L | PCT012L063 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 60 |
PCT012L | PCT012L064 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 61 |
PCT012L | PCT012L065 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 62 |
PCT012L | PCT012L066 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 63 |
PCT012L | PCT012L067 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 64 |
PCT012L | PCT012L068 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 65 |
PCT012L | PCT012L069 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 66 |
PCT012L | PCT012L070 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 67 |
PCT012L | PCT012L071 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 68 |
PCT012L | PCT012L072 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 69 |
PCT012L | PCT012L073 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 70 |
PCT012L | PCT012L074 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 71 |
PCT012L | PCT012L075 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 72 |
PCT012L | PCT012L076 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 73 |
PCT012L | PCT012L077 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 74 |
PCT012L | PCT012L078 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 75 |
PCT012L | PCT012L079 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 76 |
PCT012L | PCT012L080 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 77 |
PCT012L | PCT012L081 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 78 |
PCT012L | PCT012L082 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 79 |
PCT012L | PCT012L083 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 80 |
PCT012L | PCT012L084 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 81 |
PCT012L | PCT012L085 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 82 |
PCT012L | PCT012L086 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 83 |
PCT012L | PCT012L087 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 84 |
PCT012L | PCT012L088 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 85 |
PCT012L | PCT012L089 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 86 |
PCT012L | PCT012L090 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 87 |
PCT012L | PCT012L091 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 88 |
PCT012L | PCT012L092 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 89 |
PCT012L | PCT012L093 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 90 |
PCT012L | PCT012L094 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 91 |
PCT012L | PCT012L095 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 92 |
PCT012L | PCT012L096 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 93 |
PCT012L | PCT012L097 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 94 |
PCT012L | PCT012L098 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 95 |
PCT012L | PCT012L099 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 96 |
PCT012L | PCT012L100 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 97 |
PCT012L | PCT012L101 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 98 |
PCT012L | PCT012L102 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 99 |
PCT012L | PCT012L103 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012L | PCT012L104 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012L | PCT012L105 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Male: 110+ |
PCT012L | PCT012L106 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female |
PCT012L | PCT012L107 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012L | PCT012L108 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 1 year |
PCT012L | PCT012L109 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 2 |
PCT012L | PCT012L110 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 3 |
PCT012L | PCT012L111 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 4 |
PCT012L | PCT012L112 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 5 |
PCT012L | PCT012L113 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 6 |
PCT012L | PCT012L114 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 7 |
PCT012L | PCT012L115 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 8 |
PCT012L | PCT012L116 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 9 |
PCT012L | PCT012L117 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 10 |
PCT012L | PCT012L118 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 11 |
PCT012L | PCT012L119 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 12 |
PCT012L | PCT012L120 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 13 |
PCT012L | PCT012L121 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 14 |
PCT012L | PCT012L122 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 15 |
PCT012L | PCT012L123 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 16 |
PCT012L | PCT012L124 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 17 |
PCT012L | PCT012L125 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 18 |
PCT012L | PCT012L126 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 19 |
PCT012L | PCT012L127 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 20 |
PCT012L | PCT012L128 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 21 |
PCT012L | PCT012L129 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 22 |
PCT012L | PCT012L130 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 23 |
PCT012L | PCT012L131 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 24 |
PCT012L | PCT012L132 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 25 |
PCT012L | PCT012L133 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 26 |
PCT012L | PCT012L134 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 27 |
PCT012L | PCT012L135 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 28 |
PCT012L | PCT012L136 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 29 |
PCT012L | PCT012L137 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 30 |
PCT012L | PCT012L138 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 31 |
PCT012L | PCT012L139 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 32 |
PCT012L | PCT012L140 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 33 |
PCT012L | PCT012L141 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 34 |
PCT012L | PCT012L142 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 35 |
PCT012L | PCT012L143 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 36 |
PCT012L | PCT012L144 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 37 |
PCT012L | PCT012L145 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 38 |
PCT012L | PCT012L146 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 39 |
PCT012L | PCT012L147 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 40 |
PCT012L | PCT012L148 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 41 |
PCT012L | PCT012L149 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 42 |
PCT012L | PCT012L150 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 43 |
PCT012L | PCT012L151 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 44 |
PCT012L | PCT012L152 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 45 |
PCT012L | PCT012L153 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 46 |
PCT012L | PCT012L154 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 47 |
PCT012L | PCT012L155 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 48 |
PCT012L | PCT012L156 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 49 |
PCT012L | PCT012L157 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 50 |
PCT012L | PCT012L158 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 51 |
PCT012L | PCT012L159 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 52 |
PCT012L | PCT012L160 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 53 |
PCT012L | PCT012L161 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 54 |
PCT012L | PCT012L162 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 55 |
PCT012L | PCT012L163 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 56 |
PCT012L | PCT012L164 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 57 |
PCT012L | PCT012L165 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 58 |
PCT012L | PCT012L166 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 59 |
PCT012L | PCT012L167 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 60 |
PCT012L | PCT012L168 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 61 |
PCT012L | PCT012L169 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 62 |
PCT012L | PCT012L170 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 63 |
PCT012L | PCT012L171 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 64 |
PCT012L | PCT012L172 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 65 |
PCT012L | PCT012L173 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 66 |
PCT012L | PCT012L174 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 67 |
PCT012L | PCT012L175 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 68 |
PCT012L | PCT012L176 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 69 |
PCT012L | PCT012L177 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 70 |
PCT012L | PCT012L178 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 71 |
PCT012L | PCT012L179 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 72 |
PCT012L | PCT012L180 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 73 |
PCT012L | PCT012L181 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 74 |
PCT012L | PCT012L182 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 75 |
PCT012L | PCT012L183 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 76 |
PCT012L | PCT012L184 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 77 |
PCT012L | PCT012L185 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 78 |
PCT012L | PCT012L186 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 79 |
PCT012L | PCT012L187 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 80 |
PCT012L | PCT012L188 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 81 |
PCT012L | PCT012L189 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 82 |
PCT012L | PCT012L190 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 83 |
PCT012L | PCT012L191 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 84 |
PCT012L | PCT012L192 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 85 |
PCT012L | PCT012L193 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 86 |
PCT012L | PCT012L194 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 87 |
PCT012L | PCT012L195 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 88 |
PCT012L | PCT012L196 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 89 |
PCT012L | PCT012L197 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 90 |
PCT012L | PCT012L198 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 91 |
PCT012L | PCT012L199 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 92 |
PCT012L | PCT012L200 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 93 |
PCT012L | PCT012L201 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 94 |
PCT012L | PCT012L202 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 95 |
PCT012L | PCT012L203 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 96 |
PCT012L | PCT012L204 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 97 |
PCT012L | PCT012L205 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 98 |
PCT012L | PCT012L206 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 99 |
PCT012L | PCT012L207 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012L | PCT012L208 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012L | PCT012L209 | Age (Asian alone, not Hisp): Female: 110+ |
PCT012M | PCT012M001 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp) Total |
PCT012M | PCT012M002 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male |
PCT012M | PCT012M003 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012M | PCT012M004 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 1 year |
PCT012M | PCT012M005 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 2 |
PCT012M | PCT012M006 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 3 |
PCT012M | PCT012M007 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 4 |
PCT012M | PCT012M008 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 5 |
PCT012M | PCT012M009 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 6 |
PCT012M | PCT012M010 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 7 |
PCT012M | PCT012M011 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 8 |
PCT012M | PCT012M012 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 9 |
PCT012M | PCT012M013 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 10 |
PCT012M | PCT012M014 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 11 |
PCT012M | PCT012M015 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 12 |
PCT012M | PCT012M016 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 13 |
PCT012M | PCT012M017 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 14 |
PCT012M | PCT012M018 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 15 |
PCT012M | PCT012M019 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 16 |
PCT012M | PCT012M020 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 17 |
PCT012M | PCT012M021 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 18 |
PCT012M | PCT012M022 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 19 |
PCT012M | PCT012M023 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 20 |
PCT012M | PCT012M024 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 21 |
PCT012M | PCT012M025 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 22 |
PCT012M | PCT012M026 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 23 |
PCT012M | PCT012M027 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 24 |
PCT012M | PCT012M028 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 25 |
PCT012M | PCT012M029 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 26 |
PCT012M | PCT012M030 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 27 |
PCT012M | PCT012M031 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 28 |
PCT012M | PCT012M032 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 29 |
PCT012M | PCT012M033 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 30 |
PCT012M | PCT012M034 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 31 |
PCT012M | PCT012M035 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 32 |
PCT012M | PCT012M036 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 33 |
PCT012M | PCT012M037 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 34 |
PCT012M | PCT012M038 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 35 |
PCT012M | PCT012M039 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 36 |
PCT012M | PCT012M040 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 37 |
PCT012M | PCT012M041 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 38 |
PCT012M | PCT012M042 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 39 |
PCT012M | PCT012M043 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 40 |
PCT012M | PCT012M044 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 41 |
PCT012M | PCT012M045 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 42 |
PCT012M | PCT012M046 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 43 |
PCT012M | PCT012M047 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 44 |
PCT012M | PCT012M048 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 45 |
PCT012M | PCT012M049 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 46 |
PCT012M | PCT012M050 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 47 |
PCT012M | PCT012M051 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 48 |
PCT012M | PCT012M052 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 49 |
PCT012M | PCT012M053 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 50 |
PCT012M | PCT012M054 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 51 |
PCT012M | PCT012M055 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 52 |
PCT012M | PCT012M056 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 53 |
PCT012M | PCT012M057 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 54 |
PCT012M | PCT012M058 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 55 |
PCT012M | PCT012M059 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 56 |
PCT012M | PCT012M060 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 57 |
PCT012M | PCT012M061 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 58 |
PCT012M | PCT012M062 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 59 |
PCT012M | PCT012M063 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 60 |
PCT012M | PCT012M064 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 61 |
PCT012M | PCT012M065 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 62 |
PCT012M | PCT012M066 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 63 |
PCT012M | PCT012M067 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 64 |
PCT012M | PCT012M068 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 65 |
PCT012M | PCT012M069 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 66 |
PCT012M | PCT012M070 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 67 |
PCT012M | PCT012M071 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 68 |
PCT012M | PCT012M072 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 69 |
PCT012M | PCT012M073 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 70 |
PCT012M | PCT012M074 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 71 |
PCT012M | PCT012M075 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 72 |
PCT012M | PCT012M076 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 73 |
PCT012M | PCT012M077 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 74 |
PCT012M | PCT012M078 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 75 |
PCT012M | PCT012M079 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 76 |
PCT012M | PCT012M080 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 77 |
PCT012M | PCT012M081 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 78 |
PCT012M | PCT012M082 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 79 |
PCT012M | PCT012M083 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 80 |
PCT012M | PCT012M084 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 81 |
PCT012M | PCT012M085 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 82 |
PCT012M | PCT012M086 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 83 |
PCT012M | PCT012M087 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 84 |
PCT012M | PCT012M088 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 85 |
PCT012M | PCT012M089 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 86 |
PCT012M | PCT012M090 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 87 |
PCT012M | PCT012M091 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 88 |
PCT012M | PCT012M092 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 89 |
PCT012M | PCT012M093 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 90 |
PCT012M | PCT012M094 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 91 |
PCT012M | PCT012M095 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 92 |
PCT012M | PCT012M096 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 93 |
PCT012M | PCT012M097 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 94 |
PCT012M | PCT012M098 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 95 |
PCT012M | PCT012M099 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 96 |
PCT012M | PCT012M100 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 97 |
PCT012M | PCT012M101 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 98 |
PCT012M | PCT012M102 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 99 |
PCT012M | PCT012M103 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012M | PCT012M104 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012M | PCT012M105 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Male: 110+ |
PCT012M | PCT012M106 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female |
PCT012M | PCT012M107 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012M | PCT012M108 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 1 year |
PCT012M | PCT012M109 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 2 |
PCT012M | PCT012M110 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 3 |
PCT012M | PCT012M111 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 4 |
PCT012M | PCT012M112 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 5 |
PCT012M | PCT012M113 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 6 |
PCT012M | PCT012M114 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 7 |
PCT012M | PCT012M115 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 8 |
PCT012M | PCT012M116 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 9 |
PCT012M | PCT012M117 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 10 |
PCT012M | PCT012M118 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 11 |
PCT012M | PCT012M119 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 12 |
PCT012M | PCT012M120 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 13 |
PCT012M | PCT012M121 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 14 |
PCT012M | PCT012M122 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 15 |
PCT012M | PCT012M123 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 16 |
PCT012M | PCT012M124 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 17 |
PCT012M | PCT012M125 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 18 |
PCT012M | PCT012M126 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 19 |
PCT012M | PCT012M127 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 20 |
PCT012M | PCT012M128 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 21 |
PCT012M | PCT012M129 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 22 |
PCT012M | PCT012M130 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 23 |
PCT012M | PCT012M131 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 24 |
PCT012M | PCT012M132 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 25 |
PCT012M | PCT012M133 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 26 |
PCT012M | PCT012M134 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 27 |
PCT012M | PCT012M135 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 28 |
PCT012M | PCT012M136 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 29 |
PCT012M | PCT012M137 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 30 |
PCT012M | PCT012M138 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 31 |
PCT012M | PCT012M139 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 32 |
PCT012M | PCT012M140 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 33 |
PCT012M | PCT012M141 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 34 |
PCT012M | PCT012M142 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 35 |
PCT012M | PCT012M143 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 36 |
PCT012M | PCT012M144 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 37 |
PCT012M | PCT012M145 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 38 |
PCT012M | PCT012M146 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 39 |
PCT012M | PCT012M147 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 40 |
PCT012M | PCT012M148 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 41 |
PCT012M | PCT012M149 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 42 |
PCT012M | PCT012M150 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 43 |
PCT012M | PCT012M151 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 44 |
PCT012M | PCT012M152 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 45 |
PCT012M | PCT012M153 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 46 |
PCT012M | PCT012M154 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 47 |
PCT012M | PCT012M155 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 48 |
PCT012M | PCT012M156 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 49 |
PCT012M | PCT012M157 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 50 |
PCT012M | PCT012M158 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 51 |
PCT012M | PCT012M159 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 52 |
PCT012M | PCT012M160 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 53 |
PCT012M | PCT012M161 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 54 |
PCT012M | PCT012M162 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 55 |
PCT012M | PCT012M163 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 56 |
PCT012M | PCT012M164 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 57 |
PCT012M | PCT012M165 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 58 |
PCT012M | PCT012M166 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 59 |
PCT012M | PCT012M167 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 60 |
PCT012M | PCT012M168 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 61 |
PCT012M | PCT012M169 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 62 |
PCT012M | PCT012M170 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 63 |
PCT012M | PCT012M171 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 64 |
PCT012M | PCT012M172 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 65 |
PCT012M | PCT012M173 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 66 |
PCT012M | PCT012M174 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 67 |
PCT012M | PCT012M175 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 68 |
PCT012M | PCT012M176 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 69 |
PCT012M | PCT012M177 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 70 |
PCT012M | PCT012M178 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 71 |
PCT012M | PCT012M179 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 72 |
PCT012M | PCT012M180 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 73 |
PCT012M | PCT012M181 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 74 |
PCT012M | PCT012M182 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 75 |
PCT012M | PCT012M183 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 76 |
PCT012M | PCT012M184 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 77 |
PCT012M | PCT012M185 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 78 |
PCT012M | PCT012M186 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 79 |
PCT012M | PCT012M187 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 80 |
PCT012M | PCT012M188 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 81 |
PCT012M | PCT012M189 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 82 |
PCT012M | PCT012M190 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 83 |
PCT012M | PCT012M191 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 84 |
PCT012M | PCT012M192 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 85 |
PCT012M | PCT012M193 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 86 |
PCT012M | PCT012M194 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 87 |
PCT012M | PCT012M195 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 88 |
PCT012M | PCT012M196 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 89 |
PCT012M | PCT012M197 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 90 |
PCT012M | PCT012M198 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 91 |
PCT012M | PCT012M199 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 92 |
PCT012M | PCT012M200 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 93 |
PCT012M | PCT012M201 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 94 |
PCT012M | PCT012M202 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 95 |
PCT012M | PCT012M203 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 96 |
PCT012M | PCT012M204 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 97 |
PCT012M | PCT012M205 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 98 |
PCT012M | PCT012M206 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 99 |
PCT012M | PCT012M207 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012M | PCT012M208 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012M | PCT012M209 | Age (Pacific alone, not Hisp): Female: 110+ |
PCT012N | PCT012N001 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp) Total |
PCT012N | PCT012N002 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male |
PCT012N | PCT012N003 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012N | PCT012N004 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 1 year |
PCT012N | PCT012N005 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 2 |
PCT012N | PCT012N006 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 3 |
PCT012N | PCT012N007 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 4 |
PCT012N | PCT012N008 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 5 |
PCT012N | PCT012N009 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 6 |
PCT012N | PCT012N010 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 7 |
PCT012N | PCT012N011 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 8 |
PCT012N | PCT012N012 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 9 |
PCT012N | PCT012N013 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 10 |
PCT012N | PCT012N014 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 11 |
PCT012N | PCT012N015 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 12 |
PCT012N | PCT012N016 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 13 |
PCT012N | PCT012N017 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 14 |
PCT012N | PCT012N018 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 15 |
PCT012N | PCT012N019 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 16 |
PCT012N | PCT012N020 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 17 |
PCT012N | PCT012N021 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 18 |
PCT012N | PCT012N022 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 19 |
PCT012N | PCT012N023 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 20 |
PCT012N | PCT012N024 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 21 |
PCT012N | PCT012N025 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 22 |
PCT012N | PCT012N026 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 23 |
PCT012N | PCT012N027 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 24 |
PCT012N | PCT012N028 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 25 |
PCT012N | PCT012N029 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 26 |
PCT012N | PCT012N030 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 27 |
PCT012N | PCT012N031 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 28 |
PCT012N | PCT012N032 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 29 |
PCT012N | PCT012N033 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 30 |
PCT012N | PCT012N034 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 31 |
PCT012N | PCT012N035 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 32 |
PCT012N | PCT012N036 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 33 |
PCT012N | PCT012N037 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 34 |
PCT012N | PCT012N038 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 35 |
PCT012N | PCT012N039 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 36 |
PCT012N | PCT012N040 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 37 |
PCT012N | PCT012N041 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 38 |
PCT012N | PCT012N042 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 39 |
PCT012N | PCT012N043 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 40 |
PCT012N | PCT012N044 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 41 |
PCT012N | PCT012N045 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 42 |
PCT012N | PCT012N046 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 43 |
PCT012N | PCT012N047 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 44 |
PCT012N | PCT012N048 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 45 |
PCT012N | PCT012N049 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 46 |
PCT012N | PCT012N050 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 47 |
PCT012N | PCT012N051 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 48 |
PCT012N | PCT012N052 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 49 |
PCT012N | PCT012N053 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 50 |
PCT012N | PCT012N054 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 51 |
PCT012N | PCT012N055 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 52 |
PCT012N | PCT012N056 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 53 |
PCT012N | PCT012N057 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 54 |
PCT012N | PCT012N058 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 55 |
PCT012N | PCT012N059 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 56 |
PCT012N | PCT012N060 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 57 |
PCT012N | PCT012N061 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 58 |
PCT012N | PCT012N062 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 59 |
PCT012N | PCT012N063 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 60 |
PCT012N | PCT012N064 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 61 |
PCT012N | PCT012N065 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 62 |
PCT012N | PCT012N066 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 63 |
PCT012N | PCT012N067 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 64 |
PCT012N | PCT012N068 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 65 |
PCT012N | PCT012N069 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 66 |
PCT012N | PCT012N070 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 67 |
PCT012N | PCT012N071 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 68 |
PCT012N | PCT012N072 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 69 |
PCT012N | PCT012N073 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 70 |
PCT012N | PCT012N074 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 71 |
PCT012N | PCT012N075 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 72 |
PCT012N | PCT012N076 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 73 |
PCT012N | PCT012N077 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 74 |
PCT012N | PCT012N078 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 75 |
PCT012N | PCT012N079 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 76 |
PCT012N | PCT012N080 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 77 |
PCT012N | PCT012N081 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 78 |
PCT012N | PCT012N082 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 79 |
PCT012N | PCT012N083 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 80 |
PCT012N | PCT012N084 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 81 |
PCT012N | PCT012N085 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 82 |
PCT012N | PCT012N086 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 83 |
PCT012N | PCT012N087 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 84 |
PCT012N | PCT012N088 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 85 |
PCT012N | PCT012N089 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 86 |
PCT012N | PCT012N090 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 87 |
PCT012N | PCT012N091 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 88 |
PCT012N | PCT012N092 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 89 |
PCT012N | PCT012N093 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 90 |
PCT012N | PCT012N094 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 91 |
PCT012N | PCT012N095 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 92 |
PCT012N | PCT012N096 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 93 |
PCT012N | PCT012N097 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 94 |
PCT012N | PCT012N098 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 95 |
PCT012N | PCT012N099 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 96 |
PCT012N | PCT012N100 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 97 |
PCT012N | PCT012N101 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 98 |
PCT012N | PCT012N102 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 99 |
PCT012N | PCT012N103 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012N | PCT012N104 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012N | PCT012N105 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Male: 110+ |
PCT012N | PCT012N106 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female |
PCT012N | PCT012N107 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012N | PCT012N108 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 1 year |
PCT012N | PCT012N109 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 2 |
PCT012N | PCT012N110 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 3 |
PCT012N | PCT012N111 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 4 |
PCT012N | PCT012N112 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 5 |
PCT012N | PCT012N113 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 6 |
PCT012N | PCT012N114 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 7 |
PCT012N | PCT012N115 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 8 |
PCT012N | PCT012N116 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 9 |
PCT012N | PCT012N117 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 10 |
PCT012N | PCT012N118 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 11 |
PCT012N | PCT012N119 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 12 |
PCT012N | PCT012N120 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 13 |
PCT012N | PCT012N121 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 14 |
PCT012N | PCT012N122 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 15 |
PCT012N | PCT012N123 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 16 |
PCT012N | PCT012N124 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 17 |
PCT012N | PCT012N125 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 18 |
PCT012N | PCT012N126 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 19 |
PCT012N | PCT012N127 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 20 |
PCT012N | PCT012N128 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 21 |
PCT012N | PCT012N129 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 22 |
PCT012N | PCT012N130 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 23 |
PCT012N | PCT012N131 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 24 |
PCT012N | PCT012N132 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 25 |
PCT012N | PCT012N133 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 26 |
PCT012N | PCT012N134 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 27 |
PCT012N | PCT012N135 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 28 |
PCT012N | PCT012N136 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 29 |
PCT012N | PCT012N137 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 30 |
PCT012N | PCT012N138 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 31 |
PCT012N | PCT012N139 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 32 |
PCT012N | PCT012N140 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 33 |
PCT012N | PCT012N141 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 34 |
PCT012N | PCT012N142 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 35 |
PCT012N | PCT012N143 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 36 |
PCT012N | PCT012N144 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 37 |
PCT012N | PCT012N145 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 38 |
PCT012N | PCT012N146 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 39 |
PCT012N | PCT012N147 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 40 |
PCT012N | PCT012N148 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 41 |
PCT012N | PCT012N149 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 42 |
PCT012N | PCT012N150 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 43 |
PCT012N | PCT012N151 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 44 |
PCT012N | PCT012N152 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 45 |
PCT012N | PCT012N153 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 46 |
PCT012N | PCT012N154 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 47 |
PCT012N | PCT012N155 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 48 |
PCT012N | PCT012N156 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 49 |
PCT012N | PCT012N157 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 50 |
PCT012N | PCT012N158 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 51 |
PCT012N | PCT012N159 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 52 |
PCT012N | PCT012N160 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 53 |
PCT012N | PCT012N161 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 54 |
PCT012N | PCT012N162 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 55 |
PCT012N | PCT012N163 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 56 |
PCT012N | PCT012N164 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 57 |
PCT012N | PCT012N165 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 58 |
PCT012N | PCT012N166 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 59 |
PCT012N | PCT012N167 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 60 |
PCT012N | PCT012N168 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 61 |
PCT012N | PCT012N169 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 62 |
PCT012N | PCT012N170 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 63 |
PCT012N | PCT012N171 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 64 |
PCT012N | PCT012N172 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 65 |
PCT012N | PCT012N173 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 66 |
PCT012N | PCT012N174 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 67 |
PCT012N | PCT012N175 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 68 |
PCT012N | PCT012N176 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 69 |
PCT012N | PCT012N177 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 70 |
PCT012N | PCT012N178 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 71 |
PCT012N | PCT012N179 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 72 |
PCT012N | PCT012N180 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 73 |
PCT012N | PCT012N181 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 74 |
PCT012N | PCT012N182 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 75 |
PCT012N | PCT012N183 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 76 |
PCT012N | PCT012N184 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 77 |
PCT012N | PCT012N185 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 78 |
PCT012N | PCT012N186 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 79 |
PCT012N | PCT012N187 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 80 |
PCT012N | PCT012N188 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 81 |
PCT012N | PCT012N189 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 82 |
PCT012N | PCT012N190 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 83 |
PCT012N | PCT012N191 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 84 |
PCT012N | PCT012N192 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 85 |
PCT012N | PCT012N193 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 86 |
PCT012N | PCT012N194 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 87 |
PCT012N | PCT012N195 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 88 |
PCT012N | PCT012N196 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 89 |
PCT012N | PCT012N197 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 90 |
PCT012N | PCT012N198 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 91 |
PCT012N | PCT012N199 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 92 |
PCT012N | PCT012N200 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 93 |
PCT012N | PCT012N201 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 94 |
PCT012N | PCT012N202 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 95 |
PCT012N | PCT012N203 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 96 |
PCT012N | PCT012N204 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 97 |
PCT012N | PCT012N205 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 98 |
PCT012N | PCT012N206 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 99 |
PCT012N | PCT012N207 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012N | PCT012N208 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012N | PCT012N209 | Age (some other Race alone, not Hisp): Female: 110+ |
PCT012O | PCT012O001 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp) Total |
PCT012O | PCT012O002 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male |
PCT012O | PCT012O003 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: Under 1 year |
PCT012O | PCT012O004 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 1 year |
PCT012O | PCT012O005 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 2 |
PCT012O | PCT012O006 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 3 |
PCT012O | PCT012O007 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 4 |
PCT012O | PCT012O008 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 5 |
PCT012O | PCT012O009 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 6 |
PCT012O | PCT012O010 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 7 |
PCT012O | PCT012O011 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 8 |
PCT012O | PCT012O012 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 9 |
PCT012O | PCT012O013 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 10 |
PCT012O | PCT012O014 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 11 |
PCT012O | PCT012O015 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 12 |
PCT012O | PCT012O016 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 13 |
PCT012O | PCT012O017 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 14 |
PCT012O | PCT012O018 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 15 |
PCT012O | PCT012O019 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 16 |
PCT012O | PCT012O020 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 17 |
PCT012O | PCT012O021 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 18 |
PCT012O | PCT012O022 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 19 |
PCT012O | PCT012O023 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 20 |
PCT012O | PCT012O024 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 21 |
PCT012O | PCT012O025 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 22 |
PCT012O | PCT012O026 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 23 |
PCT012O | PCT012O027 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 24 |
PCT012O | PCT012O028 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 25 |
PCT012O | PCT012O029 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 26 |
PCT012O | PCT012O030 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 27 |
PCT012O | PCT012O031 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 28 |
PCT012O | PCT012O032 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 29 |
PCT012O | PCT012O033 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 30 |
PCT012O | PCT012O034 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 31 |
PCT012O | PCT012O035 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 32 |
PCT012O | PCT012O036 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 33 |
PCT012O | PCT012O037 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 34 |
PCT012O | PCT012O038 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 35 |
PCT012O | PCT012O039 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 36 |
PCT012O | PCT012O040 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 37 |
PCT012O | PCT012O041 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 38 |
PCT012O | PCT012O042 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 39 |
PCT012O | PCT012O043 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 40 |
PCT012O | PCT012O044 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 41 |
PCT012O | PCT012O045 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 42 |
PCT012O | PCT012O046 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 43 |
PCT012O | PCT012O047 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 44 |
PCT012O | PCT012O048 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 45 |
PCT012O | PCT012O049 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 46 |
PCT012O | PCT012O050 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 47 |
PCT012O | PCT012O051 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 48 |
PCT012O | PCT012O052 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 49 |
PCT012O | PCT012O053 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 50 |
PCT012O | PCT012O054 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 51 |
PCT012O | PCT012O055 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 52 |
PCT012O | PCT012O056 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 53 |
PCT012O | PCT012O057 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 54 |
PCT012O | PCT012O058 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 55 |
PCT012O | PCT012O059 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 56 |
PCT012O | PCT012O060 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 57 |
PCT012O | PCT012O061 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 58 |
PCT012O | PCT012O062 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 59 |
PCT012O | PCT012O063 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 60 |
PCT012O | PCT012O064 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 61 |
PCT012O | PCT012O065 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 62 |
PCT012O | PCT012O066 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 63 |
PCT012O | PCT012O067 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 64 |
PCT012O | PCT012O068 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 65 |
PCT012O | PCT012O069 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 66 |
PCT012O | PCT012O070 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 67 |
PCT012O | PCT012O071 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 68 |
PCT012O | PCT012O072 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 69 |
PCT012O | PCT012O073 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 70 |
PCT012O | PCT012O074 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 71 |
PCT012O | PCT012O075 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 72 |
PCT012O | PCT012O076 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 73 |
PCT012O | PCT012O077 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 74 |
PCT012O | PCT012O078 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 75 |
PCT012O | PCT012O079 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 76 |
PCT012O | PCT012O080 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 77 |
PCT012O | PCT012O081 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 78 |
PCT012O | PCT012O082 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 79 |
PCT012O | PCT012O083 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 80 |
PCT012O | PCT012O084 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 81 |
PCT012O | PCT012O085 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 82 |
PCT012O | PCT012O086 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 83 |
PCT012O | PCT012O087 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 84 |
PCT012O | PCT012O088 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 85 |
PCT012O | PCT012O089 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 86 |
PCT012O | PCT012O090 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 87 |
PCT012O | PCT012O091 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 88 |
PCT012O | PCT012O092 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 89 |
PCT012O | PCT012O093 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 90 |
PCT012O | PCT012O094 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 91 |
PCT012O | PCT012O095 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 92 |
PCT012O | PCT012O096 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 93 |
PCT012O | PCT012O097 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 94 |
PCT012O | PCT012O098 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 95 |
PCT012O | PCT012O099 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 96 |
PCT012O | PCT012O100 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 97 |
PCT012O | PCT012O101 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 98 |
PCT012O | PCT012O102 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 99 |
PCT012O | PCT012O103 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 100-104 |
PCT012O | PCT012O104 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 105-109 |
PCT012O | PCT012O105 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Male: 110+ |
PCT012O | PCT012O106 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female |
PCT012O | PCT012O107 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: Under 1 year |
PCT012O | PCT012O108 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 1 year |
PCT012O | PCT012O109 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 2 |
PCT012O | PCT012O110 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 3 |
PCT012O | PCT012O111 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 4 |
PCT012O | PCT012O112 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 5 |
PCT012O | PCT012O113 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 6 |
PCT012O | PCT012O114 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 7 |
PCT012O | PCT012O115 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 8 |
PCT012O | PCT012O116 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 9 |
PCT012O | PCT012O117 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 10 |
PCT012O | PCT012O118 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 11 |
PCT012O | PCT012O119 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 12 |
PCT012O | PCT012O120 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 13 |
PCT012O | PCT012O121 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 14 |
PCT012O | PCT012O122 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 15 |
PCT012O | PCT012O123 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 16 |
PCT012O | PCT012O124 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 17 |
PCT012O | PCT012O125 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 18 |
PCT012O | PCT012O126 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 19 |
PCT012O | PCT012O127 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 20 |
PCT012O | PCT012O128 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 21 |
PCT012O | PCT012O129 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 22 |
PCT012O | PCT012O130 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 23 |
PCT012O | PCT012O131 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 24 |
PCT012O | PCT012O132 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 25 |
PCT012O | PCT012O133 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 26 |
PCT012O | PCT012O134 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 27 |
PCT012O | PCT012O135 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 28 |
PCT012O | PCT012O136 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 29 |
PCT012O | PCT012O137 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 30 |
PCT012O | PCT012O138 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 31 |
PCT012O | PCT012O139 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 32 |
PCT012O | PCT012O140 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 33 |
PCT012O | PCT012O141 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 34 |
PCT012O | PCT012O142 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 35 |
PCT012O | PCT012O143 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 36 |
PCT012O | PCT012O144 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 37 |
PCT012O | PCT012O145 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 38 |
PCT012O | PCT012O146 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 39 |
PCT012O | PCT012O147 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 40 |
PCT012O | PCT012O148 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 41 |
PCT012O | PCT012O149 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 42 |
PCT012O | PCT012O150 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 43 |
PCT012O | PCT012O151 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 44 |
PCT012O | PCT012O152 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 45 |
PCT012O | PCT012O153 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 46 |
PCT012O | PCT012O154 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 47 |
PCT012O | PCT012O155 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 48 |
PCT012O | PCT012O156 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 49 |
PCT012O | PCT012O157 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 50 |
PCT012O | PCT012O158 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 51 |
PCT012O | PCT012O159 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 52 |
PCT012O | PCT012O160 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 53 |
PCT012O | PCT012O161 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 54 |
PCT012O | PCT012O162 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 55 |
PCT012O | PCT012O163 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 56 |
PCT012O | PCT012O164 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 57 |
PCT012O | PCT012O165 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 58 |
PCT012O | PCT012O166 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 59 |
PCT012O | PCT012O167 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 60 |
PCT012O | PCT012O168 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 61 |
PCT012O | PCT012O169 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 62 |
PCT012O | PCT012O170 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 63 |
PCT012O | PCT012O171 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 64 |
PCT012O | PCT012O172 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 65 |
PCT012O | PCT012O173 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 66 |
PCT012O | PCT012O174 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 67 |
PCT012O | PCT012O175 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 68 |
PCT012O | PCT012O176 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 69 |
PCT012O | PCT012O177 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 70 |
PCT012O | PCT012O178 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 71 |
PCT012O | PCT012O179 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 72 |
PCT012O | PCT012O180 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 73 |
PCT012O | PCT012O181 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 74 |
PCT012O | PCT012O182 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 75 |
PCT012O | PCT012O183 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 76 |
PCT012O | PCT012O184 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 77 |
PCT012O | PCT012O185 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 78 |
PCT012O | PCT012O186 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 79 |
PCT012O | PCT012O187 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 80 |
PCT012O | PCT012O188 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 81 |
PCT012O | PCT012O189 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 82 |
PCT012O | PCT012O190 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 83 |
PCT012O | PCT012O191 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 84 |
PCT012O | PCT012O192 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 85 |
PCT012O | PCT012O193 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 86 |
PCT012O | PCT012O194 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 87 |
PCT012O | PCT012O195 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 88 |
PCT012O | PCT012O196 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 89 |
PCT012O | PCT012O197 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 90 |
PCT012O | PCT012O198 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 91 |
PCT012O | PCT012O199 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 92 |
PCT012O | PCT012O200 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 93 |
PCT012O | PCT012O201 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 94 |
PCT012O | PCT012O202 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 95 |
PCT012O | PCT012O203 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 96 |
PCT012O | PCT012O204 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 97 |
PCT012O | PCT012O205 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 98 |
PCT012O | PCT012O206 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 99 |
PCT012O | PCT012O207 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 100-104 |
PCT012O | PCT012O208 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 105-109 |
PCT012O | PCT012O209 | Age (2+ races, not Hisp): Female: 110+ |
PCT013A | PCT013A001 | Age (White alone) Total |
PCT013A | PCT013A002 | Age (White alone): Male |
PCT013A | PCT013A003 | Age (White alone): Male: 0-4 |
PCT013A | PCT013A004 | Age (White alone): Male: 5-9 |
PCT013A | PCT013A005 | Age (White alone): Male: 10-14 |
PCT013A | PCT013A006 | Age (White alone): Male: 15-17 |
PCT013A | PCT013A007 | Age (White alone): Male: 18-19 |
PCT013A | PCT013A008 | Age (White alone): Male: 20 |
PCT013A | PCT013A009 | Age (White alone): Male: 21 |
PCT013A | PCT013A010 | Age (White alone): Male: 22-24 |
PCT013A | PCT013A011 | Age (White alone): Male: 25-29 |
PCT013A | PCT013A012 | Age (White alone): Male: 30-34 |
PCT013A | PCT013A013 | Age (White alone): Male: 35-39 |
PCT013A | PCT013A014 | Age (White alone): Male: 40-44 |
PCT013A | PCT013A015 | Age (White alone): Male: 45-49 |
PCT013A | PCT013A016 | Age (White alone): Male: 50-54 |
PCT013A | PCT013A017 | Age (White alone): Male: 55-59 |
PCT013A | PCT013A018 | Age (White alone): Male: 60-61 |
PCT013A | PCT013A019 | Age (White alone): Male: 62-64 |
PCT013A | PCT013A020 | Age (White alone): Male: 65-66 |
PCT013A | PCT013A021 | Age (White alone): Male: 67-69 |
PCT013A | PCT013A022 | Age (White alone): Male: 70-74 |
PCT013A | PCT013A023 | Age (White alone): Male: 75-79 |
PCT013A | PCT013A024 | Age (White alone): Male: 80-84 |
PCT013A | PCT013A025 | Age (White alone): Male: 85+ |
PCT013A | PCT013A026 | Age (White alone): Female |
PCT013A | PCT013A027 | Age (White alone): Female: 0-4 |
PCT013A | PCT013A028 | Age (White alone): Female: 5-9 |
PCT013A | PCT013A029 | Age (White alone): Female: 10-14 |
PCT013A | PCT013A030 | Age (White alone): Female: 15-17 |
PCT013A | PCT013A031 | Age (White alone): Female: 18-19 |
PCT013A | PCT013A032 | Age (White alone): Female: 20 |
PCT013A | PCT013A033 | Age (White alone): Female: 21 |
PCT013A | PCT013A034 | Age (White alone): Female: 22-24 |
PCT013A | PCT013A035 | Age (White alone): Female: 25-29 |
PCT013A | PCT013A036 | Age (White alone): Female: 30-34 |
PCT013A | PCT013A037 | Age (White alone): Female: 35-39 |
PCT013A | PCT013A038 | Age (White alone): Female: 40-44 |
PCT013A | PCT013A039 | Age (White alone): Female: 45-49 |
PCT013A | PCT013A040 | Age (White alone): Female: 50-54 |
PCT013A | PCT013A041 | Age (White alone): Female: 55-59 |
PCT013A | PCT013A042 | Age (White alone): Female: 60-61 |
PCT013A | PCT013A043 | Age (White alone): Female: 62-64 |
PCT013A | PCT013A044 | Age (White alone): Female: 65-66 |
PCT013A | PCT013A045 | Age (White alone): Female: 67-69 |
PCT013A | PCT013A046 | Age (White alone): Female: 70-74 |
PCT013A | PCT013A047 | Age (White alone): Female: 75-79 |
PCT013A | PCT013A048 | Age (White alone): Female: 80-84 |
PCT013A | PCT013A049 | Age (White alone): Female: 85+ |
PCT013B | PCT013B001 | Age (Black alone) Total |
PCT013B | PCT013B002 | Age (Black alone): Male |
PCT013B | PCT013B003 | Age (Black alone): Male: 0-4 |
PCT013B | PCT013B004 | Age (Black alone): Male: 5-9 |
PCT013B | PCT013B005 | Age (Black alone): Male: 10-14 |
PCT013B | PCT013B006 | Age (Black alone): Male: 15-17 |
PCT013B | PCT013B007 | Age (Black alone): Male: 18-19 |
PCT013B | PCT013B008 | Age (Black alone): Male: 20 |
PCT013B | PCT013B009 | Age (Black alone): Male: 21 |
PCT013B | PCT013B010 | Age (Black alone): Male: 22-24 |
PCT013B | PCT013B011 | Age (Black alone): Male: 25-29 |
PCT013B | PCT013B012 | Age (Black alone): Male: 30-34 |
PCT013B | PCT013B013 | Age (Black alone): Male: 35-39 |
PCT013B | PCT013B014 | Age (Black alone): Male: 40-44 |
PCT013B | PCT013B015 | Age (Black alone): Male: 45-49 |
PCT013B | PCT013B016 | Age (Black alone): Male: 50-54 |
PCT013B | PCT013B017 | Age (Black alone): Male: 55-59 |
PCT013B | PCT013B018 | Age (Black alone): Male: 60-61 |
PCT013B | PCT013B019 | Age (Black alone): Male: 62-64 |
PCT013B | PCT013B020 | Age (Black alone): Male: 65-66 |
PCT013B | PCT013B021 | Age (Black alone): Male: 67-69 |
PCT013B | PCT013B022 | Age (Black alone): Male: 70-74 |
PCT013B | PCT013B023 | Age (Black alone): Male: 75-79 |
PCT013B | PCT013B024 | Age (Black alone): Male: 80-84 |
PCT013B | PCT013B025 | Age (Black alone): Male: 85+ |
PCT013B | PCT013B026 | Age (Black alone): Female |
PCT013B | PCT013B027 | Age (Black alone): Female: 0-4 |
PCT013B | PCT013B028 | Age (Black alone): Female: 5-9 |
PCT013B | PCT013B029 | Age (Black alone): Female: 10-14 |
PCT013B | PCT013B030 | Age (Black alone): Female: 15-17 |
PCT013B | PCT013B031 | Age (Black alone): Female: 18-19 |
PCT013B | PCT013B032 | Age (Black alone): Female: 20 |
PCT013B | PCT013B033 | Age (Black alone): Female: 21 |
PCT013B | PCT013B034 | Age (Black alone): Female: 22-24 |
PCT013B | PCT013B035 | Age (Black alone): Female: 25-29 |
PCT013B | PCT013B036 | Age (Black alone): Female: 30-34 |
PCT013B | PCT013B037 | Age (Black alone): Female: 35-39 |
PCT013B | PCT013B038 | Age (Black alone): Female: 40-44 |
PCT013B | PCT013B039 | Age (Black alone): Female: 45-49 |
PCT013B | PCT013B040 | Age (Black alone): Female: 50-54 |
PCT013B | PCT013B041 | Age (Black alone): Female: 55-59 |
PCT013B | PCT013B042 | Age (Black alone): Female: 60-61 |
PCT013B | PCT013B043 | Age (Black alone): Female: 62-64 |
PCT013B | PCT013B044 | Age (Black alone): Female: 65-66 |
PCT013B | PCT013B045 | Age (Black alone): Female: 67-69 |
PCT013B | PCT013B046 | Age (Black alone): Female: 70-74 |
PCT013B | PCT013B047 | Age (Black alone): Female: 75-79 |
PCT013B | PCT013B048 | Age (Black alone): Female: 80-84 |
PCT013B | PCT013B049 | Age (Black alone): Female: 85+ |
PCT013C | PCT013C001 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone) Total |
PCT013C | PCT013C002 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male |
PCT013C | PCT013C003 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 0-4 |
PCT013C | PCT013C004 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 5-9 |
PCT013C | PCT013C005 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 10-14 |
PCT013C | PCT013C006 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 15-17 |
PCT013C | PCT013C007 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 18-19 |
PCT013C | PCT013C008 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 20 |
PCT013C | PCT013C009 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 21 |
PCT013C | PCT013C010 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 22-24 |
PCT013C | PCT013C011 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 25-29 |
PCT013C | PCT013C012 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 30-34 |
PCT013C | PCT013C013 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 35-39 |
PCT013C | PCT013C014 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 40-44 |
PCT013C | PCT013C015 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 45-49 |
PCT013C | PCT013C016 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 50-54 |
PCT013C | PCT013C017 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 55-59 |
PCT013C | PCT013C018 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 60-61 |
PCT013C | PCT013C019 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 62-64 |
PCT013C | PCT013C020 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 65-66 |
PCT013C | PCT013C021 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 67-69 |
PCT013C | PCT013C022 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 70-74 |
PCT013C | PCT013C023 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 75-79 |
PCT013C | PCT013C024 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 80-84 |
PCT013C | PCT013C025 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Male: 85+ |
PCT013C | PCT013C026 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female |
PCT013C | PCT013C027 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 0-4 |
PCT013C | PCT013C028 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 5-9 |
PCT013C | PCT013C029 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 10-14 |
PCT013C | PCT013C030 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 15-17 |
PCT013C | PCT013C031 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 18-19 |
PCT013C | PCT013C032 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 20 |
PCT013C | PCT013C033 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 21 |
PCT013C | PCT013C034 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 22-24 |
PCT013C | PCT013C035 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 25-29 |
PCT013C | PCT013C036 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 30-34 |
PCT013C | PCT013C037 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 35-39 |
PCT013C | PCT013C038 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 40-44 |
PCT013C | PCT013C039 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 45-49 |
PCT013C | PCT013C040 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 50-54 |
PCT013C | PCT013C041 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 55-59 |
PCT013C | PCT013C042 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 60-61 |
PCT013C | PCT013C043 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 62-64 |
PCT013C | PCT013C044 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 65-66 |
PCT013C | PCT013C045 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 67-69 |
PCT013C | PCT013C046 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 70-74 |
PCT013C | PCT013C047 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 75-79 |
PCT013C | PCT013C048 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 80-84 |
PCT013C | PCT013C049 | Age (American Andian and Alaska Native alone): Female: 85+ |
PCT013D | PCT013D001 | Age (Asian alone) Total |
PCT013D | PCT013D002 | Age (Asian alone): Male |
PCT013D | PCT013D003 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 0-4 |
PCT013D | PCT013D004 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 5-9 |
PCT013D | PCT013D005 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 10-14 |
PCT013D | PCT013D006 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 15-17 |
PCT013D | PCT013D007 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 18-19 |
PCT013D | PCT013D008 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 20 |
PCT013D | PCT013D009 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 21 |
PCT013D | PCT013D010 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 22-24 |
PCT013D | PCT013D011 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 25-29 |
PCT013D | PCT013D012 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 30-34 |
PCT013D | PCT013D013 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 35-39 |
PCT013D | PCT013D014 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 40-44 |
PCT013D | PCT013D015 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 45-49 |
PCT013D | PCT013D016 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 50-54 |
PCT013D | PCT013D017 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 55-59 |
PCT013D | PCT013D018 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 60-61 |
PCT013D | PCT013D019 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 62-64 |
PCT013D | PCT013D020 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 65-66 |
PCT013D | PCT013D021 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 67-69 |
PCT013D | PCT013D022 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 70-74 |
PCT013D | PCT013D023 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 75-79 |
PCT013D | PCT013D024 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 80-84 |
PCT013D | PCT013D025 | Age (Asian alone): Male: 85+ |
PCT013D | PCT013D026 | Age (Asian alone): Female |
PCT013D | PCT013D027 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 0-4 |
PCT013D | PCT013D028 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 5-9 |
PCT013D | PCT013D029 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 10-14 |
PCT013D | PCT013D030 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 15-17 |
PCT013D | PCT013D031 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 18-19 |
PCT013D | PCT013D032 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 20 |
PCT013D | PCT013D033 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 21 |
PCT013D | PCT013D034 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 22-24 |
PCT013D | PCT013D035 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 25-29 |
PCT013D | PCT013D036 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 30-34 |
PCT013D | PCT013D037 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 35-39 |
PCT013D | PCT013D038 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 40-44 |
PCT013D | PCT013D039 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 45-49 |
PCT013D | PCT013D040 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 50-54 |
PCT013D | PCT013D041 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 55-59 |
PCT013D | PCT013D042 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 60-61 |
PCT013D | PCT013D043 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 62-64 |
PCT013D | PCT013D044 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 65-66 |
PCT013D | PCT013D045 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 67-69 |
PCT013D | PCT013D046 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 70-74 |
PCT013D | PCT013D047 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 75-79 |
PCT013D | PCT013D048 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 80-84 |
PCT013D | PCT013D049 | Age (Asian alone): Female: 85+ |
PCT013E | PCT013E001 | Age (Pacific alone) Total |
PCT013E | PCT013E002 | Age (Pacific alone): Male |
PCT013E | PCT013E003 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 0-4 |
PCT013E | PCT013E004 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 5-9 |
PCT013E | PCT013E005 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 10-14 |
PCT013E | PCT013E006 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 15-17 |
PCT013E | PCT013E007 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 18-19 |
PCT013E | PCT013E008 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 20 |
PCT013E | PCT013E009 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 21 |
PCT013E | PCT013E010 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 22-24 |
PCT013E | PCT013E011 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 25-29 |
PCT013E | PCT013E012 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 30-34 |
PCT013E | PCT013E013 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 35-39 |
PCT013E | PCT013E014 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 40-44 |
PCT013E | PCT013E015 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 45-49 |
PCT013E | PCT013E016 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 50-54 |
PCT013E | PCT013E017 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 55-59 |
PCT013E | PCT013E018 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 60-61 |
PCT013E | PCT013E019 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 62-64 |
PCT013E | PCT013E020 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 65-66 |
PCT013E | PCT013E021 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 67-69 |
PCT013E | PCT013E022 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 70-74 |
PCT013E | PCT013E023 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 75-79 |
PCT013E | PCT013E024 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 80-84 |
PCT013E | PCT013E025 | Age (Pacific alone): Male: 85+ |
PCT013E | PCT013E026 | Age (Pacific alone): Female |
PCT013E | PCT013E027 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 0-4 |
PCT013E | PCT013E028 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 5-9 |
PCT013E | PCT013E029 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 10-14 |
PCT013E | PCT013E030 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 15-17 |
PCT013E | PCT013E031 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 18-19 |
PCT013E | PCT013E032 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 20 |
PCT013E | PCT013E033 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 21 |
PCT013E | PCT013E034 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 22-24 |
PCT013E | PCT013E035 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 25-29 |
PCT013E | PCT013E036 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 30-34 |
PCT013E | PCT013E037 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 35-39 |
PCT013E | PCT013E038 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 40-44 |
PCT013E | PCT013E039 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 45-49 |
PCT013E | PCT013E040 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 50-54 |
PCT013E | PCT013E041 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 55-59 |
PCT013E | PCT013E042 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 60-61 |
PCT013E | PCT013E043 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 62-64 |
PCT013E | PCT013E044 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 65-66 |
PCT013E | PCT013E045 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 67-69 |
PCT013E | PCT013E046 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 70-74 |
PCT013E | PCT013E047 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 75-79 |
PCT013E | PCT013E048 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 80-84 |
PCT013E | PCT013E049 | Age (Pacific alone): Female: 85+ |
PCT013F | PCT013F001 | Age (Other alone) Total |
PCT013F | PCT013F002 | Age (Other alone): Male |
PCT013F | PCT013F003 | Age (Other alone): Male: 0-4 |
PCT013F | PCT013F004 | Age (Other alone): Male: 5-9 |
PCT013F | PCT013F005 | Age (Other alone): Male: 10-14 |
PCT013F | PCT013F006 | Age (Other alone): Male: 15-17 |
PCT013F | PCT013F007 | Age (Other alone): Male: 18-19 |
PCT013F | PCT013F008 | Age (Other alone): Male: 20 |
PCT013F | PCT013F009 | Age (Other alone): Male: 21 |
PCT013F | PCT013F010 | Age (Other alone): Male: 22-24 |
PCT013F | PCT013F011 | Age (Other alone): Male: 25-29 |
PCT013F | PCT013F012 | Age (Other alone): Male: 30-34 |
PCT013F | PCT013F013 | Age (Other alone): Male: 35-39 |
PCT013F | PCT013F014 | Age (Other alone): Male: 40-44 |
PCT013F | PCT013F015 | Age (Other alone): Male: 45-49 |
PCT013F | PCT013F016 | Age (Other alone): Male: 50-54 |
PCT013F | PCT013F017 | Age (Other alone): Male: 55-59 |
PCT013F | PCT013F018 | Age (Other alone): Male: 60-61 |
PCT013F | PCT013F019 | Age (Other alone): Male: 62-64 |
PCT013F | PCT013F020 | Age (Other alone): Male: 65-66 |
PCT013F | PCT013F021 | Age (Other alone): Male: 67-69 |
PCT013F | PCT013F022 | Age (Other alone): Male: 70-74 |
PCT013F | PCT013F023 | Age (Other alone): Male: 75-79 |
PCT013F | PCT013F024 | Age (Other alone): Male: 80-84 |
PCT013F | PCT013F025 | Age (Other alone): Male: 85+ |
PCT013F | PCT013F026 | Age (Other alone): Female |
PCT013F | PCT013F027 | Age (Other alone): Female: 0-4 |
PCT013F | PCT013F028 | Age (Other alone): Female: 5-9 |
PCT013F | PCT013F029 | Age (Other alone): Female: 10-14 |
PCT013F | PCT013F030 | Age (Other alone): Female: 15-17 |
PCT013F | PCT013F031 | Age (Other alone): Female: 18-19 |
PCT013F | PCT013F032 | Age (Other alone): Female: 20 |
PCT013F | PCT013F033 | Age (Other alone): Female: 21 |
PCT013F | PCT013F034 | Age (Other alone): Female: 22-24 |
PCT013F | PCT013F035 | Age (Other alone): Female: 25-29 |
PCT013F | PCT013F036 | Age (Other alone): Female: 30-34 |
PCT013F | PCT013F037 | Age (Other alone): Female: 35-39 |
PCT013F | PCT013F038 | Age (Other alone): Female: 40-44 |
PCT013F | PCT013F039 | Age (Other alone): Female: 45-49 |
PCT013F | PCT013F040 | Age (Other alone): Female: 50-54 |
PCT013F | PCT013F041 | Age (Other alone): Female: 55-59 |
PCT013F | PCT013F042 | Age (Other alone): Female: 60-61 |
PCT013F | PCT013F043 | Age (Other alone): Female: 62-64 |
PCT013F | PCT013F044 | Age (Other alone): Female: 65-66 |
PCT013F | PCT013F045 | Age (Other alone): Female: 67-69 |
PCT013F | PCT013F046 | Age (Other alone): Female: 70-74 |
PCT013F | PCT013F047 | Age (Other alone): Female: 75-79 |
PCT013F | PCT013F048 | Age (Other alone): Female: 80-84 |
PCT013F | PCT013F049 | Age (Other alone): Female: 85+ |
PCT013G | PCT013G001 | Age (2+ races) Total |
PCT013G | PCT013G002 | Age (2+ races): Male |
PCT013G | PCT013G003 | Age (2+ races): Male: 0-4 |
PCT013G | PCT013G004 | Age (2+ races): Male: 5-9 |
PCT013G | PCT013G005 | Age (2+ races): Male: 10-14 |
PCT013G | PCT013G006 | Age (2+ races): Male: 15-17 |
PCT013G | PCT013G007 | Age (2+ races): Male: 18-19 |
PCT013G | PCT013G008 | Age (2+ races): Male: 20 |
PCT013G | PCT013G009 | Age (2+ races): Male: 21 |
PCT013G | PCT013G010 | Age (2+ races): Male: 22-24 |
PCT013G | PCT013G011 | Age (2+ races): Male: 25-29 |
PCT013G | PCT013G012 | Age (2+ races): Male: 30-34 |
PCT013G | PCT013G013 | Age (2+ races): Male: 35-39 |
PCT013G | PCT013G014 | Age (2+ races): Male: 40-44 |
PCT013G | PCT013G015 | Age (2+ races): Male: 45-49 |
PCT013G | PCT013G016 | Age (2+ races): Male: 50-54 |
PCT013G | PCT013G017 | Age (2+ races): Male: 55-59 |
PCT013G | PCT013G018 | Age (2+ races): Male: 60-61 |
PCT013G | PCT013G019 | Age (2+ races): Male: 62-64 |
PCT013G | PCT013G020 | Age (2+ races): Male: 65-66 |
PCT013G | PCT013G021 | Age (2+ races): Male: 67-69 |
PCT013G | PCT013G022 | Age (2+ races): Male: 70-74 |
PCT013G | PCT013G023 | Age (2+ races): Male: 75-79 |
PCT013G | PCT013G024 | Age (2+ races): Male: 80-84 |
PCT013G | PCT013G025 | Age (2+ races): Male: 85+ |
PCT013G | PCT013G026 | Age (2+ races): Female |
PCT013G | PCT013G027 | Age (2+ races): Female: 0-4 |
PCT013G | PCT013G028 | Age (2+ races): Female: 5-9 |
PCT013G | PCT013G029 | Age (2+ races): Female: 10-14 |
PCT013G | PCT013G030 | Age (2+ races): Female: 15-17 |
PCT013G | PCT013G031 | Age (2+ races): Female: 18-19 |
PCT013G | PCT013G032 | Age (2+ races): Female: 20 |
PCT013G | PCT013G033 | Age (2+ races): Female: 21 |
PCT013G | PCT013G034 | Age (2+ races): Female: 22-24 |
PCT013G | PCT013G035 | Age (2+ races): Female: 25-29 |
PCT013G | PCT013G036 | Age (2+ races): Female: 30-34 |
PCT013G | PCT013G037 | Age (2+ races): Female: 35-39 |
PCT013G | PCT013G038 | Age (2+ races): Female: 40-44 |
PCT013G | PCT013G039 | Age (2+ races): Female: 45-49 |
PCT013G | PCT013G040 | Age (2+ races): Female: 50-54 |
PCT013G | PCT013G041 | Age (2+ races): Female: 55-59 |
PCT013G | PCT013G042 | Age (2+ races): Female: 60-61 |
PCT013G | PCT013G043 | Age (2+ races): Female: 62-64 |
PCT013G | PCT013G044 | Age (2+ races): Female: 65-66 |
PCT013G | PCT013G045 | Age (2+ races): Female: 67-69 |
PCT013G | PCT013G046 | Age (2+ races): Female: 70-74 |
PCT013G | PCT013G047 | Age (2+ races): Female: 75-79 |
PCT013G | PCT013G048 | Age (2+ races): Female: 80-84 |
PCT013G | PCT013G049 | Age (2+ races): Female: 85+ |
PCT013H | PCT013H001 | Age (Hisp) Total |
PCT013H | PCT013H002 | Age (Hisp): Male |
PCT013H | PCT013H003 | Age (Hisp): Male: 0-4 |
PCT013H | PCT013H004 | Age (Hisp): Male: 5-9 |
PCT013H | PCT013H005 | Age (Hisp): Male: 10-14 |
PCT013H | PCT013H006 | Age (Hisp): Male: 15-17 |
PCT013H | PCT013H007 | Age (Hisp): Male: 18-19 |
PCT013H | PCT013H008 | Age (Hisp): Male: 20 |
PCT013H | PCT013H009 | Age (Hisp): Male: 21 |
PCT013H | PCT013H010 | Age (Hisp): Male: 22-24 |
PCT013H | PCT013H011 | Age (Hisp): Male: 25-29 |
PCT013H | PCT013H012 | Age (Hisp): Male: 30-34 |
PCT013H | PCT013H013 | Age (Hisp): Male: 35-39 |
PCT013H | PCT013H014 | Age (Hisp): Male: 40-44 |
PCT013H | PCT013H015 | Age (Hisp): Male: 45-49 |
PCT013H | PCT013H016 | Age (Hisp): Male: 50-54 |
PCT013H | PCT013H017 | Age (Hisp): Male: 55-59 |
PCT013H | PCT013H018 | Age (Hisp): Male: 60-61 |
PCT013H | PCT013H019 | Age (Hisp): Male: 62-64 |
PCT013H | PCT013H020 | Age (Hisp): Male: 65-66 |
PCT013H | PCT013H021 | Age (Hisp): Male: 67-69 |
PCT013H | PCT013H022 | Age (Hisp): Male: 70-74 |
PCT013H | PCT013H023 | Age (Hisp): Male: 75-79 |
PCT013H | PCT013H024 | Age (Hisp): Male: 80-84 |
PCT013H | PCT013H025 | Age (Hisp): Male: 85+ |
PCT013H | PCT013H026 | Age (Hisp): Female |
PCT013H | PCT013H027 | Age (Hisp): Female: 0-4 |
PCT013H | PCT013H028 | Age (Hisp): Female: 5-9 |
PCT013H | PCT013H029 | Age (Hisp): Female: 10-14 |
PCT013H | PCT013H030 | Age (Hisp): Female: 15-17 |
PCT013H | PCT013H031 | Age (Hisp): Female: 18-19 |
PCT013H | PCT013H032 | Age (Hisp): Female: 20 |
PCT013H | PCT013H033 | Age (Hisp): Female: 21 |
PCT013H | PCT013H034 | Age (Hisp): Female: 22-24 |
PCT013H | PCT013H035 | Age (Hisp): Female: 25-29 |
PCT013H | PCT013H036 | Age (Hisp): Female: 30-34 |
PCT013H | PCT013H037 | Age (Hisp): Female: 35-39 |
PCT013H | PCT013H038 | Age (Hisp): Female: 40-44 |
PCT013H | PCT013H039 | Age (Hisp): Female: 45-49 |
PCT013H | PCT013H040 | Age (Hisp): Female: 50-54 |
PCT013H | PCT013H041 | Age (Hisp): Female: 55-59 |
PCT013H | PCT013H042 | Age (Hisp): Female: 60-61 |
PCT013H | PCT013H043 | Age (Hisp): Female: 62-64 |
PCT013H | PCT013H044 | Age (Hisp): Female: 65-66 |
PCT013H | PCT013H045 | Age (Hisp): Female: 67-69 |
PCT013H | PCT013H046 | Age (Hisp): Female: 70-74 |
PCT013H | PCT013H047 | Age (Hisp): Female: 75-79 |
PCT013H | PCT013H048 | Age (Hisp): Female: 80-84 |
PCT013H | PCT013H049 | Age (Hisp): Female: 85+ |
PCT013I | PCT013I001 | Age (White alone, not Hisp) Total |
PCT013I | PCT013I002 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male |
PCT013I | PCT013I003 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-4 |
PCT013I | PCT013I004 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 5-9 |
PCT013I | PCT013I005 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 10-14 |
PCT013I | PCT013I006 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 15-17 |
PCT013I | PCT013I007 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-19 |
PCT013I | PCT013I008 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 20 |
PCT013I | PCT013I009 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 21 |
PCT013I | PCT013I010 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 22-24 |
PCT013I | PCT013I011 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 25-29 |
PCT013I | PCT013I012 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 30-34 |
PCT013I | PCT013I013 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 35-39 |
PCT013I | PCT013I014 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 40-44 |
PCT013I | PCT013I015 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 45-49 |
PCT013I | PCT013I016 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 50-54 |
PCT013I | PCT013I017 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 55-59 |
PCT013I | PCT013I018 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 60-61 |
PCT013I | PCT013I019 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 62-64 |
PCT013I | PCT013I020 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65-66 |
PCT013I | PCT013I021 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 67-69 |
PCT013I | PCT013I022 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 70-74 |
PCT013I | PCT013I023 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 75-79 |
PCT013I | PCT013I024 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 80-84 |
PCT013I | PCT013I025 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 85+ |
PCT013I | PCT013I026 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female |
PCT013I | PCT013I027 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-4 |
PCT013I | PCT013I028 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 5-9 |
PCT013I | PCT013I029 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 10-14 |
PCT013I | PCT013I030 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 15-17 |
PCT013I | PCT013I031 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-19 |
PCT013I | PCT013I032 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 20 |
PCT013I | PCT013I033 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 21 |
PCT013I | PCT013I034 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 22-24 |
PCT013I | PCT013I035 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 25-29 |
PCT013I | PCT013I036 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 30-34 |
PCT013I | PCT013I037 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 35-39 |
PCT013I | PCT013I038 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 40-44 |
PCT013I | PCT013I039 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 45-49 |
PCT013I | PCT013I040 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 50-54 |
PCT013I | PCT013I041 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 55-59 |
PCT013I | PCT013I042 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 60-61 |
PCT013I | PCT013I043 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 62-64 |
PCT013I | PCT013I044 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65-66 |
PCT013I | PCT013I045 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 67-69 |
PCT013I | PCT013I046 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 70-74 |
PCT013I | PCT013I047 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 75-79 |
PCT013I | PCT013I048 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 80-84 |
PCT013I | PCT013I049 | Age (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 85+ |
PCT015A | PCT015A001 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone) Total |
PCT015A | PCT015A002 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone): In family HHs |
PCT015A | PCT015A003 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone): In family HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015A | PCT015A004 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone): In family HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015A | PCT015A005 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone): In family HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015A | PCT015A006 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone): In family HH: Foster child |
PCT015A | PCT015A007 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone): In family HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015A | PCT015A008 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone): In nonfamily HHs |
PCT015A | PCT015A009 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone): In nonfamily HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015A | PCT015A010 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone): In nonfamily HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015A | PCT015A011 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone): In nonfamily HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015A | PCT015A012 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone): In nonfamily HH: Foster child |
PCT015A | PCT015A013 | Nonrelative by HH type (White alone): In nonfamily HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015B | PCT015B001 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone) Total |
PCT015B | PCT015B002 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone): In family HHs |
PCT015B | PCT015B003 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone): In family HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015B | PCT015B004 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone): In family HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015B | PCT015B005 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone): In family HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015B | PCT015B006 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone): In family HH: Foster child |
PCT015B | PCT015B007 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone): In family HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015B | PCT015B008 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone): In nonfamily HHs |
PCT015B | PCT015B009 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone): In nonfamily HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015B | PCT015B010 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone): In nonfamily HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015B | PCT015B011 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone): In nonfamily HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015B | PCT015B012 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone): In nonfamily HH: Foster child |
PCT015B | PCT015B013 | Nonrelative by HH type (Black alone): In nonfamily HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015C | PCT015C001 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone) Total |
PCT015C | PCT015C002 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone): In family HHs |
PCT015C | PCT015C003 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone): In family HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015C | PCT015C004 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone): In family HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015C | PCT015C005 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone): In family HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015C | PCT015C006 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone): In family HH: Foster child |
PCT015C | PCT015C007 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone): In family HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015C | PCT015C008 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone): In nonfamily HHs |
PCT015C | PCT015C009 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone): In nonfamily HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015C | PCT015C010 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone): In nonfamily HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015C | PCT015C011 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone): In nonfamily HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015C | PCT015C012 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone): In nonfamily HH: Foster child |
PCT015C | PCT015C013 | Nonrelative by HH type (NatAmer alone): In nonfamily HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015D | PCT015D001 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone) Total |
PCT015D | PCT015D002 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone): In family HHs |
PCT015D | PCT015D003 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone): In family HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015D | PCT015D004 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone): In family HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015D | PCT015D005 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone): In family HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015D | PCT015D006 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone): In family HH: Foster child |
PCT015D | PCT015D007 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone): In family HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015D | PCT015D008 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone): In nonfamily HHs |
PCT015D | PCT015D009 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone): In nonfamily HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015D | PCT015D010 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone): In nonfamily HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015D | PCT015D011 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone): In nonfamily HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015D | PCT015D012 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone): In nonfamily HH: Foster child |
PCT015D | PCT015D013 | Nonrelative by HHtype (Asian alone): In nonfamily HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015E | PCT015E001 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone) Total |
PCT015E | PCT015E002 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone): In family HHs |
PCT015E | PCT015E003 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone): In family HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015E | PCT015E004 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone): In family HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015E | PCT015E005 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone): In family HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015E | PCT015E006 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone): In family HH: Foster child |
PCT015E | PCT015E007 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone): In family HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015E | PCT015E008 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone): In nonfamily HHs |
PCT015E | PCT015E009 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone): In nonfamily HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015E | PCT015E010 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone): In nonfamily HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015E | PCT015E011 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone): In nonfamily HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015E | PCT015E012 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone): In nonfamily HH: Foster child |
PCT015E | PCT015E013 | Nonrelative by HH type (PacIsl alone): In nonfamily HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015F | PCT015F001 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone) Total |
PCT015F | PCT015F002 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone): In family HHs |
PCT015F | PCT015F003 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone)In family HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015F | PCT015F004 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone)In family HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015F | PCT015F005 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone)In family HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015F | PCT015F006 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone)In family HH: Foster child |
PCT015F | PCT015F007 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone)In family HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015F | PCT015F008 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone)In nonfamily HHs |
PCT015F | PCT015F009 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone)In nonfamily HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015F | PCT015F010 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone)In nonfamily HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015F | PCT015F011 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone)In nonfamily HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015F | PCT015F012 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone)In nonfamily HH: Foster child |
PCT015F | PCT015F013 | Nonrelative by HH type (Other alone)In nonfamily HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015G | PCT015G001 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races) Total |
PCT015G | PCT015G002 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races): In family HHs |
PCT015G | PCT015G003 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races): In family HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015G | PCT015G004 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races): In family HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015G | PCT015G005 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races): In family HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015G | PCT015G006 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races): In family HH: Foster child |
PCT015G | PCT015G007 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races): In family HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015G | PCT015G008 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races): In nonfamily HHs |
PCT015G | PCT015G009 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races): In nonfamily HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015G | PCT015G010 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races): In nonfamily HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015G | PCT015G011 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races): In nonfamily HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015G | PCT015G012 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races): In nonfamily HH: Foster child |
PCT015G | PCT015G013 | Nonrelative by HH type (2+ races): In nonfamily HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015H | PCT015H001 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp) Total |
PCT015H | PCT015H002 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp): In family HHs |
PCT015H | PCT015H003 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp): In family HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015H | PCT015H004 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp): In family HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015H | PCT015H005 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp): In family HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015H | PCT015H006 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp): In family HH: Foster child |
PCT015H | PCT015H007 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp): In family HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015H | PCT015H008 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp): In nonfamily HHs |
PCT015H | PCT015H009 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp): In nonfamily HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015H | PCT015H010 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp): In nonfamily HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015H | PCT015H011 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp): In nonfamily HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015H | PCT015H012 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp): In nonfamily HH: Foster child |
PCT015H | PCT015H013 | Nonrelative by HH type (Hisp): In nonfamily HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015I | PCT015I001 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp) Total |
PCT015I | PCT015I002 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp): In family HHs |
PCT015I | PCT015I003 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp): In family HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015I | PCT015I004 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp): In family HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015I | PCT015I005 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp): In family HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015I | PCT015I006 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp): In family HH: Foster child |
PCT015I | PCT015I007 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp): In family HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT015I | PCT015I008 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp): In nonfamily HHs |
PCT015I | PCT015I009 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp): In nonfamily HH: Roomer or boarder |
PCT015I | PCT015I010 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp): In nonfamily HH: Housemate or roommate |
PCT015I | PCT015I011 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp): In nonfamily HH: Unmarried partner |
PCT015I | PCT015I012 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp): In nonfamily HH: Foster child |
PCT015I | PCT015I013 | Nonrelative by HHtype (White alone, not Hisp): In nonfamily HH: Other nonrelative |
PCT017A | PCT017A001 | GC (White alone) Total |
PCT017A | PCT017A002 | GC (White alone): Male |
PCT017A | PCT017A003 | GC (White alone): Male: 0-17 |
PCT017A | PCT017A004 | GC (White alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A005 | GC (White alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017A | PCT017A006 | GC (White alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017A | PCT017A007 | GC (White alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017A | PCT017A008 | GC (White alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017A | PCT017A009 | GC (White alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A010 | GC (White alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A011 | GC (White alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A012 | GC (White alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017A | PCT017A013 | GC (White alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017A | PCT017A014 | GC (White alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017A | PCT017A015 | GC (White alone): Male: 18-64 |
PCT017A | PCT017A016 | GC (White alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A017 | GC (White alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017A | PCT017A018 | GC (White alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017A | PCT017A019 | GC (White alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017A | PCT017A020 | GC (White alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017A | PCT017A021 | GC (White alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A022 | GC (White alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A023 | GC (White alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A024 | GC (White alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017A | PCT017A025 | GC (White alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017A | PCT017A026 | GC (White alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017A | PCT017A027 | GC (White alone): Male: 65+ |
PCT017A | PCT017A028 | GC (White alone): Male: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A029 | GC (White alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017A | PCT017A030 | GC (White alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017A | PCT017A031 | GC (White alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017A | PCT017A032 | GC (White alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017A | PCT017A033 | GC (White alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A034 | GC (White alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A035 | GC (White alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A036 | GC (White alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017A | PCT017A037 | GC (White alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017A | PCT017A038 | GC (White alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017A | PCT017A039 | GC (White alone): Female |
PCT017A | PCT017A040 | GC (White alone): Female: 0-17 |
PCT017A | PCT017A041 | GC (White alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A042 | GC (White alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017A | PCT017A043 | GC (White alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017A | PCT017A044 | GC (White alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017A | PCT017A045 | GC (White alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017A | PCT017A046 | GC (White alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A047 | GC (White alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A048 | GC (White alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A049 | GC (White alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017A | PCT017A050 | GC (White alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017A | PCT017A051 | GC (White alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017A | PCT017A052 | GC (White alone): Female: 18-64 |
PCT017A | PCT017A053 | GC (White alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A054 | GC (White alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017A | PCT017A055 | GC (White alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017A | PCT017A056 | GC (White alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017A | PCT017A057 | GC (White alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017A | PCT017A058 | GC (White alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A059 | GC (White alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A060 | GC (White alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A061 | GC (White alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017A | PCT017A062 | GC (White alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017A | PCT017A063 | GC (White alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017A | PCT017A064 | GC (White alone): Female: 65+ |
PCT017A | PCT017A065 | GC (White alone): Female: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A066 | GC (White alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017A | PCT017A067 | GC (White alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017A | PCT017A068 | GC (White alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017A | PCT017A069 | GC (White alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017A | PCT017A070 | GC (White alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A071 | GC (White alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A072 | GC (White alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017A | PCT017A073 | GC (White alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ Off campus) |
PCT017A | PCT017A074 | GC (White alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017A | PCT017A075 | GC (White alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017B | PCT017B001 | GC (Black alone)Total |
PCT017B | PCT017B002 | GC (Black alone): Male |
PCT017B | PCT017B003 | GC (Black alone): Male: 0-17 |
PCT017B | PCT017B004 | GC (Black alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B005 | GC (Black alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017B | PCT017B006 | GC (Black alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017B | PCT017B007 | GC (Black alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017B | PCT017B008 | GC (Black alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017B | PCT017B009 | GC (Black alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B010 | GC (Black alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B011 | GC (Black alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B012 | GC (Black alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017B | PCT017B013 | GC (Black alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017B | PCT017B014 | GC (Black alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017B | PCT017B015 | GC (Black alone): Male: 18-64 |
PCT017B | PCT017B016 | GC (Black alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B017 | GC (Black alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017B | PCT017B018 | GC (Black alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017B | PCT017B019 | GC (Black alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices for chronically |
PCT017B | PCT017B020 | GC (Black alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017B | PCT017B021 | GC (Black alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B022 | GC (Black alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B023 | GC (Black alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B024 | GC (Black alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017B | PCT017B025 | GC (Black alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017B | PCT017B026 | GC (Black alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017B | PCT017B027 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+ |
PCT017B | PCT017B028 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B029 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017B | PCT017B030 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017B | PCT017B031 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017B | PCT017B032 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017B | PCT017B033 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B034 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B035 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B036 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017B | PCT017B037 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017B | PCT017B038 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017B | PCT017B039 | GC (Black alone): Male: 65+: GC (Black alone): Female |
PCT017B | PCT017B040 | GC (Black alone): Female: 0-17 |
PCT017B | PCT017B041 | GC (Black alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B042 | GC (Black alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017B | PCT017B043 | GC (Black alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017B | PCT017B044 | GC (Black alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017B | PCT017B045 | GC (Black alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017B | PCT017B046 | GC (Black alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B047 | GC (Black alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B048 | GC (Black alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B049 | GC (Black alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017B | PCT017B050 | GC (Black alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017B | PCT017B051 | GC (Black alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017B | PCT017B052 | GC (Black alone): Female: 18-64 |
PCT017B | PCT017B053 | GC (Black alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B054 | GC (Black alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017B | PCT017B055 | GC (Black alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017B | PCT017B056 | GC (Black alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017B | PCT017B057 | GC (Black alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017B | PCT017B058 | GC (Black alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B059 | GC (Black alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B060 | GC (Black alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B061 | GC (Black alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017B | PCT017B062 | GC (Black alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017B | PCT017B063 | GC (Black alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017B | PCT017B064 | GC (Black alone): Female: 65+ |
PCT017B | PCT017B065 | GC (Black alone): Female: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B066 | GC (Black alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017B | PCT017B067 | GC (Black alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017B | PCT017B068 | GC (Black alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017B | PCT017B069 | GC (Black alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017B | PCT017B070 | GC (Black alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B071 | GC (Black alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B072 | GC (Black alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017B | PCT017B073 | GC (Black alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017B | PCT017B074 | GC (Black alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017B | PCT017B075 | GC (Black alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017C | PCT017C001 | GC (NatAmer alone) Total |
PCT017C | PCT017C002 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male |
PCT017C | PCT017C003 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-17 |
PCT017C | PCT017C004 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C005 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017C | PCT017C006 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017C | PCT017C007 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017C | PCT017C008 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017C | PCT017C009 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C010 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C011 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C012 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017C | PCT017C013 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017C | PCT017C014 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017C | PCT017C015 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-64 |
PCT017C | PCT017C016 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C017 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017C | PCT017C018 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017C | PCT017C019 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017C | PCT017C020 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017C | PCT017C021 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C022 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C023 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C024 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017C | PCT017C025 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017C | PCT017C026 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017C | PCT017C027 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+ |
PCT017C | PCT017C028 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C029 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017C | PCT017C030 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017C | PCT017C031 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017C | PCT017C032 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017C | PCT017C033 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C034 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C035 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C036 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017C | PCT017C037 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017C | PCT017C038 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017C | PCT017C039 | GC (NatAmer alone): Male: 65+: GC (NatAmer alone): Female |
PCT017C | PCT017C040 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-17 |
PCT017C | PCT017C041 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C042 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017C | PCT017C043 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017C | PCT017C044 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017C | PCT017C045 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017C | PCT017C046 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C047 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C048 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Not in Institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C049 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017C | PCT017C050 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017C | PCT017C051 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017C | PCT017C052 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-64 |
PCT017C | PCT017C053 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C054 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017C | PCT017C055 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017C | PCT017C056 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017C | PCT017C057 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017C | PCT017C058 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C059 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C060 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C061 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017C | PCT017C062 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017C | PCT017C063 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017C | PCT017C064 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 65+ |
PCT017C | PCT017C065 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C066 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017C | PCT017C067 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017C | PCT017C068 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017C | PCT017C069 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017C | PCT017C070 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C071 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C072 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017C | PCT017C073 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017C | PCT017C074 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017C | PCT017C075 | GC (NatAmer alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017D | PCT017D001 | GC (Asian alone) Total |
PCT017D | PCT017D002 | GC (Asian alone): Male |
PCT017D | PCT017D003 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 0-17 |
PCT017D | PCT017D004 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D005 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017D | PCT017D006 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017D | PCT017D007 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017D | PCT017D008 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017D | PCT017D009 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D010 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D011 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D012 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017D | PCT017D013 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017D | PCT017D014 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017D | PCT017D015 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 18-64 |
PCT017D | PCT017D016 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D017 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017D | PCT017D018 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017D | PCT017D019 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017D | PCT017D020 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017D | PCT017D021 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D022 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D023 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D024 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017D | PCT017D025 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017D | PCT017D026 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017D | PCT017D027 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+ |
PCT017D | PCT017D028 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D029 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017D | PCT017D030 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017D | PCT017D031 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017D | PCT017D032 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017D | PCT017D033 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D034 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D035 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D036 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017D | PCT017D037 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017D | PCT017D038 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017D | PCT017D039 | GC (Asian alone): Male: 65+: GC (Asian alone): Female |
PCT017D | PCT017D040 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 0-17 |
PCT017D | PCT017D041 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D042 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017D | PCT017D043 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017D | PCT017D044 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017D | PCT017D045 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017D | PCT017D046 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D047 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D048 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D049 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017D | PCT017D050 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017D | PCT017D051 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017D | PCT017D052 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 18-64 |
PCT017D | PCT017D053 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D054 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017D | PCT017D055 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017D | PCT017D056 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017D | PCT017D057 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017D | PCT017D058 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D059 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D060 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D061 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017D | PCT017D062 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017D | PCT017D063 | GC (Asian alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017D | PCT017D064 | GC (Asian alone): Female65+ |
PCT017D | PCT017D065 | GC (Asian alone): Female65+: In Institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D066 | GC (Asian alone): Female65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017D | PCT017D067 | GC (Asian alone): Female65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017D | PCT017D068 | GC (Asian alone): Female65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017D | PCT017D069 | GC (Asian alone): Female65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017D | PCT017D070 | GC (Asian alone): Female65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D071 | GC (Asian alone): Female65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D072 | GC (Asian alone): Female65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017D | PCT017D073 | GC (Asian alone): Female65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017D | PCT017D074 | GC (Asian alone): Female65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017D | PCT017D075 | GC (Asian alone): Female65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017E | PCT017E001 | GC (pacific alone) Total |
PCT017E | PCT017E002 | GC (pacific alone): Male |
PCT017E | PCT017E003 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 0-17 |
PCT017E | PCT017E004 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E005 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017E | PCT017E006 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017E | PCT017E007 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017E | PCT017E008 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or ward |
PCT017E | PCT017E009 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E010 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E011 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E012 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017E | PCT017E013 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017E | PCT017E014 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017E | PCT017E015 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 18-64 |
PCT017E | PCT017E016 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E017 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017E | PCT017E018 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017E | PCT017E019 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017E | PCT017E020 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or ward |
PCT017E | PCT017E021 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E022 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E023 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E024 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017E | PCT017E025 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017E | PCT017E026 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017E | PCT017E027 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+ |
PCT017E | PCT017E028 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E029 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017E | PCT017E030 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017E | PCT017E031 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017E | PCT017E032 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017E | PCT017E033 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E034 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E035 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E036 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017E | PCT017E037 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017E | PCT017E038 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017E | PCT017E039 | GC (pacific alone): Male: 65+: GC (pacific alone): Female |
PCT017E | PCT017E040 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 0-17 |
PCT017E | PCT017E041 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E042 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017E | PCT017E043 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017E | PCT017E044 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017E | PCT017E045 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or ward |
PCT017E | PCT017E046 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E047 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E048 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E049 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017E | PCT017E050 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017E | PCT017E051 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017E | PCT017E052 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 18-64 |
PCT017E | PCT017E053 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E054 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017E | PCT017E055 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017E | PCT017E056 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017E | PCT017E057 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or ward |
PCT017E | PCT017E058 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E059 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E060 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E061 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017E | PCT017E062 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017E | PCT017E063 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017E | PCT017E064 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 65+ |
PCT017E | PCT017E065 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E066 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017E | PCT017E067 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017E | PCT017E068 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017E | PCT017E069 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or war |
PCT017E | PCT017E070 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E071 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E072 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017E | PCT017E073 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017E | PCT017E074 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017E | PCT017E075 | GC (pacific alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017F | PCT017F001 | GC (Other alone) Total |
PCT017F | PCT017F002 | GC (Other alone): Male |
PCT017F | PCT017F003 | GC (Other alone): Male: 0-17 |
PCT017F | PCT017F004 | GC (Other alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F005 | GC (Other alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017F | PCT017F006 | GC (Other alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017F | PCT017F007 | GC (Other alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017F | PCT017F008 | GC (Other alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017F | PCT017F009 | GC (Other alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F010 | GC (Other alone): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F011 | GC (Other alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F012 | GC (Other alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017F | PCT017F013 | GC (Other alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017F | PCT017F014 | GC (Other alone): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017F | PCT017F015 | GC (Other alone): Male: 18-64 |
PCT017F | PCT017F016 | GC (Other alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F017 | GC (Other alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017F | PCT017F018 | GC (Other alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017F | PCT017F019 | GC (Other alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017F | PCT017F020 | GC (Other alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017F | PCT017F021 | GC (Other alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F022 | GC (Other alone): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F023 | GC (Other alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F024 | GC (Other alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017F | PCT017F025 | GC (Other alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017F | PCT017F026 | GC (Other alone): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017F | PCT017F027 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+ |
PCT017F | PCT017F028 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F029 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017F | PCT017F030 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017F | PCT017F031 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017F | PCT017F032 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017F | PCT017F033 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F034 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F035 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F036 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017F | PCT017F037 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017F | PCT017F038 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017F | PCT017F039 | GC (Other alone): Male: 65+: GC (Other alone): Female |
PCT017F | PCT017F040 | GC (Other alone): Female: 0-17 |
PCT017F | PCT017F041 | GC (Other alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F042 | GC (Other alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017F | PCT017F043 | GC (Other alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017F | PCT017F044 | GC (Other alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017F | PCT017F045 | GC (Other alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017F | PCT017F046 | GC (Other alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F047 | GC (Other alone): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F048 | GC (Other alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F049 | GC (Other alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017F | PCT017F050 | GC (Other alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017F | PCT017F051 | GC (Other alone): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017F | PCT017F052 | GC (Other alone): Female: 18-64 |
PCT017F | PCT017F053 | GC (Other alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F054 | GC (Other alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017F | PCT017F055 | GC (Other alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017F | PCT017F056 | GC (Other alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017F | PCT017F057 | GC (Other alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017F | PCT017F058 | GC (Other alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F059 | GC (Other alone): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F060 | GC (Other alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F061 | GC (Other alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017F | PCT017F062 | GC (Other alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017F | PCT017F063 | GC (Other alone): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017F | PCT017F064 | GC (Other alone): Female: 65+ |
PCT017F | PCT017F065 | GC (Other alone): Female: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F066 | GC (Other alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017F | PCT017F067 | GC (Other alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017F | PCT017F068 | GC (Other alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017F | PCT017F069 | GC (Other alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017F | PCT017F070 | GC (Other alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F071 | GC (Other alone): Female: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F072 | GC (Other alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017F | PCT017F073 | GC (Other alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017F | PCT017F074 | GC (Other alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017F | PCT017F075 | GC (Other alone): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017G | PCT017G001 | GC (2+ races) Total |
PCT017G | PCT017G002 | GC (2+ races): Male |
PCT017G | PCT017G003 | GC (2+ races): Male: 0-17 |
PCT017G | PCT017G004 | GC (2+ races): Male: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G005 | GC (2+ races): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017G | PCT017G006 | GC (2+ races): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017G | PCT017G007 | GC (2+ races): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017G | PCT017G008 | GC (2+ races): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017G | PCT017G009 | GC (2+ races): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G010 | GC (2+ races): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G011 | GC (2+ races): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G012 | GC (2+ races): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017G | PCT017G013 | GC (2+ races): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017G | PCT017G014 | GC (2+ races): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017G | PCT017G015 | GC (2+ races): Male: 18-64 |
PCT017G | PCT017G016 | GC (2+ races): Male: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G017 | GC (2+ races): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017G | PCT017G018 | GC (2+ races): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017G | PCT017G019 | GC (2+ races): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017G | PCT017G020 | GC (2+ races): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017G | PCT017G021 | GC (2+ races): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G022 | GC (2+ races): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G023 | GC (2+ races): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G024 | GC (2+ races): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017G | PCT017G025 | GC (2+ races): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017G | PCT017G026 | GC (2+ races): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017G | PCT017G027 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+ |
PCT017G | PCT017G028 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G029 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017G | PCT017G030 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017G | PCT017G031 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017G | PCT017G032 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017G | PCT017G033 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G034 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G035 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G036 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017G | PCT017G037 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017G | PCT017G038 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017G | PCT017G039 | GC (2+ races): Male: 65+: GC (2+ races): Female |
PCT017G | PCT017G040 | GC (2+ races): Female: 0-17 |
PCT017G | PCT017G041 | GC (2+ races): Female: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G042 | GC (2+ races): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017G | PCT017G043 | GC (2+ races): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017G | PCT017G044 | GC (2+ races): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017G | PCT017G045 | GC (2+ races): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017G | PCT017G046 | GC (2+ races): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G047 | GC (2+ races): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G048 | GC (2+ races): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G049 | GC (2+ races): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017G | PCT017G050 | GC (2+ races): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017G | PCT017G051 | GC (2+ races): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017G | PCT017G052 | GC (2+ races): Female: 18-64 |
PCT017G | PCT017G053 | GC (2+ races): Female: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G054 | GC (2+ races): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017G | PCT017G055 | GC (2+ races): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017G | PCT017G056 | GC (2+ races): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017G | PCT017G057 | GC (2+ races): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017G | PCT017G058 | GC (2+ races): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G059 | GC (2+ races): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G060 | GC (2+ races): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G061 | GC (2+ races): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017G | PCT017G062 | GC (2+ races): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017G | PCT017G063 | GC (2+ races): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017G | PCT017G064 | GC (2+ races): Female: 65+ |
PCT017G | PCT017G065 | GC (2+ races): Female: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G066 | GC (2+ races): Female: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017G | PCT017G067 | GC (2+ races): Female: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017G | PCT017G068 | GC (2+ races): Female: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017G | PCT017G069 | GC (2+ races): Female: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017G | PCT017G070 | GC (2+ races): Female: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G071 | GC (2+ races): Female: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G072 | GC (2+ races): Female: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017G | PCT017G073 | GC (2+ races): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017G | PCT017G074 | GC (2+ races): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017G | PCT017G075 | GC (2+ races): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017H | PCT017H001 | GC (Hisp) Total |
PCT017H | PCT017H002 | GC (Hisp): Male |
PCT017H | PCT017H003 | GC (Hisp): Male: 0-17 |
PCT017H | PCT017H004 | GC (Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H005 | GC (Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017H | PCT017H006 | GC (Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017H | PCT017H007 | GC (Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017H | PCT017H008 | GC (Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017H | PCT017H009 | GC (Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H010 | GC (Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H011 | GC (Hisp): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H012 | GC (Hisp): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017H | PCT017H013 | GC (Hisp): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017H | PCT017H014 | GC (Hisp): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017H | PCT017H015 | GC (Hisp): Male: 18-64 |
PCT017H | PCT017H016 | GC (Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H017 | GC (Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017H | PCT017H018 | GC (Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017H | PCT017H019 | GC (Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017H | PCT017H020 | GC (Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017H | PCT017H021 | GC (Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H022 | GC (Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H023 | GC (Hisp): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H024 | GC (Hisp): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017H | PCT017H025 | GC (Hisp): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017H | PCT017H026 | GC (Hisp): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017H | PCT017H027 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+ |
PCT017H | PCT017H028 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H029 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017H | PCT017H030 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017H | PCT017H031 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017H | PCT017H032 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017H | PCT017H033 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H034 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H035 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H036 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017H | PCT017H037 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017H | PCT017H038 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017H | PCT017H039 | GC (Hisp): Male: 65+: GC (Hisp): Female |
PCT017H | PCT017H040 | GC (Hisp): Female: 0-17 |
PCT017H | PCT017H041 | GC (Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H042 | GC (Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017H | PCT017H043 | GC (Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017H | PCT017H044 | GC (Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017H | PCT017H045 | GC (Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017H | PCT017H046 | GC (Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H047 | GC (Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H048 | GC (Hisp): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H049 | GC (Hisp): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017H | PCT017H050 | GC (Hisp): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017H | PCT017H051 | GC (Hisp): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017H | PCT017H052 | GC (Hisp): Female: 18-64 |
PCT017H | PCT017H053 | GC (Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H054 | GC (Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017H | PCT017H055 | GC (Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017H | PCT017H056 | GC (Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017H | PCT017H057 | GC (Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017H | PCT017H058 | GC (Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H059 | GC (Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H060 | GC (Hisp): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H061 | GC (Hisp): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017H | PCT017H062 | GC (Hisp): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017H | PCT017H063 | GC (Hisp): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017H | PCT017H064 | GC (Hisp): Female: 65+ |
PCT017H | PCT017H065 | GC (Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H066 | GC (Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017H | PCT017H067 | GC (Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017H | PCT017H068 | GC (Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017H | PCT017H069 | GC (Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017H | PCT017H070 | GC (Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H071 | GC (Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H072 | GC (Hisp): Female: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017H | PCT017H073 | GC (Hisp): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017H | PCT017H074 | GC (Hisp): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017H | PCT017H075 | GC (Hisp): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017I | PCT017I001 | GC (White alone, not Hisp) Total |
PCT017I | PCT017I002 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male |
PCT017I | PCT017I003 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-17 |
PCT017I | PCT017I004 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I005 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017I | PCT017I006 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017I | PCT017I007 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017I | PCT017I008 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017I | PCT017I009 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I010 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I011 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I012 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017I | PCT017I013 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017I | PCT017I014 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017I | PCT017I015 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-64 |
PCT017I | PCT017I016 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I017 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017I | PCT017I018 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017I | PCT017I019 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017I | PCT017I020 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017I | PCT017I021 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I022 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I023 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I024 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017I | PCT017I025 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017I | PCT017I026 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017I | PCT017I027 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+ |
PCT017I | PCT017I028 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I029 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017I | PCT017I030 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017I | PCT017I031 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017I | PCT017I032 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017I | PCT017I033 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I034 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I035 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I036 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017I | PCT017I037 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017I | PCT017I038 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017I | PCT017I039 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Male: 65+: GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female |
PCT017I | PCT017I040 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-17 |
PCT017I | PCT017I041 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I042 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017I | PCT017I043 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017I | PCT017I044 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017I | PCT017I045 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017I | PCT017I046 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I047 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-17: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I048 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I049 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017I | PCT017I050 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017I | PCT017I051 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 0-17: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017I | PCT017I052 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-64 |
PCT017I | PCT017I053 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I054 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017I | PCT017I055 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017I | PCT017I056 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017I | PCT017I057 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017I | PCT017I058 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I059 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-64: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I060 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I061 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017I | PCT017I062 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017I | PCT017I063 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 18-64: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
PCT017I | PCT017I064 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65+ |
PCT017I | PCT017I065 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I066 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute: Correctional |
PCT017I | PCT017I067 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute: Nursing homes |
PCT017I | PCT017I068 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute: Hosp/hospices |
PCT017I | PCT017I069 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute: Psychiatric Hosp or wards |
PCT017I | PCT017I070 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute: Juvenile institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I071 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65+: In Institute: Other institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I072 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65+: Not in Institute |
PCT017I | PCT017I073 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: College dorms (+ off campus) |
PCT017I | PCT017I074 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Military quarters |
PCT017I | PCT017I075 | GC (White alone, not Hisp): Female: 65+: Not in Institute: Other noninstitute GC |
H001 | H001001 | HU Total |
H002 | H002001 | Urban and Rural Total |
H002 | H002002 | Urban |
H002 | H002003 | Urban: Inside urbanized areas |
H002 | H002004 | Urban: Inside urban clusters |
H002 | H002005 | Urban: Rural |
H002 | H002006 | Urban: Not defined for this file |
H003 | H003001 | Occupancy status Total |
H003 | H003002 | Occupied HU |
H003 | H003003 | Vacant |
H004 | H004001 | Tenure Total |
H004 | H004002 | Owner occ |
H004 | H004003 | Renter occ |
H005 | H005001 | Vacancy status Total |
H005 | H005002 | For rent |
H005 | H005003 | For sale only |
H005 | H005004 | Rented or sold,not occ |
H005 | H005005 | For seasonal,recreational,or occasional use |
H005 | H005006 | For migrant workers |
H005 | H005007 | Other vacant |
H006 | H006001 | Race of HHldr Total |
H006 | H006002 | HHldr who is White alone |
H006 | H006003 | HHldr who is Black alone |
H006 | H006004 | HHldr who is NatAmer alone |
H006 | H006005 | HHldr who is Asian alone |
H006 | H006006 | HHldr who is Pacific alone |
H006 | H006007 | HHldr who is Other alone |
H006 | H006008 | HHldr who is Two or more races |
H007 | H007001 | Hisp HHldr by race of HHldr Total |
H007 | H007002 | Not Hisp HHldr |
H007 | H007003 | Not Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is White alone |
H007 | H007004 | Not Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is Black alone |
H007 | H007005 | Not Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is NatAmer alone |
H007 | H007006 | Not Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is Asian alone |
H007 | H007007 | Not Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is Pacific alone |
H007 | H007008 | Not Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is Other alone |
H007 | H007009 | Not Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is Two or more races |
H007 | H007010 | Not Hisp HHldr: Hisp HHldr |
H007 | H007011 | Not Hisp HHldr: Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is White alone |
H007 | H007012 | Not Hisp HHldr: Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is Black alone |
H007 | H007013 | Not Hisp HHldr: Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is NatAmer alone |
H007 | H007014 | Not Hisp HHldr: Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is Asian alone |
H007 | H007015 | Not Hisp HHldr: Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is Pacific alone |
H007 | H007016 | Not Hisp HHldr: Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is Other alone |
H007 | H007017 | Not Hisp HHldr: Hisp HHldr: HHldr who is Two or more races |
H008 | H008001 | Total races tallied for HHldrs |
H008 | H008002 | White alone or combination |
H008 | H008003 | Black alone or combination |
H008 | H008004 | NatAmer alone or combination |
H008 | H008005 | Asian alone or combination |
H008 | H008006 | Pacific alone or combination |
H008 | H008007 | Other alone or combination |
H009 | H009001 | Total races tallied for HHldrs |
H009 | H009002 | Total races tallied for Not Hisp HHldrs |
H009 | H009003 | Total races tallied for Not Hisp HHldrs: White alone or combination |
H009 | H009004 | Total races tallied for Not Hisp HHldrs: Black alone or combination |
H009 | H009005 | Total races tallied for Not Hisp HHldrs: NatAmer alone or combination |
H009 | H009006 | Total races tallied for Not Hisp HHldrs: Asian alone or combination |
H009 | H009007 | Total races tallied for Not Hisp HHldrs: Pacific alone or combination |
H009 | H009008 | Total races tallied for Not Hisp HHldrs: Other alone or combination |
H009 | H009009 | Total races tallied for Hisp HHldrs |
H009 | H009010 | Total races tallied for Hisp HHldrs: White alone or combination |
H009 | H009011 | Total races tallied for Hisp HHldrs: Black alone or combination |
H009 | H009012 | Total races tallied for Hisp HHldrs: NatAmer alone or combination |
H009 | H009013 | Total races tallied for Hisp HHldrs: Asian alone or combination |
H009 | H009014 | Total races tallied for Hisp HHldrs: Pacific alone or combination |
H009 | H009015 | Total races tallied for Hisp HHldrs: Other alone or combination |
H010 | H010001 | Total population in occ HU Total |
H011 | H011001 | Pop in occ HU |
H011 | H011002 | Pop in occ HU: Owner occ |
H011 | H011003 | Pop in occ HU: Renter occ |
H012 | H012001 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (2 dec) Total |
H012 | H012002 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (2 dec): Owner occ |
H012 | H012003 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (2 dec): Renter occ |
H013 | H013001 | HH size Total |
H013 | H013002 | HH size: 1-person HH |
H013 | H013003 | HH size: 2-person HH |
H013 | H013004 | HH size: 3-person HH |
H013 | H013005 | HH size: 4-person HH |
H013 | H013006 | HH size: 5-person HH |
H013 | H013007 | HH size: 6-person HH |
H013 | H013008 | HH size: 7-or-more person HH |
H014 | H014001 | Tenure by race of HHldr Total |
H014 | H014002 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Owner occ |
H014 | H014003 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Owner occ: HHldr who is White alone |
H014 | H014004 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Owner occ: HHldr who is Black alone |
H014 | H014005 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Owner occ: HHldr who is NatAmer alone |
H014 | H014006 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Owner occ: HHldr who is Asian alone |
H014 | H014007 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Owner occ: HHldr who is Pacific alone |
H014 | H014008 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Owner occ: HHldr who is Other alone |
H014 | H014009 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Owner occ: HHldr who is Two or more races |
H014 | H014010 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Renter occ |
H014 | H014011 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Renter occ: HHldr who is White alone |
H014 | H014012 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Renter occ: HHldr who is Black alone |
H014 | H014013 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Renter occ: HHldr who is NatAmer alone |
H014 | H014014 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Renter occ: HHldr who is Asian alone |
H014 | H014015 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Renter occ: HHldr who is Pacific alone |
H014 | H014016 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Renter occ: HHldr who is Other alone |
H014 | H014017 | Tenure by race of HHldr: Renter occ: HHldr who is Two or more races |
H015 | H015001 | Tenure by HH size Total |
H015 | H015002 | Owner occ |
H015 | H015003 | Owner occ: 1-person HH |
H015 | H015004 | Owner occ: 2-person HH |
H015 | H015005 | Owner occ: 3-person HH |
H015 | H015006 | Owner occ: 4-person HH |
H015 | H015007 | Owner occ: 5-person HH |
H015 | H015008 | Owner occ: 6-person HH |
H015 | H015009 | Owner occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015 | H015010 | Renter occ |
H015 | H015011 | Renter occ: 1-person HH |
H015 | H015012 | Renter occ: 2-person HH |
H015 | H015013 | Renter occ: 3-person HH |
H015 | H015014 | Renter occ: 4-person HH |
H015 | H015015 | Renter occ: 5-person HH |
H015 | H015016 | Renter occ: 6-person HH |
H015 | H015017 | Renter occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H016 | H016001 | HHldr age Total |
H016 | H016002 | HHldr age: Owner occ |
H016 | H016003 | HHldr age: Owner occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016 | H016004 | HHldr age: Owner occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016 | H016005 | HHldr age: Owner occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016 | H016006 | HHldr age: Owner occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016 | H016007 | HHldr age: Owner occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016 | H016008 | HHldr age: Owner occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016 | H016009 | HHldr age: Owner occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016 | H016010 | HHldr age: Owner occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016 | H016011 | HHldr age: Renter occ |
H016 | H016012 | HHldr age: Renter occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016 | H016013 | HHldr age: Renter occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016 | H016014 | HHldr age: Renter occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016 | H016015 | HHldr age: Renter occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016 | H016016 | HHldr age: Renter occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016 | H016017 | HHldr age: Renter occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016 | H016018 | HHldr age: Renter occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016 | H016019 | HHldr age: Renter occ: HHldr 85+ |
H017 | H017001 | Tenure by HH type (+ living alone)by Age of HHldr Total |
H017 | H017002 | living alone)HHldr: Owner occ |
H017 | H017003 | living alone)HHldr: Family HHs |
H017 | H017004 | living alone)HHldr: Married family |
H017 | H017005 | living alone)HHldr: Married family: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017006 | living alone)HHldr: Married family: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017007 | living alone)HHldr: Married family: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017008 | living alone)HHldr: Other family |
H017 | H017009 | living alone)HHldr: Male HHldr, no wife |
H017 | H017010 | living alone)HHldr: Male HHldr, no wife: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017011 | living alone)HHldr: Male HHldr, no wife: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017012 | living alone)HHldr: Male HHldr, no wife: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017013 | living alone)HHldr: Female HHldr, no husband |
H017 | H017014 | living alone)HHldr: Female HHldr, no husband: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017015 | living alone)HHldr: Female HHldr, no husband: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017016 | living alone)HHldr: Female HHldr, no husband: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017017 | living alone)HHldr: Nonfamily HHs |
H017 | H017018 | Male HHldr |
H017 | H017019 | Male HHldr: Living alone |
H017 | H017020 | Male HHldr: Living alone: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017021 | Male HHldr: Living alone: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017022 | Male HHldr: Living alone: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017023 | Male HHldr: Not living alone |
H017 | H017024 | Male HHldr: Not living alone: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017025 | Male HHldr: Not living alone: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017026 | Male HHldr: Not living alone: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017027 | Female HHldr |
H017 | H017028 | Female HHldr: Living alone |
H017 | H017029 | Female HHldr: Living alone: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017030 | Female HHldr: Living alone: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017031 | Female HHldr: Living alone: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017032 | Female HHldr: Not living alone |
H017 | H017033 | Female HHldr: Not living alone: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017034 | Female HHldr: Not living alone: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017035 | Female HHldr: Not living alone: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017036 | Female HHldr: Renter occ |
H017 | H017037 | Renter occ: Family HHs |
H017 | H017038 | Renter occ: Family HH: Married family |
H017 | H017039 | Renter occ: Family HH: Married family: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017040 | Renter occ: Family HH: Married family: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017041 | Renter occ: Family HH: Married family: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017042 | Renter occ: Family HH: Other family |
H017 | H017043 | Renter occ: Family HH: Male HHldr, no wife |
H017 | H017044 | Renter occ: Family HH: Male HHldr, no wife: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017045 | Renter occ: Family HH: Male HHldr, no wife: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017046 | Renter occ: Family HH: Male HHldr, no wife: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017047 | Renter occ: Family HH: Female HHldr, no husband |
H017 | H017048 | Renter occ: Family HH: Female HHldr, no husband: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017049 | Renter occ: Family HH: Female HHldr, no husband: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017050 | Renter occ: Family HH: Female HHldr, no husband: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017051 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Nonfamily HHs |
H017 | H017052 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Male HHldr |
H017 | H017053 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Male HHldr Living alone |
H017 | H017054 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Male HHldr Living alone: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017055 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Male HHldr Living alone: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017056 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Male HHldr Living alone: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017057 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Male HHldr Not living alone |
H017 | H017058 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Male HHldr Not living alone: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017059 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Male HHldr Not living alone: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017060 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Male HHldr Not living alone: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017061 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Female HHldr |
H017 | H017062 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Female HHldr Living alone |
H017 | H017063 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Female HHldr Living alone: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017064 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Female HHldr Living alone: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017065 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Female HHldr Living alone: HHldr 65+ |
H017 | H017066 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Female HHldr Not living alone |
H017 | H017067 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Female HHldr Not living alone: HHldr 15 to 34 |
H017 | H017068 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Female HHldr Not living alone: HHldr 35 to 64 |
H017 | H017069 | Renter occ: Nonfamily HH: Female HHldr Not living alone: HHldr 65+ |
H018 | H018001 | Occ HU substituted Total |
H018 | H018002 | Occ HU substituted: Substituted |
H018 | H018003 | Occ HU substituted: Not substituted |
H019 | H019001 | Imputation of vacancy status Total |
H019 | H019002 | Imputation of vacancy status: Substituted |
H019 | H019003 | Imputation of vacancy status: Not substituted |
H019 | H019004 | Imputation of vacancy status: Not substituted: Allocated |
H019 | H019005 | Imputation of vacancy status: Not substituted: Not allocated |
H020 | H020001 | Imputation of tenure Total |
H020 | H020002 | Imputation of tenure: Substituted |
H020 | H020003 | Imputation of tenure: Not substituted |
H020 | H020004 | Imputation of tenure: Not substituted: Allocated |
H020 | H020005 | Imputation of tenure: Not substituted: Not allocated |
H011A | H011A001 | Pop in occ HU |
H011A | H011A002 | Pop in occ HU: Owner occ |
H011A | H011A003 | Pop in occ HU: Renter occ |
H011B | H011B001 | Pop in occ HU |
H011B | H011B002 | Pop in occ HU: Owner occ |
H011B | H011B003 | Pop in occ HU: Renter occ |
H011C | H011C001 | Pop in occ HU |
H011C | H011C002 | Pop in occ HU: Owner occ |
H011C | H011C003 | Pop in occ HU: Renter occ |
H011D | H011D001 | Pop in occ HU |
H011D | H011D002 | Pop in occ HU: Owner occ |
H011D | H011D003 | Pop in occ HU: Renter occ |
H011E | H011E001 | Pop in occ HU |
H011E | H011E002 | Pop in occ HU: Owner occ |
H011E | H011E003 | Pop in occ HU: Renter occ |
H011F | H011F001 | Pop in occ HU |
H011F | H011F002 | Pop in occ HU: Owner occ |
H011F | H011F003 | Pop in occ HU: Renter occ |
H011G | H011G001 | Pop in occ HU |
H011G | H011G002 | Pop in occ HU: Owner occ |
H011G | H011G003 | Pop in occ HU: Renter occ |
H011H | H011H001 | Pop in occ HU |
H011H | H011H002 | Pop in occ HU: Owner occ |
H011H | H011H003 | Pop in occ HU: Renter occ |
H011I | H011I001 | Pop in occ HU |
H011I | H011I002 | Pop in occ HU: Owner occ |
H011I | H011I003 | Pop in occ HU: Renter occ |
H012A | H012A001 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (White alone HHldr)Total |
H012A | H012A002 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (White alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H012A | H012A003 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (White alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H012B | H012B001 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (Black alone HHldr)Total |
H012B | H012B002 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H012B | H012B003 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H012C | H012C001 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (NatAmer alone HHldr)Total |
H012C | H012C002 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H012C | H012C003 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H012D | H012D001 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (asian alone HHldr) (2 dec) Total |
H012D | H012D002 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (asian alone HHldr)(2 dec): Owner occ |
H012D | H012D003 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (asian alone HHldr)(2 dec): Renter occ |
H012E | H012E001 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (pacificalone HHer) Total |
H012E | H012E002 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (pacificalone HHer): Owner occ |
H012E | H012E003 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (pacificalone HHer): Renter occ |
H012F | H012F001 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (Other alone HHldr)Total |
H012F | H012F002 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H012F | H012F003 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H012G | H012G001 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (2+ races HHldr) Total |
H012G | H012G002 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ |
H012G | H012G003 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ |
H012H | H012H001 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (Hisp HHldr) Total |
H012H | H012H002 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ |
H012H | H012H003 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ |
H012I | H012I001 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (White alone, Hisp HHldr) Total |
H012I | H012I002 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (White alone, Hisp HHldr): Owner occ |
H012I | H012I003 | Average HH size of occ HU by tenure (White alone, Hisp HHldr): Renter occ |
H015A | H015A001 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr)Total |
H015A | H015A002 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H015A | H015A003 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: 1-person HH |
H015A | H015A004 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: 2-person HH |
H015A | H015A005 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: 3-person HH |
H015A | H015A006 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: 4-person HH |
H015A | H015A007 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: 5-person HH |
H015A | H015A008 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: 6-person HH |
H015A | H015A009 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015A | H015A010 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H015A | H015A011 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: 1-person HH |
H015A | H015A012 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: 2-person HH |
H015A | H015A013 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: 3-person HH |
H015A | H015A014 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: 4-person HH |
H015A | H015A015 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: 5-person HH |
H015A | H015A016 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: 6-person HH |
H015A | H015A017 | Tenure by HH size (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015B | H015B001 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr)Total |
H015B | H015B002 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H015B | H015B003 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: 1-person HH |
H015B | H015B004 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: 2-person HH |
H015B | H015B005 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: 3-person HH |
H015B | H015B006 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: 4-person HH |
H015B | H015B007 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: 5-person HH |
H015B | H015B008 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: 6-person HH |
H015B | H015B009 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015B | H015B010 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H015B | H015B011 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: 1-person HH |
H015B | H015B012 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: 2-person HH |
H015B | H015B013 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: 3-person HH |
H015B | H015B014 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: 4-person HH |
H015B | H015B015 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: 5-person HH |
H015B | H015B016 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: 6-person HH |
H015B | H015B017 | Tenure by HH size (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015C | H015C001 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr)Total |
H015C | H015C002 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H015C | H015C003 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: 1-person HH |
H015C | H015C004 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: 2-person HH |
H015C | H015C005 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: 3-person HH |
H015C | H015C006 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: 4-person HH |
H015C | H015C007 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: 5-person HH |
H015C | H015C008 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: 6-person HH |
H015C | H015C009 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015C | H015C010 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H015C | H015C011 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: 1-person HH |
H015C | H015C012 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: 2-person HH |
H015C | H015C013 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: 3-person HH |
H015C | H015C014 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: 4-person HH |
H015C | H015C015 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: 5-person HH |
H015C | H015C016 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: 6-person HH |
H015C | H015C017 | Tenure by HH size (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015D | H015D001 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr)Total |
H015D | H015D002 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H015D | H015D003 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: 1-person HH |
H015D | H015D004 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: 2-person HH |
H015D | H015D005 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: 3-person HH |
H015D | H015D006 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: 4-person HH |
H015D | H015D007 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: 5-person HH |
H015D | H015D008 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: 6-person HH |
H015D | H015D009 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015D | H015D010 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H015D | H015D011 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: 1-person HH |
H015D | H015D012 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: 2-person HH |
H015D | H015D013 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: 3-person HH |
H015D | H015D014 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: 4-person HH |
H015D | H015D015 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: 5-person HH |
H015D | H015D016 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: 6-person HH |
H015D | H015D017 | Tenure by HH size (asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015E | H015E001 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr)Total |
H015E | H015E002 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H015E | H015E003 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Owner occ: 1-person HH |
H015E | H015E004 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Owner occ: 2-person HH |
H015E | H015E005 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Owner occ: 3-person HH |
H015E | H015E006 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Owner occ: 4-person HH |
H015E | H015E007 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Owner occ: 5-person HH |
H015E | H015E008 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Owner occ: 6-person HH |
H015E | H015E009 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Owner occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015E | H015E010 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H015E | H015E011 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Renter occ: 1-person HH |
H015E | H015E012 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Renter occ: 2-person HH |
H015E | H015E013 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Renter occ: 3-person HH |
H015E | H015E014 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Renter occ: 4-person HH |
H015E | H015E015 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Renter occ: 5-person HH |
H015E | H015E016 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Renter occ: 6-person HH |
H015E | H015E017 | Tenure by HH size (PacIsl alone HHldr): Renter occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015F | H015F001 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr)Total |
H015F | H015F002 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H015F | H015F003 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: 1-person HH |
H015F | H015F004 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: 2-person HH |
H015F | H015F005 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: 3-person HH |
H015F | H015F006 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: 4-person HH |
H015F | H015F007 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: 5-person HH |
H015F | H015F008 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: 6-person HH |
H015F | H015F009 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015F | H015F010 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H015F | H015F011 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: 1-person HH |
H015F | H015F012 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: 2-person HH |
H015F | H015F013 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: 3-person HH |
H015F | H015F014 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: 4-person HH |
H015F | H015F015 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: 5-person HH |
H015F | H015F016 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: 6-person HH |
H015F | H015F017 | Tenure by HH size (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015G | H015G001 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr)Total |
H015G | H015G002 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ |
H015G | H015G003 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: 1-person HH |
H015G | H015G004 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: 2-person HH |
H015G | H015G005 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: 3-person HH |
H015G | H015G006 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: 4-person HH |
H015G | H015G007 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: 5-person HH |
H015G | H015G008 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: 6-person HH |
H015G | H015G009 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015G | H015G010 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ |
H015G | H015G011 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: 1-person HH |
H015G | H015G012 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: 2-person HH |
H015G | H015G013 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: 3-person HH |
H015G | H015G014 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: 4-person HH |
H015G | H015G015 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: 5-person HH |
H015G | H015G016 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: 6-person HH |
H015G | H015G017 | Tenure by HH size (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015H | H015H001 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr)Total |
H015H | H015H002 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ |
H015H | H015H003 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 1-person HH |
H015H | H015H004 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 2-person HH |
H015H | H015H005 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 3-person HH |
H015H | H015H006 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 4-person HH |
H015H | H015H007 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 5-person HH |
H015H | H015H008 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 6-person HH |
H015H | H015H009 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015H | H015H010 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ |
H015H | H015H011 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 1-person HH |
H015H | H015H012 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 2-person HH |
H015H | H015H013 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 3-person HH |
H015H | H015H014 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 4-person HH |
H015H | H015H015 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 5-person HH |
H015H | H015H016 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 6-person HH |
H015H | H015H017 | Tenure by HH size (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015I | H015I001 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr)Total |
H015I | H015I002 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ |
H015I | H015I003 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 1-person HH |
H015I | H015I004 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 2-person HH |
H015I | H015I005 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 3-person HH |
H015I | H015I006 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 4-person HH |
H015I | H015I007 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 5-person HH |
H015I | H015I008 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 6-person HH |
H015I | H015I009 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H015I | H015I010 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ |
H015I | H015I011 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 1-person HH |
H015I | H015I012 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 2-person HH |
H015I | H015I013 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 3-person HH |
H015I | H015I014 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 4-person HH |
H015I | H015I015 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 5-person HH |
H015I | H015I016 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 6-person HH |
H015I | H015I017 | Tenure by HH size (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: 7-or-more person HH |
H016A | H016A001 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr) Total |
H016A | H016A002 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H016A | H016A003 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016A | H016A004 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016A | H016A005 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016A | H016A006 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016A | H016A007 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016A | H016A008 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016A | H016A009 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016A | H016A010 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016A | H016A011 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H016A | H016A012 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016A | H016A013 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016A | H016A014 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016A | H016A015 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016A | H016A016 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016A | H016A017 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016A | H016A018 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016A | H016A019 | HHldr age (White alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016B | H016B001 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr) Total |
H016B | H016B002 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H016B | H016B003 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016B | H016B004 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016B | H016B005 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016B | H016B006 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016B | H016B007 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016B | H016B008 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016B | H016B009 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016B | H016B010 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016B | H016B011 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H016B | H016B012 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016B | H016B013 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016B | H016B014 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016B | H016B015 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016B | H016B016 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016B | H016B017 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016B | H016B018 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016B | H016B019 | HHldr age (Black alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016C | H016C001 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr) Total |
H016C | H016C002 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H016C | H016C003 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016C | H016C004 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016C | H016C005 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016C | H016C006 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016C | H016C007 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016C | H016C008 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016C | H016C009 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016C | H016C010 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016C | H016C011 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H016C | H016C012 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016C | H016C013 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016C | H016C014 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016C | H016C015 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016C | H016C016 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016C | H016C017 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016C | H016C018 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016C | H016C019 | HHldr age (NatAmer alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016D | H016D001 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr) Total |
H016D | H016D002 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H016D | H016D003 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016D | H016D004 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016D | H016D005 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016D | H016D006 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016D | H016D007 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016D | H016D008 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016D | H016D009 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016D | H016D010 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016D | H016D011 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H016D | H016D012 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016D | H016D013 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016D | H016D014 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016D | H016D015 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016D | H016D016 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016D | H016D017 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016D | H016D018 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016D | H016D019 | HHldr age (Asian alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016E | H016E001 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr) Total |
H016E | H016E002 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H016E | H016E003 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016E | H016E004 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016E | H016E005 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016E | H016E006 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016E | H016E007 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016E | H016E008 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016E | H016E009 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016E | H016E010 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016E | H016E011 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H016E | H016E012 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016E | H016E013 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016E | H016E014 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016E | H016E015 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016E | H016E016 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016E | H016E017 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016E | H016E018 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016E | H016E019 | HHldr age (Pacific alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016F | H016F001 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr) Total |
H016F | H016F002 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ |
H016F | H016F003 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016F | H016F004 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016F | H016F005 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016F | H016F006 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016F | H016F007 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016F | H016F008 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016F | H016F009 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016F | H016F010 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016F | H016F011 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ |
H016F | H016F012 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016F | H016F013 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016F | H016F014 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016F | H016F015 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016F | H016F016 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016F | H016F017 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016F | H016F018 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016F | H016F019 | HHldr age (Other alone HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016G | H016G001 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr) Total |
H016G | H016G002 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ |
H016G | H016G003 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016G | H016G004 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016G | H016G005 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016G | H016G006 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016G | H016G007 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016G | H016G008 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016G | H016G009 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016G | H016G010 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016G | H016G011 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ |
H016G | H016G012 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016G | H016G013 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016G | H016G014 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016G | H016G015 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016G | H016G016 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016G | H016G017 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016G | H016G018 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016G | H016G019 | HHldr age (2+ races HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016H | H016H001 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr) Total |
H016H | H016H002 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ |
H016H | H016H003 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016H | H016H004 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016H | H016H005 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016H | H016H006 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016H | H016H007 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016H | H016H008 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016H | H016H009 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016H | H016H010 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016H | H016H011 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ |
H016H | H016H012 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016H | H016H013 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016H | H016H014 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016H | H016H015 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016H | H016H016 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016H | H016H017 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016H | H016H018 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016H | H016H019 | HHldr age (Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016I | H016I001 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr)Total |
H016I | H016I002 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ |
H016I | H016I003 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016I | H016I004 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016I | H016I005 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016I | H016I006 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016I | H016I007 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016I | H016I008 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016I | H016I009 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016I | H016I010 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Owner occ: HHldr 85+ |
H016I | H016I011 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ |
H016I | H016I012 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 15 to 24 |
H016I | H016I013 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 25 to 34 |
H016I | H016I014 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 35 to 44 |
H016I | H016I015 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 45 to 54 |
H016I | H016I016 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 55 to 64 |
H016I | H016I017 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 65 to 74 |
H016I | H016I018 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 75 to 84 |
H016I | H016I019 | HHldr age (White alone, not Hisp HHldr): Renter occ: HHldr 85+ |